
By KarinMatthews

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After a chance encounter brings them together, Dick befriends a young musician. A friendship which slowly tur... More

Keys and Coffee
Joey and Motorbikes
Drinks and Stolen Kisses
Hangovers and Old Enemies
Injuries and Secrets
Wounds and Care Givers
Kittens and Bounties
Fumbles and Roommates
Music and Arguments
Arrests and Threats
Pills and Concern
Sex and Showers
Sofas and Truths
Explanations and Sedatives
Yellow Eyes and Forgiveness
Begging and Adult Conversations
Sleep and Nightmares
Morning and Rose
Bats and Owls
Phone Calls and Choices
Tasers and Deals
Pancakes and Hickies
Ringtones and Husbands
Amnesia and Scans
Parties and Endings

Family and Rainstorms

593 31 10
By KarinMatthews

Warning: This chapter may not be suitable for some readers.

Dick was going to throw up. There were butterflies in his stomach and they were going to make him throw up.

Logically, he knew that Bruce and Jason had already met Joey. But seeing as the situation had been clouded by his apparent suicide attempt, Dick wasn't prepared to count that as a proper introduction. This, however, was.

He and Joey were on their way to Gotham for dinner at Wayne Manor. It was the perfect opportunity to introduce his boyfriend to his family and vice versa. He was going to be sick.

Since there were two of them, Joey had borrowed his dad's car and had driven them to Gotham. Dick wasn't about to complain, he'd spent practically the entire journey debating whether or not he should be breathing into a paper bag. Joey, on the other hand, seemed all to calm. He sat in the driver seat, looking to his side every so often and chuckling at Dick's expression.

'I don't understand how you're so chilled out.' Said Dick, causing Joey to laugh some more. 'You won't find it so funny when I meet your dad for the first time.'

'Oh, you won't be meeting him for a while.'

Dick gave him a funny look.

'Trust me, it's for your own good.' Joey's face had hardened. Dick dropped the subject.

'Well, at least I know you get on with Jason.' Dick muttered, going through his mind all the ways Joey meeting Damien could go terribly wrong. There were so many, most of them ending in bloodshed

Joey suddenly sniggered and put his hand over his mouth, laughing at his own private joke.

'What?' Asked Dick.

'Nothing...just something your brother said when he was here.'

'What did he say?' Asked Dick, suspiciously. Jason had no filter. After some prying, Joey finally shrugged.

'He asked whether we were shagging. His words, not mine.'

'And what did you tell him?' Dick exclaimed.

'Well, no.' said Joey, keeping his eyes on the road. 'Because at the time we weren't. I just find it somewhat ironic that in the two days since he asked me, we did end up having sex.' He cleared his throat. 'Lots and lots of sex.' He said with a chuckle.

'Please don't. I don't want to be thinking about that while I'm panicking about Bruce, my brothers and oh my god, Alfred.' Dick covered his face with his hands. He didn't know whether he wanted to laugh, cry or be sick at the thought of Alfred having any, ANY idea what he had spent the last two days doing.

'Babe, you really need to calm down.' Said Joey, glancing over at his boyfriend, who was verging on hyperventilating. He really didn't understand. He had seen Dick take down a thief, twice his size and high on heroin without blinking an eye. And yet, right now he was a mess. 'Do you want me to pull over?'

Dick shook his head. 'Sorry. I'm calm, I'm calm.'

'You don't...regret what we did do you?' Joey asked gently.

Dick swivelled round to look directly at him.

'God no!' He said. 'It's just, my family means a lot to me, and you mean a lot to me. I want you all to get along because I don't know what I would do if you didn't.'

'Richard, it's going to be fine. Your family and I are going to get on like a house on fire.' Joey glanced over again and saw Dick had settled back in his seat. 'And I promise I won't bring up what we did on the kitchen floor until after dessert.'

Had he not been driving, Dick swore he would have punched him.


'Master Dick, it is very good to see you.' The old butler opened the door for them and accepted a hug from Dick.

'It's good to see you, Alfie. This is Joey. Joey this is Alfred.'

Joey shook the old man's hand. 'It's a pleasure to meet you.' he said.

'Likewise, Master Joesph.'

Joey glanced at Dick, clearly unsure about being called 'Master.'

'Don't worry you'll get used to it.' Dick said to him quietly as they were led into the house.

'Grayson!' A young boy came flying down the large staircase. He wrapped his arms around Dick, who seemed shocked by the gesture at first, before wrapping his arms around him.

'Hey, Dami.' The kid held tighter to Dick's thin frame.

'Damien, let Dick breathe.'

'Shut your mouth, Drake!'

Another kid in his mid-teens came down the stairs. His black hair reaching his chin, green eyes full of concern as he looked his older brother up and down.

'Tim!' Dick grinned, either oblivious to the concerned gaze or ignoring it. 'Joey these are my brothers Tim and Damien. Guys, this is Joey.'

Both boys said hi. Damien stood before Joey, hands on his hips and glared up at the man.

'What exactly is your relationship with Grayson?'

'Ok let's move on.' Dick pushed Joey into the living room, glancing back and raising an eyebrow at his brothers.

'Welcome to the madhouse.' Said Bruce, when they entered the living room. He was leaning against the piano. Dick guessed that he had just locked the entrance to the bat cave. 'It's good to see you again, Joey.'

Bruce looked over the two young men before him. Dick looked a lot better than he had when he had seen him a few days ago. He still looked tired but he held himself a bit taller and the smile on his face was real. Bruce had a strong feeling the blonde man standing next to his son was to thank.

'Dinner will be ready shortly, Master Bruce.' Said Alfred, as he passed the doorway heading to the kitchen.

'Where's Jason?' Asked Dick, he had been counting on having the eldest of his brothers on Joey's side. Plus he wanted to slap him one for asking Joey about their sex life. A blush threatened to creep across his cheeks and Dick had to mentally kick himself. Don't think about it, don't think about it.

'He's out at the moment. Should be home soon.' Bruce's statement was vague, his eyes met Dick's briefly. Dick realised Jason was out on Bat business. He frowned, why was Red Hood out during the day? What was he up too?


Dinner was awkward. Tim was being very quiet, Damien was glaring at Joey and Bruce was doing his best not to allow his over-protective nature to show. Dick looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up whole, but Joey seemed relaxed, he sat beside Dick making small talk with Bruce. Under the table his hand gripped Dick's, squeezing it reassuringly.

'So Joey,' said Bruce, 'where are you from?'

'I was an army brat, I travelled around a lot.'

Dick glanced over at him, he didn't know that.

'Is your family still in the army?'

'No, my Mom died when I was ten and my Dad left the army shortly after.' His voice didn't falter, he was used to telling this story. 'My sister and I lived with him for a while, but we had a falling out with him when I was nineteen. We've only recently got back in touch.'

'What did you fall out over?' Asked Damien, never one to mince his words. Dick went to tell him off but Joey said it was ok.

'My dad did something to someone that was unforgivable. My sister and I didn't want any part of it. He gave us a choice, to stand with him or the person he was hurting. We made our decision.'

Dick gripped the hand in his tighter. He'd never realised it, but like his own, Joey's past was far from perfect. Maybe that was why they pulled each other in.

They turned the conversation to lighter topics, eventually, the topic of how they met was brought up.

'He threw coffee over me.' Said Dick, taking a sip of his water.

'He what?' Said Tim, sitting up and talking for the first time in a while. He had a grin on his face and for the first time, Joey looked embarrassed.

'Yeh, Babs and I were at a coffee shop, Joey was working and he accidentally spilt coffee over me.'

'Then you forgot your keys and had to come back for them.' Said Joey, smiling at the memory of their first conversation. 'We sat and chatted for a while and I gave you a lift back to the commissioners.'

Bruce sat back and listened while his son recounted the tale.

'We met up again in Blud Haven and got to know each other.'

'Ah, but it wasn't until after you got mugged that we really connected.'

Dick's eyes suddenly went wide and his fingernails dug into Joey's hand.

'Wait what?' Asked Bruce, leaning forward to look at Dick. 'When were you mugged?'

Joey looked to Dick, realising his mistake.

'We can talk about it later.' Said Dick, not looking away from Joey. His eyes were pleading him not to say anything else.

'No, we can talk about it now. What happened, were you hurt? Dick!'

Thankfully, the front door opened at that moment and Jason walked in soaked to the bone.

'It is pissing it down out there, some of the roads are starting to flood.' He walked into the dining room, shaking his head making droplets of water spray left and right.

'Master Jason, please refrain from acting like a dog.' Said Alfred, coming up behind him and handing Jason a towel.

'Sorry, Alf.' He dried his hair and looked around the room. 'Hey Joey, hows it going?'

'Hi, Jason. Bit wet out there?'

Jason came and sat on the other side of Joey.

'Yeh, it's getting a bit hairy out there, my bike slipped a few times. Doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon either.' He saw Dick and Joey glance at each other. 'You guys weren't thinking about driving home tonight were you?'

Dick nodded and Bruce cleared his throat.

'If the roads are that dangerous, neither of you are going anywhere. You're always welcome here.' Bruce leant back in his chair again. The conversation became lighter again as Alfred brought out dessert. Now that Jason was present, and he and Joey were chatting, Dick felt more at ease. After dinner was done, Jason took Joey to see the bike in the garage, leaving Dick with Bruce.

'So, I take it it wasn't really a mugging.' He said quietly.

'No, it was my first run in with Deathstroke. His psycho son managed to bruise my lung.'

Bruce brushed a hand through his hair. 'And you didn't tell me because...?'

'I was fine.' Dick shook his head when Bruce gave him a look, 'No, seriously Bruce, I was fine. Joey took good care of me.'

Bruce eyed his eldest for a moment, but then accepted what he was saying.

'It's starting to get late. Your room hasn't been touched since you moved out and Alfred can set the guest room up.'

Dick raised an eyebrow at his father, horror in his eyes. Was he really going to make it that awkward!

'Richard.' said Bruce, trying to suppress the grin that threatened to spread over his face. 'I was kidding.'

'Don't do that. Please.' Said Dick. His nerves could not take much more.

Bruce laughed. 'Go to bed, Dick. Hopefully, the rain will stop during the night.'

'Are you going out tonight?' Dick asked, it was only coming up for ten, it wasn't exactly late.

Bruce nodded, confirming Dick's theory that he wanted Joey out of sight. Dick nodded and went to find his boyfriend. He found Joey and Jason, just coming back from the garage.

'Bruce is turning in.' Said Dick, 'To be honest I'm knackered too, are you ready for bed?'

Jason picked up on the hidden meaning.

'Yeh, I'm hitting the hay as well. I'll see you love birds in the morning.' He disappeared up the stairs, where they could hear Damien and Tim arguing. The voices died away as all parties disappeared to their respective rooms. Dick turned to Joey.

'Lead the way.' Joey said, his hand rested against Dick's arm. Dick took his hand and led him up the stairs. The slowly walked down the corridor to the third door on the right. Dick's hand rested on the cold metal of the doorknob. This would be the first time he allowed someone, other than Wally or Babs into his room. The first time a lover had come into this room.

'So this is your childhood room.' Said Joey when they walked in.

'One of them, yeh.'

He looked around the large room, taking in the soft cream walls and expensive furnishings. The heavy red curtains covering the large windows and the matching pair that were tied at each corner of the four-poster bed.

Dick quietly closed the door behind them.

'There's a shower through that door.' He said, pointing to the other side of the room. 'Or a bath, if you prefer.'

Joey turned away from the room and took his boyfriends hips in his hands. 'Only if you're going to join me.'

Even if he hadn't been trying to distract Joey so that his family could descend to the cave, that was an offer Dick could not refuse. Fifteen minutes later, they were soaking in the large tub, surrounded by bubbles. Dick leant back again his boyfriends chest.

'You never told me you moved around as a kid.' Said Dick.

'It never came up.'

'You don't talk about your family a lot.'

'Neither do you.' Joey rubbed his hands down Dick's thighs. 'Does it bother you, that I didn't tell you?'

'No.' Said Dick, he was hardly one to judge on secret keeping. 'It's something we have in common.'

The water felt great against his skin and Dick could feel himself relaxing. Despite having the last few days away from the station, he was still exhausted, still wound tight.

'You're families nice.' Said Joey, still caressing his thighs. 'Although, I see what you mean about Damien. What's going on there?'

'Don't ask.' Dick chuckled, opening his legs slightly.

Joey took the hint and lowered his hands, taking old of Dick's manhood. Dick moaned, reaching a hand back to wrap his fingers in Joey's short hair. As Joey jacked him off, Dick's moans became louder.

Joey shushed him but Dick smiled.

'Don't worry. The walls are thick, practically sound proof.'

'Well then.' He lowered his head and started sucking on the flesh of Dick's neck, causing Dick's breathing to escalate.

'This waters starting to get a little cold.' Joey whispered. 'I think it's time for bed.'

They made their way out of the bathroom, still dripping from the bathwater. Dick grabbed a towel as they exited and started drying them both down. He got down on his knees and dried Joey's legs. Joey moaned, he couldn't believe his luck that this sexy man was his.

'The sight of you on your knees is to die for.' He said meeting Dick's eye. His breathing hitched as Dick took him in his mouth. When they had first started dating, Dick had been hesitant. But over the last few day's he had become a lot more comfortable with their intimacy. And Joey, really, really, wasn't complaining. He held Dick's head gently, rubbing his hair between his fingers. Even when slightly damp, Dick's hair was so soft. The sight of Dick's head bobbing up and down on his crotch was enough to take him over the edge. He tried to warn him, but the words were on deaf ears and Joey was shocked as Dick swallowed it down.

'That was hot.' He said as Dick came back up, licking his lips. 'I take it you've got over your meltdown.'

Dick glanced over at the clock on his old desk. They should be down in the cave by now.

'I'm over it.' He stepped forward, claiming Joey's lips with his own. Joey grabbed his naked thighs and lifted him. Dick wrapped his legs around him as they walked over to the bed.

'Why does it feel so much sexier, knowing your family is just outside that door.' Said Joey, a twinkle in his eyes.

Dick knew his family wasn't outside, they were below the building, but the fact Joey thought that was turning him on too.

Joey kissed down his body, lifting his legs onto his shoulders and started prepping him with his tongue. Dick played along with the whole 'parents next door' thing, pushing his fist into his mouth to suppress his moans. He yelped in surprise when Joey flipped him over.

'Have you got any lube?'

Dick froze. No, he did not. His face must have given him away because Joey laughed.

'You're such a virgin.' He said slapping Dick's ass. 'I have an idea.' He disappeared into the bathroom, reappearing moments later with body lotion.

Dick got up on his knees, his fingers grasping the bedsheets in anticipation. He forgot all about trying to be quiet as Joey entered him slowly. After the last few days of sex, he had become a lot looser which made penetration a lot easier, but he was also starting to get sore. For some reason, the pain of the friction felt so sensual.

Dick started panting, mewing as Joey bottomed out.

'You seem pretty relaxed with this now.' Said Joey over his shoulder, rocking slightly to each side. The small movement felt like electric down Dick's spine. 'What do you say we take it up a notch?'

Dick nodded into the pillows.

'Come on, Dickie. Let me hear you say it.'

'Fuck me, Joey.'

That was all the encouragement Joey needed, he pulled out of Dick before slamming back in and then repeating. Dick cried out in pleasure as he was roughly penetrated, again and again, all pretence of being quite forgotten.


'Morning sunshine.'

Dick jumped slightly as he walked into the kitchen. It was early and a Sunday, he hadn't expected anyone to be up.

'Morning. How did it go last night?'

'Not to bad. Nothing really happened. I think the rain put a lot of people off.' Bruce watched as Dick walked through the kitchen to the coffee machine. 'You alright?'

'Yeh, why?'

'You're limping.'

Dick groaned. 'Drop it, Bruce.'

'Drop what? I just want to know why... oh...Oh!' Realisation dawned on Bruce's face. Dick turned back to the machine, filling two mugs with coffee.

'As long as you're being safe.'

'Oh God, Bruce. Please don't.' Dick still hadn't properly looked at Bruce, he walked over to the fridge and hid the blush on his face with the door. 'It's not like I'm going to get pregnant.'

Bruce tapped his finger against his own coffee mug. He guessed that answered the question of where Dick stood in his relationship. Not that it was a question Bruce had been asking or had ever wanted the answer too.

'Don't be naive, Dick.'

'I'm not Bruce. Joey is clean and I...Well, you know.'

Bruce nodded, letting Dick collect the mugs and start making his way out. Dick suddenly felt very conscious of the way he walking. Had he not just had that embarrassing conversation with his father, he would have laughed about the fact Joey had fucked him last night to the point he couldn't walk straight.

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