180318 is the only day i care about look at this baby
jinyoung unlocked the car door when he saw yugyeom walking out of the mall with bambam. the boys had their arms linked together as they giggled about something.
jinyoung gasped when he saw yugyeom's hair as he took his hat off when they got closer to the car.
"oh my god, baby, you look so cute." jinyoung moved his hand up to yugyeom's hair newly blonde hair once he got into the car.
"it was bambam's idea," yugyeom told him, glancing at his best friend as he climbed into the backseat.
"good choice, bam."
jinyoung grabbed yugyeom's jaw so he could pull him closer and give him a quick kiss. "pretty baby."
jinyoung drove yugyeom and bambam to his apartment, giving yugyeom one more kiss before the two boys got out of the car. when they got inside, jinyoung drove to jaebeom's apartment because their boyfriends had decided they were having a best friend sleepover.
before they went to bed, jinyoung called yugyeom to tell him goodnight and that he loves him.
"i love you, nyoungie," yugyeom said sleepily. he and bambam were laying on his and jinyoung's bed, watching a movie. bambam was close to falling asleep but had gotten a call from jaebeom around the same time that jinyoung called yugyeom.
the next morning, jaebeom and jinyoung picked up bambam and yugyeom and went out on a double breakfast date.
the entire time, jinyoung would glance over at yugyeom just to look at the cute by with his new hair that somehow made him look even cuter.
"why do you keep looking at me?" yugyeom asked, covering his face with his hands.
"'cause he's in love with you," bambam teased, making jinyoung hit him from across the table even though it was the truth.
yugyeom giggled, looking over at jinyoung for a second before going back to eating his food. jinyoung rubbed the back of his boyfriend's neck while he also kept eating.
the videos from fansigns are very sad i try to understand the new rule but it really sucks 🥺🥺 and apparently staff laughing at conversations between fans and got7, that's awful