Adventures to the forbidden i...

By ErikaHillman

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By ErikaHillman

“Hey! Kallie come look at this!”

“ What is it? Another adventure?”

“ Yeah,come look, its called the forbidden island.”

“ Yeah, um we're not going they're.”

“What! Why not!?”

“ Well its called the forbidden island for a reason.”


Kallie and Alyssa have been friends for almost 15 years, they have lived together since they have been out of high school. Alyssa is the oldest she's 21, and Kallie is 20. So they're age isn't that far apart. Every since they became best friends, in fifth grade, nobody can break them apart,and they hope it will always stay like that.


Alyssa is a very adventurous person, she loves going to amazing beautiful places. On the other hand Kallie isn't so out they're, she goes with Alyssa on her adventures and she likes them but sometimes she absolutely hates them. Shes just not an outdoors person.


This whole adventure thing started when Alyssas mom died. She was almost out of high school and was very close with her mom. It was about nine thirty in the morning when Alyssa got the call. Her mother, was in a car accident. She was in the hospital for about 3 hours, but she had very bad brain damage that killed her. After that Alyssa realized how quick you life can be taken away so she wants to do all she can with her life while she still can. Alyssa promised her mom that no matter what ever happened that she would still keep living her life and not mourn her death if she didn't make it. Alyssa doesn't open up to a lot of people so Kallie go in just in time.


“ So how do you suppose we get to this forbidden island” Said Kallie.

“ Well first we need to get plane tickets to go to Africa.”

“ And why do we need to go to Africa?”

*sigh* “Because Kallie, the forbidden island is about 120 miles off the coast of Africa.”

“ Oh okay, well I'm gonna go start packing I guess. The sooner this is over the sooner I get to come home.”

“ Yeah, you do that.” Said Alyssa.


Alyssa got on the internet while Kallie was packing and started looking for tickets. After about an hour of searching she finally found two tickets to Africa, the only problem was they would have to leave at seven in the morning.


“Seriously, seven in the morning, why can't it be like two days from now.” Muttered Alyssa to herself.


Alyssa printed out the tickets and went to start packing.


“ So guess what.” Said Alyssa

“ We don't have to go to Africa!?”

“ Sorry but no, were still going. Theres a little problem about the plain ride.”

“Great, just what I wanted to hear, what is it?”

“ The plane leaves at seven in the morning, and the next flight wont be for another month.”

“ And let me guess, you want to do the seven o clock flight?”

“ Yeah.”

“  What!? We don't have a house sitter to watch the cat or water the plants. We don't have any idea what were going to do when we get there!”

“Well I guess we will be up all night then.” Said Alyssa with a little smirk on her face as she walked out of the room.


Alyssa was up all night printing off maps and tickets for their trip in the morning. While Kallie was calling her friends to see who could house sit while they're gone. Alyssa finally finished packing and printing off all of the stuff they needed and Kallie finally got ahold of one of her friends who could watch the house, Jennet has been Kallies friends since 7th grade. Alyssa looked at the clock it was about two o'clock in the morning so Alyssa and Kallie decided they could get a little bit of rest before they're alarm clocks went off.


*beep* beep* beep* beep* click*


Alyssa hit the snooze button and rolled out of bed and click the on button on the coffee pot. Then Kallie walked into the kitchen and takes the orange juice out of the fridge and chugs half of the gallon. Alyssa looks at the clock, it says five a.m.


“Well Kallie, we better get a move on if we want to make our flight.”

“ This is so ridiculous I only got like two hours of sleep.”

“ I'm sorry, now lets get moving. Make sure you call Jennet and tell her to start heading over here.”

“ Mmkay, whatever,”


Kallie walked over to the phone and dialed her number.

“ Hey Jennet, you ready to house sit.”

“ Haha yep, I'm on my way over now, see you soon,”

“Alright, bye,”



Kallie walked into the bathroom brushed her hair and teeth through on some mascara and chapstick, put her hair in a messy bun. Her hair is a blond with brown highlights and her hair is down to her butt. Then walked in her room to get dressed. Alyssa walked out of her room, already dressed and walked into the bathroom. She pulled her hair up and washed her face. Put her hair back down and brushed it then put it in a side braid. Her hair is down to the middle of her back and is a dark brown color. Alyssa put on some mascara and eyeliner, brushed her teeth and then walked into the kitchen to get some coffee. She took her first sip when she heard the doorbell ring. Charlie, they're calico cat, ran to the door to greet Jennette.


“Hey girl! Havent seen you in a while! How have you been?”

“ I could be better, but oh well.”

“Alright, well theres food in the fridge and we just went shopping so you shouldn't run out of anything.”

“ Alright cool. I'm going to back to bed. You better get going so you don't miss your flight.”


Kallie and Alyssa put their coats on grabbed their bags hailed a cab and headed towards the airport. When they got there they only had fifteen minutes to get their seats. They got on the plain and took their seats. It would be about a four hour flight so they each brought pillows to sleep with.


When Alyssa and Kallie woke up they were about to land, Alyssa was too excited to even sit in her seat.

“ So did you even figure out where we're going to stay until we find a ride to this island.”

“ Yes actually, a man I found on the internet said he would let us stay for as long as we needed, his address is right here.” Said Alyssa as she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

“ Ok? Well how do you know this man is safe? He could try and kidnap us.”

“Ya well I'm pretty sure that won't happen, lets go.”

They headed out side of the airport and looked for someone to give them a ride. A cab pulled up and they hurried up and got in.

“ Here, we need to get to this place.” Said Alyssa handing the cab driver the little crumpled piece of paper.

“ Well alright then, lets head out ladies.”


They started driving when they came to a road that split into two different roads.


“So do you know which way we should go?” Said Kallie.

“Of course I do!” Said the man but with a wery tone of voice.


The man chose the rode to the left. As they started driving down the road they car got stuck in something. Kallie and Alyssa looked at each other with annoyed face expressions.


“ So know what?” Said Kallie

“ Why don't you to ladies get out and push.”

“ Ya well I don't think we're going to do that.”

“Cmon, its the least we could do for the guy, he's driving us way out here.” Said Alyssa

“ Fine, whatever.”


Alyssa and Kallie got out and started to push on the back of the car while the driver put in reverse and then forward a few different times. After about a half an hour they finally got unstuck. When Kallie and Alyssa got back into the car Kallie looked down and saw that her brand new converses were ruined.


“ Are you serious right now! My brand new shoes!”

“ Kallie get over it. Were almost there. Besides you shouldn't have worn brand new shoes way out here.”

“ We haven't even been on this trip for more than a day and I already want to go home!”

“ Just stop ok.”

“ Fine whatever.”


After about another hour of driving they finally showed up at a little cottage surrounded by trees. Kallie got out of the car and said,

“ God, I cant wait till this stupid trip is over.”

“ Trust me you will make it through the next two weeks.”

“ Two weeks!”

Alyssa just smiled and walked onto the porch of the cottage.


They knocked on the door and two little girls opened it, it looked like they were twins.

“ Hello ladies, is this Mr. Stevens house?” Asked Alyssa.

“ Papa! Some ladies are here for you!” The one little girl yelled.

A man walked to the door and said,

“ Hello ladies! You two must be Alyssa and Kallie.”

“ Yeah I guess we are.” Said Kallie in an annoyed and sarcastic voice..

“ Kallie be nice, we're lucky he's letting us stay with him and his family, now lets go.”


Kallie shot Alyssa an annoyed look, but kept walking into the house.. The man took them into the living room to meet the family. There were two young boys, three girls, two older ladies, two older men, two men in their mid twenties and two women in their mid twenties

The man started with the children.


“ These two youngs boys are Edwardo and Julio, these three girls are Emilia, Emma, and Jerica, these lovely ladies are, my wife, Amaya and Sharika, the older men are Jonathan and Edward, the two younger men over they're are James and Alex, and last but not least these two beautiful young ladies are Chelsia and Karinn, and my name is Charles.”


After the man finished Kallie and Alyssa introduced themselves

“ Hello everyone, my name is Alyssa and this is Kallie. We are very grateful that you guys are letting us stay with you.  We probably wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you guys. Thank you.”.


One of the older ladies, Sharika, came up to Kallie and Alyssa, shook their hands and headed for the kitchen, and everyone else did the same thing.


“ We are just about to eat,you ladies can have the room right at the top of the steps. Put your things in your room and meet us in the kitchen for dinner.” Said Charles and headed for the kitchen.


The girls headed up the stairs, and opened the door. The room was so bright and colorful. It was a bright blue color with butterfly stickers up the one wall and cloud stamps all over the walls.


“ This is absolutely beautiful.” said Kallie in a dumbfounded tone.

“ Very, now lets head down stairs and eat because the sooner we go to bed the more energy we will have for tomorrow.”



They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was so much amazing food, Alyssa couldn't wait to dig in, she felt as if she hadn't eaten in days. They sat down at the table and the two little boys handed them silverware and plates. Everyone started holding hands and after they all were holding hands the two little girls said, in sync,


“ Dear heavenly father, thank for this food thank you for our friends and family and please bless everyone at this table, amen.”

“ Amen.” Everyone else said in sync.


everyone started piling food onto their plates. After everyone ate and helped clean up, all of the children, Kallie and Alyssa went to bed.


“ Its so nice to lay in a bed and not in an airplane chair.” Said Kallie.

“ I know right, this bed is amazingly comfortable.”

“ Very, night we have a big day tomorrow.” said Kallie in an unenthusiastic tone.


It was about six-thirty when Alyssa woke up. She nudge Kallie and told her that they should get up and get ready. They both climbed out of bed and threw on kakie cut-offs, pulled their hair up, put baseball caps on, and put hiking boots on. They walked downstairs and everyone was sitting in the living room except the children and the old ladies. When Alyssa and Kallie walked into the kitchen they were all standing around the table. On the table were about twelve water bottles, thirty granola bars, bananas, apples and a first aid kit.


The little girl, Jerica, came up to them and said,


“ We thought you guys would like to have these things for your trip. “  she said with a huge smile on her face. Alyssa leaned down in front of the little girl and said,

“ Well, this is very thoughtful of you guys, thank you so much. How about since you guys are being so thoughtful I bring you girls back a souvenir?”

The girls all jumped up and screamed “ Yes! We would love that”

“ Well then I guess we better get moving then, huh?’


All of the girls ran off to their family in the living room. The old ladies Shirka and Amaya approached them and said,

“ You girls be safe and we will see you soon.”


The old ladies walked away and Kallie and Alyssa started putting everything in their bags. They headed towards the door with Charles so he could drive them to the nearest town, which was about twenty minutes away. Charles pulled in to the docks.


“ Well, you girls be very careful and we will see you soon.” He said with a huge smile on his tan face.

“ You ready Kallie?”

“ As ready as I will ever be.”

“ Okay, lets do this! Bye Charles see you in three days.”

“ Bye girls!”


Alyssa and Kallie walked up the first fisherman they saw. H had a huge white boat outlined with red, called the Sea Gal.


“ Um, hi, sir?”

“ Yes? How can I help you ladies out?”

“ Well we could use a ride to an island.” Said Alyssa in a weary voice of what is reaction would be.

“And what's the island called, madam?”

The two girls looked at each other afraid of what the fisherman was going to say next.

“The Forbidden Island.” Said Alyssa with a nervous tone in her voice.

“ Sorry I don't think I can help you ladies with that.” Then the man walked onto his boat and sped away.

“Well that was helpful now wasn't it. We’re never going to get a ride  we should just go back and stay home and never come back here.” said Kallie walking away.

“No, we came looking for an adventure and were going to find it.” Said Alyssa grabbing her arm.

Just as the two girls started walking away to find another man someone approached them.

“So I hear you two ladies need a ride to the Forbidden Island, ay?”

“Yes actually, do you know anyone that could take us there?”

“Yes I do” said the man

“Oh great just what I wanted to hear.” Kallie in a sarcastic tone.

“Dont be so rude Kallie .Who can take us?” said Alyssa

“Me.,You know I have always been a guy for adventures.”

“Great lets go!’said Alyssa

“Here I will take your bags and you guys load onto the boat.” Said the man

They were all piled on to the boat and ready to go.

“My names Shakram, and yours?”

“Well I'm...” Kallie interrupted her before she could finish.

“ Don't tell him you're name he's a stranger.” Said Kallie whispering in Alyssas ear.

 “Kallie its perfectly fine, now calm down, besides he's kinda cute, my names Alyssa.”

“Pretty name.” Said the man smiling at Alyssa, she blushed.

“ And I'm Kallie..”she said in an annoyed voice


They all sat they're for a while in silence.

“ Before we start heading towards the island we have to stop and get some supplies for the trip.” said Shakram.

“Okay you're the boss.” said Alyssa.


After they got their supplies they stopped at a local fish restaurant to get some food before they left. You could tell that Kallie was still nervous about the man, but she would warm up to him sooner or later. Alyssa on the other hand was already warmed up to him. You could tell that she had a little crush on him. He definitely was an adventurer, he was telling us about one of his really cool adventures.

“ So they're I was rowing to shore when all of a sudden something scraped the bottom of the boat, at first I just thought it was the shore because I was so close to the shore, but then I was tipped over by a large beast. It was an octopus, I tried swimming away but it grabbed a hold of me and pulled me back under the water.”

“Oh my gosh! What happened next!” said Alyssa in such an interested tone.

“Okay well, they're I was face to face with this gigantic octopus,almost out of breath, then BAM! Something hit the octopus in the head. I swam to the surface and after I caught my breath I went back under to see what it was that hit the octopus. They're had to have been hundreds of dolphins attacking the octopus until it swam away.”

“Wow thats amazing!” said ALyssa

“Please I wouldnt belive that if my life depended on it.” Kallie said in such a harsh tone.

“ Kall stop being such a brat, he's taking us to an island that I'm pretty sure know on else would do.”

“Fine whatever. I just don’t think a dolphin or many dolphins for that matter would attack an octopus.”

“Yeah well they did!”said Shakram in an irritated tone .


Then Shakram rose from his seat and headed for the boat without saying anything.

“ Really Kallie, you hurt his feelings, there was no reason for you to say that. He was trying to entertain us.”

“Well there was no reason for you to buy these stupid plane tickets now was there.!”Screamed Kallie in a harsh rude tone.

Then they loaded the boat and headed out farther and farther in to the sea. Alyssa really hopped there was this island somewhere because she was really hoping for a good adventure and she was tired of all the same old same old.

It was nightfall and they stopped the boat to take a rest and eat a little food. Then Alyssa and Kallie fell asleep so Shakram decided to drive slow so that it didn't wake them up. It was morning when Alyssa woke up, she looked over the side of the boat and they had arrived at the island! She jumped out of the boat and there was Shakram cooking some fish.

“ Shakram! We made it! This is amazing!” Yelled Alyssa full of excitement.


Right behind Alyssa was Kallie .She was a little upset.

“What’s wrong Kall?.” Lexi asked

“Well it’s just that I wanted to wake up at home in my bed thinking this was all a dream, but instead I woke up to you to love birds on a boat.”

“ Oh, I’m sorry?”said Shakram in an annoyed voice

“It’s not your fault.”said Kallie looking at Alyssa

The three of them got off the boat and onto the island. They saw trees, monkeys elephants, swans in a pond, and a lot more animals and plants. In the back of the island past all of the trees, Alyssa saw a huge mountain.

“Lets go check it out.” said Alyssa

“What if it’s a volcano and one of us die” cried Kallie

“Nobodies going to die.”said Shakram

“Have you heard of Mount St.Helen and how it killed hundreds of people.”argued Kallie

“Stop arguing!”screamed Alyssa

When they stopped arguing they started walking toward the mountain. They heard a lot of noises like monkeys having a conversation and the swans flapping their wings above our heads.

“ See Kall, its amazing here!”

“ Ya I guess.” she said

“We should find a place and pitch up the tent and build a fire.” said Shakram

“Okay lets go find a place” said Alyssa full of enthusiasm.

They walked for about a half an hour until they found the perfect spot. It was by a little pond surrounded by tons of trees. It was just beautiful.

“Wow look at this view it’s just beautiful.”said Kallie

“I know isn't it breath taking”said Alyssa

They started setting up a tent when they heard a big growl. They turned around and there was a little tiger cub.

“Aww look how cute.”said Shakram

“Don’t touch it. The mother might be coming behind it.”said Kallie

“Yeah, shes right, you might want to back away from it.”said Shakram

Shakram and the girls backed up as they saw the mother coming up behind the cub.

‘See I told you” said Kallie


They stood still in shock until the tigers went away. When the tigers left they set up the tent .It was a struggle but they got it .By the time they were done it was dark so they made a fire and Shakram went to catch some fish for dinner.

“Does anybody feel like there is tension in the ai?. ”asked Alyssa

“Yup I do”said Sharkram

“I don’t. I just feel like this isn’t the place we should have gone on an adventure.”

“Well I’m sorry for wanting to have fun!”said lexi in an irritated voice

“Is this all you guys do?Argue?”asked Shakram

“ every once in a while, but there always about stupid little things, but we always make up.” Said Alyssa with a laugh in her voice.

“ Yeah and sometimes we forget about the fight because we have important stuff to tell each other, and well because we live with each other haha.”

“ Thats nice.” Said Shakram in a sad voice.

“ Shakram, are you alright?”

“ Yeah I'm fine, its just...its just that brother died when I was thirteen and we were really close so the death was hard especially on me.”

“ Well how did he die?” said Kallie

“ Kallie, don't.”

“ No its alright Alyssa, its been a long time so its ok to talk about.”

“ Well alright.” said Alyssa.

“ So me and him were out surfing and I was only eleven, so he was older than me. We were sitting on the surface of the water waiting for a wave and all of a sudden he pushed me out of the surf bored and told me to swim to shore. Then when I got to shore I didn't see him behind me.”

“ What happened to him? Where was he?” said Kallie now so interested.

Shakram began again.

“ I looked out to the sea and I scanned my eyes across the surface of the water, then I saw it. There was a shark, and the blood started turning red. He had saved me, it should have been me.”

“ Shakram you're brother loved you of course he saved you” said Alyssa


Shakram just smiled at Alyssa and laid down to sleep. When they all woke up they packed all the things they would need for they're hike, and headed out. They all decided to go explore the mountain. After about twenty minutes of walking they found a sea shell, it was a shiny light pink color in almost the shape of a heart.

“ This would be a good souvenir for Emma, don't you think, Kallie?”

“ Absolutely, its beautiful!”

“ Okay girls, let's get going its going to be dark soon, and we need to find a place to sleep for the night.” said Shakram.


Everyone started walking towards the mountain again when they saw a lake and headed towards that. It was so beautiful. They're dozens of birds in the trees around the lake. There were robins,blue jays, and a whole bunch of others they couldn't identify.

“ So this looks like a good place to set up camp. Don't you guys think?” said Shakram.

“ Yeah, I think it looks good.” said Alyssa

“ Sure, why not, looks really peaceful.” said Kallie


As they were setting up their tents and building a fire to cook the fish they caught at the shore, by the boat. The ground started to rumble and shake, stones from the mountain were flying everywhere, and black smoke came out of the top.

“ See! I told you guys! Its a volcano! We have to get out of here! NOW!” said Kallie

“ Alright its okay, just calm down. Normally it takes about three hours for a volcano to erupt. So we will have just enough time to get out of here. Now lets pack up and head for the boat.” explained Shakram.


They all started shoving things in their bags and heading for the shore. Kallie kept looking back at the volcano  and she kept running into things. They got to the boat and threw everything on the boat, they were in such a hurry because, obviously, they were all terrified


“ Alright lets go.” Shakram

“ Okay, c'mon Kallie. lets get out of here.”


They all climbed onto the boat and the ride was completely silent until Alyssa finally said something,


“ I'm so disappointed, I came here looking for an adventure and all I got was some stupid shells!”

“ Hey, don't worry its ok, there will always be other adventures. Those shells are really important to those little girls remember that, okay?”

“ You're right, I'm kinda over reacting.”

“ Just a bit.”


The girls laughed together. Alyssa scooted closer to Shakram.


“ Hey Shakram?”

“ Yes.”

“ Um well I just wanted to thank you for bringing us way up here, even though we didn't really see our do anything fun or interesting.”

“ Well actually I had alot of fun, with you especially.”


Alyssa smiled and blushed, so did Shakram. Kallie made barfing noises and said,

“ Oh god, get a room.”

“ Shut up Kallie.”


Shakram laughed.


“ So what are you guys gonna do now.” said Shakram.

“ Well we're probably just going to go home now, I guess.” Alyssa, in a upsetting voice. Kallie nodded, agreeing with here.

After about two hours of boat riding they finally arrived back to africa.


“ So I guess this is it huh.” said Shakram to Alyssa.

“ Um yeah I guess.”

“ Holy Jesus, do I have to do everything by myself.”  Kallie

Kallie pushed Alyssa into Shakram. He threw his arms around her to catch her. He sat her up straight but his arms still around her, they just stared into each others eyes for a moment. Then Shakram finally leaned in and kissed Alyssa.


“ God, its about time. I could see the way you guys looked at each other when the other one wasn't looking.”


Alyssa and Shakram smiled at each other and Shakram said.

“ You know I have actually been thinking about moving to Ohio. Do you know any places I could stay?”

“ Well actually, we have an extra room you could stay in.” said Alyssa with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“ Ooo I don't know sounds pretty expensive, but I guess I will have to take you up that offer.” Shakram.


They all got their stuff off the boat, Kallie and Alyssa hailed a cab. Kallie and Alyssa were going to meet Shakram back by the boat after they were done packing. When they got back to the families house they were staying All of the girls ran up to Alyssa and asked hr what they brought back for them.


“ Well, lets see here. I got you guys these amazing colorful shells.”

She pulled out three shells. One that was rainbow, on that was light pinkish color and the last one was a bright orange color. Emma took the orange one, Jerica took the rainbow one and Emilia took the light pink one. The girls were so happy, they ran into the kitchen to show the family. Kallie and Alyssa. walked after them and went to say goodbye to the family.


“ Thank you guys so much, we really appreciate you letting us stay here.” Alyssa.

“ Why are you guys back so early?” said charles.

“ There was a mountain that was actually a volcano and it started to erupt. So well we came back, and now were heading home.” Kallie

“ Well okay. We packed all of your things up for you and your plane will leave in about three hours.”

“ Okay sounds good. I cant wait to go back home and sleep in my own bed.”


The girls walked upstairs grabbed their bags and headed back to the pier. When they got there they saw Shakram sitting they're on the boat eating a granola bar. He stood up, grabbed his bags and headed towards Alyssa grabbed her hand and smiled at her.

“ Great now I have to live with two love birds.” Moaned Kallie as they walked to the airport.

“ So you're really going to come back with us?”

Of course I couldn't leave you behind.” Shakram smiled.


They arrived at the airport, took their seats and the plane took off. They arrived back in Ohio at about 4:53. Kallie hailed a cab, they all got in, gave the driver the address and in about twenty five minutes they arrived home. They walked inside and there was a note taped to Alyssas computer from Jennet.

Dear girls, I'm sorry I couldn't stay the whole time

an emergency came up with my mother so I

Left the cat some extra food and water. Love you guys

see you soon. Kisses :*



Alyssa took Shakram to her room and helped him put his things away. They came out of her room holding hands and headed for the kitchen. Kallie was already on the phone with the pizza guy ordering are favorites, pepperoni and bacon, and one with green peppers and ham.


“ Well this was an interesting trip.” Kallie

“ Yeah but i'm really glad we went.” said Alyssa looking at Shakram.

“ Me too.” Shakram


The doorbell rang and Kallie ran to the door with the pizza money, handed it to the guy and took the pizza, sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Alyssa and Shakram sat down grabbed a piece of pizza and watched some tv with Kallie.


“Thats the story of Alyssa, Kallie and Shakrams crazy adventure.” said the librarian closing the story book looking at the children.

“ Now don't forget next week's story time will be at four thirty and we will be reading about dolphins. I hope to see you all next week. Bye- bye!”

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