The Shadow of Me

By musicismyhold

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Holly Heyde is the twenty year old cousin of Jeremy Spencer, drummer for Five Finger Death Punch. She is his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

8 0 0
By musicismyhold


I was pacing the waiting room. They wouldn't let me know anything until Jeremy got here. How was he to make a four hour drive in less than one and a half?

"Would you quit pacing?" Austin asked me, getting me to look at him. "Look, we're all worried about her. Just sit down and try to stay calm."

I did just that without saying a word. I almost jumped when I heard someone running. I looked to see who it was, seeing Jeremy. I quickly ran up to him with Austin following. 

"What happened?" Jeremy demanded. He looked like he hadn't had any sleep at all. 

"I don't know," I told him honestly. "All I know is that I got a call from Holly and she sounded very weak. I heard sirens in the background and hurried here. I haven't been able to know anything until you got here."

He nodded before he ran up to the nurse's station, "Look, I'm Jeremy Spencer. I have been the guardian of Holly Crocifissa Heyde since she was seven years old," he told her. "Now, I want some damn information on my cousin. Or so help me, I will rip apart everything here."

"Sir, calm down, she is in surgery now," she told Jeremy. 

"How long has she been in surgery and what the fuck happened?" He asked her. He looked about ready to lose it.

"Mr Spencer, calm down," she told him which only got him even more pissed.

"Listen lady, that girl in there is the closest thing I have to a daughter," he told her. He was practically seething. "Now, you will tell me how long and what happened."

"Fine, I will call the physician that tended to her," she replied before she picked up the phone. 

Jeremy turned away and ran his hand through his hair. He was losing it. Then again, I couldn't blame him.

"Mr Spencer, Dr Dennis will be out in just a few moments," the nurse told him. "He will explain everything."

Jeremy nodded before the three of us all sat down on the uncomfortable chairs. 

"Family of Holly Heyde?"

All three of us looked up at the older doctor. Jeremy nodded.

"I'm her cousin," Jeremy said before the doc spoke.

"Mr Spencer, can you come with me?" he asked him. "I can only tell family."

"Look, doc, whatever you have to tell me, you can tell these two," Jeremy told him, pointing to me and Austin.

He nodded before he sat next to Jeremy, "Well, Holly had a few stab wounds to her abdomen but they weren't fatal. She also has a few bruised ribs," he explained. "She is in surgery now to repair the damage done. She shouldn't be too much longer. The anesthesia should wear off a few hours after. Dr Oakes will let you know when you can see her."


Two hours seemed to be two years. I was pacing the waiting room anxiously. I wanted to be with Holly now.

The doctor was finally taking me and Jeremy back to see her. Austin said he would head back to his place and let the others know how she was doing. I was going crazy.

"She's asleep now," Dr Oakes told us as he stopped by an open door. "But, she should wake up soon. She might be a bit out of it after."

Me and Jeremy nodded before we made our way inside. Jeremy immediately kissed her forehead. 

"Baby Girl, what happened?" he asked as he took a seat in the chair beside her bed. 

I sat on her other side and took her hand in mine. 

"Who would do something like this to her?" I asked, brushing some of her fire engine red hair out of her face. 

"The only person I can think of would be Tyler," Jeremy spoke. I looked up at him to explain and he sighed before he did so. "Tyler is her crazy ex. He used to be our lighting guy on tour until we fired him because Ivan saw him throwing her around when she wouldn't do what he had wanted. Ivan wanted to kill him on the spot. I did too for that matter. But, we settled for him being in jail. Someone posted his bail. He was found innocent even though Holly was still covered in bruises from him."

"And he's here in LA now?" I asked, worried. 

He nodded, "He seems to follow Holly everywhere she goes," He stated. "At least up until a bit after the tour with you guys started. That's why I called and asked if Holly could be Tino's drum tech for the past tour. Look at that scar on her forearm. That's from Tyler."

I looked and saw a horrible scar. It was jagged and looked like it was very painful. I just couldn't believe someone would want to hurt her like that. 

"Jeremy, if I find this guy, I will kill him," I whispered as I tightened my grip on Holly's hand.

"Alan, look, I know you would," Jeremy told me. "But, don't do anything rash. Leave that to me and Ivan."

I sighed and nodded. I hated that this happened to Holly.

"You know, I remember when Holly was fifteen years old, almost sixteen," Jeremy said, chuckling a little at the memory he thought of. "She got into so much trouble at her school. Constantly fighting and standing up to people who tried to bully her or people around her. It got to the point where her and the principals were on a first name basis. And that was only her freshman year. She didn't go her sophomore, junior, and senior year. She did the classes online while we were on the bus. But, anyways, I got called into the school and when I walk in, I see Holly sitting there by the head bitch's office, looking like nothing happened. Whereas the guy she got into a fight with looked like he just went three rounds with a hammer."

I had to chuckle at that. That so sounded like Holly. I swear Jeremy sounded like a proud father when he told that. 


I fell asleep with Holly's hand in mine. I was woke up by a nurse walking in. He checked her vitals and everything. 

"Mr Ashby?" He asked before he left. I looked up at him, wondering what he wanted. "Mr Spencer asked me to tell you that he was going to get a family friend from the airport."

I nodded as he left before I looked to Holly's sleeping face. I brought her hand to my lips and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles.

"I love you, Holly," I whispered, closing my eyes. I pressed her knuckles to my forehead, silently praying.

"I love you too, Alan."

I almost jumped when I heard her speak. I looked to see that her hazel eyes were watching me and her pale pink lips were curved into a small smile. 

A grin crossed my lips and I leaned over to press a kiss to her forehead. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as I sat back in my chair, still keeping my grip on her hand.

"Sore a bit," she answered.

I nodded, "Hold up a second, I'm gonna go get the doc," I told her and she nodded.

I stood and made my way outside.


When I first woke up, Alan was the first person I saw. After the doctor was through checking me over, Alan was allowed back in with me.

"What time is it?" I asked, looking at Alan as he walked back in.

"About five in the morning," he answered as he sat down. "And Jeremy went to the airport to pick up a family friend."

I nodded, "Alan?"

"Hm?" he asked, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Do you remember what I said before?" I asked quietly, not sure if I wanted to know if he remembered or not.

He nodded before he pressed a kiss to my forehead, "I love you too, Holly, and don't you forget it," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled at the fact that he felt the same. It felt amazing.

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