My Saving Grace {Leo Valdez x...

By ShadowWolf15

25.5K 685 1K

After a year of being in an abusive relationship, Leo doesn't know any other way love works. Because he work... More

Warnings And Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

1K 26 44
By ShadowWolf15

Jason's P.O.V.~

Without Nico to drive us back, Leo and I had to resort to walking him silence. It was hard seeing him so... withdrawn from the world. So angry at the world while still holding his pain in his eyes. His determination to learn about my past... Nico's past... kept me from breaking the silence between us.

I could still see Nico's face the morning after his birthday, needing a friend to help him. A friend I just couldn't be at the time.  Not when Percy worked so hard to get with Annabeth.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I watched my house get closer and closer.  My heart pounded in my chest as I pulled my keys out of my pocket.  As soon as the door unlocked, Leo pushed the door open to slip inside before me.  Without hesitation, he sat on the couch and watched me intently.

My hands clammed up as I approached the couch.  "Well," I started, collapsing onto the couch beside the Latino.  "There's really no beating around the bush here, is there?  You just want to know about my past with Nico."

"Nico's a good guy," Leo shrugged.  "I don't see how you could have hated him in the past."

I took a deep breath as I let myself relieve the last few years of my life.

"Well, it all started when Percy came to school one day, more excited than we've ever seen him..."


"Everyone," Percy greeted with extra eagerness in his voice as he stood at our lunch table.  A smaller boy stood at his side, smiling up at the green-eyed teen.  "This is Nico.  He just transferred into town and ran into me at the mall this past weekend.  I thought he could join our passé here so he could have some friends to talk to."

Though everyone seemed excited to let this stranger into our group, I felt weary of Nico.  He was... new.  He also seemed very attached to Percy, even as everyone around him eased into conversation.  It seemed as if Percy was the only person in the room.

Piper nudged me and snickered as she leaned on my shoulder. She whispered, "Young love. God, wait 'til he learns Percy's straight, right?"

I could only nod. He was in for heartbreak when he learned Percy was planning out his promposal to Annabeth.


"I saw that glare, you know."

Percy and I were walking to our biology class together, leaving Nico with Reyna to go to their English course.  I felt a little guilty relishing in the fact that I didn't have to watch Nico ogle over Percy any more for the time being.

Still, I refused to show just how annoyed I was to Percy now.  "What do you mean?"

The other boy snorted and rolled his eyes, elbowing me as we walked into our class.  "I might be oblivious sometimes, but I'm not stupid.  You don't like Nico.  Why?"

"You've noticed how much he stares at you, right?" I sighed as we sat in our seats.  "I get you're the first person he knows here, but friends normally don't bite their lips when they look at each other.  At least, not like that."

Percy smirked at me, pulling out a notebook.  "What can I say?  I'm a handsome guy."  When I didn't laugh, the teen beside me snorted.  "But I wouldn't think much of it.  Nico's just gotten to know me over the past few days.  Just let him get used to you."  As the teacher walked into the room, Percy whispered, "You two have something in common.  Something you know more about than he does."

Just as I was about to ask him what that was, our teacher began to take attendance.  Silently, Percy slid a piece of paper over to me.  I didn't even have to read it to know what was written on it.

He wanted help finishing his promposal tonight so he could ask Annabeth soon.


After school ended, Percy told me to meet him at our favorite coffee shop near his house. He just needed to ask someone about using the speakers in the cafeteria before finishing his plan. Why he didn't want me around for that didn't make much sense to me until I saw him walk in.

With Nico right behind him.

I was about to snap at Percy when he held up his hand silently. His eyes hardened as he motioned for Nico to sit across from me. "I just have to grab something to drink, so you two talk."

As soon as Percy walked away, I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out. "So. You're new." My voice sounded cold to my ears.

The pale boy laughed nervously before tapping a finger on the table. "Yeah. I, uh, used to live further south with my sister after we immigrated from Italy. It's a long story as to why we moved, but..." I glanced up and saw the boy shrug with a nervous smile. "Anyway, I'm living here with my half-sister Hazel. My other sister's in town, but I think she's with some girls right now."

With a hum, I returned my gaze to my phone. Only when Nico spoke again did I drop the device on the table.

"So, Percy told me you liked boys."

My heart stopped. Sure, I found guys attractive, but I had a girlfriend! If Piper found out I was talking about boys, she wouldn't be too pleased with me.

Still, I nodded. "So?"

The Italian flushed as he looked away. "W-well, I never had the chance of... learning about... this part of me where I used to live. I wasn't exactly in an open-minded community." He took a deep breath and looked straight at me. "I think I'm into boys, but how do I know if I actually am?"

I stared dumbfounded at the boy across from me.  Was he actually asking me to explain homosexuality?

Before I could say a word, I heard Percy laugh at the counter as he awaited his drink.  I watched Nico's eyes brighten as he glanced over to my friend, a flicker of a smile playing on his lips. 

So, with a smirk, I lifted my phone back up.  "That on your face should give you your answer."

Instantly, Nico stared at me like a deer in headlights. 

I took the chance to give him a warning.  "He's the straightest guy I know.  Do your best to walk away from this crush of yours before anything bad happens to you, okay?"  My voice seemed to scare the Italian a bit, because, when I looked at him, Nico had his gaze down at his hands.

When Percy came back, he didn't even mention his promposal.  Whether he knew about Nico's crush or he just genuinely didn't care, I didn't know.  All I knew was, eventually, Nico would have to accept the fact that Percy liked someone else.


Piper and I were waiting in the cafeteria when Nico came strolling in with a smile on his face.  "Jason, hey!  Percy said you'd be here.  He has some sort of surprise?"

God, Percy.  You're making it hard for this kid already.

"Yeah, it's going to be so romantic!" Piper laced her fingers through mine as she leaned over to kiss me. 

Nico giggled softly as he sat at the chair a couple down from mine.  He didn't know.  He was in such a good mood, too.

Percy was going to crush him without realizing.

"Aww," Piper cooed in my ear, tracing her fingers across my skin.  "The gay boy is about to have his heart broken.  How sad."  She snickered as music began to play through the speakers. 

The few people around began to crowd in as Percy led Annabeth into the cafeteria. Brendon Urie's voice began to sing with the sound of a piano playing. Annabeth even covered her mouth as Percy pulled her close and danced with her as the song built up towards the chorus.

"'But they haven't seen the best of us yet,'" Percy sang as the music began to fade away. "Annabeth, if you love me, let me go to the prom with you. It would make me the happiest man in the world."

The blonde girl smiled as tears of joy streaked down her cheeks. She pulled Percy close as she nodded, laughing. "Yes! I was hoping you'd ask me!"

Everyone cheered as the song played at full force through the speakers and the two began to dance. As Piper gave her own cheer and I clapped, I looked over at Nico and winced.

His smile had fallen away, tears of his own falling down his cheeks as he watched Percy kiss Annabeth. Percy's words were knives to him, leaving him falling apart on the inside. And Percy didn't even give him warning.

I pitied Nico as I watched him stand and walk towards the restrooms, no doubt to cry as his crush kissed his newfound date. But, when Piper began to laugh, I felt obligated to smile at her.

Nico stopped hanging around Percy after that day. Hell, he didn't even sit with us at lunch anymore.

I don't think he smiled much until his eighteenth birthday when everything changed.


Someone was banging on my door the day after Nico's party.  Piper had dragged me home after an hour of drinking, where she and I...

A chill snaked up my spine as I remembered how much I didn't want to do it, but she had insisted we should.  If I had only said no and pushed her away...

The banging grew more insistent the longer I stood in my room.  With a shake of my head and a glance at the girl under my covers, I pulled a shirt over my head and walked to my door.  Just before I opened it, I heard someone crying on the other side.  I didn't know who I expected it to be, but I was shocked when I opened the door.

Nico was trembling as he wiped tears away, hyperventilating as we stared at each other.  "Can I come in, Jason?"

We weren't close.  I don't know why I moved aside, but the moment I did, Nico shut my door and leaned against it.  He sobbed into his hands for a full minute before he took a deep breath.

"God, I'm so stupid.  I made the worst mistake of my life yesterday.  You were the first person I could think of to go to."  The Italian looked up at me with pitiful eyes.  Then, as if he knew my next question, he tried to smile.  "I know I stopped talking to you guys after he asked Annabeth out, but I really need help."

I just stared at the boy in front of me, desperate for advice.  With a smile, I nodded for Nico to continue.

He nodded as he ran a hand through his hair.  "Well, you know how Percy came up with this plan to regain my friendship by dragging me along everywhere, then planning my eighteenth birthday party."  When I hummed in acknowledgement, he started shaking.  "Well, we were drinking, I got a little too confident, asked him to go upstairs..."  Shame was written all over his face.

"You slept with Annie's boyfriend?!" Piper shouted as she walked out of my bedroom.  "We get you're so in love with Percy, but taking advantage of him when he's drunk?  How low can you get?"

I stared at Piper in shock as I heard Nico whimper.  "Piper—"

"You can't defend him, Jase!" my girlfriend snapped.  "He was only in our group to get closer to Percy and ruin his relationship!  You saw it, right babe?"

My heart pounded as I turned to face Nico.  Piper leaned against me, whispering of how Nico was a parasite.  I didn't know why, but I felt the same weariness of Nico I had back when I first met him. 

"You knew Percy and Annabeth were dating," I whispered, then glared at the sobbing boy.  "Nico, you betrayed his friendship!"

Pain flared in Nico's eyes as he stared up at me.  "I... I know.  That's why—"

"That's why what?  You came to get Jason to fix your mistake?"  Piper snapped, kissing my shoulder.

Nico shook his head, looking at me with pleading eyes.  He couldn't say a word as Piper pushed me to berate him, pushing his cry for help aside. 

"I think you should leave, Nico."

The Italian wiped more tears away as he shook his head.  "Fuck you guys."  And, just like that, Nico opened the door and stormed off, sobbing on his way out.

Piper laughed as she watched him go, but I could only sigh as I felt guilty for pushing Nico away.

"It took breaking up with Piper for Nico to even consider listening to me again.  We haven't mentioned that since."

Leo just stared at me, awed by my past with Nico.  He just shook his head, as if unable to consider what I did.  There were days I wish I could have listened to Nico that day.

"So," I sighed, rubbing my head, "now you know."

The Latino nodded silently.  For a moment, I didn't think he was going to say anything.  Then, he whispered, "How could he forgive you?"

I smiled softly at that, shaking my head.  "I don't think he ever really did.  He just hated how holding that grudge felt.  Nico just... has his way of moving on."

"I hope I can do that soon," Leo said as he stood and walked to the kitchen.  I didn't follow, letting the boy have a moment to himself.

Nico's P.O.V.~

"God, I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to see you like this again," those soft whispers blessed my ears as Percy's hand massaged my bare thigh.  His chest pressed against my back so perfectly, as if we were meant to be in this position.  "I don't think I've ever felt so... perfect after sex."

I sighed happily as I grasped his massaging hand, pulling it up to my chest.  My bike was still parked at the coffee shop.  After our second kiss at the shop, I let Percy lead me to his car.  He asked a hundred times if I was okay with what we were doing.  Not that I really was thinking straight, more just thinking about myself.

I wanted Perseus Jackson more than I wanted anyone.

As I cradled his hand against my body, I heard him chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

Percy kissed my neck as he pulled me closer, nuzzling into my shoulder.  "Just wondering how I couldn't be so lucky to fall for you when I was single."

As we fell into silence and Percy fell asleep, I bit my lip nervously.  My thoughts were catching up with me now that I was alone with my thoughts.

Will deserved more than me.  I needed to come clean soon, before I lied myself into any grave.

With a sigh, I snuggled up against Percy's chest, still clinging to his arm as my eyes shut and I fell asleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed a little glimpse into the past and Nico's relapse into a drug called Percy Jackson.  If he keeps doing these things, my content is going to need a mature rating.

Though I'm started to get a little lost with how I'll continue, I hope this isn't the last chapter of the summer.  Until next time!

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