It's Not Like I Like You (Nat...

By -Ari_yuh-

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Natsuki, a 16 year old student at Kingdom High. Keeps on denying the fact that she may have a little crush on... More

It's Not Like I Like You (Natsuri)
Chapter 1: It's not like I like her
Chapter 2: Teaser
Chapter 3: Apple Juice
Chapter 4: The Short One
Chapter 6: Freaky Visions
Chapter 7: Call
Chapter 8: Foxy
Chapter 9: Love Hurts
Chapter 10: This One Flower
Chapter 11: A Date? I don't think so
Chapter 12: What good are words when a smile says it all?
Chapter 13: Sweet
Chapter 14: Waiting
Chapter 15: Tears
Chapter 16: The Tall One
Chapter 17: Somebody to You
Chapter 18: Just a Talk
Chapter 19: Festival
Chapter 20: Watson Clan
Chapter 21: Pen
Chapter 22: Red Bow
Chapter 23: Not so Normal Day
Chapter 24: Too Late
Chapter 25: ATM
Chapter 26: Collar
Chapter 27: Concerned? Or Paranoid?
Chapter 28: Island (Part 1); Wrong Room
Chapter 29: Island (Part 2); Threat
Chapter 30: Island (Part 3); The Distance
Chapter 31: Just the Two of Us
Chapter 32: Burden
Chapter 33: Just the Way you Are
Chapter 34: Friends
Chapter 35: About you Now
Chapter 36: Broken
Chapter 37: Karaoke (Part 1); Perfect Two
Chapter 38: Karaoke (Part 2); Jam Night
Chapter 39: Beautiful in Glasses
Chapter 40: Street Child (Updated)
Chapter 41: Halloween Party
Chapter 42: Gunshot
Chapter 44: Eat broom, Bitch
Chapter 45: Stay by your Side
Chapter 46: Family
Chapter 47: Unknown Footsteps
Chapter 48: You're Such a GREAT Friend
Chapter 49: Only You
Chapter 50: Love above Hate
Chapter 51: Unexpected
Chapter 52: Love Always Prevail
Chapter 53: Fairygodmother?
Chapter 54: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 55: Damaged
Chapter 56: We Believed Her
Chapter 57: Playing with Fire
Chapter 58: Terrified
Chapter 59: The End

Chapter 5: When I first met you

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By -Ari_yuh-

"Care to explain what happened guys?", Monika asked. And the first one to break the awkward silence. The four of us are seating in the living room. Sayori has her read resting on Monika's lap, while I'm at the single couch glaring at the coral haired girl whenever she glanced at me and giving me a smile, clearly teasing me.

Yuri just sat on a chair across the room. Quietly observing, I sometimes caught her staring at me but she immedietly looks away. Figures, tsk.

"If you guys are gonna keep giving each other looks then avoid eye contact I'm gonna puke", Monika teased. I glared at her, "Shut up! I shouldn't even be here anyway!", I should have been at home watching boring TV and cleaning empty bottles.

"But you are, by the way the shirt fits you perfectly", said Monika with a smirk. Sayori giggled.

"Yeah Natsuki the shirt looks good on you!", Sayori said as she got up from Monika's lap.

This cause me grip the arm seat, my eyebrows furrowed as the anger started to rise inside me, wanted to be released. "Wise words too", Sayori added. Okey I oficially lost it!

I stood up making everyone in the room look at my direction. "This is not my fucking shirt! Did you really think I would have a shirt like this? I only had to wear this because my clothes were wet from the rain!"

Monika placed a finger on her chin. "Really? Then who does it belong to?", she asked. I stopped, my eyes somehow went to Yuri to see her smirking at me. I shot her a glare before looking back at the amused Monika again. Sayori is silently looking at me, patiently waiting for me to answer the question.

"'s", god I turned into a blabbering idiot! Think of a possible excuse quick you dumb brain! Think argghh!

"I'm waiting~", Monika said in a sing song. I sighed in defeat. But before I could say anything there was another knock on the door. Neither of us says a word until Yuri says, "Must be the pizza I ordered", she chuckled.

Before Monika could say a word I already made my way towards the door to see the delivery guy with a box of pizza. My stomach growls as I inhaled the delicous smell. I haven't had any proper meal in days and I literally drooled just smelling this pizza.

I said a quick thank you to the guy then spun around, only to bump the tall purple head. "Sorry!", I quickly made my way towards the center table then placed the box. I am too hungry to care at the moment. Opening the box I took a pizza out then began eating.

"Pizza!", Sayori happily exclaimed before taking one as well. Monika looked at me for a moment as if saying 'I'll deal with you later' before reaching out to to the box then took a slice of pizza.

I already ate three slices when Yuri came back. "Wow, only two slices left? you guys sure eat a lot", she chuckles then took a slice. "I only ate one, these two are the ones who eat like pigs", Monika pointed at Sayori and me.

"Hey! I only ate two slices and that's it. It's Natsuki you should be talking about! She already ate half of it!", Sayori said. All heads turned to me. I finished eating the fourth so I reached out for the last one. But I stopped when I noticed them staring at me.

"What?", I asked.

They started laughing. "Oh my Natsuki! You look like you haven't tasted pizza in years!", Monika said. Sayori just kept on laughing and saying something about me being a pig. Yuri was holding back a laugh. Monika said is true though, I don't even know what a pizza taste like until now. I only saw one on TV or when I pass by a pizza store.

"Quit it, I'm damn hungry okey? So if any of you doesn't want this last one I'll have it", None of them speak so I picked it up then took a bite. This felt great! I never felt this full before in years, though I kind of felt bad and embarassed that I ate most of the pizza. Yuri paid for it too and she didn't bought this just for me, it's also for Monika and Sayori and I ended up acting like a hog.

After cleaning up the table we watched some TV. There was a long moment of silence until Sayori ask, "So did you bought the ingredients for the cupcake Natsuki?", Crap I forgot about that.

I turned around and faced her, I'm at the same spot as I was earlier. "About that...I didn't buy anything. I'm sorry, I'll return the money", I said.

"No it's okey keep it, there's always next time.", she smiles. "But, I thought you were at the grocery earlier like you said so?", she asked. All heads turned to me again.

I ended up telling them everything, with the encounter and fight with me and Yuri at the Mall, the security guard kicking us out and the reason why we're both in her house. Though I didn't tell them about the part where I get all hysterical at the street. I told them that I was walking on the sidewalk when the rain suddenly poured and Yuri came offering me a ride. Though Yuri didn't question anything, which is good.

"Aha!", Monika stood up. Pointing at me, "So that's Yuri's shirt! I knew it!", Upon hearing this Sayori laughed and began to sing.

"Natsuki and Yuri sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-", before she could finish saying that last letter, I pound on her then placed my hand on her mouth. Then gave her a glare.

"If you ever sing that song I won't bake you cupckes ever again!", I threatened. She nodded and I slowly let go of her.
I heard the other two other girls laughing at us.

"But it doesn't change the fact that your still wearing Yuri's shirt though", Sayori says then burst into laughter. I felt my cheeks burn then I glared at her, again.
"Shut up!", I yelled.

I heard a voice behind me that says about the shirt being brand new. I'm guessing Yuri is trying to reason with Monika. Good luck with that Yuri.


"Let's play spin the bottle!", Sayori says.
We just arrived in Yuri's room. I was amazed how neat her room is. Her bed sheets were purple and beside is a wooden table with a modern table lamp. There's also a bookshelf full of thick books, her room even got a mini living room with a flat screen TV and purple couch. There's another door by the corner that has the same white color as the wall, I'm guessing that's her bathroom.

Yuri is loaded like damn, she could brag about this in the entire school and she would be popular in an instant. Though I'm greatful she didn't, I couldn't picture her as the popular and bitchy type. Somehow, I'm kind of glad she's an idiot. A smart, beautiful idiot. Geez stop already.

"You in Natsuki?", I lightly shook my head then looked at the three who were now seating cross legged on the floor surrounding the glass bottle. Where the hell did they even get that?

Monika must've noticed my confused state because she started to explain, "Sayori suggested to play the spin the bottle game, everyone in this room already agreed so you should join", she said.

"I don't know guys..I'm not really in the mood to play", as I said that Sayori pouted at me.

"Come on Natsuki, it's way more fun if you'll join", she said. Still, I shook my head.

"Just this once Natsuki, and besides this is our first complete sleepover together", Monika said. Don't Natsuki you'll regret it.

"I'm sorry guys", I was about to walk away when Yuri spoke, "Please Nat?", My body spun around on it's own and looked at Yuri with wide eyes. Did she seriously just call me that?! "I-I said n-no..", you stuttered again! God!

I didn't say anything so she added, "It'll be fun, come on", she smiled. And I think I already melted in place. Without thinking, I approached them and took a seat next to Sayori. The two other girls smirked at me.

"You did the dare quite well Yuri", Monika says, wait..WHAT?!

"Excuse me?"

Sayori grinned at me, "Monika dared Yuri to call you by that nickname and force you to join us since your spacing out. Though it turned out to be easier that I thought", she giggled. I looked at her in desbelief before making an attempt to stand up, but she stopped me in place.

"Well Natsuki since your already here let's start!", Monika starts to spin the bottle. I have no choice but to sit there and crossed my arms over my chest. I kept on glaring at Yuri who's eyes were glued to the damn bottle spinning on the floor.

Who does she think she is? Just becuase I'm small doesn't mean I'm the person to be messed around with. I punched guys Yuri! Though her reaction was hilarious earlier, I can't believe it haha!

I kept my gaze on her. Oh how I like it when she's like that, calm and..beautiful. I remember our first encounter at the school halways years ago.


That damn ass Troy gave me a hard time. I shouldn't have fought back because I always loose. Curse this small, weak body of mine. I'm a freshmen and it's hard to deal with a bully who's bigger than me, Roy is a senior and that jackass doesn't care whether his victims were younger, boy or a girl there is no exeptions.

Then the bell rang. Shit I'm late! I picked my bag on the floor rushing to my classroom. I didn't mind the fact that my bottom lip hurt like hell and probably bleeding.

A student holding a tower of thick books on her hands suddenly came into view. She doesn't know where she was going and it's to late for me to react. "Watch out!", of course as I said that I already bumped on her.

Books and a pile of papers scattered around. I felt both of our bodies fall onto the ground whith a loud thud. My knee hurts a little though, and I think it was leaning on something..comfy?

I felt something soft on my left cheek. Like a pair of huge marshmallows. Oh how I love marshmallow, maybe I should think about baking cupcakes with it.
What the hell am I thinking.

I peaked an eye open to see the school entrance. Huh, why can't I open my other eye- My eyes widen when I realized the situation. I was resting my head on an unkown person's chest.

I quickly pulled away, only to be greeted by a purple long haired beauty. My breath hitched when I looked at her. She has her eyes shut, my eyes travelled from her forehead down to her sharp jawline. I felt my heart pounding hard on my chest and my palms beginning to sweat. What's happening to me? I never felt this nervous before, it's weird. But that little staring stopped when she gently opened her eyes.

Purple, a calm mysterious color. That's what her eyes are. But they're a little darker than her purple hair. She stared back at me with confusion written all over her face. It took me a while to get my eyes off her calm purple ones.

Then I realized my knee is placed between her.. My cheeks started to burn and I quickly stood up. Putting my act on, though I felt like I shouldn't have..

"Watch where your going lady!", I didn't mean to yell at her, then I realized I was already late. Fuck!

She sat up, guilt written all over her face then she started playing with her hair.
"I-I'm s-so sorry..", she mumbled. Though I clearly heard it. She looks..cute.

I saw her cheeks turn a shade of red. "W-what?", her voice were trembling as she said that. What the hell is she talking about? Oh.. I mentally kicked myself in the head for that. Did you just said your thoughts out loud?! That was freaking embarrasing!

I crossed my arms over my chest trying to calm my own damn stupid heart rate. What is happening to me? "I-idiot, I never said that! Your just immagining things!", woah I said that out loud without thinking.

She looked up then stared at me. I tried to avoid her gaze by looking at the lockers. "S-say something and stop staring at me!", I snapped then glared at her. She smiled. Oh my she's even prettier than she was before.

But then her smile falls, replacing it with a frown. She stood up then approached me. I had to look up at her. I'm a bug compared to her height but I still manage to knock her down, of course I knocked her down because she was holding a pile of books, what does she need those for anyway?

Then all of a sudden she placed her hand on my cheek near my bruised lip. My eyes widen, she touched my bruise with her thumb then I whinced in pain. "Ow!", she quickly pulled back.

"I-I'm so s-sorry..I didn't see you there..I-I w-was..", then I noticed tears in her eyes. I immedietly felt bad. I hate seeing people cry. Especially a girl like her.
"N-no don't appologize. It's my fault okey? I got this bruise in a diffrent story", I chuckled.

She looked at me for a moment. Gah I hate it when people stare at me. "It looks pretty bad, you may get infection when it's not treated, and you have a wound on your knee", I looked at my knee to see a wound with blood dripping down. Crap it looks bad.

"It's okey, I'll walk it off. Sorry for bumping you but I really gotta get to class", I was about to leave when she grab me by the arm.

"Your not going anywhere with that bruise around and a busted lip. Come on, I'll take you to the nurse's office", she said. Walking with a stranger whom you bumped and really really pretty? Yeah no.

"I told you it's fine", I tried to get out of her grip but she held me tighter. I'm starting to get annoyed by her presence. "Let. Me. Go", I said. But she ignored me then starts dragging me on the hallways.

"No! Let go of me!", I tried to slap her hand away but she just ignored me then keeps on walking. An idea came in my head and I pinched her arm, hard.
She yelped then lets go of me. I was about to ran away when my knee suddenly stings. Damn frogot about that.

I heard her footsteps behind me. "No what are you doing!", I said, but it came out more like, "No what are you- Aaaaah!", when she grab me by the waist then placed me on her shoulder. God this is embarrasing and ridiculous!

"Argh! Put me down!", I slapped and hit her back endlessly. She's securely holding me tightly on the waist making sure I wouldn't fall, and escape.

I eventually gave up because I felt tired and exhausted and I knew no matter how hard I try I always loose. I'm sick of it. Good thing there were no students in the halls who saw us other than the old janitor. I waved and smiled at him awkwardly as we pass, he only shook his head.

"You know you'll get in trouble for skipping right? And you left a mess there", I said.

She chuckled. "It's okey. I-I was g-going to return the b-books I borrowed to the l-library when you suddenly came", man she's adorable when she stutter! Not that I would tell her, that would be the end of me.

"Quite the charming one aren't you?", she said, causing me to blush then slapped her back. "Just shut up will you!", ghaaaad I want the ground to swallow me whole now!

She giggled. This stranger is going to be the death of me.

When we arrive the nurse gave us weird looks. I think she was in her twenties, the purple head explained to her about how I got the wound on my knee. After cleaning and patching it up the nurse then looked at my busted lip.
"Who gave you that?" the nurse asked while putting a bandage on the wound.

"No one", I mumbled. Though I knew she clearly heard it, I saw the tall purple head watching at us from the distance.

"That should be okey, rub this ointment on the wound if it stings" the nurse gave the ointment, "Thank you"

"No problem, come back if you ever need anything", after that we got out of the infirmary.

"So uh", I rubbed the back of my head. The girl is just looking silently at me. "Sorry again for bumping you. I'm Natsuki by the way" I held my hand out to her.

She gave me a smile before shaking her hands with mine. "Yuri"

*End of Flashback*

And that was before I joined the literature club. I don't know what happened to her that she turned into a teasing idiot. Maybe she's normally like that? But Sayori said there's this one member who was usually quiet and wouldn't utter a single word unless it's needed. I highly doubt it was Monika.

It doesn't matter, I'm here in her house for god's sake. But I can't help but wonder what will happen in the future.

"Natsuki!", I shook my head then looked at Sayori, she's smirking and giving me an evil look. That's not good.

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