Salia (Simon & Talia)

By fallenxbeauty

106K 580 171

Talia and Simon are best friends, they soon start to have feelings for each other but will that ruin their gr... More

im sorry,


3K 21 16
By fallenxbeauty

Talias POV
"Well, its been a while hasn't it? Let me catch you guys up on a few things. Ive moved! Yup, you heard it right. Ya GAL HAS MOVED AHHHHHH. Yes VERY exciting stuff, and Simon? He's moved too! Not... into the same flat or anything but local, he's staying with JJ. Ive been very busy the last few months, brought out a highlighter with OFRA, been working on music. Its been MAD, but I'm so glad to be back posting videos again."
Talia ends the video and grabs her phone up from the desk.

*Message from Gee Gee Nels*
*Message from FREYDO*
*147 unread messages from GALS group chat*

I open up the messages to see the girls freaking out over a get together the girls and guys are throwing.

Talia- hey girlies
Talia - I was filming a vid LMAO whats the get together for? I mean i'm SO DOWN TO GO but whats the occasion 😏
Freya - JJ wanted to celebrate the announcement of going on tour, I thought Simon would have told you this gal
Talia - Yea... Simon has been acting strange lately? Not talking to me as much so idk
Gee - aw talia!! have you talked to him?
Talia - Yea but like i'll message him and he will respond not normally, he used to text me everyday but now its just if im lucky he will respond 😕
Freya - maybe he's not well? that doesn't sound like Simon? I'm sure its nothing maybe he's just busy?
Talia - yea maybe, but then ill ask if i should come over and he will say anything to avoid me doing that? i'm just confused have i done something wrong?
Freya - no talia x don't worry about it I think he's just been busy with videos or something?
Talia - maybe, anyways gals i'm gonna go start making some FOOD PASTAAAAAAAAA talk soon xx
Gee - byee! x
Freya - bye gall!

Talia puts down her phone and sighs lifting it up again and going to her messages with Simon.

*last message yesterday*
Talia - hey si x

She locks her phone and makes her way to the kitchen. She grabs her pot and begins making her favourite pasta.

*time skip*

Thursday 9pm
I turn off the tv and pick up my phone to look at my messages with Simon.

*last message yesterday*
Talia - hey si x

"I can't believe this" I get up and make my way to my car keys, slipping on my shoes as I head out the door. Heading into the elevator I could feel the heat coming off my shoulders, I was mad. Why was Simon not talking to me? Things were fine until a few days ago? Is it me? Has he found someone else? Why was I so paranoid? Maybe it is just me? I get to the car park and make my way to my car, entering and placing my seatbelt on. I sat there at the steering wheel for a few minutes wondering if I should really do this or not. I twist the key, and start heading off. About 15 minutes later I am nearing Simon and JJs flats, I start to feel butterflies. Why was I so nervous to see my own boyfriend? I park outside his flats looking up to his windows, the curtains were drawn but the lights were on. I stepped outside of the car and made my way inside and towards the elevator. 7th floor flat 15B I make my way to the door and stand outside with my hand up hesitant to knock.

*knock knock knock*

I hear whispering and footsteps. 5 seconds later the door opens and I see Simon stood at the only slightly opened door. His eyes widen in shock which hurts me. "Oh T-Talia hey, what.. what are you doing here?" he scratches the back of his head which I am all too familiar of. "Why haven't you been messaging me back Simon?" I look up at him as he looks down. "I- I'm sorry Talia, I've just been busy." I lightly push open the door with my arm and squeeze passed Simon who is acting nervous. "Are you not happy to see me Simon?" He walks up to me placing his hands on my arms. "Of course I am, I love seeing you. I- I was just not expecting to see you here"
I make my way around Simons flat as I was sure I heard more than one persons footsteps. "Is JJ here?" I walk towards JJs room not seeing any sign of him. "No its just me" I look back at him as he looks away. I continue around his flat when I get to his bedroom. Where I notice a dent in the left sides pillow, when I know Simon always sleeps on the right side. I walk towards it, noticing a blonde hair on the sheet. "Simon?" He walks towards it and his eyes open. "That must be yours" I turn and look right into his eyes as he turns away. "Simon look at me please" He looks back at me, my eyes starting to tear up. "Are you cheating on me." I begin to feel the heat coming off my shoulders again. "Simon." Simon looks towards me shaking his head nervously "N- No i'm not Talia I promise you" I begin to walk off huffing, tears pouring down my eyes as Simon chases me towards the door. "Talia I need you to trust me please!" He grabs my wrist as I turn around and push him. "Don't ever talk to me again. This. You and I? It's over." Simons eyes start to water. "No Talia don't do this please" I get to the door ripping my hand out of Simons grip. "It's over." I make my way out the door and down the stairs, my eyes creating a waterfall of tears. I get to my car and get into the drivers seat. I was a crying mess. I hit the steering wheel in frustration, did this really just happen? I calm myself down sit there for 5 more minutes, I look up at Simons window to see him looking down at me his face red and eyes puffy. I began to drive off and back to my home.

*time skip*

I get home and make my way to my bed. I rest my head down and fall straight asleep, my energy drained from all the emotions my brain went through, my face dry from all the dried up tears and my heart broken from the man I truly love.

The next morning.

I opened my eyes to the sound of knocking, I reach down the bed to pick up my phone and check the time.
*7AM Friday*

I got out of bed and made my way to the door. I opened it and there stood Simon. I tried to shut the door before he grabbed it and held it open  "What are you doing here Simon, I told you we are over." Simon looks down sadly and then looks back at me. "We need to talk." "I don't want to talk to you Simon, now leave" I try to shut the door again but he holds it open. "Talia please. It's important." I sigh in frustration and let him inside. He comes in and sits down. "What is it Simon." I sit down lifting my knees up to my chest away from Simon with a pillow. "The hair you found on my bed.. it wasn't yours." I roll my eyes and sigh in frustration "Simon is this REALLY all you came to tell me." He raises his voice while looking at me. "Talia I'm not cheating on you either." I look at him weirdly before looking at his hands fiddling, he's nervous. "The hair you found is.. my cousins." I look at him dead in the eyes. "Simon. You came all this way to tell me that the hair is your COUSINS after I broke up with you LAST NIGHT and you could of told me then?? Do you really think I am that stupid to believe this? I think you need to leave." Simon moves in closer and puts his hands on my arms. "Talia... she is in danger.. she's been hanging around with bad people and now.. they are after her.."
to be continued 😈
Im sorry I had to do it to y'all, leavin it at a cliff hanger like that but I WANTED TO MAKE MY COME BACK GREAT. Idk i feel like i'm kind of rusty at writing but wow Im so glad to be back.
I really hope you enjoy this and i'm really sorry for leaving this story for so long bc I got a new phone and had forgotten my password to this LMAO BUT we gottem😂 hope you enjoyed! like it if you did and i will TRY TO UPDATE MORE OKAY IF I DON'T THEN I GIBE YOU PERMISSION TO YELL AT ME

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