Patience is a Virtue(Under MA...

By krissygirl

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An IV bag is behind me and everything is sterile here. Must be a hostipal I think to myself. I try then to th... More

Patience is a virtue
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 5*
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7*
Chapter 9*
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
authors note

Chapter 8*

91 5 2
By krissygirl

**Calvin POV**

I watch her walk in school again since the accident everyone heard about. She seemed different. Besides the way she dressed and walked, everything was different. Worst thing was, she barely remembered me.

 But why would she?  I was only the unimportant guy she left a year ago. I had a massive crush on her for years before making any move on her. I blame my chickeness for that part. I could barely talk to a girl before her.

So when I saw her at her own birthday party, I got drunk enough to make myself confident enough to talk to her. I did eventually make a move, which she was drunk enough as well to flirt back with me. We ended up going into a bedroom sloppily making out and well…..

 She doesn’t remember anything that because she was so drunk but I remembered everything.

 After everything happened, she left after her parents came looking for her right after we came back down and she left me.

 Just like that.

 But she promised to see me at school the next day. I figured we would be a couple or something like that. I couldn’t have been a happier man.

 Then the accident happened and she didn’t come see me. I walked all over wondering where she was worriedly, then her friend Isabella told me she was in the hospital. Then she told me as I was leaving to be careful to her because her parents are dead.

I rushed in then devastated, while trying to comfort her at the same time.

I healed her out of her misery. Out of her spiraling depression that was coming in in tidal waves. . Or I thought I did.

Turns out there was another guy ‘healing’ her as well. Only, it happened much quicker than I did. She fell for him instead of me even though I was trying my hardest to win her over.

No matter how much I hated him from there on, but Crystal and I stayed friends. She still doesn’t know how much I love her. It probably sounds creepy but I always have. It’s just a thing about her that you can’t help but loving. Maybe it’s the eyes. Maybe it’s her thick curls. Or maybe it’s her attitude, no matter what; she always seems to try to see the positive.

I know it’s a mean thing but maybe if she can’t remember anything about Josh she might move onto me? I set my sights on the exotic beauty in front of me and make my way to her. She was struggling to get some books out of her locker.

“Hey crystal what goes on?” I grin helping her getting that fat book out of the locker and into her little arms.

She gives me a small smile from her pretty pink lips. “God, I don’t know anything because I forgot it all and now it’s twice as hard. They assigned me a tutor though. That’s the only thing good today I guess. What about you Mr. cocky?”

I scoff, crossing my arms and leaning against the locker next to her. “I’m not that cocky. And my day was good thank you very much. So who’s your tutor?”

She gives me a real smile and her eyes light up- like fourth of July. “Josh.”

My temper flares. Of course he would volunteer to do that. That little son of a-. I keep my voice light and airy as I say the next few words. “Wow good job. I hear he’s really smart.”

She nods. “Yeah he is. Hey, look I got to go. See you sometime today okay?”

“Yep.” I smile at her and wave her goodbye but walk off steaming, stringing off curse words in my head.

If I want her like I say I do, I have to step it up. bring it on, Josh.

May the best man win.


**crystal POV**

I saw this certain look in Calvin’s eyes. It wasn’t a happy look. It was almost along the lines of furious, hatred, all of the above.

 What does he have against Josh? I was confused as I made my way to class. Halfway to class, I spotted him and detoured my way to him. He smiled, which I chose to ignore, but my face still turned red from his smile.

“Hey what’s up crystal?”

“Nothing.” I answer casually and look around so to seem nonchalant. “So what’s between you and Calvin?”

His jaw tightens as the smile slowly disappears. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His voice was tight as his stance straightened up.

“I know your lying. Please tell me.”  I beg, nearly dropping my books.

He looks into my pleading eyes and sighs. “I honestly don’t really know. I think he just never really got over you. Apparently, I stole you from him but it was all your choice may I add. We met during the accident and I actually introduced myself during the winter dance. I think you guys were going on a break or something. That’s all I really know.” I saw it in his eyes he wasn’t telling the absolute complete truth but I didn’t push it. not now anyway.

“Thanks.” I say kindly and hug him. I feel his hesitation but he hugs me as well tightly. I giggle in his arms.

“No.Air. Can’t. Breathe.”

“Opps sorry.” He laughs and I feel it rumble in his chest but he doesn’t let go right away. Not that it was a bad thing. When he finally does I feel a cold wind thrust through me, leaving me defeated and feeling lonely.  

“Oh yeah, before I forget I have to tutor you today on math and science. When should I be over?”

“Well uh. I don’t really care, I have nothing going on. It kind of depends on you.” I shyly say, another blush forming on my face.

He thinks for a minute. “Well I have basketball until five, so how about six?”

“Sure six works for me.” I say brightly.

“Okay great.” He smiles, showing a million dollar smile. “Well we better get to class now.”

“Your right.” As soon as I said that, the bell rang. We both walked in together then sat down. All I could think was his smile. Why am I so attracted to him?


I make my way to the car parking lot when Bell catches up to me.

“Hey girly! Want to go out for coffee? I am in so much of a need of caffeine!”

I smile at her. “Yes! Let’s go.” And I practically drag her the rest of the way to the car.

“Whoa girl! Jeez calm down. You’ll live.” She laughs and yanks her arm away from me.

I gasp pretending to die. “Cant. lives. Without. Coffee!”

She laughs at my bad acting as I dramatically grasp my throat and claw at it. “Ok jeez, I’m almost to the car.”

As slow as she possibly could, she finally got into the driver’s seat. The way to Starbucks, I make up a song and by the time we actually got there, I was halfway through the first verse. In the drive thru, I get a mocha and she gets a Carmel frappe.

This by far was the best thing today. Wait, almost tying with Josh’s smile. Sadly, I had to go home afterwards. Bell left me stranded at home saying she had a requirement to go to pronto.

Sighing, I start working on my other homework hoping that I will be done before Josh. I grumble to myself when I hear a knock coming from my door.

“One second.” I call and dump everything off to the side.

I panic and run to the mirror wiping any makeup that smudged. Then I tried fixing my hair.  It was in a high, tight bun so I didn’t really have to worry. Smoothing any wrinkly clothes, I open the door and see him. A big, dumb smile erupts on my face when I see him.

“Thanks for coming.”

He shrugs giving me an award winning smile with his pretty face. “No problem.”

I sidestep and let him in. As soon as he’s in, I close the door and walk to my room to get my math book only to have him follow me. the house suddenly became much quieter.

He sits on it like he’s been here a million time. He probably has. I don’t even want to know what we did on the bed.

Suddenly, washing the bed seems like a good idea. Second thought, moving to the living room sounds even better.

“Aren’t you going to sit down?” he asked confused and patted the spot next to him.

I snap out of my gaze and give him a sheepish grin while trying to wash away any worries. “Sorry.”

I sit down silently and pull out my books to show him a problem in math. He looks at my problems and I try not to wince at his expressions that were trying not to escape his face.

“Is it bad?” I ask quietly.

“Well um... You did this part completely wrong.” he mutters, pointing at the first one.

“Oh, so I have to erase all of that?” I grimace.

“Yes you do.” He smiled.

“Okay,” I trail off, grabbing a bigger eraser and start erasing the long problem. “Now what?”

“Here is an equation that works.” He showed me his old notebook. It looked like it was about to fall apart any second. I didn’t question it.

Halfway through writing, it he nodded, “So far so right.”

I start writing more then he stops me when I’m almost done. “Whoa what did you do? That’s not supposed to be a negative. Go back a little.” and he points to where. I grumble and erase some more of it.

When I am done with the first question, it has been ten minutes. Oh my gosh, this is going to be a LONG time before the tutoring even started.


ahh sorry waited for awhile... i have pepband and blah blah blah... just like the taylor swift song you belong with me! i even play the same instrument! :) anyways i just watched my crush play:) always inresting but my friends got bored so we went home in the pouring rain. they lost as soon as we lost...:( i should go more often...

lol sorry for my rambling (sheepishly says) there was chapter 8! hoped you like and please comment and vote! i would LOVE your feed back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Edited... My god, I was so weird back then. 

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