
By Gemmiejewel

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Take a runaway West End Starlit, add the lead singer of a top rock band and throw them into a seaside town mu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Four

4 0 0
By Gemmiejewel

Sophie was busying herself with the bed sheets as she tried to ignore the sound of the footsteps coming from the stairwell. She tried to ignore the sound of footsteps that were coming from the stairwell. She tried to focus her mind on the hospital corners that her mother had drummed into her since she was seven years old and not on the key turning in the door of the Sun Suite. She hadn't come down from the high she got from the earlier conversation she had had with her musical hero. All afternoon she had been singing theatre songs in her own way, rocking them up to suit her voice and hoping that some agent would hear her through the wide open windows. As she heard the door close, Sophie decided to start singing again. Her melodic yet edgy voice filled the room and floated through the slightly ajar door. When she heard more footsteps she stopped suddenly and craned her head to try and identify who they belonged to. There was definitely more than one set and Sophie released that she had no idea who they were.

"Mum?" Sophie called out slightly shaking. "Elizabeth?" she called out again in the vain hope that the singer in the next room would hear her. In her nineteen years on the planet, Sophie could honestly say that nothing had spooked her... until now. She clutched the pillow she was holding tightly to her chest as she tried to control her breathing. As the footsteps drew nearer, Sophie could feel herself shaking and the clattering of her beads of her bangles betrayed this anyone who would walk through the door at that very moment.

"Well hello, pretty lady," Ricky said as he pushed the door fully open. Sophie's mouth dropped open as the corners of her lips involuntary curled into a smile.

"Oh my God!" she squealed as she dropped the pillow she was holding onto to.

Elizabeth was trying to concentrate on organising her new wardrobe when she heard the rumpus coming from next door. She had tried singing to herself but the singing from the next room put paid to that. Combined with the thundering footsteps coming up from the stairs this made Elizabeth angrier than she should have been. She threw her new clothes in frustration sending them flying across her freshly made bed. She pulled off the clothes that Victoria had given her and grabbed the dressing gown and wrapped it around her tightly. She tightened her ponytail and took a deep breath before gripping the door handle. With another deep breath, she flung the door open almost sending her new toiletries flying off the dressing table.

Once outside her room, Elizabeth was met with the sight of Sophie giggling and laughing with the four men that had been downstairs earlier. Sophie seemed to be enjoying the attention but not so much from the quieter one of the four who seemed to be quite enamoured with her. Poor, delusional children, Elizabeth thought to herself as she stood in the doorway. She watched the scene unfold before her taking particular attention of the lead singer. She hadn't noticed the way his eyes danced when he laughed. They were the colour of the sea outside her window sprinkled with little flecks almost like diamonds, which is the best metaphor that Elizabeth could come up with right now amidst everything. She leant against the door, steadying herself with her hand. Yes, he was cute, but he was so up himself and ...

"Elizabeth!" Sophie said excitedly as she spotted the singer in the doorway. Elizabeth resisted the temptation to roll her eyes but instead smiled politely and raised her hand in a small wave.

"Hello, Sophie." The singer said as she crept back into her room suddenly conscious of the fact that she was only wearing underwear and a dressing gown. Ricky also turned his head in Elizabeth's direction which made her, even more, self-conscious.

"What's the matter?" Sophie asked as she walked over to her heroine. Elizabeth crept back into the room a little further so much so that only her head and hands were visible. "Come and meet the boys."

"Sophie, I was kind of getting ready for a bath." Elizabeth lied through gritted teeth. "I don't have anything on!"

"Oh!" Sophie said slightly taken aback. "Umm are you at least... covered up?"

"Yes, but that is not the point. There are men out there that I have exchanged all of twenty words with and I am wearing a dressing gown! I don't think it's appropriate that I meet them like this!"

"I think you forget something," Ricky said as he sauntered over to Elizabeth and Sophie, causing Elizabeth's eyes to widen in horror. "We've already met."

"You have?" Sophie asked with an excited look in her eyes. "When? How? Was it a concert or something?"

"No, it was downstairs," Ricky said confused. "Why would it be a music thing?"

"Because Elizabeth is..." Sophie was interrupted by a swift barefooted kick to the shins courtesy of the West End Star. "Ow bloody Hell Elizabeth that hurt!"

"Sorry foot slipped," Elizabeth smirked. "Now if you will excuse me from this gathering I really need to do some things."

"Maybe I'll see you later then," Ricky said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah maybe," Elizabeth said finally slamming the door to her room almost catching Sophie and Ricky in the face.

"Highly strung?" Ricky asked as she and Sophie walked away from the bedroom.

"She's under a lot of strain," Sophie answered rubbing her hands together. "So, why don't I get you boys settled into your rooms and then I can show you the delights of this wonderful town."

"Sounds wicked," Tim said finally removing his sunglasses. "Where do we go to get the chicks?"

"Tim for God's sake," Jamie said hitting the bass player on the arm. "It's not all about that."

"What's got your goat?" Tarquin piped up. "We are here to have fun man."

"We are here to play." Ricky interrupted. "Now Sophie, show us to our rooms. Here are the keys your mother gave us."

"Thank you," Sophie said as Ricky dropped a bunch of keys into her hand. "Right this way." She continued as she gestured down the corridor. The band followed Sophie down the hallway, Ricky's eyes diverting only to the door to the Sun Suite knowing that the mysteriously attractive seductive Elizabeth was inside and that her clothes would probably be off. That made him grin.

"Honestly!" Elizabeth said to herself as she ran her hand through her hair, loosening her ponytail as she walked over to the bed. She flopped and breathed out deeply through her mouth. She had only ever had one case of Chronic Fan Syndrome as she called it and as far as she knew the Restraining Order was still in place. But Sophie had put him to shame. And as for that jumped up, little arse of a singer, who the hell did he think he was anyway? She almost berated herself for even thinking that he was cute and had nice eyes. Although he did have nice eyes. Her mobile phone, which was sitting on top of the dressing table, vibrated and she reached over to pick it up, letting the dressing gown slip and expose a little of her skin underneath. She flicked through the messages and could see that they were all from Aiden. The same old crap, she thought to herself as she read them. He wanted her back; he promised that he wouldn't do it again. No mention of the fact that she was nowhere near London at this present time, or if any question if she was ok. In fact, she was convinced that he had those messages on auto text as she could practically recite them off by heart.

"Delete, delete, delete," Elizabeth said as she repeated the process of getting rid of the messages from her phone, the last killer blow being delivered with the blockage and eventual deletion of Aiden's number.

"That's better." She said as she tossed her phone back onto the dressing table before turning her attention to the pile of clothes behind her. "Oh man." She said screwing her face up. "Time you to sort you out."

"And this is your room," Sophie said as she showed Jamie to the door of the last room in the corridor. The guitarist turned around and smiled at her flicking a mousy brown lock of hair out of his eyes.

"Thank you very much, Sophie." He said as he leant up against the door frame. "So, what you do then?"

"I work here," Sophie said with a confused look on her face. "And I sing part time."

"So you're a singer?" Jamie asked nodding his head for no particular reason other than to try and look cool. "What do you sing?"

"My own stuff," Sophie answered slightly taken aback but nonetheless politely. "I'm always writing songs."

"Me too. We should get together sometime, have a jam may be. I am sure Ricky would be able to help you with a vocal or two."

"Sorry," Sophie said shaking her head. "I have someone else in mind for the lead vocal."

"And who would that be?" Jamie asked closing the gap between them slightly.

"Never you mind," Sophie answered taking two steps back. "Now, if you don't you mind I really need to start getting ready if you want me to show you the town. Will you excuse me?"

"Of course," Jamie answered taking Sophie's hand and kissing it gently. "I will see you later then.

"Yeah," Sophie said almost snatching her hand back before making a run for it down the corridor.

"She likes me," Jamie said to himself as he opened the door to his room and walked inside.

Victoria didn't have time to acknowledge her daughter as she raced past her in the reception area which was half packed with guests that her mother was trying to assign the remainder of the rooms to. Sophie brushed past her and disappeared behind the curtain before the hotel manager could even say hello.

"I hate my job," Victoria said as she sent the last of the guests up the stairs screaming and gushing at the top of their voices all about the arrival of Avalanche. Victoria hoped to her core that the guests would realise that the band was actually staying there. The fact that the top floor consisting of only them and Elizabeth, this would probably remain the case. Nathan had remained in the reception to try and fill out the paperwork for his band. He was thankful for the fact that most music managers were not all X Factor Judge wannabes and preferred like Nathan, to remain just anonymous but rather well-off businessmen.

"I am sorry about earlier," Nathan said not looking up from the papers he was writing over. Victoria looked at him with a raised eyebrow and hand on hip.

"Sorry for insulting me or sorry for bringing a ragbag of misfits to my hotel?" she answered with a stern tone in her voice. Nathan looked up at her in shock. He put his pen down and looked her firmly in the eye.

"Now look here Mrs Spencer..."

"It's Miss." Victoria corrected. "Miss Spencer."

"Fine," Nathan said straightening up slightly. "Miss Spencer, like I said before, I was told that this was the best hotel in Sunset Ferry and I have apologised for the behaviour of the boys. At least accept that please." Victoria pursed her lips and looked down at her desk. She didn't answer Nathan, just nodded her head.

"Thank you," Nathan said picking up his pen again.

"Your welcome," Victoria said picking up some papers, turning around and flinging the curtain back before disappearing behind it.

"Bloody women," Nathan mumbled not looking up from the forms.

"What have they done now?" Jamie asked as he practically jumped off the bottom step of the staircase into the reception area.

"I thought you were supposed to be settling in," Nathan asked signing the last form and placing his pen back into his inside jacket pocket.

"Already have," Jamie answered leaning up against the desk. "Not a bad little place. Sophie seems nice."

"Sophie?" Nathan asked with a slightly annoyed look on his face. "I thought we agreed that there would be no female attention on this trip Jamie."

"There won't be!" Jamie defended. "All I am saying is that Sophie seems like a nice girl. Not like her mother at all."

"Not so loud the Ice Queen is behind there," Nathan said pointing at the curtain.

"Oh," Jamie said nodding his head. "Anyway, Tim and Tarquin are on about going out tonight. What do you want me to do?"

"Other than lock them up and throw away the key just keep your eye on them. I am counting on you, Jamie. You're the sensible one."

"I know you keep telling me," Jamie said patting Nathan on the shoulder. "What about Rick? He seems to be taking a liking to that blonde who had a go at him."

"Ricky Steal is old enough and hard enough to take care of himself. Leave him to it. Just keep your eye on the twins and off Sophie. Is that clear?"

"Yes, boss," Jamie said as he began to walk away. "It is alright if we go out though in it?"

"I suppose so." Nathan sighed rolling his eyes. "But be back here before eleven. Rehearsal tomorrow and I want you all fresh do you hear me."

"Yes, Sir Mr Ashton sir!" Jamie grinned as he mocked saluted his manager before bouncing back up the stairs.

"I hate my job too," Nathan said as he let out a deep breath to try and relax knowing that it would probably be his last chance to.

Victoria couldn't believe what she had heard in the reception area. It wasn't her normal policy to eve's drop on guests but when she accidentally caught Sophie's name being brought up she couldn't resist. It made her wonder why Sophie has been so desperate to get back into their private flat earlier on. She could feel her blood boiling and she hoped to her core that that cocky guitarist hadn't done anything to upset her baby. As soon as she saw Sophie, fresh faced and smiling she knew hadn't happened, but she was still a mother who wanted information.

"What was rush earlier?" Victoria asked as Sophie started fiddling with her hair.

"What rush?" Sophie asked clipping a diamante slide in her hair.

"Don't answer me with another question sweetie pie," Victoria said closing the gap between her and her daughter. "You flew down here quicker than someone who had eaten a batch of the dodgy prawns from the Fish Market. What's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm just going out with the boys so I needed to get ready."

"You are what?" Victoria asked in shock.

"I am going out," Sophie answered almost mocking the tone in her mother's voice. "So, is there anything you want me to do before I start to get ready properly."

"You are going out with them lot?" Victoria answered pointing to the ceiling. "With that band or misfits?"

"Yes, that's the plan." Sophie nodded with her hands on her hips. "Now anything you need me to do?"

"Take some tea up to Elizabeth before you go. She had a run in with your new friends earlier." Victoria answered waving in hand in the direction of the kitchen.

"Is she ok?" Sophie asked almost sounding concerned.

"She's fine. She can fight her battles. Now tea. Go." Victoria said again, this time with a sterner tone in her voice.

"Yes, mum," Sophie answered with her head down as she made her way into the kitchen.

"I've raised a tearaway its official," Victoria said to herself as she threw her hands in the air and flopped down on the nearest sofa, completely and utterly exhausted.

Elizabeth finally felt more relaxed when she slipped on a loose summer dress that was freshly purchased. She felt like herself and not in debt to someone else. She padded across the bedroom barefoot and opened the patio doors. She felt the rush of the early evening air flow in through the bedroom bringing with it the scent of the seaside. She walked out onto the balcony and leant on the railing, the soft breeze flowing around her ankles pressing the fabric of the dress next to her skin. She looked down at the now bustling Promenade and Main Parade of the town, teenagers and adults alike all crowding around the Theatre and the Pier in the vain hope of catching a glimpse of their idols. Elizabeth knew how that used to feel. Making someone's day merely by smiling at them. It was something she admitted that in the later years she took for granted. Maybe when she was ready to go back to London she would make more of an effort with her fans rather than just acted the way they expected her to act in front of them. She looked over to the sea and watched the sun begin its slow descent into its watery sleep. She had very rarely seen a sunset and could now understand where the town had got its name from. It would be a while before the yellow orb finally disappeared beneath the waves but Elizabeth wanted to see it through. Just as she was about to sit down a knock on the door interrupted her.

"Oh for shit's sake!" she said to herself as she turned on her heel to walk back into the bedroom and open the door. She was met with the sight of a grinning Sophie carrying a tea set on a tray.

"Mum thought you could do with this." She said walking into the room without invitation.

"Umm thank you," Elizabeth said leaving the door open hoping that Sophie would get the hint. Sophie placed the tray down on the small table on the balcony before walking back into the bedroom still with a huge grin on her face.

"I was singing your songs earlier." Sophie said all wide eyed. "Did you hear me?"

"Umm yes, I think I did," Elizabeth answered desperately hoping that there was a way out of this conversation. She suddenly felt as though she was stuck in a room with a teenage, music-loving psychopath disguised as a teenage girl.

"Good." Sophie gushed. "Because I really love singing and I've done some local gigs and stuff but nothing big. I think my songs would suit your voice perfectly."

"My voice?!" Elizabeth nearly choked. "Why would they suit my voice?"

"Because you are just amazing. I'll bring some over to you tomorrow and you can have a look through them if it's ok."

"Umm... ahh... I'll see, I am supposed to be on R and R." Elizabeth stumbled not quite sure what to say or how to handle the situation she found herself in.

"Oh yes of course. Well anyway, the offer is there." Sophie said rubbing her hands together and practically bouncing on the spot. "Anyway, I'm off out with the boys so... Oh, you can come if you like! I never thought of that, I mean you have got so much in common with them being in the music biz and everything."

"I don't think so Sophie," Elizabeth said putting her hands up. "Another time maybe."

"Of course." Sophie smiled. "Well, night night." She said as she finally left the room, still grinning at Elizabeth.

"Night, have fun," Elizabeth said shutting the door firmly. She stood opened mouth for a while before releasing that she needed to take a breath. She walked back out on the balcony and poured a cup of tea, sipping it gently to try and regain some composure. Finally, when her heart returned to its normal rhythm, she sat down on the outdoor seat, just able to lean on the railings to watch the sun go down. As the day finally turned into night, Elizabeth saw Sunset Ferry light up with magnificent music and neon stripes all across the Promenade. She looked down to the entrance of the hotel and watched as Sophie led the four tearaways out into the night sea air, Ricky only stopping to look back up at her, his smile almost as bright as the sign on The Pier. A smile that Elizabeth found made her heart skip a beat.

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