Frostbite ❆ Peter Parker

By BookFandomFangirl

321K 8.1K 1.4K

"So, you're the Spider-ling." "Crime fighting spider. You're Spider-Boy?" "Spider-baby?" ... More

part 2
part 3 - infinity war
part 4 - endgame
part 5 - far from home
part 6 - no way home


3K 70 8
By BookFandomFangirl



Peter could make out a few words but how? What was happening? The last thing he remembered was staring into Beth's eyes as tears fell down both their faces. Her hand running through his hair to do anything to comfort him as he faded away. Everything was dark, where was he?

Then he felt it. Like pins and needles climbing up his limbs to his body. It felt like when your foot fell asleep and you're trying to shake it awake. Peter could feel his feet and he could wiggle his fingers, feeling the ground under him. Slowly, his vision started to fade back in, his eyes staring into the sky. As he felt his entire body come back to him he took in a big gulp of air.

He continued to lay there on the ground as the panic set in. He was still on Titan. Where was Mr. Stark? Was Beth okay? All the questions rushed into his head as Doctor Strange came into his line of sight. Peter flinched as Doctor Strange's footsteps sounded like he was trying to break the ground with his feet.

"Hey, time to get up." His voice couldn't have been over a normal talking volume but Peter's senses went haywire; a sensory overload. Everything felt like it was dialed to 11. He's never had one since he was first bit. His suit helping him adjust as he learned the ropes of his powers.

He could hear the heavy breaths from one of the Guardians a few yards away. The rapid heartbeat of everyone around him. Doctor Strange's voice as he tried to talk to him. The sound of two knives scraping against each other.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut, his face contorting in pain. His body curled up as he smashed his hands over his ears, trying to block out the sounds. A pain filled sob left his lips as tears started slipping out of his shut eyes. His entire head was throbbing. He tried to focus on something but there were too many sounds. Everything was too much.

Doctor Strange could see the anguish that the teen was in. Crouching down next to his curled up form, Stephen slowly removed one of the boy's hands from his ear. Moving it down to the patch of ice beside him. Peter was in too much pain to fight off the wizard as he removed his hand from his head. His eyes were still shut tightly when he felt the cold surface underneath his hands. The frozen patch of ice was still cold enough for him to feel it through his suit.

One word entered his overloaded mind.


He needed his girlfriend, where was she? Peter eyes slowly blinked open, tracing over the snowflake symbol on the ground. Peter wiggled his fingers slightly, tapping softly on the cold surface under his hand. The ice lit up under his fingertips. Peter's full attention was now on the ice as it melted into water, moving towards the center of the symbol.

The ice warped into water as it rose from the ground. He was able to tune out all the sound as he stared at the water that took on a silhouette of his girlfriend. As the water started to glow it slowly retracted from where it rose off the ground. The first thing he saw was her icy white hair, then her face. Beth's eyes were shut, her face relaxed as the water fell, revealing her suit. The cuts on her body mended as the water washed over them.

When the water crashed to the ground Beth's eyes snapped open. Her loud gasp of air was the first thing he heard. His ears focusing on her heartbeat as he blocked everything else out. Peter pushed his hands against the ground, stumbling to his feet.

Beth's blue eyes locked onto Peter as tears filled her eyes, "Peter?"

Peter let out a choked sob, standing up before running into her arms as she stumbled back. Beth smiled while tucking her head into his shoulder, quickly pulling away as she saw Doctor Strange and the Guardians staring at them.

"What's going on?"

Doctor Strange let out a heavy breath, "we have to go. It's been five years, the Avengers need us." Beth's mouth opened and closed as she stuttered. Strange turned away from them flying to a ledge, doing his 'yellow swirly thing' as Peter likes to call it.

Heat warmed her body as the portal swirled open. Her eyes widening as she stared at the destruction on the other side. Beth's eyes looked around seeing the rubble that covered the ground, pieces of the Avengers facility scattered across the floor. She could feel her heart pounding against her ribcage as she faced Thanos' army.

But she saw Steve and hope swelled in her chest.

The Guardians all ran forward, guns a-blazing. Peter's arm wrapped around her waist, "you ready?" Beth nodded her mask freezing onto her face. Reality still hasn't set that five years had passed but all the anger and rage she was feeling was directed at the Titan that took everything away from them.

"Let's bring them hell."

Peter smirked, his mask covering his face as he swung them off the ground through the portal. Letting go of Beth as they dropped to the ground. She landed gracefully as ice flickered between her fingertips. Her body humming with power.

Peter landed beside her with a soft thud. His mask dissolved off his face as he stood up straighter. A small smile settling on his face as he stared at the Avengers around them. They were here. Together.

Her blue eyes caught onto her dad as he slowly sat up. Staring in awe as more and more people poured out of the many portals. The corners of her lips upturned as she stared at him.

Looking towards her right she saw the army of Wakanda marching towards the battlefield. T'challa, Shuri, and Okeye standing in front of the line. T'challa cried out a chant. The Wakandan army chanting after their king, their spears hitting the floor with a loud bang.

Ships flew over them as more portals open with more people to join them in the battle. Asgardians walked out of their portal, armor on and weapons ready. Valkerie at the front on top of her pegasus, a spear in hand. Wanda landed next to them as red lit up her hands.

A blue suit, similar to her dad's landed in front of her. The mask of the suit opened, revealing her mother. Pepper smirked as she stared at Tony's awestruck expression. Beth and Peter strutted forward, standing beside everyone else. Strange stepped up next to Wong.

"Is that everyone?"

Wong shot him a look of disbelief, "like you wanted more." Beth smirked to herself as the collapsed Avengers facility broke open. Ant-man pushing his way through as a giant, rubble fell around him as he stood up straight. Opening his fist as Rocket, Rhodey, and Bruce hopped out.

Beth was standing next to her family. She grew up with them, despite the fact that Tony had tried to shield her from his world.

The break of the Avengers tore her family apart, sending some away into hiding or into house arrest. Only being fourteen at the time meant she didn't have a choice in the situation. Being thrust into the fight in Germany but was mostly spent stopping fires and helping her dad.

Everyone had a look of hope on their face as they stood there. Together. A united front against their greatest enemy yet.

For once they had lost separately. And now they were here to win, together.

This was the fight of their lives. The fight for the entire universe. And they were going to win. Whatever it takes.

Peter crouched down, his mask forming over his face. They all stood together staring dead on at Thanos and his army. The wind picked up around them as a loud boom echoed through the skies. Beth caught the short glances and the proud looks as her hair kicked back behind her.

Ice dancing around her body as her eyes started glowing. Steve sent her a proud smile before opening his hand out. Beth let out a soft breath as her frost fell from her lips. She felt empowered standing beside the greatest people she knew. Ice coursing through her veins as she stood tall, staring Thanos dead in the eye.

Mjolnir flew straight into Cap's outstretched hand, "Avengers!"


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