red | gordie lachance βœ…

By babyboyace

23.3K 675 249

" Why'd you dye your hair red?" Gordie wonders aloud. " It represents bloodshed..." Gordie's face became a b... More

twenty one
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
full warning

twenty two

571 19 18
By babyboyace

" I didn't touch it!"

" You did touch it! That's why it fucking fell!!!"

Robert responds with a groan. His eyesight spins like a carousel, as a liquid moves across his face.

Gordie lets a groan out as well, his back covered in both small and large scratches thanks to the rubble. Despite the burning sensation, Gordie pushes himself up, a whimper passing his lips while doing so. Finally, he's on his hands and knees, body drained of energy. Despite this, his eyes open slowly, the weight on his eyelids disappearing at the sight in front of him.

Despite the two being near the definition of naked for nearly two days, neither really took a moment to really look at each other. And right now, but are taking their time.

Gordie takes a moment to stare at Robert's abdomen. He notices an outline of abs forming, but is sidetracked by the scars and bruises he has. As his eyes move up, he sees a scar under Red's chin before seeing the nice color of sky blue that are Robert's eyes. And then his hair, the reason Robert got his nickname. The dye has lightened, his hair nearing a rose gold than the color of menstruation Eyeball kept teasing him about.

That made him wonder, if he hadn't dyed his hair, what was that dye on the kitchen floor Chris was complaining about?

" We should check it out." Gordie leaves his thoughts, hearing the shakiness in Robert's voice. Looking down at his face once more, he also sees Red's face is almost the color of his hair.

" Your head is bleeding," Gordie states, placing his thumb on the small cut. Robert flinches naturally, never liking the touch of others. " I'm not gonna hurt you," he coos, moving his hand away from his forehead. Slowly, his fingers trail across Red's face before placing themselves at his chin, leaving a light trail on blood along the way. Gordie feels his breathing slow as his heart does the opposite. " Let's go," he whispers, forcing himself to his feet. Moments pass before Robert follows, the redhead trying to grab all the marbles lost.

With a lighter in hand, the two walk through the large hole of the cave, their faces covered in curiosity and fear. The light from their small beach grows smaller an smaller until it's like a star.

Surprisingly though, a new source of light appears, casting the twos' shadows onto the rocky surface they walk on. Robert looks up curiously, finding him and Gordie at the bottom of an actual well now.

" Are there any wells around here?" Robert wonders, turning his eyes on Gordie. The brunette shrugs, placing his lighter in his pocket.

" I think Mr. Mueller, maybe. He had one on his farm so," Gordie shrugs, giving his best answer.

" We're just stuck again," Robert sighs, taking a step forward. The hard ground below Red's foot becomes soft. It's similar to rubber but also something he couldn't describe. Looking down, he slowly moves his foot away. He finds a very pale hand. Following the hand, Robert's wide eyes also spot an entire body.

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