12 | unveiling

28 8 0
By imnehareddy


u n v e i l i n g

"Okay," Leon started, rubbing his hands together like he always did when he was nervous. "So, you know how Park always has these huge blowout parties where everyone gets drunk and people end up passing out on the couch?"

Anita nodded, pursing her lips. "So, I was packing for France, but then, I realized I left some things at Parker's. So, I go over there, and most of the people are drunk and asleep, including Parker. I didn't want to knock and disturb anyone, so I used the key he hides on his front porch to get in. I go into his room, and see he's passed out with some blonde girl on his bed, and so, I grab my stuff then try to get out without bumping into anyone."

Anita looked at him, halfway through his plate. "A blonde girl? I thought Parker swore off any relationships or hookups?" 

Leon shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe they were serious, but I've never met her, so maybe not. So, anyway, I'm going downstairs, and then I see Lindsey in the kitchen, drinking coffee and just watching me. And so, I say hi, because it's nice, and then I start to leave. But, then Lindsey leaves the kitchen, and um," Seeing the look on Anita's face, he stops, and looks down at his food, face red. 

"Huh," Anita says, staring at Leon. "You swear this is the truth?" 

Leon nods, thinking he's about to be off the hook when Anita smirks at him, and starts asking questions. "How come you didn't see Lindsey before?" 

"Because she wasn't there before?" Leon said, although it came out as a question, making Anita glare. 

Anita kept firing off questions, obviously trying to see if Leon would slip up, and make a mistake, admitting it wasn't Lindsey's fault, but his own. That moment never came, and after a while, Anita finished her food and stopped asking questions, before staring at Leon curiously again, loudly slurping from her cup, which was now switched out to water. 

Leon finished the rest of his food before looking up at Anita waiting for her verdict. She frowned at him, before clearing her throat. "Um," she winced, obviously hating what she was about to say or ask. "Could you zoom in on the picture like you told me to?"

"Don't you have it?" Leon asked, before realizing what a dumb question that was. 

Anita rolled her eyes. "Why on Earth would I keep that picture?"

Leon pulled out his phone before opening social media, and scrolling down to his notifications from a month ago. Clicking on the photo, he pinched his fingers together and zoomed in before handing it to Anita, who made a grossed-out face at it, before taking it delicately into her hands. She stared at the photo for a second, taking in Leon's facial expression, one of complete confusion, and where his hands were at, trying to gently push her away without hurting her. 

Anita's head hurt and she looked up at Leon, her face completely dumbstruck. "Leon, I'm so sorry, I should've listened to you," She said, looking concerned and close to tears. 

Leon smiled at her, ecstatic. "Hey, it's no big deal." 

Anita's lips twitched. Leon would be the only person to call this no big deal. "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. I was too proud and thought that Lindsey had taken yet another thing from me. But, I just want to be friends for now."

Leon smiled. "I understand, and thank you for giving me another chance. I mean, if that was you in that picture with any guy other than me, I would probably hate you too, and react that same way," he said, paying for their dinners, and getting up. "Come on, I have another place to show you." 

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