The Great Sexcapades

By ChocolateZeno

286K 4.9K 4.1K

Juicy random one shots of anything Empire. Anything Taraji and Terrence as well. More

I'm Back
About time.
Back to the roots.
New Beginnings
Caught up.
I Love you!
King of the Castle
Why do I love you?
Soul Passion
The Jungle
You and Me.
You and Me Pt.2
Temptations of the Heart
Hearts Desire
Collision Course
Power Play?.....
It's me, Baby...
I can't....
In The Beggining....
Remember me
I Can't Resist...
What happens in Vegas, Never Stays in Vegas
Love Lost Is A Storm
Gang Ties...
You Broke Love..but We'll Fix It
Teaser: The Games We Play
Before I Self Destruct....
Hustle & Flow
Proud Mary
Our Love Is Toxic
The Unexpected
Is It Really You?
Touch Me, Tease Me
Love And War
Hiya Puddin
Ima Family Mayne
Love Lost Is A Battle
A Merry Christmas Indeed
Dont Mix Business & Pleasure
Before The Hustle Flowed
She's Mine
I Got You
Smoke and Mirrors
Alpha Vs. Alpha?
Got Me Twisted..
Your Protector....
Dancing With The Devil
Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

First Day Out.....

5.3K 99 81
By ChocolateZeno


Cookie rested her feet on her bed looking up at the bottom of a bunk. She could feel every ticking second waiting for it to hit noon. It was finally time, she was out this bitch. No more shitty ass food, no more grimy ass CO's, no more confinement.

In just 10 minutes she was gonna be able to put on a different color for the first time in 17 years. She couldn't wait to put her feet in a pair of shoes not ugly and white. She couldn't wait to lay eyes on her son's, god she missed them something fierce. To be able to kiss on them, love them, tell them how much she missed them, tell them how sorry she was for missing out. did some crazy things in the name of love. Especially real love. Dragging bitches up and down the street for looking at your baby some type of way. Going out your way to make sure they secure. Roughing it out on them hard streets together just because you're together. So free, so bold, so in stupid!

Everytime her mind drifted anywhere near thinking about her baby daddy she felt that knife twist a little more. He who ripped the heart from her chest with a stack of papers...and simple signature. That kind of pain Cookie felt drove her to keep thoughts away from the past.

It was hard....the love of your life dropping you just a few years after you went down. The man that once shielded you from hurt and pain, was the very man now the cause. She hated him something thick and vile, full of resentment. 17 years of hurt shaped her into a woman on a mission.

She had a vendetta, and she was damn sure gonna carry it out. That was second on her list ahead of that seeing her boys. She had to boss up and handle her shit, but she was still human. Her needs were just as high as her wants, and what she really needed was some dick in her life.

17 years of nothing but yourself, or a bunk bitch to get you off. More often then not even a horny CO. She was glad to be getting out of here and back to the real world. Cause from what Carol was saying there was no shortage of men when it came to fame.

How was she gonna get that fame?....It was either gonna be from destroying a liar or building an Empire. Her name was called snapping her out of her thoughts. Cookie grinned seeing her bunk mate cheesing at her let her know it was time. She pulled the Christmas family photo from her wall kissing the picture that got her through so many years.

She walked torwards processing seeing the CO she couldn't stand. Cookie made a face wanting desperately wanting to punch that bitch. Her freedom was worth more then a couple grabby pat downs. She was going let it go for now because she wasn't trying to end up right back here, that was okay because as soon as she was free she had some bitches waiting to fuck that CO up.

Getting through one last pat down she was given her personal belongings. She chunked up the duces as she headed to the bathroom to change. She was fangirling over herself for a few minutes looking at the way this dress hugged her body more then she could remember. Sliding her fur jacket on made her feel like she was in heaven. It felt to good to be in soft material.

She slicked her hair up to put on the ponytail she was locked up in. Pinning it down and styling it she strutted out of jail like she came in. She flipped of all the CO's on her way out just because. Stopping at the sidewalk of the building she observed the world taking in this first breath of freedom.

"Cookie's coming home..." She whispered to herself.

Getting in a cab she was headed to the address in New York she memorized. The ride was long and filled of anxious thoughts. The moment she got to see her son in person she couldn't express the joy in her heart. Even when he expressed how much she was behind in fashion.

They spent the next day shopping and getting her hip while also letting her keep her style. He even made her get her hair done. She had to admit eating real food and being pampered felt nice and relaxed. Yet as she barged into the executive office of Empire all that relaxing was gone.

She thought her heart would beat out her chest when she busted in expecting him to be in his office. She dodged a bullet when she did because as she stared at pictures of him she realised that even after what he did the sight of him made her heart skip.

She stopped at a picture with his arms wrapped around some skinny woman with barley any hair. Cookie frowned studying her. She looked white washed...prissy even, Cookie made a face. How did he get with her hood ass if that's what he was into? She was skinny and didn't have thick hips on her like Cookie. The woman's body was petite and small, Cookies was curvy.

Cookie pursed her lips running her hands down her sides. Her patterned loose blouse, with these snug white pants and sleek heels had her looking like a million bucks. She sure didn't feel like it, getting over the fact that Lu's new bitch didn't measure up to her it left the fact that this was Lu new bitch.

"Ladies and gentleman the queen has returned." Lucious spoke aloud as he entered the room. His voice sending a shudder through her body. It was just as rich and raspy as it used to be. He slowly walked over to her admiring her from behind. Her ass sitting plump and up where it was supposed to be. He licked his lips as she turned to face him.

"Wow......17 years later and you are still.....beautiful." He whispered.

His breath caught a little, she hadn't aged at all. In fact she was more beautiful then he remembered. Looking away he grabbed his still waiting glass of Brandy.

"When did you get out?" He asked curiously, her eyes traveled his body as she answered.

"Two days ago." She answered walking past him and sitting down. He hummed processing the information as he to sat down. Her eyes fell right between his legs, a print she was always used to seeing visible. Her thoughts took an immediate downwards dive into the vault of memories. He had always packed so fat but she wondered if he was bigger now.

"You know...I can't imagine what you went through in there. But I want you to know you weren't the only one that suffered." Those words were like a bucket of cold water on her skin. Her eyes narrowed at him, how dare he.

"...17 years I did for you and this family and you're gonna tell me who suffered." She hissed.

"The boys had to learn how to cope without you, I did, I had to parent them by myself and still get on the road. I had to...."

"Sit in a glorious mansion out where you have no neighbors, and eat top of the line food, and wipe your ass with golden toilet paper." She spat getting up.

"That's okay, I'm coming to get what's mine." She added walking up to his desk.

"What are you talking about baby?" He asked the term slipping out. Her eyes flared as she looked at him.

"I'm talking about this company. It was my 400 thou that started this bitch! You know it and I know it, and I want half my company." She demanded taking a seat in the office chair.

"Your company? This is my company, I built this, I groomed this!" He barked getting up, she rose a brow at him.

" Where it come from bitch?" She spat meeting his glare head on. His jaw ticked showcasing his temper.

"It don't work like that Cookie! I don't own most of this company anymore. I own at max 40% of this company, I can't give you half." He hissed stepping onto his platform.

"Make it happen or ima set this shit off." She threatened.

"The fuck you talking bout man?!" He suddenly barked authority deep on his voice. She smiled up at him and chuckled.

"There he is...I was wondering when you were gonna take off this white man front." She spoke finding it sexy, she wasn't the only one finding their exchange a turn on. His member was starting to stiffen and show more.

"Make. It. Happen. I'm serious Lucious, and I want 4 mill." She added loving how the color of his face was reddening.

"4 million?! The most I can get you is 2." He snapped her ridiculous demands getting on his nerves. She chuckled standing up looking him in the eyes.

"You just keep coming up short on me. I WANT what I want..dont go bitch made on me." She spoke crossing her arms, his eyes darkened as he took a step into her space. Leaning down he looked her deep in the eyes.

"Call me a bitch one more time." He threatened, she could practically see the smoke coming out his ears. Cocking her head to the side she smirked.

"Bitc...." Her word was cut off by his strong hand grabbing her by the throat.

The sudden move made her jump backing up onto the desk knocking things over. The loud crash noise made Becky run in to check. The look Lucious sent her had her scurrying out just as fast as she came in. She hadn't ever seen that look before nor did she want to again. Whatever was happening in there was not her business. She decided after seeing that to head out to lunch early to get her thoughts together.

"You not finna come up in here and tell me what the fuck im bout to do. You can believe that, quit playing with me for you get yo head knocked off yo shoulders." He growled lowly glaring deep into her eyes.

She moved slightly getting a tighter grip in response. He wanted her full attention, not many people made him come out of character like this. His accent had even come out, and god did Cookie have to admit how hot it was. The man she remembered being around shown in this momemt. She almost smiled....almost.

"You understand me!?" He snapped unknowingly squeezing her neck. It was muscle memory, her eyes seemed to darken as he stared at her. A slow but sure lip bite had his full attention. He looked at her lips licking his. He stepped a little closer to her in a trance, she blinked snapping out of her cloud of lust. Smacking his hand from her neck she brushed past him.

"Keep talking that shit all you want. I will get what I want when I want it and you damn well better have it for me." She spat stomping over and grabbing her jacket and her purse. Lucious put a pep in his step reaching her be fire she made it past a lounge chair. Grabbing her by the hand to stop her.

"Ight, shit girl. I hear you...I'll see what I can do." He spoke, she hummed turning again.

"Wait...Hold up a minute." He spoke keeping a firm hold on her hand. She sucked her teeth.

"What Lucious?!" She spat, he looked down at their hands then slowly back up to her face.

"I just wanna talk to you." He muttered just above a whisper. Her brows furrowed in confusion as he started easing her back torwards the couch.

"Sit and holla at me." He spoke hopeful, he could see the fight happening in her mind.

After a minute of thinking she slowly sat down on the couch. Setting her stuff down she looked at him waiting. Instead of talking he stared at her intently, his attention making her blush uncontrollably. His eyes twinkled at that a smile coming to play on his lips.

He rose his hand inching it torwards her face. Her breath momentarily leaving her, she felt him lightly brush her cheek with his hand. He was just admiring her beauty, after all these years she still had so much fire in her eyes.

".....I just can't believe you're sitting here right now....talking to me, even if it is you yelling." He spoke softly shaking his head. His hand trailed down her face to her neck.

"Never thought this day would come...." He added his eyes focused on her hand as he played with a strand of hair near her neck. She was quiet just watching all the emotions swirling in his eyes.

"You're so different but the same....." He spoke again his hand slyly easing around her neck. He squeezed and her eyes fluttered.

"See.....the same." He muttered biting his lip, he couldn't deny the fact that she was still oh so sexy. His she always did it for him, he couldn't tell you why but something about her just....god it did magic. She slapped his hand away making a face.

"Quit touching all on me." She spat, he grinned setting his hand on her knee.

"You like it." He teased running his hand up her thigh. She smacked her lips slapping his hand away once again.

"No, you like it." She responded, he smirked getting comfortable in his seat.

"I do." He unshamefully admitted, they stared at each other for a hot minute. Was it bad to say that he wanted to lick a trail down to those perky breast calling his name?

"You remember when we first got out of that hotel?" He questioned as she took her hat off and smoothed her hair.

"Yeah, why?" She asked as he got up and fixed them drinks.

"I remember you being mad at me that day, you punched me in the mouth." He chuckled easing back over to her. She rolled her eyes and stretched, the soft moan she let out made his member twitch in his pants.

"I didn't punch you for no reason. Andre was what...3 months old and you were out on the stoop with Bunky and them. You was letting some bitch smile all up in yo face. I whupped her ass then punched you in the mouth for tryna talk slick to me." She responded having a flashback in her mind. He sat down handing her the glass.

"You were always the jealous type." He muttered watching her as he took a sip from his drink.

"Me!" She hissed, he made a face at her.

"Hell yeah you! You ain't ever liked sharing my attention with no one. Not even my boys." He responded, her mouth gaped. Setting her drink down she sat up in her seat offended.

"Okay but who was the one that got locked up for aggravated assult?" She clapped back, he scowled at her knowing exactly where she was going with this.

"Mhmm! Look at your face, you were the jealous one." She teased with a giggle.

"Man naw!"

"Yes you were! All RJ did was touch my shoulder and you went smooth off." She spoke, for whatever reason a thought popped into his head. Who was gonna be touching on her now? He felt hiself geting upset quickly.

"But who the fuck let that dude all up in her space? Yo ass, he got his ass beat cause he tried to step up." He spat, Cookie pursed her lips.

"He wouldn't have been all up in my space had your ass came home when you were supposed to. But no, you disappeared for two days. Came home smelling like a fresh bar of soap and had the nerve to pop off at me for being mad. I mean you the one that said go find you a nigga to play with cause you wasn't the one. So I went and found me....well he came up to me...anyways I found me a nigga and you was pressed." She responded with sass.

"What you expect? My wife that I got a toddler and a newborn with is entertaining some damn fool. Hell yeah I was pissed." He argued, Cookie rolled her eyes picking up her drink.

"Shittttt, I remember being HOT that day. Then them pigs rolled up and snatched my ass up. I was even hotter when I got home that next day...." There was a pause at the end of the day. His eyes focused on hers as his cup rested a few inches from his lips. He looked hesitant to say something but went ahead anyways.

"Tore your ass up that night....." He added in a low voice then took a drink watching her reaction.

She got an instant flashback, she gave running from that dick a literal meaning. She should have known it was business when he came home cause Vern took the kids. She had originally thought they were gonna talk it out but soon learned that wasn't his planned. He chased her all over that damn house, fucked her till she dropped from exhaustion.

His eyes were still watching her face when she peeked over at him. Looking away she swallowed thickly, clearing her throat then taking another long drink. Those mental images had her pussy throbbing, a puddle in her panties.

Lucious having the same images flying through his head couldn't help that hard he had sprouted. He was already semi hard from just being able to see her, but that mouth and those memories had him on straight hard. Lusty words fell from his mouth before he could stop them.

"Had it been back then I wonder what I would have done about that stunt you pulled earlier." Her eyes closed as she tried to shake her thoughts away. He watched the way her thighs clenched and knew she was feeling the air charging around them.

"What are you saying all this for? We not back then this is now. I'm not your wife anymore remember." She spat glaring over at him feeling that pain surface.

"Why did I even do this to myself?" She asked aloud, feeling the shake in her voice she started grabbing her stuff. He jumped up with her setting his glass down the blocking her way.

"Baby if I could take it back I would. I was dumb and Better to was all up in me head." He rushed out, she rose a finger pointing it in his face.

"You don't know how much that shit hurt!" She spat the shake in her voice worsening.

"Baby I do..." He was cut off by a fiery slap from her.

"Don't fucking baby me! I'm not your baby, you don't know anything about what you've caused me. How could you, you forgot about me?" She snapped, he lifted his face to look at her. The sting to his skin did nothing but make him feel bad for one, and made his dick jump.

"I never forgot about you. Cookie I loved you...hell I love you. All it took was for you to look at me and I fell in love all over again." He spoke

"You don't love me. You never did! You..."

He swooped in cupping her face in his hands and planting his lips on hers. She was ashamed for melting right then and there. Her jacket and purse dropped from her hands. He was taking her breath away with this kiss. When he pulled away she panted lightly staring into his eyes.

"Don't ever say I didn't love you..." He breathed out against her lips.

She couldn't respond before he kissed her again, her arms came up wrapping around his necks as his hands lowered to her sides. The slow and sensual kiss heated as longing moans from both of them came out. Things got real when he pulled her close against him letting her feel how hard he was. Her hands lowered as the kiss slowed down. He pecked her lips a few time watching her hands unbuckled his belt.

She bit her lip pulling it from the loops holding it in one hand, the other unzipping his pants and reaching in. He groaned looking down at her hand then back up to her, she had started to stroke him through his boxers.

"Tell me your sorry." She spoke looking up into his eyes, his brows furrowed in confusion. His brain trying to separate her words from what he was feeling.

"Tell me your sorry!" She demanded more forcibly squeezing him. He grunted making a face of pain.

"I'm sorry! Damn Cook." He spat feeling her ease up from the pressure.

She grinned pecking his lips twice, his eyes lowering in his lusty haze once more. She pecked his lips again teasing him. Undoing the button of his pants she stuck her hand down into his pants again. Her hand wrapping around his length making him moan aloud tossing his head back.

Her lips met his neck and he shivered closing his eyes. She kissed along his neck nibbling in certain spots that made his knees almost buckle. She feel him slicking with precum in her hand.

"17 years....without this is a long time. I neeeeed it." She sung lowly, his eyes opened looking down at her.

"Bet." He spoke taking her hand out his pants and taking a step forward.

She put her hand up shaking her head. Playing with the belt in her hands giving him mixed signals. He remebered a time Cookie hit him with the buckle of a belt when some random jump off came to the house claiming to be having his baby. Granted it was right after the baby they lost so she was emotionally unstable as it is. He didn't hold what she did against her, but still seeing her with a belt in hand playing with it like she was scared him.

"But do you deserve this nookie? I tell you what, show me you want me." She spoke easing the belt behind his neck. He looked at her skeptical of what she meant. She smiled at him then pulled at both ends pulling him close to her. He hissed from the rough way his body was jerked forward.

"Show me." She purred against his lips.

Brushing them against his she swerved him when he tried to kiss her. Sitting down tossing the belt on the couch she looked up at him expectantly. He licked his lips dropping down to his knees in front of her. Grabbing her foot he kept eye contact with her as he took her heels off.

Reaching up he unbuttoned her pants pulling down the zipper. She watched him lifting her butt enough so he could pull them down. He had slyly gripped her panties as well, it all coming off. He started at her feet kissing his way up both legs, getting her worked up. By the time he made it to her inner thighs she didn't want to he teased anymore.

"Stop playing with me." She growled fed up, he looked up at her his face just inches from her soaked core.

"You told me to show you....I am." He responded picking his lips, she wasn't the only one sick of the teasing.

All he could smell was her sweet nectar. Picking up her impatience and anger with the look she gave him he dove right in pulling her body half closer to him. Her back arched not expecting him to go in as if he was starving and she was a buffet.

She whined hissing his face deeper between her legs. He felt amazing, sure she had gotten plenty of head over the years but nobody knew her body like he did. He looked up watching her face and groaned, the vibration had her butting right then and there.

He eased both of her legs onto his shoulders continuing to devour her. She loved every second of it, she loved his hair being permed even more. It gave her something to tug on, and despite his scalp stinging it turned him on even more.

"Mmmm...Lucious...shit boy!" She whimpered her eyes rolling feeling him glide two fingers into her heat while he sucked on her clit.

His rapid finger action made the sounds of her pussy stand out in the room with her gasps and moans. He pulled back rubbing her clit with his thumb keeping the speed of his fingers. He licked the taste of her off his lips watching her. He couldn't wait to dive into her pool, just from easing his fingers into her he knew it be a tight fit. She had always been tight, but now she was tighter.

"Fuck Lucious, ima CUM!!" She shrieked her legs fighting to close. Her orgasm rippled through her body sending her body into total rapture. He withdrew his fingers standing to his feet, putting them in his mouth. While she panted he chuckled planting his fists on the back of the couch leaning in to kiss her. She curved him grabbing him by the suit jacket she pulled him forward. He stumbled falling onto the couch.

"Shit, why you being so rough." He huskily groaned as she straddled him.

"Shut up." She hissed pulling at his pants. He helped her pull them off his hips, pushing them down just barely passed his knees when he felt her warm wet insides surround him.

"Oh my god." She breathed out trembling, he bit his lip feeling his pride swell.

He waited for her to open her eyes admiring her naked form sitting on his lap. Perky breasts, flat stomach, and that juicy ass on display. He was in heaven, no rational thought or worry in his mind. He watched her hips start to wind and groaned. Watching the show between them before his eyes travled up to her face contorted in sweet pleasure. Running his hands up her thighs he caressed the skin as the pace picked up. She pulled his jacket off ripping open his silk Versace shirt.

Cookie was in her own world, focused on receiving the one thing she had been during for. Did it help that it was from Lucious? She was ashamed to say yes. He was the only man to feel her walls, and with all the emotion in the air their reunion was steamy.

Cookie bounced with a fast pace a sloppy kiss passing between the two. He gripped her hips tightly giving him leverage to thrust all into her guts. She smacked his hands away wanting full control. A power struggle of ignited between the two. Shifting torwards the edge of the couch Lucious wrapped his arms around her waist tightly thrusting hard into her. She cried out her defense weakening with each powerful pump.

"Uh huh. What you think you running? Betta take this dick like a good girl." Lucious growled his eyes showing how confident he felt.

Digging her nails into his shoulders he ignored her continuing to show her that Lucious Lyon wasn't no bitch. He was wrong in the moment to think that, because to her he was her bitch to do as she pleased. She grabbed a handful of his hair pulling his head back. He hissed through his teeth his dick jumping inside her.

She tightened her grip untill all movement had ceased. Giving a sharp pull his head was cleaned all the way back looking up into her eyes. He felt the switch in his spirit, that rare part of him coming out to play. The part of him that lovedseeing her so dominate, the part of him that shuddered at the look she was giving him. A glare so sharp and piercing he gulped.

"I hate you." She hissed all her emotions not mixing well. He stayed quiet still feeling the grip on his hair stinging. He wished he hadn't gotten it permed in that moment. Her hips started to circle making it hard for him to focus.

"17 years of hard time! And you were out here living a good life. You got the nerve to try and bark at me?" She continued her glare burning brighter. His eyes darkened with lust as he was consumed in this game she was playing.

"Sit and behave." She ordered finally letting his hair go with one last tug. He moaned nodding his head, she looked so sexy when she told him what to do. Pushing his shoulders back his head rested on the back of the couch. His hands clenched in fists to keep from touching her.

Her core tightened around him and he lost hiself. She watched him toss his head back her name falling from his lips. Another orgasm rippled through her, her cries grew louder as did his moans. Mashing together beautiful like a smooth slow song. She didn't slow she kept her speed despite the burning in her thighs making itself known. She wasn't stopping untill her hunger for sex was completely satisfied.

Their position shifted to him being flat on his back against the couch. Her hands holding his pinned down while she bounced on his willing shaft. Her head dropped forward a curse leaving her lips. She couldn't figure out if the dick had gotten so much better or was having it for the first time in a long time just making it seem like it was mind blowing. Either way she was feeling in cloud nine her ass clapping down on his member joining the many sounds in the room.

For him he was close to busting. Cookie had always thrown down, hell he had three kids with her. The pussy was good.....naw better then good. The pussy was hypnotic, had him damn near stalking her after they had sex for the first time back when they were young. Nothing had changed, she had him thinking about this full load he was gonna shoot up inside her. She had him thinking another baby, that's how good she was putting it in him.

She leaned down pulling his head to the side by his hair. A deep moan left his lips at the action. She read the signs of his body knowing he was going to come so why not speed up the process. She bit down hard on a certain spot that had him turning very vocal. She felt so powerful knowing that after all these years she still had the ability to make him melt like she was doing.

"Mmmmm....fuck baby just like that. Yeahhh...ima nut." He moaned closing his eyes feeling that to tingle shoot through his body.

His hips jerked forward his seed coating her walls, he was a moaning and groaning mess while she rode him through it. The same way he found her orgasm faves to be arousing she found his to do the same for her. There was no doubt in her mind that she needed to pick up a plan B on her way home.

She kept riding him knowing how sensitive Lucious got after cumming. She could care less she had another orgasm building and she wanted it. His face scrunched at the painful yet pleasurable feeling. He didn't know if he wanted to push her off his twitching member, or beg her to go faster. What he did know is he couldn't keep his hands off of her, he had no control left.

His hands were all over her body. Feeling on her ass, caressing her sides, running down her chest. He sat up slightly sucking a pebbled nipple into his mouth trying to focus on everything else besides his confused body still trying to figure out if he liked this kind of pain. He worshipped her chest before he sat up completely, only 5 minutes after his first nut he was gearing up for another one. One he wasn't used to cuming this quick and two those tingles were continuously running up and down his spine.

"Yes baby, hold on for me. I'm almost there." Cookie slurred completely consumed by the euphoria in the air. He grunted in pain trying to hold off his climax. Focused on her face waiting for a sign that she was there. Her brows scrunched together her mouth opening in a silent scream, that was his sign. As he focused on relaxing feeling his seed ready to shoot once more his office door swung open.

"Baby, I have...." Anikas eyes bucked taking in the scene, her eyes locked with Lucious's in shock. He looked like a dumb deer in headlights at the sight of her.

"LUCIOUS YESSSSS! FUCK LULU!" Cookie screamed clenching her muscles.

"AWWW FUCK, COOKIE DAMN!!!" He roared not able to stop hiself.

His arms tightened around her body his head falling against her chest as his hips jerked in release. He came hard and long groaning the whole time. Cookie moaned softly running her fingers through his hair her eyes on Anika. She couldn't help but to grin at the struck girl still frozen in shock. Yes it was sadistic to feel happines from the girls pain but she gave not a singke fuck about Anikas feelings. Watching her man enjoy an orgasm as if she wasn't standing there. Just to fuck with the girl Cookie slowly rolled her hips making Lucious groan loudly.

"Ah shit, stop baby." He whined his mind still floating around the room.

Not yet coming back to reality. It irritated Cookie that Anika was still standing there. Where was the fire? The anger? The screaming and yelling? Nothing but her staring while tears poured from her eyes. It was like her feet were glued to the floor.

Looking down at Lucious so relaxed and oblivious Cookie grinned evily. Leaning his head back she cupped his face and kissed him, he responded instantly. Their tounges coming out to play again. That seemed to be the kick in the ass Anika needed, she spun on her heels running out of the room. The sound of her heels met Lucious's ears and with a rush it all came back to him. His eyes popped open turning his head to catch a glimpse of Anika going out the door.

"Fuck." He cursed as Cookie climbed off his lap. With a shit eating grin she picked up her clothes. Looking at him sitting there with his head in his hame a she giggled. Strutting to the office bathroom she cleaned herself up before getting dressed then fixing her hair. When she re-entered the office his doors were shut and he stood by his desk buttoning up a new shirt talking to someone on speaker.

"Becky just reschedule all my meetings for tommorow." He snapped his mind focused on other matters.

"Why?.....Its cause of that lady in your office huh? She still there? What's so important about her?" Becky questioned teasingly.

"Do what I asked!" He barked in no mood for jokes. Cookie chuckled putting on her hat then picking her jacket up off the floor.

"Yes sir." Becky responded be fire he hung up.

" boo kitty got you tight?" Cookie teased a michevious glint in her eyes. He glared at her as he walked her way. She laughed to herself pulling in her heels. Lucious opened his mouth to speak but was shut down with a hand to the face.

"Aht! I don't wanna hear it. All I know is I betta see some moves being made in the next few days." She spoke tossing the jacket over her shoulder and grabbing her purse.

She looked him up and down before flashing him a grin. Heading for the door she couldn't help herself. Slapping his ass when she passed him he spun around ready to tear her head off, she just winked whistling on her way out the door. His eyes burned the back of her head as she disappeared.

A few days later....

Cookie looked around her new home with a mile wild grin. It was empty now but she could practically see her dream home mapped out. Jamal stepped through her door with a box of stuff from the old house. Photo books and her favorite little knick knacks.

"This a nice place. Top floor of the building, private floor.....this got dad written all over it. The real question is why?" He asked his mother as Andre and Hakeem came in. Hakeem rocking a busted lip he got from her. He felt that he was grown at 18 and coukd talk to her any kind of way. Beat his ass with a broom till it broke in three peices. It goes to say he wasn't here willingly.

"Because I told him to." She responded, he narrowed his eyes.

"You told Lucious Lyon to do something for you.....and he did it....just like that?" Jamal questioned staring her down. She beamed looking around them then casually responding.

"Just like that."

"Naw man, he did it cause you fucked him." Hakeem blurted getting everyone's attention. Cookie glared at Hakeem her smile dropping.

"You want a blackeye?" She asked walking up to him. He rolled his eyes looking off to the side. She bucked at him and he flinched.

"That's what I thought. Mind the business that pays you." She spat going back to imahining furniture in the

"Wait you slept with the devil?" Jamal asked appalled, she gave him a look he read.

"Mom he has a girl...they been dating for like 3 years. If he told you he was single he lied." Jamal spoke, Cookie hummed.

"Did you know pops had a girlfriend......and you still.." She shrugged her shoulders at Andre's comment.

There was no room for any of them to judge she coukd tell by looking into their eyes. Eventually they dropped the topic bringing in the last two boxes before Andre took her out furniture shopping. Hakeem was on one so it was better for him to take off with Jamal before Cookie tossed him out the window.

Within the next few days littke things were popping up at her door. From paintings to designer shoes it was clear she was on somebody's mind. Despite Jamal urging her to send everything back she couldn't bring herself to do it. Especially when a custom made gun popped up at her door.

She was enjoying the random gifts, she wasn't a materialistic gurl but from having nothing for so long to getting something was heaven. Knowing that she was on his mind helped to. Last she heard his little puppy decided to forgive him and say because she loved him soooooo much.

Cookie could laugh at that. As fucked up and crazy as Lucious was in the head if he loved that girl he wouldn't be trying to get Cookie's attention. Hell if he loved her the Lucious she knew wouldn't have put hiself in a room with another woman.

She wished to god something like she did woyld have happened to her. She would have attended Lucious's funeral as if she didn't murder him herself. That was the difference between Cookie and Anika, they moved different.

"I can't believe you did that to the poor girl. I would have spazzed out." Carol spoke taking a sip of her wine. Cookie laughed while Candace made a face.

"I can't believe you Cookie." Candace sighed, her sister hadn't changed a bit.

"Nobody told her ass to come in." Cookie shrugged changing the song on her phone. The girls busted into giggles at the nerve of Cookie to say something like that.

"But isn't he still with her? What damage have you really done if she still sleeping in his bed." Candace questioned hoping her sister would let that man go and finally find a new one to occupy her time.

"Girl please. We know how he is when it comes to her. It's only a matter of time before he comes crawling at her feet begging for forgiveness." Carol chimed in getting a hum of agreement from Cookie.

"Maybe he's changed. He's probably not the same pussy whipped man, that was 17 years ago." Candace responded, there was a pause of silence a look passing between Cookie and Carol.

"What? I'm being serious, maybe." Canadace added getting up to ho pour another glass of wine. Cookie got up as well ready to refill her glass. A knock on her door sounded out, Candace heading that way while she filled her glass. Opening the door Can dance was meet with Lucious standing there in all black, a fedora on his head.

"Uhh...Cooks?" She called.

"What? Is it the food? We been waiting long eno.....oh." He rant died seeing who was at the door.

"I think we should head out." Carol spoke sending Cookie a wink. Candace got the silent message going to grab her purse before leaving.

"What brings you by so late?" Cookie asked as he entered her home. She watched him shut and lick the door before pulling off his hat.

"Wanted to see what my money was paying for." He spoke setting it down and looking around.

"What's yours is mine boo." Cookie teased taking a drink from her glass. She tilted her head to the side watching him observe the decor.

"So what really brings you by Lucious?" She pushed knowing exactly what brought him by.

"I wanted to see you." He responded walking her way.

"Oh really, well you've seen me. Goodbye." Cookie spoke with a smirk.

"Quit playing. You know why I'm here." He spoke suddenly serious, he held eye contact with her as he took her glass and set it down. He leaned in to kiss her but she dodged it frustrating him.

"You know I think I want a bath. Do you want a bath?" She purred in his ear. He grinned easing hs hands around her waist. His plan was to come over and lay it down before he proposed a real reunion between them. She had been on his mind for a week straight. All he could dream about, he was sick of waking up hard with no real means of satisfaction. Pecking her lips he slid off his jacket setting it down, setting his phone down on the table he smiled.

"Let me get the water started." He offered heading to her bathroom. She cheesed watching him walk away. She wasn't going to act like she wasn't happy to see him, even after all the pain she still wanted him around. His phone lit up catching her attention, a text from Anika coming through. Sounded like boo boo kitty was pissed on the account of the whole text was in caps. Deciding to adf fuel to the fire she grabbed his phone.

He's a littke busy right now boo boo. Don't wait up for him honey. ~Cookie

Smiling to herself she shut his phone down grabbing her wine glass. If he wanted anything between them he had a ton of ass kissing to get in before he was getting in tonight.

Hope you enjoyed!😄

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