The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

194K 3.5K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Begin the Blitz

1.1K 20 0
By Rubyrose645

My mind was traveling between the strange voices calling out to me for help, and the chilling cold feeling I had just the other day.

However, i stopped wondering when Kolivan and Keith called with an update.

I smiled, happy to see Keith again, even if it was only on a screen.

"Entire Galra fleets have been mobilized. Zarkon seems to be out looking for Lotor." Kolivan informed us.

"It's only a matter of time before he gets the empire back in order. We need to take advantage of this moment." Shiro said.

"What are you getting at, Shiro?" Allura asked.

"Now is the time to assemble the coalition that Voltron has been building. With intelligence gathered by the Blades and coalition observers, combined with Pidge's Galra tracking software, we now have a detailed map of the Galra Empire."

"Shiro is right." I agreed, "This information and tech has given us a slight advantage over the Empire."

"Yeah, and I've identified an intermittent line of coalition planets that runs through the territory. If you look closely, there's only one Galra-occupied planet left on that line."

We looked up at the screen and saw a detailed map of a protective line of planets, but only one was still under Galra control.

"Naxzela." Allura and I said.

"Exactly. If we capture Naxzela and solidify that line, we can cut off all tge Galra troops behind it from central command and use our position to defeat them."

"Woe! We could take back a third of the Galra empire in one fell swoop." Pidge said astonished and excited.

"Do we have a plan?" Hunk asked.

"We attack several locations across the region, at once." Shiro said, "First, we'll have to cut off communications between the region and Galra Central Command by striking the satellite relay station orbiting Vantax Five."

"Pidge and I can handle that." Hunk said.

"The Blades have informed us of two Galra defense systems coming online called Zaiforge cannons. Now, these cannons can strike any target within our combat theater." Shiro explained, "The first, in high orbit around the planet Teq, will be attacked by coalition air forces led by Matt and Captain Olia. Kolivan will lead a Marmoran steike team against tge second cannon, located on the surface of Senfama, which is vulnerable to a covert ground attack."

"So our plan is to take control of these cannons and use Zarkon's own firepower against him. Does that sum it up, Shiro?" I asked.

"Yeah, good summary Zurine. Once the coalition forces and Blades neutralize these targets, Galra defenses will be weakened, allowing us to take down the remaining Galra-occupied planets in this area. While our forces are taking care of these planets, Naxzela will already be under attack."

"By whom?" Allura asked.

"Voltron." Allura and I smiled at the plan.

"Aw, yeah!" Lance exclaimed, "Team Voltron's gonna drop in Naxzela, form Hunk's giant laser cannon, and be all like 'Pow! Pow! Pow!' Easy-peasy."

I sighed, "Unfortunately, this plan won't be so easy, Lance."

"Zurine's right." Shiro agreed, "Naxzela will be tough. It's heavily fortified with Galra. Our attack must be swift enough to neutralize the Galra forces before they have time to contact Galra Headquarters. 'Cause if they call for reinforcements, we'll be caught in a fight on two fronts."

"If this works, the Voltron Coalition will possess a third of the Galra Empire's territory. It will be a massive victory." Kolivan said.

"And inspire a whole new wave of rebellions." Allura added.

"Bringing forth an even greater force of people who want freedom from the Galra Empire." I added.

"Then there's no time to waste." Shiro said.

We got to work.

Us paladins went off in our lions and gathered friends and allies from planets we have saved from Galra rule.

It felt nice to see all the people we've helped as they transformed from Galra prisoners and slaves, to free people who have joined us in the fight for freedom and peace.

When we gathered the entire coalition, we came back to the Castle and awaited orders to put the plan in action.

As we were working out any extra details in the plan, my breath hitched and sharp stab pulstated through my chest.

I gripped my chest, calming my breaths and straightening out my posture. I wondered what thay sharp pain was, but I couldn't focus on it now.

The universe was about to take a giant leap in the fight for freedom.

"All right, Princess, it's time to begin the broadcast." Coran said.

"Wait, I want Zurine to join me in this broadcast." Allura said, gesturing towards me.

I was surprised, "Why me?" I asked.

She smiled softly, grabbing my hand and holding it gently.

"I want you here by my side when this coalition takes off. Besides, I'll need help with some of the words."

I laughed and joined her on her platform as the broadcast was avout to begin.

"Have we secured communications?" Allura asked.

"Yes, Matt and I used the rebel's transponder encryption." Pidge confirmed.

"Always helps to have a pair of tech-genius siblings around." Coran said, twisting and twirling his mustache.

A light shone down upon us from the power crystal above as the broadcast began.

The links to all planets from the castle were secured and ready to hear our message.

"Fellow members of the Voltron Coalition," Allura started, "if you are hearing me now, it is because you have pledged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us in out fight against Zarkon's enslavement of the free people's of the universe."

"But that enslavement is about to be dealt a crushing blow." I continued, "The time for a full-scale attack on the Galra Empire is now. Far in the future, when they speak of this day, they will speak of our sacrifice, but they will also remember this as the day that freedom began to overtake tyranny."

"You all have your missions. You know what to do. Good luck. We'll see you in the other side." Allura finished.

It was finally time to put our plan into action.

I changed into my sun form and prepared to fight and defend Naxzela.

My White Lion changed form and absorbed some of my sun power, after a little while, the paladins came back from their assigned missions and we quickly formed Voltron.

We landed on Naxzela, ready to take out the Galra and secure new territory.

"All right, Paladins, we've only got one chance to take Naxzela, so lets make it count." Shiro said.

I nodded, giving Voltron more power.

"Voltron has mkre than enough power to take out the Galra positioned here. Let's take them down!" I shouted.

Then the attack began. The Green Lion shot a laser at the attacking ships above.

The Red Lion did the same to the smaller bases on the ground.

"Incoming cruiser, three o'clock!" Lance warned.

The cruiser he wanred us about shot a laser at us, but I changed into my moon form and covered us with a protective shield as we dodged the attack.

Voltron flew into the air, but was shook violently by an explosion from behind.

"What was that?" Allura asked.

"I didn't see--" Lance couldn't finish his sentence as another explosion hit us.

We landed on the ground but were immediately hit with even more explosions.

We all grunted in pain as we were thrown back and forth.

"What's hitting us?" Shiro asked.

"We're in a minefield. Somehow, the bombs were cloaked." Pidge informed us.

"Shield! Shield!" Hunk shouted in panic.

We quickly formed the shield just in time to block an incoming laser from one of the cruisers.

"My systems are able to detect the mines, but there's just too many to safely maneuver through them. And with the cruisers covering all possible exits from the minefield, we have no way out!"

We aat in slience for a tick.

"Wait a tick." Allura said, "Perhaps I can freeze the mines."

"Then we could fly out of here before they explode." Lance added.

We all agreed om the plan, separating our lions and letting Allura freeze every single mine before reforming Voltron.

"Great work team. Now, lets secure Naxzela!" Shiro said as Voltrom chatged back into battle with his sword at the ready.

As we fought, I heard whispers, but the whispers I've heard before. They were the faint cheers, cries and shouts of battle and victory.

I smiled as the cheers of our victories echoed through my mind.

We eventually secured Naxzela and earned our great victory against the Galra.

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