Think About U

By TomHanksIsAnAlien

12.7K 200 54

so basically ur friends w ian (idubbz) he introduces you to joji and you spend a week w them at a beach house... More

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628 6 0
By TomHanksIsAnAlien

I wake up to the sound of rain. I roll over and check my phone, Ian texted me 5 minutes ago. (Yes I'd have Ian saved as big tibbie anime girl In my phone)

BigTibbie Anime Girl🥰: Wakey wakey. We're bored.

I smile and go to my bathroom and brush my teeth before getting dressed. I leave Joji's hoodie on and pull out a pair of skinny jeans and some maroon socks along with my white Vans. I slip on my jeans and sit down on the edge of my bed putting on my socks and shoes. I stand up and brush my hair in the mirror deciding to leave it down for once. I put on my glasses and head downstairs. Joji is sitting at the bar in the kitchen with Ian standing on the other side talking to him. "Hey guys" I walk over to Ian giving him a hug. "Look who's awake." He mocks patting my head like a child. I let go of him and smack his hand. "I may be younger than you but you don't have to treat me like a little kid" I frown. "Where's my hug?" Joji jokes. I walk around the bar and wrap my arms around his shoulders from behind. He chuckles and hugs my arms. Ian gives me an odd look but I keep my arms around Joji. "Isn't that George's hoodie?" He squints at me. Before I can even make up an excuse Joji replies, "she got cold, I gave it to her last night when we were hanging out." I nod and notice he's still holding my arms. I blush a little then realize how hungry I am. "What time is it?" I ask letting go of Joji hopping on the bar sitting next to him. Ian looks down at his watch, "10:30 why?" He asks. "Can we go get food? I'm hungry." I whine looking at him. He nods "let me go put on my shoes and we can go." I yell to him as he heads up the stairs to grab my phone and vape before turning back to Joji. "Nice hoodie pretty lady. You come here often?" He grins. I smile back shaking my head and take his hat putting it on. He pushes the hat down in my face and I giggle adjusting it again, "bully." He narrows his eyes at me, "says the hat thief." I grin at him "get used to it Miller." He rolls his eyes and tickles me in response. I swat his hand away and he lets it drop resting it on my leg. Just then Ian comes down the stairs being loud as always, "where are we going to eat?" He asks us. "I kinda I want Taco Bell. We only got drinks there yesterday." I say fixing my glasses. Joji hops up from his stool. "I'm driving," He says helping me off the bar. "I got shotgun," I say sticking my tongue out at Ian. He gives me a dirty look before whining about being too tall for the back seat but he finally gives in. I follow the boys to Joji's car, Joji opens the door for me and I get in. Ian opens his door and sighs, "can you at least scoot your seat up?" I laugh "I would if I knew how." Joji gets in and looks at me, "need some help?" I nod and move my legs out of the way. He adjusts my seat and Ian finally gets in the car, he holds my phone and vape between the seats. Joji grabs my vape and I take my phone. He looks in the rearview mirror "oh hell no," he looks at me, "my hair looks wack. You gotta hand my hat over." He reaches over and takes his hat from me. He pushes his hair out of his face and puts his hat on before starting the car and finally pulling out of the driveway. He points to the radio, "play the playlist we were listening to last night." He smiles putting my vape in the cup holder and puts his hand on my leg. I connect my phone and hit shuffle on the playlist. Test drive starts playing and I look at Joji, he grins and looks at me. I start singing and before long Joji is singing too, I look in the rearview mirror at Ian. He rolls his eyes and looks down at his phone. Joji let's go of my leg and hits my vape before putting it down and putting his hand back on my thigh. It's still raining, thunder rumbles and I jump. He squeezes my leg reassuring me it's ok. We eventually arrive at Taco Bell and we run inside. "Ian, can you order for me? I gotta pee. I'll find a table when I'm done." I use the bathroom and wash my hands. I walk out of the bathroom drying my hands on my pants and pull my sleeves down before finding a table. I sit down already kinda anxious because of the weather when I notice some creep staring at me. Joji brings me my cup and I tell him about the guy and how I'm getting a bad vibe. He tells me he'll keep an eye on me until they get the food then we can leave, I nod and stand up to fill my cup. I get to the soda machine and fill up my drink before noticing the dude that was staring has walked up to me. "Hey. What's a cute girl like you doing here all alone? How bout we get outta here?" He grins looking me up and down. I step back and put a lid on my cup trying to avoid eye contact. "I um- I'm actually, I'm here with someon-" Joji walks up and snakes his arm around my waist. "Hey who's this?" he asks in a mildly pissed off tone. Aiming the question more at the greasy creep in front of us than me. "The names Tommy." He extends his hand to Joji. In return, Joji lets go of my waist and shakes it with a tight grip. The guy speaks again this time in an agitated tone, "and you are?" Joji's hand falls to his side I grab it holding it tightly, partially because it makes me feel safer but mostly because I feel like Joji is going to hit the guy. "I'm George, her boyfriend." He replies, "and we actually have to go." The guy watches as Joji walks away with me in tow. Ian has the food and he meet us at the door, "you ok?" he asks. I nod and put my hood up and we head out to the car. Joji realizes he's still holding my hand and loosens his grip in case I want him to let go, I squeeze his hand and his grip tightens again. He opens my car door and I sit down. I wipe the rain off of my glasses. Joji climbs into the driver seat taking his hat off and shakes the rain out of his hair, "I need a cigarette" he sighs. "Me too," I say connecting my phone to the radio again. Ian settles into the back seat, he puts his hand on my shoulder and I put my hand over his. "You sure you're ok? Cause I can hop out and go fuck him up." I laugh and Joji pulls out of the parking lot. "I'm ok. I promise." I let my hand fall into my lap and Joji reaches over taking my hand and lacing his fingers with mine without looking away from the road, he gently squeezes my hand. A couple of minutes later we pull into a gas station. "Still want cigarettes?" He asks parking the car and looking over at me. "Yeah. Can you get me Camel crush?" He nods and got out running into the store. Ian leans up between the seats, "aww you two like each other." He says grinning. I smack him jokingly on the forehead. "You don't know what you're talking about" I kick my shoes off and pull my feet in the seat turning to look at him. "You guys sit close together and hold hands and if he's not holding your hand he's got his hand on your thigh. He likes you." I shake my head, "whatever you say Ian" I let the sleeves of my hoodie fall past my hands. "He gave you that hoodie and he looked like he wanted to kill that guy that was messing with you earlier." He says and I roll my eyes. "Papa Franku got a crush on you," he says in a voice that reminds me of early FilthyFrank. We start laughing and he sits back holding his sides. Joji gets back in the car and looks at both of us confused. Ian starts laughing more and I shoot my hair tie at him. "What's so funny?" Joji asks. I shake my head taking a deep breath to keep me from laughing at the idiot in the backseat, "nothing." He looks back at Ian who has finally stopped laughing then back at me before shrugging and pulling out of the gas station. I start my playlist again, Joji starts singing to Attention and puts his hand on my leg. I smile and look down at my phone. Ian texted me.

Big Tibbie Anime Girl🥰: Told you.

I shake my head replying Shut up Ian and put my phone in the pocket of my hoodie. I slip on my shoes as we pull into the driveway. We jump out and run to the house, Joji almost slips as we get to the steps. I giggle and he hands me the keys catching his breath as I open the door. I kick off my shoes and sit down on a stool at the bar. Joji and Ian sit on either side of me. Ian hands out the food and we eat in silence. I finish up my food right after Joji, he gets up throwing our trash away then pulls two packs of cigarettes out of his pocket "Got a light?" I stand up taking my glasses off and rub my eyes before putting them back on. "Yeah, I should have a lighter in my backpack upstairs." He nods and follows me to my room. I drop my vape on my bed and grab my backpack pulling a lighter out of the front pocket. "Wanna open a window or go out on the balcony?" He asks. "Balcony." He nods and I follow him outside. He sits down on the couch and I sit next to him pulling a cigarette out of my pack and lighting it before handing him the lighter "So about the boyfriend thing earlier..." I say exhaling. He lights his cigarette and inhales deeply leaning back and looking at me, "honestly I got defensive and wanted to protect you. And who knows if I'm lucky future Joji might end up with that title." I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. He hits his cigarette again and closes his eyes. He starts humming Pills in between puffs of his cig finally finishing it and put it out. He starts singing softly, winking at me when I look up at him. I finish my cigarette and put it out with Joji's in the ashtray on the table. "Ready to head back in?" I nod and we head back inside. Ian had just came upstairs, no doubt looking for us, "you guys wanna watch movies?" Joji answers first. "Sure. I just gotta change first my clothes are still wet from earlier." They look at me waiting for my answer, "yeah but I really need to take a shower firstI'll meet you guys downstairs in a little while."

This is the outfit except Joji's hoodie is different

Word count 1994.

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