The Perfect Mistake

By Yoongi_Is_Fluffy

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"They call moments like these fate, but I call it my perfect mistake" More

It's Really You
First Date
Unknown Feelings
Just Friends
We Can't (We won't get caught)
Moving Time
Jinja? Neh.
Rebound Girl
Yoongi Pact
Fake Girlfriend
New Story!!!

Jimin's secret

117 3 2
By Yoongi_Is_Fluffy


"Aww is little Yoongi jealous?" Hoseok teases

"Maybe I am but she's mine considering I'm the one who found her" Yoongi says

"Hyung maybe she doesn't want to be yours. Have you even asked her?" Jimin jokes with a smile, but deep down he wasn't joking

////Jimin's POV////

"...Maybe I'm jealous too..." He thinks to himself

**!!!This Chapter Contains Some Things Regarding Self Harm. Don't read if you can't handle it!!!**


Yoongi gets down on one knee causing all of the members to look at him in confusion and shock

"Hyung..." Jungkook starts before getting slapped by Taehyung on his right arm and by Jin on his left arm

"Shh don't stop love Kookie" Jin quietly scolds me

"Ha yeah "love" Jimin mumbles thinking nobody can hear him, not noticing Hoseok glance at him in concern.

"Y/N  Y/L/N will you be my gurelfriend  (sorry I had to XD) even though we don't know each other  that well" He asks in broken English while smiling his gummy smile.

"Yoongi, I don't know your last name, yes. I would love to be your girlfriend" I say giggling as he picks me up and twirls me around in excitement.

"Y/N do you want to go to our apartment and play some videogames with us" Jungkook asks

"Sure Jungkook" I reply

"Kaja (lets go)" Namjoon replies while they all walk out of the door that Namjoon broke, and go to their car.


"Yah Jimin can I talk to you" Hoseok asks him

"Sure Hobi" Jimin replies

"Do you like Y/N"

"What no that's crazy hyung!" Jimin tries to lie, but Hoseok sees right through the lie, being as they are like brothers."Come on Jimin, you can tell me the truth. I thought we were closer than that." Hoseok says with disappointment laced in his voice.

"Fine. Okay. I guess I like Y/N a little..." Jimin says as Hoseok looks past him with a shocked expression.

"You like Y/N?!?!" an all to familiar voice by the name of Yoongi asks

"No hyung! I didn't say Y/N, I said....uh kimchi!" Jimin says turning around really fast to face Yoongi

"Uhh yea! Jimin really likes kimchi!" Hoseok adds trying to help poor Jimin out

Not buying any of this, Yoongi rolls his eyes and walks out, while adding, "Kaja" in an angry tone.

**Time skip brought to you by Hobi's Sprite**

(At The Apartment)


"Okay Kookie" I reply, walking over to the two youngest members and grabbing a controller to play, the nickname causing Jungkook to get a glare from Yoongi.

"Okay kids I'll be cooking dinner, so you guys have about thirty minutes. The rest of you come help me set dinner." Jin says

"No can do hyung I'm going to go take a nap. Nobody wake me up" Yoongi says

"O-Okay" Jin says stuttering from fear of upsetting the sleepy Yoongi

Everybody is downstairs helping Jin prepare dinner while Jungkook, Taehyung, and Y/N are playing videogames and Yoongi is in his room sleeping.

"Yah Y/N, you and yoongi hyung are really cute together" Jungkook says, while the three kids take a break from overwatch.

"Ahh yes Y/N you and Yoongi hyung are so beautiful couple" Taehyung adds making me and Jungkook laugh at his choice of English words causing him to pout.

"What did I say wrong?" Taehyung says with sad eyes

"Oh nothing Taehyung" I say to him while Jungkook went to the kitchen to see if dinner was almost ready.

"Okey.." He says hesistantly, wondering if he should believe me.

"Y/N you should call me Taehyung oppa" He adds

"What is an oppa?" I ask, giving him a chance to laugh at my poor Korean.

"Oppa is what you call a boy who is older than you, that you are close with" He says smiling

"Ohh okay Taehyungie oppa" I say while giggling

Eventually we start laughing uncontrollably, and Jungkook walks back in.

"Hey dinner should be ready in fi-" Junkook starts when Y/N cuts him off.

"Kookie oppa!" I yell at him while running over and tackling him in a hug, causing him to fall over.

Me and Taehyung start laughing all over again when Jungkooks cheeks turn a dark shade of red. Jin suddenly walks in the room to see why we are being so loud.

"Why are all of you guys laughing?" He questions

"Y/N just called Jungkook oppa and his face turned the shade of a tomato!" Taehyung says while me and him try to calm down.

"Aww is poor Jungkook flustered?" Jin says, teasing the youngest member.

"Well sorry Kookie but its your turn to wake up Yoongi" Jin adds causing a look of complete terror to wash over the young boys face.

"But hyung" Jungkook whines while Y/N interrupts him.

"What's so scary about waking Yoongi up?" Y/N asks not seeing the big deal.

"Oh nothing Y/N....You go ahead and wake him up" Jungkook says, smirking to himself.

"Jungkook..." Jin starts

Fear is all I can see on Taehyung's face as it has turned completely white while he goes to get all of the boys.

Not seeing the problem, Y/N goes to Yoongi's room while the boys watch from yoongi's doorway and goes and sits on the edge of his bed while shaking him. Forgetting about the girl, Yoongi instantly grabs her wrist, causing her to wince. Hearing a girl's voice, Yoongi opens his eyes and lets his grip go, apologizing to her while pouting.

"Aww its okay little meow meow oppa" she says giggling, causing him to smile his gummy smile.

"Oppa? Who taught you that? And where did you get 'Little meow meow' from?" he asks

"Taehyungie taught me oppa, and you remind me of a little kitten" Y/N responds while smiling adorably at him.

"Wahh how did she manage to not die? She should come wake him up everyday. Why hasn't he killed her yet? Aww he does look like a kitten." Comments could be heard from the boys, making their presence known to Y/N and Yoongi. (Except for Jimin who nobody noticed was gone T.T)

"Yahh go away" Yoongi says while throwing a pillow at the door. Of course it had to accidentally hit Namjoon to somehow managed to rip it when he caught it, causing cotton and feathers to fly everywhere.

"YAH NAMJOON" Jin yells frustrated as he goes to get a broom to sweep it up.

"I'll give you five seconds" Yoongi says, anger laced in every word. Namjoon takes off before yoongi even says one. By the time he gets to five, Yoongi takes off causing all of the boys to run after him, probably to stop a death from taking place. I start walking when I hear crying coming from one room. Slowly, I walk towards it and open it to see Jimin in a tank top soaked with tears, with a blade in his hand held up to his wrist about to cut it.

"Jimin what are you doing?!?! I quietly yell, not wanting to draw attention to the others. He looks up at me with bloodshot eyes and freezes. Slowly, I walk towards him and grab the blade out of his hands, keeping eye contact with him, so he doesn't realize what's going on, due to his lost state of mind.

"Jimin why?" I ask softly, while cuddling up to him for comfort.

"I'm just so lost" He replies, letting the tears fall freely.

"About what? I mean, in case you forgot, you're the one and only Jimin from this worldwide famous group called BTS." I say with a light laugh, trying to make him feel better.

"But a lot of struggles come from being this famous, that the fans don't see" he replies while glancing over at me.

"Like what?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Like, I'm only allowed to eat one meal a day, I have to workout for 2 hours every day, I can't just go out in public, I get in trouble for making the smallest mistakes, and the worst out of all of them is I can't be with the person I love..." He says as tears continue to roll down his face.

"Who do you love oppa?" I ask while wiping his tears away.

"I Love..."

Sorry guys. I guess you'll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out who he loves. Sorry I'm mean I know hehe. But don't forget to tell me what you think of this story, and don't be a silent reader please. :'( 

Thanks for reading,

                                               - Annagrace

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