The Skeleton In My Dreams(Bil...

By LittleManiac777

22.9K 467 352

heya kiddos. what's up? this is just a story that I wrote for fun and I also had the picture(more like I coul... More

A Dream?
Where Am I
The Chat
I was tagged!!!
I'm Sorry(A/N)
The Rescue Plan P.T 1
What did Error do with you?
The Rescue Plan P.T 2
Contest End!!!
Tour (P.T 1)
Tour P.T 2
Tour P.T 3
The Curse
A/N and Rant page
Important Notice

Back With Bill

634 13 13
By LittleManiac777

Heya, so before I start this chapter, I wanted to tell you all something...I LOVE YOUUUUU! Ok, now to the story.

Nani's P.O.V:

"What the hell?!" I screamed. Why, and more importantly, HOW is this happening?!

"Holy sugar tarts, what happened?!" Yelled Eve. Neither Erin or I answeres, instead Erin opened a portal to who-knows-where and I picked up (Y/N) with my magic.

"C'mon, Eve!" Yelled Erin, I hope that (Y/N) is okay...

--------------------------lil time skip from a lil idiotic Author~chan--------------------------

Bill's P.O.V:

'Where could Error have taken her?' I thought to myself as Nightmare, Dream and I all looked through our AU Mirrors to try and find (Y/N).

"Listen, Cipher. I know you want to find (Y/N), but I think that we should take a break for a bit." Said Nightmare, who looked tired and ready for sleep.

"I guess your right...but what about (Y/N)? What if Error is torturing her?!" What if-"

"Calm down, Bill. I'll watch out for (Y/N) while I'm doing my rounds for the night, and you'll be the first to know if I see her. Ok?" Said Dream, cutting me off from my rant.

"Ok. Thank you Dream, I owe ya one...well now it's more like I owe ya, what was it, seventy-three?" I said making Dream laugh, and I bet that Nightmare would have just scoffed, but he had already left for his AU.

"It's fine, Bill. Now go get some rest. I'll see ya tomorrow." And with Dream ending out conversation for the night, I opened a portal to my AU.

When I stepped out of the portal, I appeared in my living room. Everything looked Normal! T.V was on the MTT Pawning channel, the rug in the middle of the room was still as dusty as ever, the couch had a passed out (Y/N) with Erin, Nani, and Eve surrounding her, and finally waddles, our dog was sleeping in his corner.


"(Y/N)?!" I screamed, running over to the group of girl's. Each of them were looking at (Y/N) with a shocked and confused face.

"What happened to her?!"

"We don't know..." Said Nani, normally she knew what was going on.

"What do you mean you don't know?! Why did she pass out?!" I yelled again, hoping that maybe she could answer me that question. Though instead of words she just lifted (Y/N)'s hand.

"This is what made her pass out..." Said Nani in an almost whisper. I almost fell back in shock because of what I saw. (Y/N)'s used to be (S/T), soft and warm hands were now turned to cold bone hands, no longer their luscious (S/T) color.

"H-How...Wait, I can just fix this!" I said, trying to calm myself. I snapped my fingers so (Y/N)'s hand could go back to how it used to be...except nothing happened.

I kept snapping though nothing seemed to be happening.

"Why isn't my magic working?!" I screamed in terror, confusion, and frustration. Though apparently my screaming seemed to awaken (Y/N).

"B-Bill?" She said in a tired tone of voice.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered back, shocked to see that she had said my name first.

"Could you perhaps quiet down a little?" She said to me while yawning a few times in between words. I blushed a light yellow in embarrassment to her words.

"S-Sure...Sunset." I said, coming up with her new nickname. After she turned over and fell back asleep, the three other girls just looked at me confused.

"Why did you call her 'Sunset'? Is that your new nickname for her? If so, then why choose that one?" Asked Erin, wondering why I gave (Y/N) such a weird nickname.

"It's because she is as beautiful as a Sunset, and reminds me of happy times together during the day." I said, blushing yellow at my own words.

"Awe, so cute! I SHIP IT!" Screamed Eve, I was not prepared for that...

"Could you PLEASE shut up?" Pleaded Erin, who I could agree with.

"Well we better get going now. We'll be back to check on her around noon, alright?" Said Nani, getting up from where she was standing and making a portal to where I assumed to be her AU.

"Alright, Norman. Tomorrow at noon, see ya then." I said to her as she just nodded back and walked through the portal. The other two girls did the same, and left. Leaving just me and a sleeping (Y/N) in the living room.

I bent down and gave (Y/N) a kiss on the forehead, and stroked her hair.

"I'm glad your with me again, Sunset. I promise I won't let anyone else take you away from me." I said as I too, slowly dirfted off into unconsiousness.

HOLY FIDDLEFORD THAT WAS A LONG CHAPTER! I hope that you liked it, cause my fingers sure didn't like having to type all that! Anyways, there will be no update on Friday cause I'm going somewhere and won't be back till late. I love you all and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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