Rosaline | ✔️

By Lauren_Chow

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Rosaline Sinclair is on the run. After barely escaping with her life, Rosaline flees Los Angeles to the stree... More

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Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


21.7K 811 53
By Lauren_Chow

I held onto Rosaline, grounding myself to reality and not losing myself to the pent-up rage. She was the only reason I wasn't hunting Lorenzo Diablo down and spilling his blood on the streets.

I held no blame on Rosaline, as much as she insisted. While she was reckless for staying at a scene of a crime, I couldn't help but respect that Rosaline was there for Angelo's final moments. She might carry guilt at the prospect that she caused the shooting, but how could an innocent civilian know the events that led up to it? Her instincts told her to run and blend into the crowd.

No, the real monster was Lorenzo for ordering his men to hunt her down like an animal in a public setting.

Once Rosaline woke up, I would have to debrief Xavier. While I wanted to tell him now, it was late and I refused to leave Rosaline alone. I promised to protect her and I'll be damned if I left now. I was considering gluing her to my damn side so I knew where she was twenty-four-seven.

I was too restless to fall asleep, so I looked up at the high ceiling, evaluating what I had learned from Rosaline. It must have been fate that the key to all of this stumbled into Elysium. I had never been more grateful that we were able to save her before the Diablos caught up with her.

Months ago, we sent Angelo to infiltrate the Diablos to uncover their files and information on the leader of the group. Somehow, Lorenzo discovered his secret and wanted to know who Angelo worked for. Luckily, it seemed that we hadn't been outed.

Did that mean Angelo found something? Why didn't he send us the information right away?

Scatena la verità...Sblocca il cassetto...Enlightenment.

How did that connect with our case? Why would he say that to Rosaline? Was it an attempt at making peace with himself before his death? To taunt Lorenzo?

There were too many questions, but the answers were almost in our grasp.

Rosaline whimpered in her sleep and I instantly started running my hand up and down her back to soothe her. She slowly quieted and snuggled in closer to me.

I needed to rest and hoped that closing my eyes would convince the rest of my body that I was asleep.

I didn't know how much time had passed when I opened my eyes again, but the sun was beginning to rise. My stomach growled and I heard a small giggle.

I looked down and saw my Flower peeking up at me with a sleepy grin. Her dark hair was tangled and a large pillow mark covered the side of her face, but she couldn't have looked more beautiful to me right that moment.

"I'm guessing the chocolate cake from last night didn't fill you up?" Rosaline teased before letting out a yawn that she quickly covered with her hand.

I shook my head at her before giving her a quick kiss on the forehead.

"How about breakfast before we head to Xavier's office? We need to talk to him about last night," I told her gently.

I mentally cursed myself as the sleepy look in Rosaline's eyes went away and reality sank in. She nodded and I helped her get up from the bed and guided her toward the kitchen. She sat on a stool while I started making us a quick breakfast.

We were silent, the room filled with the sounds of clattering utensils and bacon sizzling on the stove. I peeked at her occasionally, she sat looking at her hands on the marble counter. Her expressions flitted from confused to thoughtful to sad. I left her to her thoughts until I finally served her bacon and eggs with fruit on the side.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I teased.

She blinked before stabbing her food with a fork.

"I'm just so dang confused," Rosaline admitted before shoving a piece of egg in her mouth, closing her eyes in bliss.

I closed my eyes to stop the visual of what else we could be doing with that expression on her face.

This woman was going to kill me one day. I counted to ten before continuing with the subject.

"What are you confused about?" I spoke gruffly before taking a bite as well, waiting for her response.

"Why aren't you running for the hills– or streets? There are no hills in sight. You haven't handed me over to Detective Benson or put me on house arrest– not that you can since you're not a police officer but in a more criminal vigilante way," Rosaline rambled.

I opened my mouth to speak but she kept going.

"If I were in your shoes, I would have screamed bloody murder and called the cops on you–"

"But you wouldn't have," I said confidently.

She gaped at me and blinked.

"You couldn't know–"

"But I do. You wouldn't have," I repeated sternly. I scooted closer to her and grabbed her small hands.

"You couldn't know that," she denied again, shaking her head rapidly. "All those people who were pulled into my mess? I would be horrified with you and think you were guilty for all the pain and suffering you caused. I would call you a coward and stupid for running in the streets like an idiot when you could have–"

"What could I have done in your shoes?" I cut her off again in a neutral tone. I knew we weren't talking hypothetically anymore. "Stay in the store and wait for Lorenzo's men to find me? To be tortured before being killed? I would have been outnumbered and run away to safety. The only outcome would have been violence, whether I liked it or not."

"But I could have prevented so many others from getting hurt!" Rosaline squealed, her voice high pitched and her face turning red from frustration and self-loathing. Her breathing turned rapid and started panting. She struggled to pull her hands away from me, but I held onto them firmly.

"J-just..I don't understand!" Rosaline choked and my heart broke at the devastated expression on her face.

"Shh," I cooed and gently pulled her onto my lap, my Flower wrapping herself around me tightly. She shoved her face into my neck, refusing to show herself as she struggled to contain her sobs.

"What Lorenzo and his men did was reckless and uncalculated. You couldn't have known. They and they alone are responsible for their actions. You could have made a different choice, but who is to say it would lead to the same outcome? The world is not in black and white, you and I both know that. There's gray in between and we understand that there will always be different perspectives. Do you want to know what mine is?"

I heard a sniff before she reluctantly pulled back to look at me. Her eyes shone with tears.

"What is it?" Rosaline croaked and I released a small smile as I wiped away her tears. She didn't deserve this burden on her shoulders. I knew the survivor's guilt wouldn't go away after this discussion, but I wanted to guide her in the right direction.

She wasn't alone anymore.

"I believe that you are strong and have good instincts. You helped Angelo rest in peace knowing you now hold his secrets. You survived and fought so you could share this information with me and help bring justice to Angelo and many others. Whether you were there or not, Angelo would still have met the same fate. But you are the key to making things right once more," I kissed her cheeks before pulling back. "And for that, I am grateful that you are here with me. I would never push you away, only bring you closer."

Rosaline's bottom lip trembled before she slowly kissed me.

"Thank you," she whispered as she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. I wrapped my own around her waist.

This was my purpose, grounding my flower into the earth but letting the breeze pass through her. She deserved to be happy and dammit, I was going to make her happy.

It will be my pleasure.


Rosaline stood frozen outside the office door.

Tom and Marco were standing guard in the hallway, watching the both of us with bemused looks.

I knew we were a sight. I was leaning against the wall as Rosaline stared a hole into the door. We didn't bother getting ready for the day; Rosaline wanted to get her encounter with Xavier over and done. Our clothes were rumpled and unkept, hair unbrushed, and Rosaline's eyes were puffy from crying.

I rubbed my face before pulling away from the wall, holding Rosaline's hand. Her eyes flashed towards mine and gave me a nervous smile.

"I think it's time for me to stop staring at the door," Flower stuttered and again raised a shaky fist to knock. Just as she was about to make contact, she dropped her hand for the fifth time in defeat.

"Why are you making me knock? Can't you do it or just open the door?" she pleaded again but I held firm on my decision.

"You need to do this, Flower. This is another giant step you need to take, no matter how small it seems. I will be right here with you." I encouraged her.

I wanted to push her out of her comfort zone, but not too much. If she genuinely requested me to lead this meeting, I would. But Rosaline knew she had to initiate this to get her closure. The reason it was easier for me to accept was because it was Xavier. I knew he wouldn't do anything to harm her and if he pushed too far, I could tell him to back off.

"Just do it. Just do it." Flower chanted before she quickly knocked. Her eyes dropped to her hand like she was shocked it actually happened.

"Come in!" Xavier called, a hint of amusement in his voice. I rolled my eyes. He knew we'd been standing outside his door for the last twenty minutes. Asshole.

I opened the door and guided Rosaline in with my hand on her back, sending a warning look at a smiling Xavier who was leaning on his desk chair, his legs resting on his desk. He stood up to greet us.

"Rosaline! Asshole! So glad you came to visit. Have a seat." Xavier gestured to the couch in front of his desk. It was usually two chairs, but he must've moved it for this meeting. I silently thanked him for being thoughtful to my woman.

Rosaline said a quick thank you and pulled me to a couch that would fit the both of us. She clutched my hand like a lifeline and I rubbed my thumb in soothing circles on the back of hers.

Xavier saw my gesture and hid a smirk as he sat back down. I rolled my eyes once more before flipping him off. Rosaline saw the gesture and let out a small giggle, seeming to relax a little.

Xavier gave me a wink before leaning back in his chair, keeping his posture casual, but I saw the small twitch on his left eye. He was eager and impatient to learn the information Rosaline carried. I was grateful that he wasn't rushing her and that it was just the three of us in the room.

"Damon told me you wanted to know how I got to New York." Rosaline gulped and tightened her hold on my hand. She sat up straight and nodded quickly. "And I'm ready. It's not fair that I know your secrets and you don't know mine. I was also told that you me."

Xavier examined her with a hint of respect before nodding. "Why don't you start from the beginning? That way we can figure out the whole picture."

Rosaline looked at me quickly for a sign of reassurance before facing Xavier again.

Rosaline told Xavier what she experienced the past few weeks. As she told her story, Xavier began losing his usual charming appearance. His posture was rigid and his jaw was clenched. His eyes burned with vengeance and grief for the loss of our friend. Rosaline was too lost in her memories to notice the change until she finished her story. One glance at him and she shrank into me, wanting to disappear.

I rubbed her small arms for comfort, knowing Xavier would never harm her. If he did, I'd kick his ass.

Xavier took a few deep breaths before forcing himself to relax, seeing my girlfriend's distress. He slowly stood up and went around his desk to sit on top of it. He rested his forearms on his legs and leaned in cautiously to not spook Rosaline even more.

"It's all right, Ro. I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at the people who did this to you. When you were running, did you use any fake ids?" Xavier asked.

Rosaline shook her head.

"I didn't know how to get one. I checked into places that didn't require one."

"But you had to use it at the airport and your boarding pass would have your name on it. Someone could have alerted Lorenzo and tracked you here. He must have more pull than we initially assumed." I explained.

"Assumed? I was all the way in Wisconsin by then, far from California. How far is his reach and why is he fixating on me?"

"Because you witnessed him commit a murder and listened to his conversation with Angelo. That could be enough to convict him on charges. Lorenzo Diablo doesn't like loose ends and you unintentionally become one." Xavier said calmly. Rosaline gulped at the implication.

"But, the information you gave us is incredibly valuable, and puts us a few steps ahead. Damon and I will find and stop them, as well as protect you. You will be safe and welcome here." Xavier reassured her.

The two of us looked at each other and nodded. We would discuss this more without Rosaline in the room.

"Ro?" Flower sniffed and adorably tilted her head.

"What? Everyone else can give you a nickname and I can't?" Xavier asked with a smirk and Rosaline gave an uneasy smile. She hadn't spent enough time with Xavier to be comfortable, but I knew they would be close if we were all living together.

"Now, we will also look into Angelo's message and figure out what he was trying to tell you. Do you have any questions?"

"I do. If it's okay to ask...Why are you invested in this case and the shooting? Why not leave it to the FBI?" Rosaline asked.

I sighed, knowing this would come up. Xavier gestured for me to answer.

"Because the man you saw get killed, Angelo, was one of our moles. Angelo De Luca was one of our best men, reporting information from Lorenzo Diablo's organization. He reported that he was meeting someone and we hadn't heard from him since. It happened on the same day of the shooting and his body was found a few days ago." I revealed and Rosaline gasped.

"I'm sorry–"

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Flower. You weren't the one that pulled the trigger. His blood isn't on your hands, understand? But you are going to help us catch them. We couldn't be more grateful."

"I would just accept it, Ro. Do not put his death on your shoulders. If not, I'm sure Damon will spank the shame out of you."

"You, Asshole!" I hissed. Rosaline turned dark red and covered her face. I knew it was his way of shifting the sadness in the room, but it didn't stop me from wanting to punch him in the face.

"Anyway, if that's all, we can all settle in for the day." Xavier clapped his hands to dismiss the meeting.

"What will I do then?" Rosaline asked.

"You can stay as Maria's assistant–"

"Was that even a real position?"

"No, Damon just wanted to move you out of that shitty apartment," Xavier said easily. Rosaline gave me a look that I completely ignored. "But I don't have a problem with it. Maria loves having you around. After Maria gives birth, we can find you a position at our company if you want. The twins will stick with you and the security around the mansion will keep watch of any suspicious activity. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the gym and release some pent up anger." Xavier stated matter-of-factly, and gave her a wink.

I offered Rosaline my hand and we all stood up to leave

"Wait!" Rosaline piped up as we got to the door. Xavier and I both looked at her expectantly.

"I want to be a part of the case too."

She may as well have stunned me with a taser. I flinched then scowled at her. Rosaline purposefully ignored me and continued staring at a surprised Xavier. He looked at me cautiously before responding to her.

"This case is very personal to you, but I don't want it to take over your life. You already did us a great favor, you don't need to do anything more. We have it under control." Xavier tried to softly decline.

"But it's also personal to you guys. What difference does it make? I can help identify faces, look through profiles, anything! I just want to help in any way I can. I won't go into the field and go flying around with a gun. Please, please, please." Rosaline pleaded with him, her brown eyes widening. "I know I helped already, but who knows, maybe I can find something that will help me retain more information." Rosaline turned to me for help.

I shook my head, but scowled even more since Xavier seemed to be considering it.

"Xavier, no. Flower, I don't want this to grow into an obsession. The last thing you need is to spiral by all the information we have. We have the experience and tools to handle this case properly. What if we let you know if we find something? Not every detail, but enough to keep you in the loop. Besides that, the investigation is closed off."

Rosaline contemplated it for a moment before nodding with a small pout.

"All right, but you'll let me know if you need me?" Flower repeated to make sure we were all on the same page.

We both nodded and Xavier crossed his heart.

"Welcome to the O, Ro– ha that rhymed!" Xavier cackled.

I rolled my eyes.


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