Mega Man in Remnant (abandone...

By Umm_username696

48.4K 579 361

He has no clue where he is, what he is doing, why he's there, who he is, or even talk, all he can remember is... More

Ruby Rose
The Shining Beacon
The Shining Beacon Part 2
The First Step
The First Step Part 2
The Emerald Forest
The Emerald Forest Part 2
Players and Pieces
The Badge And The Burden
The Badge And The Burden Part 2
Jaunedice Part 2
Forever Fall
Forever Fall Part 2
The Stray
Black And White
Best Day Ever
Welcome To Beacon
A Minor Hiccup
Painting the Town...
Burning the Candle
Dance Dance Infiltration
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Breaks
Round One
New Challengers...
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat

Those Few Days

1.3K 18 5
By Umm_username696

Rock had been sitting on his bed looking at the large stacks of E drinks, provided by blues, and thinking about  how awkward the few days after his reveal were


Rock had just been dismissed from professor ozpin's office after the explanation, teams jnpr and rwby had been dismissed about an hour earlier

Rock had watched as they looked at him apprehensive, the look of fear in their eyes as they looked at him

They knew what rock was capable of and they questioned if he was a part of those robot masters. The looks only got worse when he revealed that he was DLN. 001 Rock

Sure they tried to act like they weren't afraid but rock had seen those eyes before, those were the same eyes his sister gave him when he went mad with power, the same eyes civilians gave him when he first appeared to help. They were suspicious and afraid

Rock could do nothing but agree with those eyes, he knew what he was capable of. He can carry a whole castle and can move fast enough of dodge lightning, why shouldn't they be scared?

The small size was to help people get along with rock and not look intimidating, his face looked like it belonged on a cartoon character but it never helped once people saw what he could do

The elevator had finally made its way down to the ground floor and opened its doors. Rock made his way, as silently as he could with metal boots, to his dorm room

Walking down the hallways he passed by team rwby's Dorm and listened in


"I just don't think we should trust it" weiss said angrily staring at ruby

"but Weiss he's done nothing wrong!" ruby defended

"Yeah weiss! " yang said

"what if it's one of them! What if it's just trying to get us to trust him so he can backstab us?" weiss yelled

"he wouldn't do that! Right?" ruby asked looking at yang and jaune who shrugged

"I don't know ruby" Jaune said

"but..." ruby tried to say something her eyes watering as she looked at everyone

"but what? It's not human it's just a robot!" weiss yelled

"stop calling him that!" ruby yelled

"stop calling him what?! Rock is just a robot nothing more!" weiss said

"no rock is my friend! " Jaune said walking to the door "he was my first friend in Beacon I won't leave him just for something he isn't " Jaune opened the door only to see rock on the floor knees to his chest listing with a sad expression on his face his eyes hollow

"r-rock?!" Jaune said

Rock looked up from his position staring straight at jaune eyes before quickly getting up and running leaving jaune looking down the hallway

"Jaune?" pyrrha called him

"he was here..." Jaune said

"who?!" Nora asked

"rock... He was listening..."  Jaune said still looking down the hall

"how long do you think he was there?" Blake asked receiving no answer


He hated it, the feeling. He didn't know what it was but it felt horrible, he wanted it to go away

But they were right he was just a robot just like wily said he was only a robot

Rock had finally made his way to his dorm. Slamming the door shut  he grabbed his armor, which was on the work bench, and threw it across the room

He hated being a machine, he hated not being human, he wanted nothing more than to be human but he couldn't, he would do anything. He pleaded to anyone that was listening to make him human to help him but there was no answer

He slammed his fists on to the tile covered floor but feeling the artificial pain only made him feel enraged. Again and again he would hit his fists on the ground, he got up and completely destroyed his room in a fit of rage.

A teardrop fell from his face as he trembled, his room a mess, his eyes weeping, his nonexistent heart broken


Two days had gone by and rock had been avoiding both teams rwby and jnpr, only giving them sad looks as he either walked passed them or away from them

At the moment Rock was in a battle against yang, in Ms. Goodwitch's class, and was just standing there taking the beating

"come on rock! Why aren't you fighting back?!" yang yelled going in for another attack

Rock sighed before his eyes lit up displaying a large hologram with 3 small paragraphs on it

First Law
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second Law
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

"Oh...." yang said

"I must apologize Mr. Light, I did not know of such laws existing" ms.Goodwitch said "students this means the battle is invalid and cannot continue" she announced as rock slowly walked off the stage head hanging

Everyone had already heard about rock being a robot and were avoiding him like a plague. A student had over heard teams jnpr and rwby's discussion as well and had spread the news

Yang watched at rock slowly made his way back to the locker room to change

Yang followed rock into the locker room where she saw him staring at his helmet with an empty look in his eyes

"hey..." she hesitantly called out to him

Rock slowly turned his head to her his eyes still hollowed

"I just wanted to say that you should come around again... Ruby misses you" she said

Rock let his head slowly hang, looking back down at the helmet. Yang slowly and hesitantly walked up to the bench he was sitting on

Rock put down his helmet and grabbed his writing supplies, slowly writing down a message saying

'why? I'm only a robot'

Why? That's what he wanted to know

"why? Because your more than just a robot......" she sighed "ruby as always had trouble making friends, especially after mom... Died....." yang looked down "... she's just been so happy especially when she met you.... I remember the day before we got to Beacon when she came running home yelling about how she got accepted into Beacon and especially talking about the boy with a 'amazing weapon'" she chuckled to herself "but right now she's sad, sad that her first friend in Beacon is now avoiding her. I hear her whimper at night, talking about you, calling for you...." yang sighed once again "every time your around I just see this spark in her it's amazing.......... Look if you stay like this your causing her harm and I believe law number one said something about that" she said as she got up and walked out of the locker room

That last sentence hit rock like a bass upper cut


The students were in the cafeteria having a normal day until rock walked in

He tried to silently walk in but it seems like just his mear presence is enough for everyone to notice him and start whispering to each other

Rock slowly made his way towards the table, the one with both teams jnpr and rwby, his metal footsteps loudly echoing in the great hall in contrast with the low whispers

When he made it to the table he stood at the head of the table his head hanging and he placed a pre-written note in it saying

'I'm sorry'

"what are you apologizing for?" Jaune asked a small smile on his face happy to see his friend

Rock slowly shrugged his shoulders and shook his head

"you shouldn't be apologizing" pyrrha said "you had no choice to become what you are, we are the ones who should apologize"

Rock looked up to see almost everyone on the table smiling almost being a key word for weiss still had he doubts about him

"you said you became a fighting robot to help humans right?" weiss asked receiving a nod from rock

"and you swear your not one of those robot masters?" she asked receiving a immediate response of a nod

"then that's good enough for me" she said making rock smile as wide as he could quickly writing down a 'thank you' and hugging weiss

He had immediately noticed what he was doing, blushing he let go of weiss bowed and walked away not even noticing at he had left behind another pre-written note at ruby's feet due to the action

Ruby picked up the note and read it

'I'm sorry I understand I'll leave.

Good bye'

She knew he did not expect the meeting to go so well


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