Alastor/Reader Oneshots (Disc...

By DeluxeYoyos

64.9K 1.2K 1.1K

- No direct smut. Steamy content at most people. - Canon says that Alastor is Ace, but, if you request someth... More

Request page
Request 1 - Switching Places
Request 1 - Switching minds
Request 1 part 3/3 - Switching back
Request 2 - Its a love-hate thing.
Request 3 - Cracked Ribs
Request 4 - Unrequited & Abused
Request 5 - My red-tinted reflection
Request 7 - Search & Rescue
Request 8 - Friends to-well, you'll see.
Request 10 - Abusive
New story!

Request 6 - Stockholm Syndrome

5.1K 105 101
By DeluxeYoyos


"How about an Alastor x Doll demon reader? (Something like this: they know each other in their past life, she was a psychologist and Alastor was her patient, he falls in love with her and obsesses. In hell he kidnaps her someway and then he tries to win her heart. (Despite keeping her bound and gagged to prevent her from escaping) she tries to resist at first.

If it's not a problem for you, what do you say about adding some light non-consensual steamy teasing (kissing and caressing)"

Warning: this will include non-consensual things, as the request says. If you are uncomfortable with that, skip the chapter. (Nothing as crazy as rape tho so don't worry)


(I'm going to jump right in because I know it'll get harder to write)
"Do you find that talking with me helps?" (Y/N) asked, giving Alastor a warm smile that made his heart absolutely melt.
"I do indeed!" He charmed, earning a slight sigh from her. Was his answer not satisfactory?

"I know that's a lie. Alastor, I'll be straight with you. You're in here for murdering hundreds. Men, women, children. I was asked to come here and help you so you don't stay locked in this insane asylum for the rest of you life" she crossed her arm and put the clipboard on the desk.

Each morning, Alastor had marvelous sessions with his beloved counselor. She was just a swell person, Alastor decided when he first saw her.

"I do enjoy talking to you." He began, completely ignoring her speech from a few seconds ago.
"I think the voices may have gotten to you too. I think I've been getting quite better, I don't know how you could think otherwise!" He laughed loudly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

(Y/N) sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"The reports from the doctors say otherwise. I want to help you, Alastor, I really do. But I need you to meet me half way." She narrowed her eyes slightly, "we both know you have no interest in improving."

He grinned slyly, "finally, someone figured it out. Not every crazy person wants to be fixed, my dear!" He sighed, pulling at the straitjacket that uncomfortably locked his arms in place.
"You see, we think we're too far gone. So why bother changing now, when I could ruthlessly murder people and still have fun!"

(Y/N) intently listened, scribbling frantically on her board.
"Vital information, you've finally gotten something out of me!" He cried joyfully. It was easy to read her, she was such an open book!

"Ok, I think that's it for today Alastor. Get some rest, I'll be back tomorrow." She smiled nervously and gave him a hesitant pat on the head.

He sighed dreamily and gave her a crooked smile. She had yet to discover his true intentions.


A burlap sack completely surrounded your head, and as far as you could tell, the rest of your body was tied to a chair with very rough rope.

Struggling slightly, you determined that the rope was unbreakable in your current position. It was probably better to save your strength for when your kidnapper came around.

The scratchy bag was ripped forcefully of your head, catching on your chin and straining your neck backwards. You cringed, they weren't the nicest abductor, apparently.

"Morning, my lovely dear!" He, you discovered, chirped cheerfully. Snarling and gritting your teeth, you didn't speak a word. He had this weird smile, it didn't look forced or strained but...very natural? It was odd because he hadn't stopped smiling. Was he just that much of a creep he couldn't wait to kill you or something? He did however, remind you of someone on earth.

"Not so pleased to see me, huh?" He gathered thoughtfully, putting a hand to his chin, the wide grin never fading.

"Fuck you!" You spat, seething. Sure, you lived in Hell, but you didn't expect to be kidnapped for Christ's sake!

He tsked, shaking his head. For a moment you were mesmerized by two things; his fluffy, soft looking ears, and the malicious eyes that seemingly stared straight into your soul.

That is, if you still had a soul.

It was kind of confusing, how calm and ok with this you were, it was surprising to feel your heart rate at a relatively normal BMP.

He leaned forward, directly into your personal space and licked his lips greedily, eyes sharpening with hunger. You shivered, grimacing nervously.

"Please stop—" you started, sucking in a breath as he continued to inch closer to your face, specifically your lips.

Tilting your head back, you whimpered as dread clawed it's way up your spine.

Suddenly his neck snapped to the side and he glared at nothing. You let out a sigh of relief; he was rethinking his decisions it seemed.
Instead of backing up, he murmured something you didn't catch and twitched his eye.

"Well! (Y/N) my dear, I suggest we get to know each other before all the intimate parts." He grinned, pulling up a wooden chair and sitting down with a sigh. You pursed your lips and shook your head.

He was intimidating for sure, but that didn't stop you from holding up your head in defiance. Although you were trembling in fear, he couldn't steal your pride.

"F-fuck off" you whispered, pulling at the now irritating bonds at your wrists and legs.

"Well, since you won't be cooperative, I will!" He began, cheerfully yapping his cane on the floor to a beat you began to recognize.

He had the same music taste as you...odd.

"My name is Alastor, pleasure to meet you!" He held out a hand expectantly. You glanced down at it warily, it wasn't as if you could shake his hand.

Your eyes widened, and it clicked.


"we both know you have no interest in improving." You sighed, playing with your messy hair.

He grinned slyly, "finally, someone figured it out. Not every crazy person wants to be fixed, my dear!"

His eyes flashed with something dangerous, grinning more and more madly by the minute.

"Shake someone's hand when they offer it. It is impolite to decline such formal gestures!" He snarled, slapping at your tied arm. You gaped in disbelief, you were tied. Who's fault was that?

"Screw you! My hands are tied, Alastor!" Frustrated, you sadly looked at the ground. "I guess I didn't help you, on earth? You didn't get better."

Alastors fire faded, and he returned to how he was previously.

What the hell...

He smoothed out his ruffled coat, relaxing with a smile.
"Apologies, dear." He said, "sometimes I flip from emotions; it's the voices"

You frowned; you already knew that, but that could be very bad for your case.
You were somewhat intrigued by...whatever that was, but it was Hell you lived in. You always had to remind yourself everybody here was screwed up in some way.

You felt a strange tug of sympathy on your heartstrings; he was just as lost and confused as the rest of Hell.
But, he was still the murdered that brought eleven kids to a pond and brutally drowned them.


Shaking off said thought, you gritted your teeth in shame; he was your kidnapper for Christ's sake! He didn't deserve your sympathy, or anything else.

All he deserves is a fucking kick in the nuts.

Alastor leaned forward curiously, rubbing your hair in between in fingers and playing casually with it. You unconsciously shifted closer, hopefully he wouldn't pull it.

He was a creepy guy, but you had to play it safe. If he injured you, you'd never get out of the situation. If you played whatever sick game he was, you could possibly gain his trust and escape.

"Such beautiful locks," He murmured, grinning and tugging slightly. You grumbled and slightly growled at him. This is what you didn't want happening.
"Just like when you helped me." He said the word help with so much venom and hate, you tried to inch away; fearing for another breakdown.

His teeth twinkled, a bemused look in his eyes.

"Stop getting off to this! It's fucking disgusting!" You snapped out of instinct. It was honestly horrible to have him stroke your hair like that.
"That's not how you address me, is it?" He growled, mood changing once more.

Your eyes widened, lowing your head to give a little show of 'respect'.
He chuckled, petting your scalp and unexpectedly kissing it. You froze, stiffening as a chill went down your spine.

Please don't rape me. Please don't rape me.

"Silly dear, just make sure it doesn't happen again!" He responded, lifting your head up while cupping both your cheeks.
"Darling, I think it's time we cleaned you up a bit. Hmm?" He grinned and quickly pulled out a pocket kinfe.

You jumped back in your seat, shaking your head. He has just flashed a goddamn knife at you.

He went for your wrists first, you fearing for your life. Or well, your second life. You silently cried and pleaded for him to not hurt you.

Instead, he went for the rope. Slicing it off cleanly and reaching for your legs, you rubbed the cuffs of your arms gently. What?

"I won't hurt you, darling." He cooed, catching you off guard and sweeping you off your feet.clinging onto him in surprise, eyeing the ground.

"Aww, don't fret, I just don't want you to fall or hurt yourself!"

Am I two? A toddler?

He carried you up and out a door that led to a nice, shiny bathroom. Complete with a shower, toilet, sink, and other bodily necessities.
He put you down carefully, hands lingering for a moment too long on your shoulders.

"I figured you can clean up in here. Don't try anything though, I've probably already thought of it!" He bid you goodbye like a gentleman, and closed the door, promptly leaving you in confusion about what exactly just happened.

It occurred to you then, that you said nothing as he picked you up bridal-style. Not a word, zip. Zilch.

Quickly leaping into action, you searched the room for razors, poisonous cleaning material, something that would at all be used to hurt or disable him.

To no avail.

No sharp things, he must've thought of that. No washcloths for choking him, and on the flip side, no chemicals to throw in his face or force feed to him.

No windows, large removable pipes, or anything you could beat him with!
At this point you sighed and gave in to his...creepy hospitality.

You just peeled of your dirty clothes and hopped in the shower, luckily understanding what knobs changed the temperature.

Once out, you saw fresh clothes waiting for you. When had he come in? You'd been constantly peaking at the door, paranoid.

Frowning, you dried off and threw on the surprisingly comfortable sweat-shirt he'd supplied. Throwing on the pants, you dried your hair and prepared to face the door.

"Ok. (Y/N). As soon as he opens that door, you'll catch him off guard and jump the bastard." You gave yourself the rundown of your plan, and waiting until the knob was juggling and there was a rhythmic knock.

"Hello darling! I assume you're done?" He called.

You stayed silent, perhaps he would come in out of curiosity? Maybe.

"(Y/N), I suggest that you answer me because I know for a fact you mill try and jump me when I open this door." He growled, and you jumped at the harsh blow he landed on the door.


"I'm...ready" You weakly said, stuffing your hands in your pockets. He was clearly smarter than you'd figured, and it would take a lot more planning until you could escape.

Perhaps weeks of planning.

"Coming in now!" He cheerfully called, and you heard the click of the door being unlocked.

Sighing, you lowered your head to the ground as he opened it and inspected the room.

Turning to you, Alastor grabbed your arm and pressed a kiss to the top, giving it a little kick as well.

You flinched, snatching your hand away in disgust; what the fuck? Why did he lick you?!
As his eyes sharpened their gaze upon you, you sensed another break coming and though quickly, putting your hand back into his.

"Sorry!" You muttered and let him kiss it again, caressing it softly. Shivering in violation, you were shakily led to the room you'd woken up in.

It looked different, not that you'd studied the room previously. There was an illuminated old-style TV in the corner, complete with a nice looking bed across from it. Draped with red silk and cream colored pillows.
Across was a dresser with various products, and a large mirror that reflected the bed. You frowned, rubbing your hand and shoving it in your pockets.

Alastor looked at you expectantly, a grin bestowed upon his face.


"Uhm—" you awkwardly looked away, it was best to just play it safe and please him. "Thanks."

You spoke curtly and walked over stiffly to the bed, anything to get away from Alastor, who was watching you intently; as an animal scopes their prey.

"You're welcome dear! I must say, the bed was positively a pain to get in, but I managed. I trust you'll like your new home? I did spend oh so long working it," he stalked over and sat right next to you. You shifted uncomfortably as he put an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer.

"I did it all for you," He informed, his light grip turning somewhat comforting. You shifted closer unconsciously and whimpered.
"I remember when you first meet my cell in that asylum." He sighed, continuing into a long retelling of your time spent counseling him.

I guess this isn't so bad.


I realized I have to stop planning out full-blown stories for ONESHOTS.
Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed your oneshot Daria! Oof I forgot to put in the doll demon part. Sorry.
(2359 words)

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