Goddess of fire and the wily...

By EsmyRiley345

139K 2K 694

, Davina Lokidottir, Goddess of fire, virtue and intelligence, daughter of Loki, princess of Asgard and Kol... More

The cast
Davina profile
Rona profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 part 1
Chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 part 1
Chapter 37 part 2
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 37 part 3

2K 32 12
By EsmyRiley345

Okay, here's the third part of chapter 37 and it will be the last part. I hope you like it.

Kol's pov

After me and Davina walked away from Klaus, we decided to leave the ball room and went up the stairs and headed out on the balcony. "Are you feeling aright Kol?" Davina asks as I shut the balcony doors "I've honestly never felt better. I was a nervous wreck at the start but I'm gradually feeling better about this" I respond as I gently grab her by the waist and pull her to me. "I have a feeling your mother and siblings don't like me"  she says "that's probably because they're so up their own arse and can't or won't accept the fact I have a life of my own now. The only reason they won't like you is because you helped set me free, you did the one thing they never did. You stood by me and never left me behind or let me down and most important of all you love me" I respond stroking her cheek as we begin slow dancing on the balcony as we can hear the music playing from inside. She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck "I'm kind of glad we came here tonight. It's a lovely night and it's the perfect excuse for us to spent a few minutes alone" she says "I'm glad too" I respond pressing my forehead against hers. Davina's breathing suddenly hitches making me frown "what's wrong? Is it the baby?" I ask concerned "no the baby's fine. Something's wrong. My sister she's angry, very angry" she says "angry as in?" I ask "angry as in she's about to go full on Goddess of Death" she replies making my eyes widen "let's go find her" I respond pulling away from her and taking her hand in mine. We leave the balcony and head downstairs. We look around for Hela but can't see her so we go over to her brothers. "Where's Hela?" Davina asks "we don't know. We're trying to find her, we can feel her anger radiating everywhere. She's bloody pissed" Jormungdr replies just then a clink is heard throughout the room and we all look up to see Esther stood on the balcony of the stairs. "Hello, may I have your attention?" she says as she taps her champagne glass with a spoon, I see waiters going round handing people a glass of champagne. "I do hope you are enjoying your evening and I hope you enjoyed my sons little performance earlier. He was always one to entertain people but I never knew he could sing so well" Esther says giving me a cold stare "there's a lot you don't know about me mother" I speak up giving her a glare. She fakes a smile "so it seems. Anyhow I would like to make a toast to my children and my daughter in law" she says I instinctively pull Davina into my side, wrapping my arms around her. "For the years to come. I hope we will make some wonderful memories as a happy family. I am sorry for any wrong doing I did to you but that's all in the past and we are here to focus on the future. On our future" Esther says raising her champagne glass as a waiter comes up to me "champagne for you and your wife directly from your mother" he says making me scoff "are you mad? She can't drink she's pregnant" I say he opens his mouth to respond but I cut him off "I don't want any either. I don't drink so I can support my wife" I respond "your mother insists you and your wife have at least one glass" he replies "I don't care. Me and my wife aren't going to be drinking tonight, so bugger off and tell my mother she can kiss my arse and go rot in hell" I say sternly he nods "of course. Sorry sir. Enjoy the rest of your night" he says before scurrying off "why would your mother even offer a pregnant woman champagne in the first place? Your mother isn't stupid, she knows alcohol isn't good for an expectant mother" Sleipnir questions "I don't know but I'm sure I will find out and I have a feeling that I won't like it" I respond "I'd like to say something mother before you finish your speech" Elijah suddenly says stopping mother's speech. "Why of course Elijah" she replies "we thank you all for coming here tonight. I know my mother has already said this but I think it's better fitting if it comes from us too as we are your hosts. Mystic Falls was once long ago our home but we have now returned and I do hope our stay will be permanent so we can truly start over with not just our family but the community is well along with new members of the family" Elijah says glancing at me and Davina "I do believe my family never congratulated my brother and his wife regarding the child they're having together. We are terribly sorry for the delayed response but we are happy for you, well most of us are" Elijah says. "A new baby is a wonderful thing. The arrival of any baby can bring joy to any family as well as hope which is something my family needs. I hope this baby will bring us closer and allow us to get to know the woman you chose to be your wife" Elijah continues as nice as it is for him to try and extend an olive branch to me, I don't like the fact he's trying to use my unborn child as a way to get my forgiveness and as a way to convince me to let them into my life. I don't trust them, I spent a thousand years dealing with their betrayal and their mistreatment of me and just because I have a child on the way, they suddenly want to be besties with me. They can't pick and choose. I have to put my wife and children's feelings and safety first before my siblings. 

"Anyway I do believe I am rambling so I'm going to finish up my speech. Kol I wish you and Davina the best of luck and I can't wait to meet the baby" Elijah finishes Esther then moves closer to him and pats him on the back "thank you for that lovely speech my dear" she says with a smile but I know it's fake. "A toast to me and my family and our future" Esther says raising her champagne glass and bringing it to her lips. I watch as everyone elses takes a sip of their champagne except for me, Davina and her brothers. I catch Esther eyeing me once she's had a sip of her drink. "Kol where's your champagne?" she asks "I don't drink" I respond "it's a celebration, surely you can have one drink" she replies "I'm good" I respond giving her a fake smile. I notice her clenching the champagne glass in her hands "let's dance shall we? I have chosen a dance of my own choosing and it's one of my favourite dances. The centuries old waltz" Elijah speaks up ending the tension in the room. Everyone's probably wondering why there's such tension between me and Esther it's because she's an abusive, manipulative bitch. "Grab a partner everyone and remember to switch during the dance" Klaus says his eyes flicker to Davina and I instantly know what he plans to do. "Klaus plans to reach Davina during the switch over. I need you three to make sure that doesn't happen. I don't want him anywhere near Davina" I say to Fenrir, Jormungdr and Sleipnir "of course, we'll make sure he doesn't go near Davina" Sleipnir says as everyone starts gathering a partner and line up for the dance. I lead Davina in the line as give me love comes on "we're forgetting about Hela. She's still around and she's really angry" Davina says as we start dancing "your sisters smart enough not to blow her cover in front of everyone. She's probably just trying to cool off" I respond "I know, I'm just concerned as to what has gotten her in such an angry mood" she replies "I know love but you know she can take care of herself. She is death after all" I respond making her smile "if there was something up she would tell us" I say "I know you're right" she replies before beginning to look around as we keep dancing around to the music. "Wasn't that doppelganger girl here along with a few others?" she asks "yes they were. Why?" I ask "I don't see them now" she replies before we switch partners. Fenrir quickly gets to Davina before Klaus does while I end up with my sister making me groan. "Hello pain in the arse" she greets "hello little sister" I respond "fancy seeing you again after all these years" she says "likewise" I respond "why did you leave us? How could you leave?" she asks making me scoff "like you don't know the answer to that. I left because of Nik, I was sick to death of only being needed when he wanted something. I was sick to death of being mistreated by the lot of you. I left Rebekah because I had enough and I couldn't take anymore" I respond "we're a family Kol. You're not suppose to leave when things get hard" she replies "a family is suppose to love and respect each of it's members. To protect one another and respect one another's decisions. A family is suppose to guide you and make you feel happy and want to do better but our siblings, our twisted family doesn't do that. I couldn't take it anymore Rebekah. I had to leave, I was loosing the will to live, I just felt like driving a white oak stake in my heart because I couldn't live with that life anymore so when an opportunity arrived for me to escape and be free. I took it in a heartbeat and that single choice led me to this happy life I have now. I know you're angry because I left you and I am sorry but sometimes you have to put yourself first regardless of whether it's selfish or not" I respond walking off before she could say another word. 

"Kol!" Davina calls running after me as I head outside "hey slow down. Don't run in those heels, you could fall and hurt yourself" I say as I turn to see her running towards me. "Sorry, I felt you getting upset and stressed and then I saw you storm off so I came to see if you were okay" she replies slowing down as she reaches me. I pull her to me "I want to go home Davina" I say as I wrap my arms around her "you want to go now?" she asks I nod my head as I bury my head in the crook of her neck. "Yes, I want to go home to our children. I don't want to be here anymore" I respond she strokes the back of my head making me sigh in content. "Okay, I'm gonna gather my brothers. Can you find Hela for me?" she asks as she pulls back "of course. I'll wait out here for you" I respond she smiles and gives me a quick kiss before heading back inside to get her brothers. I head back in after her to find Hela who seemed to have disappeared at some point.

I soon find Hela but not in the way I expect as she's cornering Finn "if your mother thinks she's getting away with her little plan. Well she's wrong, I will not let her harm my family! Only I get to decide who lives and who dies, not your bitch of a mother!" she snaps tossing him to the ground. "Hela what's going on?" I ask walking over to her "your mother is planning to kill you and your siblings" she replies "she's what?!" I respond Hela turns to me "apparently she believes you're all monsters who need to be taken from this world and she plans to link you all and kill you in three days time. Of course though you cannot be killed" she replies "how?" I ask "she got blood from that Elena girl and with that blood she planned to use it to link you all together. She placed the blood in the champagne. You didn't drink it did you?" she asks "no, I didn't drink it. She offered Davina a drink" I say Hela snaps her head towards Finn. "Did she now? Why the hell did your mother try to give my sister champagne!? She's not stupid, she knows pregnant women can't drink alcohol!" Hela hisses grabbing Finn by the throat and pressing him against the wall "it wasn't champagne" Finn coughs I narrow my eyes as I walk towards them. "What was the was the drink then Finn?" I ask clenching my fists "poison, for her and the baby" he replies making my eyes widen and my heart drops "she attempted to poison my wife and my innocent little baby!" I boom "oh she's gonna be sorry she even bothered to try" I snarl before storming off to get my wife the hell out of here. I aint staying here any longer than I have to. I hear Hela toss Finn to the floor and follow after me. "Let's get out of here. We'll deal with your mother some other time" she says "I'm going to kill her" I snarl "and you will, you just have to wait but right now we need to get out of here before I start killing everyone. This house is full of bad souls just begging me to end their lives" she responds "what of my siblings? She won't kill them right?" I ask even though I do have ill feelings towards them and I resent them for how they treated me but I don't want them dead. "They'll be fine. I corrupted the linking spell, she thinks it worked but it hasn't. She only believes you aren't linked to them because you didn't drink the champagne" she replies as we reach downstairs only to see my bastard brother smack Davina across the face and push her down on the floor. On second thought I take back what I thought a moment ago, he can go and die in a hole for all I care. "How dare you touch my wife!" I snap running over and punching him straight in the face. Davina's brothers come rushing over and they help Davina up before Jormungdr goes to lunge at Klaus but is held back by Hela. "What kind of man hits a pregnant woman!?" I ask as I push him on to the floor and kick him in the stomach. "It's what she gets for talking back to me earlier!" he snaps "you insulted her, what did you expect for her to do? Stand there and take your shit. She doesn't take shit from anyone and that includes you!" I snap "let me at him! I wanna kill him!" Jormungdr growls but he's still being held out. Klaus chuckles as he stands up "I don't know what game you're playing but you need to stop it and come home. Be with your real family, not this circus show of a family" he says "I am home Klaus and I am with my real family. They're standing right behind me and don't call them a circus show. You have no idea what they can do to you or what they are capable of. You don't even know what I'm capable of anymore" I respond "has that bitch put you under a spell or something?" he asks pointing at Davina "don't call her a bitch. That is my wife and you shall show her respect! I do believe I warned you against insulting and trying to do anything to my wife yet you went ahead and ignored me. I don't take too kindly to people harming my wife!" I snarl "you're a deluded fool" he chuckles "what the hell is wrong with you? What kind of brother harasses his own brother and shows abuse to his wife? Who gives you the right to speak or treat anyone that way. Kol deserves better than a bitter brother like you" Davina speaks up "shut up! This does not concern you!" Klaus snaps "oh please let me kill him!" Jormungdr growls "leave him Jo. He's not worth it, he never has been" I respond sending Klaus a glare before gently pulling Davina in my arms. "Are you alright love? Are you hurt?" I ask softly scanning over her body for any injuries "I'm fine" she responds closing her eyes as I kiss her forehead "is the baby okay?" I ask rubbing her baby bump "the baby's a little startled but he or she is fine" she replies I sigh in relief "thank god" I mutter before sending Klaus another glare. "If you ever come near us and do anything like that again! Then I promise you, I will make you suffer in ways you cannot even fathom and I don't care if you are my brother. You touch my wife or put my unborn child's life in jeopardy then you will suffer the consequences" I threaten before disappearing into thin air along with Davina and her siblings, leaving a very angry and stunned Klaus.

No one's pov

Klaus stormed back into the mansion and headed straight to his room. Elijah and Rebekah followed after him. Klaus punched the wall as an angry growl escaped his throat. "He dare threaten me!" he yelled "hate to say it but you had it coming. You hit his wife and pushed her" Rebekah said "still, the nerve of him to threaten me. I can very easily find him and dagger him and rip his little wife apart followed by her irritating siblings!" he snapped Elijah slammed his hands down on the table in the room, startling Klaus and Rebekah. "You will do no such thing! You will leave Kol and Davina alone! I will not have you ruin his happiness over your pettiness!" Elijah boomed shocking his two younger siblings as they had never heard him yell or even react in such a way. "What happiness?! He's clearly staging the whole thing!" Klaus snapped "I don't think he is. I spoke to him during the centuries old waltz dance. The way he spoke of his new life, there was a fondness and awe in him, I've never quite seen before. There's something different about him and it's not just because he's married or is a father and has another child on the way" Rebekah responded "now you're sticking up for him. Just before you were threatening to kill his wife because she slapped me!" Klaus snapped "that was before Kol sang and before I spoke to him. I talked to him Nik and I had asked him why he left. He said he left because of you, because of us, because he couldn't take this life anymore. He was depressed Nik, he didn't want to be apart of this family anymore. We drove him away because of how we treated him" Rebekah explained making Klaus scoff right away. "What a load of bollocks. He left because he couldn't stand my rules. He was always trying to undermine me. He was just jealous because I am the one with all the power and control!" Klaus snapped "I don't think he was lying Nik. I've always been able to tell when Kol is lying and he wasn't when I was speaking to him. You know he told me he was contemplating suicide at one point. He wanted to kill himself because he was so depressed and fed up with everything. He was done Nik, so he left when he got the chance" Rebekah replied shocking Elijah and Klaus. "Surely it was just a joke" Klaus replied suddenly a lot calmer "who would joke about suicide Nik? I saw it in the eyes, the pain when he talked about it. We made him feel that way and I don't want to push him away, I don't want him to run off now that we've found him" Rebekah responded "if we want to be a part of his life. We have to be better. We have to respect and be kind to Davina, she clearly means a lot to him" Elijah replied "I've always wanted a sister. A sister in law is just as good. She is very beautiful and seems to have great sense of fashion and she carries our niece or nephew. Maybe I can learn to get along with her" Rebekah responded "I still don't like this whole thing. I don't like what I'm seeing with Kol" Klaus responded "what don't you like about it Nik? The fact he's happy? The fact he's made a life for himself without us? Or both?" Elijah questioned "enough. I'm getting back to the party. I'm gonna find Caroline, she owes me a dance" Klaus mumbled he walked out the room. "He'll come around" Elijah said with a sigh "will he?" Rebekah asked "of course, he will. Niklaus is just being childish and is overreacting. He'll calm down and accept Kol's new life" Elijah responded before exiting the room with Rebekah and heading back to the ball room.


Kol, Davina and her siblings arrived home and went straight upstairs. Her siblings headed to the guest bedrooms while Kol and Davina went to check on the twins in their bedrooms. Who they found to be fast asleep. Kol and Davina gave their children a kiss on the forehead and tucked them in before leaving the room.

They headed straight to their bedroom after that. They quickly got undressed and got ready for bed. Once they were dressed for bed and did their bathroom business, they got into bed and cuddled up to each other. "Your mother will not get away with what she tried to do" Davina said as Kol had told her that Esther had attempted to poison her and their baby. "You're right she won't. I'm going to make her suffer for even trying. Nobody threatens my family and gets away with it" Kol responded tightening his hold on Davina as he planted a kiss on her forehead. "We'll make her suffer together" Davina responded "indeed we will but let's not talk about that right now. Let's get some sleep, I want to take you and the twins out tomorrow. I'm going to treat you to something nice" Kol responded rubbing her back "can't wait. I love it when you treat us to things" Davina responded as she kissed his cheek making him smile. "That's why I do it because I know you like it and I like treating my beautiful wife and children" he responded kissing her forehead and breathing in her heavenly scent that he loved so much. "You're so good to us and we're lucky to have you. I'm sorry if things didn't go the way you wanted them to tonight" Davina said "I didn't exactly except for the reunion with my mother and siblings to be filled with hugs, kisses, unicorns and rainbows" Kol responded making her giggle slightly "at least I got it out of the way. Now I have to deal with my mother and give her an ass whooping for what she tried to pull tonight and what she's planning to do" he added "she'll get what she deserves, for everything she's done to you" Davina responded Kol hummed and gently rubbed his forehead against hers. He grabbed her hand and kissed it "then once she's gone. I can be calm again and focus on this little one's arrival" he said stroking her baby bump "we both can" Davina replied before a yawn escaped her lips. "G'night Kol" she whispered "goodnight darling" he responded kissing her forehead as she slowly fell into a peaceful slumber with him following soon after.

End of chapter, what did you think? Klaus is being an ass. Esther attempted to poison Davina and her unborn child but failed since Davina didn't take the drink Esther had sent out to her. Esther's attempting to kill her children but couldn't link Kol as he didn't drink the champagne. Hela gave Finn an ass whooping. That's two of Davina's siblings who have kicked his ass now. Kol and Rebekah had a bit of a confrontation which was slightly calmer than the one with Klaus. Kol told Rebekah he thought about killing himself with the white oak stake and gave her some home truths about their family and what a family is suppose to be. Klaus hit and pushed Davina pissing off Kol and her siblings. Kol lashed out at him and Jormungdr wanted to kill him. What a load of drama for one ball. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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