200 Pictures Of VSauce

By nuevapads

8.8K 625 17

Treat yourself, this book may change your life. It may be simply for your interpretation but it is so much mo... More

Hey, Vsauce. Michael here.
Where are your fingers?
Do you guys want some spit facts?
That's like calling your peanut butter sandwich a not fast airplane.
One who travels the fastest travels alone.
Let's say that myself, Kevin, and Jake have been arrested.
Hey, that's pretty good.
1 cubic cm of human.
When are we gonna run out of names?
If science is a road, facts are the photos we take along the way.
A band so ill conceived that it will sink like a balloon.
There is evidence the Nazis weren't entirely convinced Earth was a globe.
Earth should have been named "Ocean".
Text, the printed word. Vitally important but never naked.
The guy who taxidermied his cat into a remote-controlled quadcopter.
Use kids to commit your crimes.
Bananas are fantastic.
What I'm about do is called drawing.
I can't marry all of you.
I'll be ok because I have a beard.
Bring the coffee, let's ask the spirits.
What's normal? Are you normal?
You are looking at the largest portal ever.
Am I really Micheal? I always felt more like a Gary.
An angry dad stormed into the retail store Target.
What if you are missing, but the authorities don't know?
Watch out.
If this pink inflatable horrible bosses ball was the Earth...
Thanks, I always knew my head was a superlative object...
Now it's time for some soft fluffy pancakes.
I've been working with Adam Savage a lot lately.
There's a famous way to seemingly create chocolate out of nothing.
Hey, I'm Micheal and I have a surprise for you.
As far as we know, infinity could be real.
Watch out, there's a skeleton inside your body.
What did the piece of cheese say when it looked into the mirror?
Hey Ding-Dongers. It's your boy, Mike-Dog here.
Why do we ask questions?
Do you know why the sky is blue?
Comedy truly is a matter of taste.
As long as your home is infinitely large.
How many things are there?
What I'm doing is watching the 2nd season of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
There is an art museum on the moon.
Just like when you pee your pants except your pants are the entire planet.
Like a quadraped is creepy.
It's really more like a water hemisphere.
Where did you get that body? That one you are in right now.
U R Mr Gay
The world is real. Right?
But when is "here"? And how much does it weigh?
Picking your nose is gross.
Who has the authority to judge virtue? Hopefully not individuals.
My name is Michael Stevens and I'm trying to bring Whazaaaaaap back.
You know digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva starts taking food apart.
Ian, how does it feel like- not like a meme but a meme reservoir?
Nothing is gonna get in the way of dongs.
Stay spooky my friends.
Not knowing what to do with your hands.
Think of this sheet of cardboard as a list of all possible behaviors.
You know, the shapes of all these McNuggets have names.
Once you reach this point, you would be dead.
Completely licking clean a smudgy iPhone 5 screen is gonna give you 2 calories.
Your mother is a 3D printer that printed you.
How do you deal with regret? With guilt? Can you?
When you look at beautiful autumn colors, you are looking at stress.
The thing is, alien nanobacteria don't wear thighs.
How are Michael's Toys a DONG?
A butt is about 477 liters.
If an alien landed in your background and you shot it...
I loved fundamentals.
Then I just- I started to be consumed by the corn.
We can only pretty much outsprint vegetables.
What would space smell like?
You can't wear pants made out of molten lead.
Are you guys also not obsessed with this game?
I didn't really die.
But right now we're talking about balls and coring them.
Milk, lactose, lactic, GAlactic--galaxies.
They also won't have you, but you have you, except not all of it.
I guess nice guys finish last.
Golf Clash is a game where you can definitely pay to get special balls.
I had to then clean out a rotten fungus-filled tenticle pod. It was great.
Nothing, the magic just doesn't care at all.
First of all, when was I conceived.com.
Let's clothe our minds with knowledge on Michael's toys.
Let's pretend to eat each other but not swallow.
How do you write something for the future?
Randomness, thank you even more.
If you kinda like somebody, have them stand 3/4 of a millimeter away from you.
But what is happiness?
Alright guys let's build a new lobe in our brain.
The biggest number is 40.
We've got a trophy shelf, it's where we keep our squares.
Here's something you can try at home: Build a nuclear reactor.
Do you shower?
Why is this chicken fermenting in my beard?
What if that nourishment came not from a loving mother but a scary wire mother?
It keeps the bad spirits away. No you provided this, it is raw corn.
I like them short and thick, yeah?
It's Math Magic time.
Let us know that you wear the pants.
Spending our Monday watching balls moon.
Can I put my mouth right on the mic? It feels kinda good.
A lot of famous mouths have been right up next to these.
We'll make great pets.
Will a watched Michael watch a pot boil?
2 + 2 = 4... or does it?
Welcome to another episode of Michael draws on pieces of white cardstock.
Today we are gonna be talking about babies.
Just when you though DONG OATS couldn't get any better.
I'm behind you.
Hey Vsauce, Michael here and I am in the bathroom at VidCon.
I conducted an experiment.
Sounds like the Baader-Meinhof effect.
Rather than doing it in my dorm room, I'm gonna do it in the middle of nowhere.
How can a lie become true?
I would love to be a crime scene clean-up crew member.
My beard is getting bigger which means it's time for "Michael Stevens Living".
I'm drinking so much red bowl today never gonna sleep again lol yolo.
Today we are going to get close, like really close.
Should I die?
What does a comet smell like?
Now parents- can have children that are not you.
Why did the Stanford Prison Experiment become so dangerous?
But let's get hotter.
You couldn't make a prison out of justice.
You know what really grinds my gears? The Samputensili G 160.
I wanted to lick the poops in this pic since they were all just replicas...
Do you want to be infected with Ebola? Without have to leave your own home...
That's right, I got a lot of DONGS to deliver.
The longest word in the English language is "Vsauce"...
Your cat has a belly button.
I did not take any DNA from their pool.
Hey would you like to play with my toys?
Wearing a red shirt at Kirk's rock.
Holding a piece of the sky.
Found one of my clones running loose.
Kids are amazing.
Octagons have 8 edges but stop signs have 24.
So yeah I'm alone, hanging out with some art, and well- doing my laundry.
Touch is problematic.
Every field can be a corn field if you believe in yourself.
What's a third cousin twice removed?
You are made out of a lot of edible things.
A Fourth of July is 7 days and 18 hours.
Enter the dumbhole.
Outside an icosahedron looking in.
Popcorn is a fruit.
As far as my mother knows, of course it was.
Using some California Railroad Authority swag to write Christmas cards.
Hopefully I don't die.
Who are you?
If you were to use your tastebuds to taste your bud, what would it taste like?
It corn't be stopped, max.
You are now a professor of optics.
If you look close enough at a lie, you can find that which is true.
Reminder that your taxes are just the required minimum you can give!
I have a lot of opinions about diarrhea.
Jupiter, but 10 billion times smaller.
Waiting for spacecraft.
Thank you irrational numbers for keeping it real.
What up ding dongers?
The shortest three-syllable word in English is "w".
And that is what makes you not a cousin.
When the abyss looks back.
You can actually see this happen if you watch people sleep...
I probably have the most least famous hands but the most hairy.
It is canon that Vsauce is made of tomatillos.
I'm half way between the equator and the north pole!!!
I got to look at my brain today.
Imagine that you have an unlimited supply of balls.
Do you like modular multiplication AND Vsauce?
A crater named after yourself is pretty sweet.
If a tomato is a fruit, does that mean that ketchup is a smoothie?
What is the best kind of cheese to use to catch a bear?
You know I used to be a male model, I still kinda am...
It's not always sunny in Los Angeles.
Check out these sweet moves.
We built all of our shocking devices with re-wired shock collars.
I'm actually running a little bit out of late for tea with the Queen.
Human existence will be sooner rather than later.
A cube of tungsten is too heavy to be a good cat toy.
You are also a numbered ball.
But enough about the real world, let's talk about dongs.
Ready for some dental work?
Grilling sweet corn with pecan smoke last night.
It's time for Michael's toys.
What if that is where these spirits and ghosts are?
As we know, if you like it, you should put a ring on it.
It's gotta die.
I have no life and all I do is sit and think of bird games.
Just found a fidget dodecahedron.
But luckily there will be a tomorrow. Probably.
Let's try that using this conveniently positioned ribbon.
It was a simple surgery.
You are what you drink.
And as always, thanks for watching.

No one can hear you scream, but can they see you scream?

58 7 0
By nuevapads

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