Born Alpha (Teen Wolf FanFic)...

By Moon-Child

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I do not own any of these characters apart from Willow so Willow Smith is a born werewolf who's foster parent... More

Bad Ass Beta (Teen Wolf FanFic)
Beacon Hills
That's Gross
Emotional Connections
The Spiral, The Alpha
More Then A Bleeding Heart
The Formal
Shape Shifted
Ice Pick
Party Guessed
Master Plan
Chaos Rising
Motel California
Visionary And The Girl Who Knew Too Much
The Overlooked
Alpha Pact And Lunar Eclipse
More Bad Than Good
Galvanize, Illuminated And Silverfinger
Riddled, Letharia Vulpina And Echo House
The Fox and the Wolf, De-Void. Insatiable And The Divine Move
The Dark Moon And 117
Muted, The Benefactor And I.E.D
Orphaned, Weaponized
Time Of Death And Perishable


282 8 0
By Moon-Child

Willow POV:

"I know where they are" Scott says bursting through the door of Derek's loft

"The same building as the Argents, we know" Derek states

"Cora and I followed the twins" Boyd adds in

"Then they want you to know" Scott says

"Or more likely they dont care" I say, so I'm just going to tell you that we're in Derek's loft surrounding a table that has floorplans of that building, we're planning an attack, so now that Scotts here that mean that we have Isaac, Cora, Boyd, Peter, Damien, Derek, myself and Scott in here, is that a clear enough picture

"What is this?" Scott asks as he approaches the table

"Isn't it obvious, the schemers are scheming" Peter says

"We're coming up with a coup de main, better know as a pre-emptive strike" I say

"You're going after them?" he asks, no of course not, we're just planing a sneak attack on the leader of an alpha pack so we can give him a cuddle, I swear he's an idiot sometimes

"Tomorrow, you're gonna help us" Derek states crossing his arms

"They're one floor above them in the pent house, right above Alison" I state

"Kill them first, is that the plan?" Scott asks

"They wont even see its coming" Boyd says

"Why is the default plan always murder, for once can someone come up with a plan the doesn't end up with killing everyone" Scott says

"You never get tired of being so blanly moral do you, not that I disagree with him" Peter says and then turns to Derek

"I do, why do we need this kid?" Cora asks

"This kid helped save your life and you know we cant just sit back and wait for them to make the first move" Derek says

"We cant beat a pack of alphas" Scott says

"Thats why we're going after Deucalion, just him" I state

"Cut off the head of a snakes head the body dies" Boyd says

"Only this isn't a snake, its a hydra and like Scott said, they're all alphas" Peter says

"Deucalion is still the leader" Derek says

"Well lets hope so, because do you know what happened when Hercules cut off a head of the hydra?"Peter ask

"Two more grew back in its place" Scott answers

"Somebody's been doing their summer reading" Peter says with a smile


Waiting in the shadows for Derek to basically tell us when to attack, I mean he's just standing right there, right there and doing nothing, we're just waiting but for what exactly, I get my answer once Scott and Isaac start walking towards Deucalion

"You didn't come alone" Deucalion says

"Yeah, this is Isaac" Scott says

"I'm not talking about Isaac" Deucalion says, Scott looks in our direction as Derek walks out of the shadows

"You knew I was gonna do this, Derek dont, you cant do this and no one will get hurt, if someone else dies" Scott says

"Him" Derek says and point at Deucalions unmoving figure "Just him" he adds

"Just me, now hows a blind man find his way into a place like this all on his own" Deucalion says and his pack members start coming out, a girl comes sliding down a pillar using her claws on her hands and feet to slow down her slide, a really big guy comes walking up the escalator behind Scott and Isaac, when I say big I mean tall and muscles verywhere and then finally the twins are looking down at us from the floor above us, Derek gives off a short growl as he charges at Deucalion, only to be kicked in the face by the girl, the twins morph together and jump down to the floor we're on

I run in to help Boyd whos fighting the big guy, Boyd gets thrown to the ground and I manage to land a few kicks to the big guys torso before he picks me up and throws me away, I land in a crouch as he grabs Coras arm and spins her around while still holding her arm and then he claws her back making her scream out in pain and he throws her to the side, the big guy grabs Boyd and holds him still while the girl slashes Boyd with her clawed feet, making Boyd fall to the ground and I run up to the girl this time, I launch myself off one of the pillars and use both feet to kick her in the back making her fall to the ground, I manage to catch myself with one hand before I hit the ground and I swung my legs around so I was in a crouching position and I stand up at the same time she does, she starts going for high kicks but I keep dodging and blocking them until I get grabbed from behind and held up, the girl drags her claws along my stomach and down to my hip, I growl out in pain and anger as the big guy slams me into a pillar and I fall to the ground in a bloody heap, Cora and I are being pinned down by the girl, Damien is being held by the big guy while Scott and Isaac are being held by the twins and Boyd is still lying where he was the last time I saw him

"Kill him" Deucalion says, Derek looks at him and then at Boyd "The others can go" he adds, Derek looks at all of us and thenn Boyd "You're beaten, do it Derek, take the first step" he adds

"Are we serious with this kid?" the girl asks still pinning us down "Look at him, he's an alpha" she adds with amusment "To what, a couple of useless teenagers" she says

"Some have more promise than others" Deucalion says

"Let him rise to the occasion then, what will it be Derek, pack or family?" she asks as she presses down on Coras throat, but then arrows start raining down, the exploding kind making everyone cover their eyes

"Your eyes, cover your eyes" Deucalion orders, Alison keeps firing arrows which is enough of a distraction to get out of the girls pin, Scott and Isaac get up and Scott goes running at the big guy and well they charge at each other, but the big guy basically rams into Scotts shoulder like a goat, Scott goes sliding back and when he looks up his eyes are red, he then shakes his head and his eyes are gold again, Derek comes up from behind the big guy and they start fighting , I try to get up into a standing position but I cant, Scott manages to crawl over to them and claw the big guys leg, he topples over the side still with a firm grip on Derek and he takes him with him, I manage to stumble my way over there in time to see Derek falling, I think my heart just stopped beating


Whats the point in coming to school, actually whats the point in going to this stupid cross country meet, even worse that stupid claw mark hasn't healed, I dont know why, Its had a day and a night to heal and it hasn't, I dont know if this is only happening to me or not, I lean my head on Damiens shoulder as I think everything over, if I was strong enough to heal faster I would of been able to help Derek, he wouldn't be dead if I was stronger, I cant to anything, I'm a terrible excuse for a werewolf

"Yo Scotty, hey yo, Scotty you still with me" Stiles says snapping his fingers in front of Scotts face and Scott looks over to him

"Ah yeah sorry, whats the word?" he asks rubbing his eyes

"Anachronism" Stiles says

"Something that exists out of its normal time" Scott answers

"Nice ok next word, incongruous" Stiles says

"Um can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asks

"Yep, yes I can, it is completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross country meet after what just happened, incongruous" Stiles says, what a creative sentence

"Out of place, ridiculous, obsurd" Scott answers

"Perfect, ok next word, um Darach, Darach its a noun, we have to talk about it some time ok and we're gonna be stuck on this thing for what, 5 hours so why not?" Stiles asks "Ok next word, intransigent" he adds

"Stubborn, obstinate" Scott says and the bus jerks forward, I groan in pain as my stomach starts to hurt

"Oh buddy are you ok?" Stiles asks Scott and Scott grunts in response "We shouldn't of come, I knew it we shouldn't of come" he adds

"We had to, theres safety in numbers" Scott says

"Yeah well theres also death in numbers ok, its called a  massacre, bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery wow thats it" Stiles says and Scott grunts in pain while I bite my lip trying to keep all my groans of pain in "Alright, I'm telling coach to pull over" he adds

"No, no, no I'm alright" Scott says

"Well you dont look alright" Stiles says "Just let me see it" he adds

"No, I'm ok" Scott says

"Just let me see it, ok" Stiles says

"Ok" Scott responds

"Ah dude" Stiles says, Damien wraps his arm around me and his hand touchs the tip of the claw mark and I hiss in pain

"Willow?" Damien asks

"I'm fine Damien, just ah stomach pains" I say lying 

"I know it looks bad but its just because its from an alpha" I hear Scott say "It'll take longer to heal" he adds

"Willow, that wasn't stomach pains, whats wrong?" he asks

"How come Boyd, Isaac and Willow are fine then?" Stiles asks

"Willow isn't fine" Damien tells them

"What do you mean Willow isn't fine?" Stiles asks

"I mean" he starts and he lift my shirt up to reveal the unhealed claw mark "She isn't fine" he finishes, I swat Damiens hands away and pull my shirt down

"I just cant believe it, I cant believe Dereks dead" Scott mumbles

"Jarrod again, car sick, look at me, actually dont look at me, keep your eyes on the horizon, not you too McCall, Smith" Coach says

"No coach we're good" Scott calls back

"Hey Scott, you're bleeding again and dont say its because it takes time to heal ok, I'm pretty sure that still bleeding means not healing like at all" Stiles says

"Are you bleeding too?" Damien asks as I continue to lay on him

"No, I'll be fine, maybe I'm in shock and its slowing down my healing" I say

"He's listening" Scott says gesturing to Ethan

"It sucks Aiden couldn't be here, then it would be real fun" I say sarcastically

"Is he gonna do something?" Damien asks

"I dont think so, not in front of this many people" Scott says

"Yeah well what about the two ticking time bombs sitting right near him" Stiles asks

"Nah they wont, not here" Scott says

"What are you guys gonna do if they do, stop them?" Stiles asks

"If we have too" I say and then the bus suddenly stops making everone jerk forward and I groan in pain, it still hurts god damnit, Scott suddenly stands up and uses the seats to keep balanced

"Woah Scott, where are you going?" Stiles asks

"Boyd, he's gonna do something" Scott says

"Ok, what, how do you know?" Stiles asks

"Look at his hands" I say, Scott makes his way up to Boyd and Isaac and when he's there he grabs Boyds wrist making him growl

"Let go" Boyd says

"You got a plan, tell me your brilliant plan and I'll let go, what are you gonna do kill him right here and then what, what are you gonna do after that?" Scott asks

"I dont care" Boyd says

"I do" Scott says

"Woah, woah, are you still hurt?" Isaac asks

"I'm fine" Scott says "Give me a chance to figure something out, something that doesn't have to end with someone else dying" he adds

"Ok" Boyd says and Scott makes his way back up to the back

"Crisi averted?" Stiles asks

"Uh-ha" Scott responds

"Ok good cause we have another problem" Stiles says "Ethan keeps checking his phone like every 5 minutes like he's waiting for something, a text, I dont know what but I know its evil, I have a very perseptive eye for evil you guys know that" he adds

"I dont like him sitting with Danny" Scott says

"Yeah neither do I" Stiles says "I'm gonna see what he's waiting for" he add and takes his phone out

"What are you doing?" I ask

"I'm gonna ask" he states simply and then Danny's phone beeps, he checks it and shakes his head at Stiles and then turns abck around and his phone beeps again and maybe two times after that and then he puts it away, Stiles starts texting like a mad man and Danny's phone keeps beeping until he finally asks Ethan, Ethans eyes shoot over to us and the boys hide behind the seat, idiots

"That was very subtle" I say sarcastically as they get back onto their seat

"Ennis?" Scott asks, he must mean the big guy

"That must mean.." Stiles trails off

"He's not dead" I finish

"Not yet" Stiles says

"Jarrod, I'm warning you, I'm an empathetic vomiter, if you throw up I'm gonna throw up back on you and it will be profoundly disgusting" Coach warns the kid with car sickness

"Please dont talk about throwing up, its not good" Jarrod says

"I might throw up on you just to make a point Jarrod" Coach says

"Its not good, its not good" Jarrod says shaking his head

"Now the rest of you, dont think that we'll be missing this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning, Jarrod, we're gonna make this thing and nothing is gonna stop us, Stilinski put your hand down" Coach says

"Uh coach, theres a food exit maybe half a mile up, maybe if we stop the traffic will-"

"We're not gonna stop"

"Ok but if we stop-"

"Stilinski!" Coach yells and blows his whistle "Shut it! Seriously this is a little bus, stop asking me questions" he adds 

"I hate him" Stiles says "Did you call Deaton?" he asks

"I keep getting his voicemail" Scott states

"Thats it, I'm calling Lydia and Alison" Stiles says

"How are they gonna help, they're back in Beacon Hills?" Scott asks

"They're not, they've been following us for hours, pathetic really" I say as I sit up and I lift my shirt up a little to see the mark slowly knitting together "See, I told you I was fine, its starting to heal" I state as I show Damien

"But you're an alpha, you should've healed by now" he says as I pull my shirt down, Stiles got up and walked over to coach after he hung up the phone

"Coach its five minutes for a bathroom break, we've been on this thing for three hours-" Coach cuts him off by blowing his whistle "Its 60 miles to the next rest stop a-" coach blows his whistle again "Being cooped up for hours is not good-" the whistle again "Our bladders aren't exactly-" the whistle blew again "Coach-" whistle "This is-" whistle "Please-" whistle "Let me talk!" whistle and coach laughs at Stiles frustrated expression "Everytime-" whistle and this time it goes for a long time

"Go back to your seat Stilinski!" Coach yells

"Ok!" Stiles yells and starts walking back

"And Jarrod, keep your eyes on the horizon" Coach says, Stiles slowly turns around and looks at Jarrod, he sits next to him and from here I can see that jarrods uncomfortable

"Hey Jarrod" Stiles says "How ya doin'?" he asks, the next thing we know everyones being evacuated from the bus because Jarrod vomited

"Jarrod you suck, hey somebody grab some towels or a mop or a new bus" Coach calls out, Damien and I take a seat under a tree in the shade

"Willow, show me your eyes for a second" Damien says, I look at him and make my eyes glow "They're still red, I just dont know why you're healing so slow" he adds, the sounds of fighting start breaking out causing Damien to shoot up and having to help me up and we walk over to where Isaac is punching Ethan

"Isaac!" Scott yells making him stop punching Ethan and step away from him, after all the energy dies down we're back on the bus, me next to Damien, Stiles next to Lydia and Scott next to Alison, well at least the buss doesn't smell anymore


It was actually hard to write this chapter, I had to watch through it and put Scotts flash back first and in Willows POV and then do the bus trip, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed, dont forget to.....








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