
By esthersgf

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COMPLETED Two lovers destined to be together. The girl, so blind to the love that he gives her. He will never... More

C1- A New Beginning
C2- Unexpected feelings
C3-P1-The First Game
C3-P2 The First Game
C3-P3 The First Game
C4- Emotional Helpers
C5- New Relationships
C6- Terrible Surprises
C7- Visitors
C8- Help
#Kentchallenge 2
C9- Secrets and A Love Untold
#KentChallenge Winner
C10- Fixed Conflict
C12- Rescue Mission
C13- Finally
C14- Isn't it over?
Not an Update
C15- Wait what?
C16 - How?
C17 - Planning and Mornings
C18 - The Trip
C19 - Finally- Wait, What?
C20 - Energies
C21 - Hybrids and Surprises
C22 - Happy Times
C23 - The End

C11- The Twist

593 21 58
By esthersgf

Gai's POV

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?", I asked Miyo anxiously.

"Hmm... Of course!", she said and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Seriously?", Lyss said behind me.

"What do you mean, seriously?", Miyo asked.

"You are really that easy to get?", Lyss said with no emotion.

"What? No! I just love him...", Miyo said.

"B-but Lyss loves me and still doesn't wanna go on a date with me", Kent said sadly.

"I told you I was hard to get", Lyss said.

Lyss hugged Kent and patted his back.

"Cheer up, K! You'll get me soon but for now...", Lyss pulls away from the hug.

"Keep courting", Lyss said and smiled.

Kent looked at Lyss with heart eyes.

"Is he gonna be okay?", Miyo said.

"It's nothing new. He was like this too when we kis--", Lyss stopped herself.

"You WHAT!?", Miku and Kristel said.

"You guys kissed? I'm so happy for you guys!!", Miku said.

"We're not getting married, it was just a kiss!", Lyss said.

"It was NOT just a kiss!", Kristel said and ran up to Lyss.

"My wittle Lyss has gotten her first kiss!!!", Kristel said and ruffled Lyss's hair.

We laughed except for Lyss, Kent and Kuga who just smiled with his arms crossed.

"I am not a baby anymore! Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you can 'baby' me", Lyss said and crossed her arms.

"Welp!", I shouted.

"I'm gonna leave you guys here for now", I said and turned to Miyo.

"Go to our room and change into something nice. I'm gonna set up for our date", I said and smiled at her.

She smiled back and nodded.

"Awwww", the others said and Lyss scoffed.

"Aren't they cute, A?", Kent asked.

Lyss crossed her arms and slightly nodded and smiled.

I went to the room where the date was supposed to be set up and wait for Miyo.

A few minutes later, the door opens to reveal Miyo wearing a black dress. My jaw dropped.

"Why? Do I look bad?", Miyo asked.

"N-no! Not at all. You look stunning", I said and stood up to pull the chair for Miyo.

We started talking about things while waiting for the waiter aka Kent.

"This looks like a really fancy restaurant", Miyo said.

"It does doesn't it?", I said and Miyo nodded.

"I have a feeling that Spin and Airi are gonna use this room next", I said.

"Or Liu and Ashley", she said and we laughed.

We kept talking until Kent finally came up to us in a waiter outfit.

"Good evening ma'am and sir. May I take your orders now?", Kent asked with an italian accent and we nodded.

"I'll take the fish n chips with strawberry milk please", Miyo said.

"And I'll take the salad with a banana smoothie", I said and closed the menu.

"Will that be all, ma'am, sir?", Kent said, still with an italian accent.

"Yes", I said.

"I will be back with your orders right away", Kent said.

"Oh and Kent", Miyo said as Kent turned around.

"Nice costume and mustache", Miyo said.

"Well thank you, mademoiselle. My wonderful love interest has made it for me", Kent said and grinned.

"Kent!!!", I heard Lyss say behind the door.

"I lurve you, bunbun!!!", Kent said through the door.

"Love you too... And don't call me that!", I heard Lyss say faintly through the door.

We laughed and Kent walked away to make our orders. We just talked and talked about random things and the room was filled with laughs and giggles everywhere. We kept talking until Kent went up to us and served our orders.

"Here you go ma'am and sir. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to go and cuddle with my love interest now", Kent said.

"KENT DAVID WOOF, I SWEAR!!", Lyss shouted through the door and we laughed as Kent went outside.

We kept talking while eating our food and getting to know each other was the best part of our date.

After an hour or so, we ended the date since it was getting late.

"I know this sounds cliche but... I really enjoyed this date", Miyo said and looked into my eyes.

"Me too", I said and did the same.

We stared at each others eyes. Then, my eyes had its own mind and looked at her lips. She saw me do that and she did the same with mine. We started leaning in but we heard someone scream.

"HELP M--", a girl shouted.

I recognize that voice.

"Was that Lyss?", Miyo asked.

I knew she sounded familiar.

"We should go see what happened", I said and Miyo nodded.

She took of her dress revealing her usual outfit. I did the.same with mine, revealing my usual outfit. I nodded at her and she nodded back. We ran to the door and opened it. Once it was opened, we saw a completely messed up living room, Kent, Kristel and Miku freaking out and the others comforting them. I took a closer look at fhe situation and squinted my eyes when I see lots of people missing.

"Where's Lyss and the DV7?", I asked them.

Kent started to cry so as Kristel and Miku.

"Why are they crying?", Miyo asked.

"There was a black smoke in Lyss' room so the DV7 went to check on her. Lyss screamed for help so we ran to her room to see what was wrong but we were too late", Lonky said as he comforted Kristel crying on his shoulder.

"What did you guys see?", Miyo asked.

"We saw the DV7 unconcious and Lyss being taken away by a ninja of some sort then a smoke bomb was activated and once the smoke was gone, the DV7 and Lyss disappeared with it", Liu said while holding on to the trembling Ashley in his hands.

"This day was so perfect! How could it go so badly?", I asked as I look around the room.

"Who could've done this?", I asked out loud.


Hello there readers! Who do you think kidnapped Lyss and the DV7? Feel free to comment your guesses. Also, I need another helper in this story so whoever wants to join their oc in can just comment :3

Tysm for reading. A vote and a comment would be very much appreciated. I would try to make it a habit to update every weekend in all three of my books. Btw, I have a new oneshot book about all of my fave ships. Gimme ideas please. Tenkyu 😊

That's it for today. Remember to ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE and Ill see yall next time...

BYEE!! 💜

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