Shannix City: Senior Year

By denchlovesfries

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A story that would change Cassandra's life forever. More

Chapter 1: Shannix City
Chapter 2: Mattheau
Chapter 3: Reunite Lovers?
Chapter 4: Meeting the Two Bartholomes
Chapter 5: Accompany
Chapter 6: Unexpected Move
Chapter 8: The Carters
Chapter 9: Revelations
Chapter 10: Meeting Altogether
Chapter 11: A Morning with Theo
Chapter 12: Suspension and Living the Rich Life
Chapter 13: First Time with Emotion
Chapter 14: Of Malls and Teas
Chapter 15: Buddy Poly
Chapter 16: Nice Meeting you, Trudy
Chapter 17: What a Day!
Chapter 18: Reconciliation, Giggles, and Laughs
Chapter 19: The Day before Friday
Chapter 20: Friday Night Party
Chapter 21: My First Morning with My First Hangover
Chapter 22: The Beginning of My Numbness, Sadness, Problems, and Questions
Chapter 23: Sudden Change
Chapter 24: Mercilessly Hurt

Chapter 7: My Real First Day of School

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By denchlovesfries

It looks familiar. I tried to remember where I saw this place and I remembered the bus driver who brought me to this place. It was where I met Persephone.

"I was here yesterday. The bus driver stopped here when he correctly guessed that I haven't ate breakfast yet."

"Well, that's great. I love their coffee here. Have you met Talia already? She's like the best cashier this cafe has."

"Yeah. She introduced herself when I was about to order."

"Well, that's great. She's a friend of mine. You and Talia are batchmates I guess. She's 17 and you're 17 right?"

"Uh, no. Uhm, maybe." She giggled at my answer. "Yes, I'm 17."

"You're funny. That's one of the reasons I like you as my best friend."


I'm at school already. I was in my locker to get my morning stuff when an innocent looking girl approached me with a shy smile plastered onto her pale face.

"Are you Cassandra?"

"I reckon I am." I said with a catatonic expression written all over my face.

"Oh. Can I join you? You're my classmate for this school year and I thought maybe I can join you with your first day."


"Okay so I haven't introduced myself. So silly of me. I'm Rosemary Carter. I have a brother in varsity. His name is Zechariah Carter." She talked and talked and talked. I paid no attention until we reached our classroom.

When we entered everybody went silent and they looked at us(especially me) with curiousity etched on their faces but later on they went back with their business. I sat down at the back near the window not wanting to talk to anyone but was suddenly flabbergasted when someone sat beside me. The devil had buried his face in his desk so I just got out the book I was reading yesterday.

After a few minutes, I looked at my watch and I noticed that it is already 8:30. The bell for frist period has rang 30 minutes ago but our teacher hasn't arrived yet. I went back to read my book when I heard the click of heels entering our classroom. I then saw the girl who blocked me yesterday at the library. What a small world. She even has her cronies with her. She looked at me with disgust and I just looked at her. Our staring contest was cut when our teacher went in and started Math.

It was Math for first period. How lucky am I? I really hate math I mean what's the point of those numbers and those operations when I'm not gonna use them in college but whatever. Speaking of college I haven't chosen a university that I think I would like.

I was snapped away from my thoughts when I heard someone say my name. Here it is. An annoyed teacher in front of me.

"Miss? I have been calling you for three times already. Now since you're new here. Might as well say your name. Go at the front and tell us things about you." I stood up and faced some of my classmates' boring faces with stoicness appearing from my face.

"Cassandra Frost. From Everlast High. 17 and loves books." I told them with an impassive voice. I went back to my seat as they all stared at me with confused faces. Whatever.

"Okay so now that we already have our discussion about this. We will have a short quiz tomorrow. Study pages 3-10. That would be all for now I will be dismissing all of you early." She then went outside as the clackity-clack of her heels began to fade.

I closed my big black binder and stood up to put this in my backpack. I put it in my left shoulder and began to leave the room when someone grabbed me by the shoulder. I looked at the person with a stolid face.

"Do you mind?" An aggravated lady was facing me as I gave her a smug grin.

"What is it again? I've stayed away from your lovey-dovey. What do you want?"

"What do I want? Well, I want you to stop being mysterious."

"And that's your business because?"

"Because it's fun making fun of people like you."

"Whatever. Just stay away from me. You might not know what I can do with you and your pretty little friends." I left her gaping in horror. I went to my locker to get stuff for my next subject. The bell just rang that means it's the end of first period so where should I go? She dismissed us early.

As I was closing my locker, Rosemary appeared from beside me giving me a cute smile.

"Hello." I nodded at her. "Where would you go next?"

"Our room for our second period?" I said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay, do you not want to eat first?"

"I really am not a fan of eating." We walked silently towards second period. The same thing happened with first period so what I did was sit at the back by the window. I put my head in my desk which gave a little pain to my forehead.  I closed my eyes and felt someone's presence from beside me.

"Who are you?" I said which caused him to make eye to eye contact with me.

"None of your business."

"It is my business, dude. You're sitting beside me."

"This isn't occupied so why would I bother sitting beside you."

I lifted my face and studied his face for a while. He suddenly looks familiar. Oh wait.

"Are you?"

"Polyphemus Hemmingway. Poly for short."

"Tsk. I know. I just didn't know you'd be my classmate."

"Oh really? Now you know. That my little sister is a junior not a senior like us. Understand that?"

"I'm not an idiot like you." Our banter was cut short when a man in a suit entered our classroom. 

"Good morning class. For those who are new, I am Mr. Martin Booch. Your principal. I am here because I need you all to cooperate to this."

"Tsk. That's a hologram for sure." Poly muttered beside me while his head is buried in his own desk.

"A hologram? That exists?"

"It sure does in and only in Shannix High."

"Mr. Hemmingway and Ms. Frost?"

"Yes sir?" I said with a tiny hint of embarrassment in it.

"Please listen." He cleared his throat and started. "Okay so before I was interrupted. I was saying maybe all of you can cooperate to this. Today a certain someone has unexpectedly reported our school to a strict inspector from the other side." I saw him roll his eyes. "He or she said that our school is untidy as a dumpster. And that our cafeteria serves dirty and I quote unquote cringeworthy food. I was not pleased by her or his behavior. But we already know who the person is. Well, we don't want this to happen but she's forced me to do this. I know you're watching me. But must I tell you, young lady, not only is your parent powerful. I am more powerful than yours. If you don't want me to suspend you show yourself or we might kick you out of Shannix City. So for students during the inspection no one is allowed to go out of campus premises. Our classes are cancelled for this morning. In the afternoon, classes will continue but first period for the afternoon is cancelled for our meeting. You can stay wherever you want but in and only in the campus premises. Understand? I hope you all do. Farewell and have a good day."

"Tsk. Fine, as if I want them to kick me out of here. I have a big reputation here. I shouldn't have done that." Groaned the 'lady' I think is already guilty because of what she's done. Now that I heard that annoying high pitched voice. I faced Margot Parker. The one who blocked me in the library telling me that she owns Mephistopheles Bartholome.

"What are you looking at!?" Margot threw me an exasperated glance I rolled my eyes and looked away. "Whatever I'll just turn myself in." She muttered looking at those 'oh so precious' nails of hers.

I left the room silently and walked towards our lockers and put all my school stuff. Leaving my backpack lighter than before. I closed my locker and was startled when I saw Zade gleaming from behind my locker door.

"You don't have to do that." I deadpanned.

"What did I do exactly?" Her eyes were sparkling unlike before she must be in a very good mood.

"What's up with you? You seem happier than yesterday."

"Do you not want me to be happy?" She looked away and pouted.

"You know you look cute when you pout but you look cuter when you smile."

"Wow, thank you. I am delighted to receive a complement from you. Anyways, how was your first period?"

"It was fine I guess."

"Oh tell me, dear. What happened?" Concerned was imprinted on her angelic face.

"It's just Margot Parker is being a brat. But I handled her bratty attitude."

"Oh that. Don't worry I'll take care of her."

"No, don't. Let me handle her. I have a plan in mind anyways. So want me to come over your mansion. My dorm room is no fun plus I'm not in the mood for studying boring Math."

"Hey!" I threw her a questioning glance. "Math is not boring. It's fun you know with all the numbers and operations."

"Whatever you say. Do you have places in mind? I'm sure the school will let you get out of the campus."

"Oh I'm sure they will." She smirked and we went together to the parking lot. I see she's brought a red Ferrari 360 Spider.

"You sure you know how to drive this?"

"I'm sure I do." She said before stepping in the accelerator.


So you might as well be wondering why I switched point of views like the one from Chapter 3: Reunite Lovers. I was thinking of maybe switching point of views after a few chapters like the next chapter. So I hope you understand. I'm like doing this to let you know what their life is. So yeah. Ciao for now.


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