By PokeFan101YT

5.5K 110 65

I've been deceived by the man I looked up to for almost my whole life; he was someone who I was inspired from... More

🔥Things to be aware of🔥
My Self-Insert Character
Flare Arc 1: Prolouge
♦ .It all begins. ♥
♦ .Teams. ♥
♦ .Captured. ♥
♦ .Stronger. ♥
♦ .Losing my mind. ♥
♦ .Assistance. ♥
♦ .Corrupted World. ♥
♦ .So Few People. ♥
♦ .Breaking in and Getting Help. ♥
♦ .New Leader. ♥
♦ .Fighting Friends. ♥
♦ .Cold Blood Murder. ♥
♦ .Reunion. ♥
♦ .Teamwork. ♥
♦ .Pas de Deux. ♥
♦ .We Love You. ♥
♦ .Decisions Decisions. ♥
♦ .Countdown. ♥
Flare Arc 2: Prolouge
♦ .Recovery. ♥
♦ .Monster. ♥
♦ .But No One Came. ♥
♦ .No More. ♥
♦ .Welcome Back. ♥
♦ .We Need to Talk. ♥
♦ .Before It's Too Late. ♥
♦ .Death Run. ♥
Flare Arc 3: Prolouge
♦ .How Could this Happen. ♥
♦ .Just in Time. ♥
♦ .Be Prepared. ♥
♦ .The Final Battle. ♥
♦ .Why He Did What He Did. ♥
♦ .New Life. ♥
♦ .The End of an Era. ♥

♦ .Controlled. ♥

233 3 0
By PokeFan101YT

3rd Person POV:

As soon as they felt their bodies go limp, Ash and Greninja then began to have thoughts; thoughts that disturbed both of them.

Humans are filthy. This world is filthy.
This world must be reborn. This imperfect world must be fixed.

Ash and Greninja's control were slipping away.
Make it stop... Make this pain stop...!
At the same time, Geo's headache was getting worse and worse as her two friends were fading away.

"Pikapi, Pipika, Pikachu!"
[Hang in there, you two! Please!] Pikachu shouts, tears streaming down his cheeks. Ash weakly looked up at Pikachu, eyes starting to become glossy and cheeks streamed with tears.

"I-I'm... s-sorry... Pikachu..." Ash breathes out. Those were his last words before collapsing. Pikachu stared at his trainer, horrified.

He's sorry? What does he mean he's sorry...?

"I... hate this world." Ash finally spoke, his voice in a slightly robotic tone. "I hate this world... and the people in it...!" Ash's Pokemon stared in horror, their trainer now gone.

Pikachu then figured out what he meant by his apology.

Ash couldn't fight it; he couldn't fight the device much longer.

Ash had this blank look in his eyes, like he just lost all trace of his emotions and became a blank slate. Pikachu then look down to Greninja, who had the same look in his eyes.

[ASH! GRENINJA!] The Pokemon all shouted in horror. Lysandre just smiled sinisterly, knowing he has fully taken control of Ash and Greninja.

As if on cue, after Ash said those words, Ash and Greninja then started to glow a bright red, and started to scream as if they were still in pain.
"GYAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Geo screams painfully.

"Geo?! What's going on?!" Alain asks, holding her close.

"Ash... Greninja.... THEY'RE GONE!" Geo cries. Alain just stared at her in disbelief and horror. Geo then started to cry.

"This can't be happening... they wouldn't give in this easily...!" Alain stammers. He begins punching the floor of their cell in frustration.

"DAMN IT!" Alain shouts. Geo then collapses into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Alain holds her close, staring at the screen.
You fucking bastard... you're going to get it...
A vortex of water then began to form, meaning that the two were about to go through their Ash-Greninja transformation.

However, the water was different.

Usually, the water would be a deep blue that sparkled in the sun. This time, however, it appeared to be a dark, crimson red, the color of blood, with parts of the water glowing a bright red.

Eventually, the water began glowing brighter, causing everyone to shield their eyes.

However, during the transformation, the Pokemon felt as if something released them from the chains that kept them from escaping. They realized that the restraints must've exploded when the vortex of red water got bigger and stronger.

Once the water dispersed, Pikachu was sitting on the ground, still on top of Prism Tower. He looked around to see the others kneeling on the ground, panting.

[Is everyone okay?] Pikachu asks. The others nod in confirmation. Then they realized that Ash and Greninja were gone.

"Pikapi?! Pipika?!"
[Ash?! Greninja?!] Pikachu called out.

[Down there!] Hawlucha announced, pointing downwards to where Lysandre was.

Everyone slowly got to their footing, to find Ash and Greninja also free from their restraints. Their guards went up instantly, knowing this wasn't the same Ash and Greninja they once knew.

"Pi...? Pika...?"
[Guys...? Are you okay...?] Pikachu asks, despite knowing that they weren't.

Neither of them answered, or even moved a muscle. They just stood there, facing away from them.

"I know what you're trying to do... but you're just wasting your breath. Your friends are gone. I've opened their eyes to the truth. The truth you dolts aren't able to see." Lysandre sneered.

Right after he says that, Ash and Greninja turn around to face them.

Once the two looked up, the Pokemon just stared at the friends they once knew, the two's empty, emotionless, dead eyes glowing a crimson red, giving them the most emotionless stares.

[ASH! GRENINJA!] Pikachu called out, tears forming.

"G-Goodra Goo?!"
[Wh-What are we gonna do?!] Goodra stammered in fear.

"Hawlucha lucha?!"
[What did he do to them?!] Hawlucha exclaims.

Lysandre walks over, and places a hand on Ash's shoulder.

"I made him see the light. Zygarde sees it, and soon the other one will." He explains. "You see? These two are able to see the filth in this world. Why can't you?" The Pokemon's stares of horror then turned into scowls of rage.

"Pikachu Pi Pika!"
[Keep your hands off them!] Pikachu shouts, his red cheeks producing electricity.

"Ash, take care of them." Lysandre orders. Ash nods.

"Yes, Lysandre." He answers. Ash and Greninja jumped over to where the other Pokemon were standing. Their eyes began to glow brighter.

"Greninja, Water Shuriken!" Ash commands. Greninja jumps up in the air, and throws two blue and red shurikens towards the five Pokemon.

Before they could get hit, Pikachu and Goodra used a Thunderbolt and Dragon Pulse combination, causing a huge explosion with a lot of smoke.

This caused the five Pokemon two close their eyes and start coughing. Once the smoke cleared up, they noticed that their two friends were gone. And so was Lysandere. All that was left was Ash's hat.

[Ash...] Pikachu walked over to the beaten hat, and just held it close, holding back tears.

[Where did they go?!] Noivern asks, looking around for the three.

[They must've escaped...] Talonflame says.

"Noivern, noi?! Noivern Noi-Noivern!"
[Great, now what?! It's gonna take forever for us to find them with the city all devastated!] Noivern exclaims.

"Pikachu-Pi Kachu Pi Kaka. Pikachu pi."
[I think we should look for Geo and Alain. They might know what to do.] Pikachu says, turning around to face his comrades.

"Lu. Hawlucha-Haw?"
[Good idea. But where do think they would be?] Hawlucha asks.

"Talon. Talonflame-Talon?"
[Let's check inside Prism Tower. Maybe that lab we saw earlier?] Talonflame suggests.

[But how do we get in?] Goodra asks.

"Pika. Pikachu!"
[I think I have an idea. Follow me!] Pikachu says, placing his trainer's hat on his head and sprinting off. The other 4 follow him in hot pursuit.
"Stupid! Door! Open! Up!" Geo kept on banging on the door, trying to get it open.

"Stop it, Geo. You're going to hurt your hand." Alain states, catching her wrist.

She stares at the hand she used to bang on the bars, which was extremely red from how hard she pounded the door. She looks at him, knowing he was right.

"...*sigh,* I'm sorry..." Geo says. Ever since a few minutes ago, she stopped having that massive headache, but she was so persistent on escaping she's felt like she lost her mind.

"It's just... Ash and I are really close. We've been together ever since we started our journey." Geo says.

"I know. But really, if there's anyone that's to blame, it's me. I'm the one that gathered all of that energy, and now Lysandre has made Ash and Greninja his puppets." Alain says solemnly.

"It's not your fault. Really. If anything, it's mine." Geo says, looking down.

"Why's that? You're not the one that who put his plans in motion." Alain says.

"Yeah... but I was the only person who would be able to prevent him from doing all of this. If only I've got to spend more time with him... then things could've changed... Ash and Greninja wouldn't be in this situation, and we wouldn't be here right now..." Geo says, tears streaming down her cheeks out of frustration and betrayal.

Alain puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll save them. I know we will. If Ash was here, what would he say?" Alain asks. Geo thinks for a moment.

"He'd say not to give up..." Geo speaks up. Alain stands up.

"And that's what we're going to do. Our Ash wouldn't want to see us like this. Now let's get out of here!" Alain says. Geo smiles, wiping off the tears.


The ground shook below them. They turned around to see the door that they entered through was severely damaged, but still stayed up since it was hard steel.

"What the hell was that?!" Geo asks.

"Something's trying to get in here!" Alain shouts. The two back up, placing their backs up the end of their cell, in case they might get hurt.


A larger explosion occurred, enough to blow off the steel doors, and causing a large cloud of smoke and dust to form.

"Gaah! What the hell is causing these explosions?!" Geo shouts.

"Who's there?! Alain shouts to where the door once was. Once the dust cloud disappeared, Alain and Geo breathes a huge sigh of relief, seeing it was Ash's Pokemon.

"Kachu! Kaka!"
[Geo! Alain!] Pikachu exclaims in relief. The Pokemon run over to the cell.

[Are you two okay?] Talonflame asks the two trainers.

"Yeah. We're okay. Can you get us out of here?" Geo asks. Pikachu nods, grabbing a key and placing it inside the lock hole.

"Well color me impressed. Where did you get that?" Alain asks.

"They must've found it on the way here..." Geo says. The Pokemon nod in confirmation.

"Hawlucha-cha-lu, Hawlucha-cha."
[We encountered the grunts that threw you in here, and grabbed the key after defeating them.] Hawlucha explains.

"Really? That's awesome! Great work on defeating them!" Geo smiles, giving them a thumbs up.

"Heh, you really know what Pokemon say? What was Hawlucha saying?" Alain asks.

"Yeah, it's a special thing I was born with; I'm able to know what Pokemon say and sense how they feel. And Hawlucha was explaining how they got the key to me, saying that they encountered the grunts that threw us in here and got the key." Geo explains.

"Wow. That's really impressive!" Alain says.


The door then opens.

"YES!" Geo exclaims, pumping her fists up. The two trainers then exit out of the cell.

"Thank you guys so much!" Alain and Geo say in unison. The Pokemon nod.

"Pi, pika-ka..."
[And, we were able to grab this...] Pikachu says, pulling out Ash's walkie talkie from Ash's hat.

"You got it! Sweet! Let's connect with Clemont, ASAP!" Geo says, taking the device. After a bit of button pressing, the group begins to hear voices, and walk over to Geo so they could hear.
C: "Hello? Is that you, Ash?"

G: "Clemont? Are you there?"

C: "Geo?! Is that you?!"

G: "Yeah! Still alive and kicking!"

C: "Oh thank goodness! We thought you guys were hurt! Where are you?"

G: "We're inside Prism Tower, actually. Why do you ask?"

C: "We were told that the main source of the roots, or well, the device that's taken control of Zygarde, who is creating these roots, was inside Prism Tower. Did you find anything like that?"

G: "Uh... no. Nothing, really. We were taken hostage. But we're fine now.... sort of."

C: "What do you mean by tha- ACK!"

G: "C-Clemont?!"

S: "Hey Geo! How's Alain and Ash?"

G: "Oh- hey Serena! Alain's fine; he's with me right now. However... Ash and Greninja... they were captured and they've been put under some sort of mind control by Lysandre."

S: "Oh... where are they now...?"

G: "We're not really sure... Pikachu and the rest of Ash's Pokemon just helped us from our restraints."

S: "I see... w-we'll keep an eye out..."

G: "Alright. And how are you guys?"

C: "We just reached Prism Tower. However, two of Team Flare's admins, Aliana and Bryony I believe, are defending it currently, and we're battling them right now."

G: "Gotcha."

A: "How's Sycamore and Mairin?"

C: "Oh- hey Alain! Don't worry. They're alright; they're with us right now."

A: "Okay, good."

G: "How's Bonnie?"

C: "She's with Squishy; they're looking for the other Zygarde."

G: "Oh... okay then..."

C: "I know what you're thinking; I was uncertain too, but I had to give in. She's doing fine though, I just called her."

G: "Oh, Clemont... anyway, I'll get in touch with Bonnie, and be careful."

C: "Don't worry, we will."

G: "Good. I'll see you soon. Hopefully."

C: "Yeah. Good luck!"

"Should we call Bonnie?" Alain asks.

"Well, Clemont did say he called Bonnie already, so maybe later." Geo says.

[Well, what're we gonna do now?] Goodra asks.

"Me and Alain should grab our Pokemon first, and grab your Pokeballs also. They might be in the storage room. Then, we'll look for the others, and then save Ash and Greninja." Geo explains.

"Noi. Noivern!"
[Good idea. Let's hurry!] Noivern exclaims.

"Geo, do you think you know where the storage room is? I haven't been in here before." Alain asks.

"Yeah, I think I know where it is. C'mon! Let's hurry! We're running out of time!" Geo exclaims, running towards the door, with Alain running next to her and the Pokemon right behind them.

Pikachu then hops onto Geo's shoulder.

"Wh- hey! What are you doing?!" Geo asks in shock.

"Pi, pika-pikachu,"
[Sorry, force of habit to perch on to a trainers shoulder when traveling.] Pikachu says nervously, giving a small laugh. The others  laugh a little too.

"No worries!" Geo replies.

"Come on Geo! Hurry!" Alain shouts, now in front of her.

"Right!" Geo replies, catching up.

"Don't give up!"

Those words kept on repeating in their heads as they make way to the storage room, part one of their plan to save their friends now in motion.

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