
By Rayeccccc

467K 13.6K 3.4K

Destiny. We all have one, whether we like it or not. Some carry the weight of the world, some travel down a d... More

It's not pity. It's kindness.
South Pole
She stays
Say hello to Korra
Still have it
Give em hell
Training & money
Oh no
Ill join.
Promise me.
You'll love her.
Task force
I always do
Match 1
Match 2
The kiss.
Im done.
I guarantee it.
Match 3
Republic City is at war.
"Yes, Mako, I can."
Who's leaving?
Hiroshi Sato
Solid platinum
She won't wake up.
Team avatar
Bye-Bye ponytail man
Stay calm
Not here
We don't have the avater
Stay safe
Cut the line
Spirit world
Im not useless.
The calm before the storm
Republic City: pt 1
Republic City pt.2


8.8K 277 28
By Rayeccccc

I woke up with a groan. My whole body was sore from last nights events. I started to push myself up when someone started to help me. I looked up to see Bolin.

"I'm glad you're okay Rin! When they threw you in here unconscious it really worried me."

I didn't waste anymore time and pulled Bolin into a hug, once I let go of him I smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Bolin asked rubbing where I hit.

"You scared the crap out of us Bolin! Don't ever do that again!" I scold.

Bolin lowers his head, "I'm sorry Rin... I just wanted to help."

I sigh, "I know. I'm just thankful you're okay."

I take a moment to look around, we were in a dark cell. And from the looks of it, it was made out of metal.

"Is anyone here a metal bender?" I ask to the group of men.

"Already tried sweet cheeks. It doesn't bend." One answered.

I walk around the cell feeling the walls.

A metal that doesn't have any earth in it has to be one of the purest kinds... so Amon has money on his side as well.

Suddenly the door opens, in came four people with something that appeared to be an electric shock glove.

That shock must've been what knocked me out.

They tie our hands behind our backs and shove us out of the cell. We make our way to a stage. It's to dark for me to really make out anything until the stage lights up momentarily blinding me. When my eyes adjust I look out the crowd in awe.

I knew there were people who hated benders but... I've never seen so many before.

"Please welcome your hero, your savior ... Amon!" an announcer calls proudly, as the masked man rises from the stage.

The crowd erupts into a mass amount of cheering.

I spot Bolin just a little bit away from me, I tried to shuffle over to him but I was pulled back with force.

"My quest for equality began many years ago. When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich, and none of us were benders.This made us very easy targets for the firebender who extorted my father. One day, my father confronted this man, but when he did, that firebender took my family from me. Then, he took my face. I've been forced to hide behind a mask ever since. As you know, the Avatar has recently arrived in Republic City. And if she were here, she would tell you that bending brings balance to the world. But, she is wrong. The only thing bending has brought to the world, is suffering. It has been the cause of every war in every era. But that is about to change. I know you have been wondering, "What is the Revelation?" You are about to get your answer. Since the beginning of time, the spirits have acted as guardians of our world, and they have spoken to me. They say the Avatar has failed humanity.That is why the spirits have chosen me to usher in a new era of balance. They have granted me a power that will make Equality a reality. The power to take a person's bending away. Permanently." Amon calls out to the crowd.

My eyes widened. That's impossible! I've only heard of grandpa Aang being able to take a person bending away! He was the only one who's soul was strong enough to energy bend.

"Now we have a very exciting surprise for tonight," Amon signals over to me, I start being pushed forward. Once I was by Amon he turns back to the crowd.

"Here we have one of the last air-benders."

The crowd started booing at me.

"For our main event I will be taking her bending away! We will start by wiping out all the air benders then moving onto every nation!"

I crowd cheers even louder then before.

•Makos POV•

Once I saw Rin being drug up to Amon I nearly jumped up on the stage. If it wasn't for Korra grabbing ahold of me. I had to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I closed my hands into a tight fist and kept my eyes on the stage watching Rins every move.

•Rins POV•

"You're a fool if you think you can wipe out every bender." I say with venom.

"I don't think child. I know." Amon says as I'm lead away.

"Now, for a demonstration. Please welcome, Lightning Bolt Zolt" Amon calls out, a man suddenly being shoved onto the stage "Leader of the Triple Threat Triad, and one of the most notorious criminals in Republic City."

The crowd erupts into boos again, the man yelling back at them.

"Zolt has amassed a fortune by extorting and abusing nonbenders. But his reign of terror is about to come to an end. Now, in the interest of fairness, I will give Zolt the chance to fight to keep his bending."

"You're going to be sorry for doing that pal" Zolt chuckles as another Equalist removes his restraints. Instantly, he throws a blast of fire, and Amon easily dodges. Quickly, Zolt tries to create lightning, the harsh form of firebending crackling through the room.

Amon quickly overtakes the man, his thumb presses to his forehead as Zolt releasing his lightning. However the second Amon slams his thumb back down onto the man's forehead, it spirals out of control, until it is nothing.

"Wha ... what did you do to me?" Zolt whimpers.

"Your firebending is gone. Forever. The era of bending is over. A new era of Equality has begun!" Amon calls over the crowd, which now begins to cheer as the next man is brought up.

My whole body felt weak after watching that play out in front of me. There's no way... how can he do this?

I need to find a way to get me and Bolin out of here and I need to do it fast.

I start looking around, trying to spot anything that will be useful. But my time runs out when Bolin is harshly grabbed and shoved in front of Amon.

"Amon Sir, I think there's been a huge misunderstanding." Bolin tries to stall.

Damnit. I've got no choice now.

I swing my head back with a force hitting the man that held me in the head, causing him to stumble backwards.

I make a break for Bolin and shoulder check him, he stumbles away from Amon leaving me right in front of him. I looked away from Bolin and back to Amon but my whole body froze when Amon put his thumb on my forehead. My heartbeat increased and I stared at his mask with fear in my eyes.

Move damnit! I have to move!

By some luck steam starts to cloud around us, Amon looks away from me and jumps back when a lash of fire is sent in between us. I stumbled backwards only to be caught.

"Rin are you okay!?" Mako asked as he burnt off my ropes.

My whole body felt numb. Once my rope broke my arms fell to my sides. Mako quickly picks me up bridal style and runs to the window with Bolin following after us.

"Mako! I love you!" Bolin says happily.

"Mako you can put me down." I whisper out. He looks down at me and hesitantly puts me down. We quickly start making our way out the window and down the ladder. I was the last one out.

I look up to see an Equalist man looking down on us, a growing smile on his lips as he slams an electric stick down on the ladder. Without any hesitation I swipe my hand at the two boys blowing them off the ladder.

I can still bend!

A smile grew on my face until electricity coursed through my body, I scream out in pain. My grip on the ladder starts to loosen and before I knew it, I hit the ground with a thud.

I tried my best to get back up but the pain was to overwhelming, my body still felt incredible weak.

I hate this feeling with a passion. I hate feeling weak... feeling useless. I couldn't do anything to help them. I couldn't protect them.

My vision starts to blur and black dots started appearing.

"Rin! RIN!" A voice calls out before everything goes black.

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