Only One Can Remain โ–บ Ninjago...

By dxganronpa

19.5K 809 137

Ninjago Series ยป Book 4 The loss of Zane had an everlasting effect on everybody in Ninjago. It hit his teamma... More

Prologue: The Aftermath
| I | Regrouping
| II | The Invitation
| III | Elemental Masters
| IV | Master Chen
| V | Eliminated
| VII | Stealing Powers
| VIII | Making Friends
| IX | Morning Spiels
| X | Versus
| XI | Changes
| XII | Helping Out
| XIII | Jay and Cole
| XIV | Different Situations
| XV | Choosing Sides
| XVI | Thunderblade
| XVII | New Hopes
| XVIII | Talks, Apologies, and Disguises
| XIX | Shadow versus Light
| XX | Flame versus Poison
| XXI | Fortune
| XXII | Escaping
| XXIII | The Reason Why
| XXIV | Broken Alliance
| XXV | Spy for a Spy
| XXVI | The Rough Way There
| XXVII | The Search Begins
| XXVIII | Remorseful Past
| XXIX | Troublesome Circumstances
| XXX | Returning to the Temple
| XXXI | Perceived Loss
| XXXII | Plans of Escape
| XXXIII | Short Victory
| XXXIV | The Fight Continues
| XXXV | Splitting Up
| XXXVI | The Worst Has Come
| XXXVII | Filled with Hope
| XXXVIII | Failed Mission
| XXXIX | Fear Turned to Ambition
| XL | The Corridor of Elders
| XLI | To Save Ninjago
A/N - long and important

| VI | Dinner

690 29 7
By dxganronpa

*No POV*

Scarlett opened her eyes, sitting up. She quickly remembered the events up until that moment and sat up, pain shooting up her entire body.

"Ah shit," she mumbled to herself. "Stupid Shadow. If that's even his name."

A knock was heard at her door and she called out for them to come in, and Lloyd entered with Kai, Cole, and Jay.

She collapsed back onto her bed, knowing she didn't have to be on guard with them around. Kai shut the door, taking a deep breath.

He hadn't seen her after she fell—or was attacked, and seeing her now made him feel worse about his actions.

"How you feeling?" Jay asked, sitting on one side of the bed with Lloyd on the other.

"Iffy. My body's real sore," she responded, sighing. "But they said my arm was broken from the fall. God, did he have to go to that extent to get the blade? I had it first, anyway."

"In this place, you never know who could do what." Cole sighed, crossing his arms. "Bastard. He seems quick enough, if he was able to get a blade that fast. Why didn't he just screw off and find himself another one?"

"Who knows?" Lloyd shook his head. "It's like you said, you never know who could do what in this place."

"You've been awfully quiet," Scarlett spoke, looking up at Kai. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and looking away from everyone. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm... I'm fine. Worry about yourself, you need to recover." He most definitely didn't feel like telling her that he saw her up on the balcony and thought getting the Jade Blade was more important. Smooth, Kai. Smooth.

"As much as she needs recovery, we need to get out of here." Lloyd stood up. "We're finding Zane tonight."

"That I can agree on." Cole nodded. "Then we get out of this place. I can't stand it! The only good thing here is the food..."

"Oh, really?" Scarlett asked. "Is the stuff from his restaurant in here?"

"Oh, yeah! It's really good, too—"

"Can you please stay on task? Food is the last thing we should be thinking about right now," Kai snapped.

Both Cole and Scarlett gave him looks of shock. "Food is important."

"At least we know she hasn't lost her mind." Jay shrugged.

"We're meeting up for dinner soon. You coming?" Lloyd asked her.

"Uh, yeah, in a bit. Just let me..." She sat back up again, stretching her good arm out. "Get my shit together."

"See you down there," Cole said as they all stood up, waving and exiting the room.

Once they were gone, Scarlett got to her feet. She looked down at her left arm, wrapped, and sighed. "Okay, you can deal with it. It'll heal eventually."

She walked out of her room and shut the door behind her, walking down to the buffet room. She went down the wrong hallway a few times but eventually made it.

All the elemental masters were seated in booths, but she didn't recognize her friends anywhere. She went to grab a tray and some food, and as soon as she turned around, someone shouted her name.

"Scarlett, over here!" Turner was waving with his chopsticks, and she smiled a bit. Just as she was about to walk over to him, she saw a hint of blue out of the corner of her eye and turned her head.

Jay seemed to be angry at the Paleman, and he soon disappeared, walking off. She frowned a bit and went over to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, uh... I'm sorry about my friend back there. He can be a little out of it," Scarlett told him apologetically.

"Hmph. At least some of you are decent people," he huffed, walking off.

She took that as a compliment and shrugged. The guys had finally seen her, and he frowned and pointed to the table Turner was sitting at. Scarlett gave them an apologetic smile and walked over to her new friend.

At the ninja table, they all looked at each other weirdly.

"Did she just ditch us?" Jay asked, offended.

"She mentioned meeting a new friend. Griffin Turner," Lloyd spoke up. "Said she was meeting him tonight."

"She moved on quick," Cole mumbled under his breath.

"I really don't think it's for that reason, Cole."

"I for one think it's alright that she made a new friend," Garmadon told them, peacefully eating his food. "She doesn't have to stick with the normal bunch all the time and neither should all of you."

"You telling us to split up?" Kai questioned.

"Absolutely not." The sensei shook his head. "I'm telling you that yes, although our intention of coming here was to find Zane, you shouldn't block everyone else out."

"They're not important—Zane is." Lloyd shook his head at his father. "And one of them hurt Scarlett! Don't you think we should have our guard up around all of them?"

"Lloyd's right—I've had enough of this too." Jay shook his head. "I mean, it's killing me! What's under the trapdoor? What happens when you lose?"

"Don't think about that," Garmadon tried reassuring him.

"It's all I can think about! I've moved on—I feel guilt. These are not good feelings!"

"You think you feel bad? Imagine how I feel? Really, truly try to imagine how I feel!" Kai said, slammed his fist on the table. He then remembered that none of them knew that he was there at the balcony and sighed, calming down. "Our mission is simple. Tonight, we find Zane and get off this crazy island!"

"And just how are we supposed to do that? You heard Chen. Break a rule and we're out," Cole explained their dilemma. "He's not gonna let us roam around."

"Then it's a good thing we're ninja." Kai smiled a bit. "Meet me in my room at midnight."

The others nodded, on board with the plan.

"Who's going to tell Scarlett?" Jay asked.

The group looked out of their booth, seeing her with the Master of Speed and others as well.

"Hey everyone, I'm Ash. And I'm..." A man in grey, the Master of Smoke, closed his eyes, soon pointing to another. "Betting that this guy actually doesn't have a high IQ."

This caused the group to laugh at his joke. A man with split-colored hair, the Master of the Mind didn't and instead rolled his eyes.

"I know for a fact that mine is higher than yours, Ash." The man shook his head. "Okay, I'll go next. My name is Neuro, and I can read every single thing that's on your minds right now."

"Yeah, no shit. Give us something good, Neuro." A girl with purple hair, the Master of Form, stuck her tongue out, soon raising her hand. "Okay, I'm Camille, and I think Ash is pretty cute."

"And I think you're pretty bold for saying that out loud." Ash grinned at her.

"Already? This is gonna be a long dinner." Turner chuckled. "Anyway, I'm Griffin Turner. Please, call me Turner."

"And the fun fact?" Camille questioned.

"I'm better looking than all of you."

"Yeah right!" Ash threw a bread roll at him, almost hitting Scarlett in the process. "Oops, my bad. It's your turn."

"Yeah, little lady." Turner gently elbowed the girl next to him, grinning wide. "Tell us something about yourself."

"Oh, uh... my bad. I'm Scarlett." She shyly waved. "And... I'm a ninja?"

The four were quiet for a minute. Camille then broke the silence by placing her elbow on the table, squinting at her. "Then how come you're not sitting with your ninja friends over there?"

"I mean... Turner invited me." Scarlett shrugged, taking a bite of her own bread roll. "And he made a real good point about meeting new people, so here I am."

Neuro looked over at the booth containing the ninja and then back at her. "You aren't wearing a suit. Why is that?"

Her response was quick and blunt. "Cleavage. Is a short skirt not enough for you?"

Camille giggled, sitting back down normally. "Ew, Neuro. Your fun fact should've been that you're a perv."

"That was not what I had in mind," Neuro denied, crossing his arms.

"Sure it wasn't. I for one wouldn't mind—" Turner quickly cut Ash off with a straw being thrown his way. "Dude, what the hell?"

Scarlett smiled and soon, she began laughing. "You guys are funny."

"You know, Scarlett." Turner wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a friendly hug. "I think we're all gonna get along just fine."

"Agreed." Camille nodded. "So, we still meeting at your room, Griffin?"

"Do not start calling me Griffin."

"Why? That was my plan." Scarlett took a sip of her juice.

"Scarlett, what the fuck?"

The group laughed again, Turner included. They continued eating their food and chatting, Scarlett easily finding herself included in the group.

"It's eleven-thirty. Think we should go now?" Ash stood up.

"We've still got a half hour until they kick us out of here. What's the rush?" Turner asked.

"I got something we can all enjoy in my room. But it's a secret." He put a finger to his lips.

"I'm down." Camille was quick to stand up. "Neuro, move it. Let's go."

"You should've mentioned that you're pushy," Neuro chuckled, earning a slap from the purple-haired elemental. "Okay, I'm moving."

Turner stood up, Scarlett right after him. Everyone picked up their trays and put them back in their places after dumping their leftovers in the trash.

"Everyone ready?" Ash asked.

Scarlett looked over to her friends, who were also just about done. Her eyes found Lloyd's, and he looked confused when seeing her with the other elemental masters.

Really? he mouthed.

Sorry, she mouthed back, soon looking to Ash and giving him her confirmation.

"Then let's get out of here."

When Lloyd grabbed his friends' attention, they all saw Scarlett leave with the elemental masters. Jay huffed and crossed his arms. "Are you kidding?"

"Maybe she's spying on them for us," Kai suggested. "She can get intel on them and report to us so we know their weaknesses if and when one of us had to fight them."

"Uh, have you met Scarlett? She wouldn't do anything like that unless she's told to, and even then she's hesitant." Cole shook his head. "Guys, I think she really did ditch us."

"I told you, making new friends is perfectly fine." Garmadon stood up with the rest of his pupils. "Perhaps you should learn from her."

"Sorry Dad, but I don't think so." Lloyd shook his head. "Our main concern is Zane. We're going to Kai's room in a bit, and hopefully we can catch Scarlett before then."

"Unfortunately, you're too late. She's gone."

"Yeah, we noticed." Jay sighed, looking at the exit in which their friend left. "God, I really hope she doesn't have her guard down around them."

The group followed Ash all the way to his room. When he opened the doors, he ushered them inside quickly.

"Might as well stay, since we're here." Turner shrugged, sitting in a gray, but soft chair. "Why'd you get this? Lucky."

Camille jumped on his bed, landing on her back. "God, and his bed is so soft! I bet you'd love getting girls in here."

"I get girls in my bed back at home." Ash winked, going over to his closet. Camille was clearly entertained, and Neuro threw a pillow at him.

"It's been one day, you two. One day."

"Relax, we kid." Camille giggled. "You big baby. I bet Scarlett's had more action than you."

"My lips are sealed." Scarlett pretended to zipper her lips shut.

"That's saying something." Camille smirked at her.

"Okay Scarlett, since you're the baby of the group, you can catch this first." Ash opened his closet and grabbed something, tossing it to the ninja before anyone could see.

Scarlett looked at the bottle intently before realizing it was alcohol. "Ash, where, when, why, and how did you get this?"

"Oh, you forgot who," Turner interjected.

"Who gave it to me? Chen, I'm assuming. It was in here when I arrived," Ash answered, tossing her the opener. "I already answered when, where, and I'm pretty sure how. Why? I have no clue, but I'm not complaining."

"Sounds fun." Turner grinned. "Keep it a secret, yeah? We don't need everyone coming in here to steal some of that."

"Scarlett, baby, you're okay with—?" Before Camille could finish her question, Scarlett used the opener to pop open the cork.

The four cheered, clapping their hands. Scarlett laughed, taking a sip from the bottle without hesitation. "Fuck it. I've had a rough few months, anyway."

"Ooh, I have an idea." Camille grinned, taking the bottle and having a sip. "Let's play a game."

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