By Luna_Ketzer

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Short stories of Bernael and Misha's friends in the story "Dragon Nest: Rivals". This is NOT a book two but t... More

Prince: "My Stalker"
Prince: Plan A
Prince: Plan B
Prince: Plan C
Prince: Plan D for Disgusting
Prince: Unexpected Plan E?
Prince: Be(i)tter
Prince: Im not a dere~ Tsundere!?
Prince: Epilogue
Riz Time Chapter
Zabkiel: "Fake Love"
Zabkiel: The ways
Zabkiel: Over Protective
Zabkiel: Greedy?
Zabkiel: Unforeseen
Zabkiel: The hunt
Zabkiel: Epilogue
Riz Time Chapter
Ouriel: "A Saint's Adherence"
Ouriel: Birthday
Ouriel: Sickness
Ouriel: The Bracelet
Ouriel: Answers
Ouriel: Epilogue
Riz Time Chapter
Hellios: "Letters"
Hellios: The Tournament
Hellios: Who is she?
Hellios: The Failed Experiment
Hellios: Learning His Power
Hellios: Caught
Hellios: The Reunion
Hellios: A sudden mission
Hellios: Collatio
Hellios: (Part 1) Saint Haven in Danger!
Hellios: (Part 2) Saint Haven In Danger!
Hellios: Epilogue
Riz Time Chapter
Selene: "One Day"
Selene: "Who's behind the poison?"
Selene: Caught a Cheater
Selene: "Guilty"
Selene: New Class
Selene: The promised mission

Ouriel: A Sudden Confession

23 3 1
By Luna_Ketzer

Ouriel POV

I looked at the vial of medicine that I made from the herbs I received yesterday. I'm at the clinic as usual and making some medicines for a certain sickness. Despite of being a saint and having healing powers, I don't want to rely much on my relics so I also learned about making medicines. Of course, I sell some of it too as extra income. I don't go to field mission much unless it's an emergency especially if it includes healing tons of people. I rarely do missions that includes fighting though... I'm not that skilled in fighting because I'm a support and I focus on healing than being offensive.

"Oury!! What are you doing?" Alisha suddenly barged inside the clinic.

It's been weeks already and Alisha always comes inside the clinic for a visit or sometimes even help me. Angel does too but she seems a bit aloof nowadays and I'm starting to wonder why...

"I'm just making some medicine." I answered making her watch me working.

"Why though? You have healing powers and stuff.."

"Let's just say it's convenient and also I can sell for extra money." I simply answered making her chuckle and agree with me. Later on, Angel came inside with lunch. She paused when she saw Alisha and slyly smiled.

"Oh hey, Ali... I see you're here to help again?" Angel smiled and Ali replied with a cheerful nod.

"That's great then! Anyway, Riel? I made lunch for you." Angel said so I just thanked her and told her to put the lunch on the table as I focus on making more medicines.

"Eeh? I also brought lunch too!" Alisha exclaimed making me glanced at the two of them. I didn't noticed she was carrying 2 lunch boxes when she came inside the clinic.

I began to sweat drop when I realized I have two lunches to eat.

"What? Well... uhmmm.. I didn't know you'd bring lunch for him." Angel scratched her head a bit embarrassed making Alisha laugh.

"Well, I didn't know you'll bring lunch for him today! Oh well... I guess it is up to Ouriel if whose lunch will he eat!" Alisha said making me stare at her with surprise.

Errr... Do I have to choose?

"So? Whose lunch will you eat today, Oury?" Alisha asked me so I sighed as I try to think this through. If I choose, one will be upset.

"No need to choose... I can eat both of it."

"What? At the same time?!" Alisha exclaimed making me chuckle a bit.

"No... I'll just manage but I will eat both of the lunches that you girls made. Will that be fair?" I asked making them stare at each other then smiled at me.

"Fair enough!"

"Now, let me finish this first..." I said and continue my work.

"You're so busy about it... why not take a breather for awhile?" Alisha said but I just shrugged.

"Ali... you should let him finish first. He'll just eat when he wants to." Angel said but Alisha wasn't listening. I sighed as I kinda get annoyed by the sudden noise. I just want peace and quiet while I work but I guess that doesn't work when Alisha is around. I stopped with my train of thoughts when Alisha tried to feed me with the lunch that she made for me.

"Say aaah!"

"Alisha!" I scolded her making her pout.

"Aww come on! At least let me feed you while you work!"

I saw Angel looking away like she wanted to stop her from pestering me but she decided to shut her mouth instead to avoid any arguments. I sighed in defeat and stared at Alisha seriously..

"I said I will eat once I'm done, Alisha." I said making her pout.

"Fine... you better eat! Geez... you really changed a lot!" Alisha mumbled making me ignore her and continue my work until she said something that made me stop. "Oh well... that doesn't change the fact the I still like you anyway."

I glanced at her and she was smiling at me. I was waiting for her to say that she was kidding but she didn't...

"Eh? Ali likes Ouriel?" Angel suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Of course! Eversince when we were little I already had a huge crush on Oury! Haha!" Alisha said like it was nothing and not awkward. I was a bit speechless while I saw Angel's face smiling a bit.

"So you have a crush on him huh?" Angel whispered but enough for us to hear her.


"Seriously... stop joking around, Alisha." I scolded her thinking she is doing this to get my attention and to annoy me.

"What? I'm serious!" She exclaimed which I suddenly stop again and looked at her with surprise. She wasn't kidding? Wait so she has a crush on me?

"U-uhmm... I guess I should leave the two of you..." Angel suddenly said and stormed outside the room leaving me and Alisha alone in the clinic.

"Wait what? I thought you were kidding..." I said but she just laughed.

"Well, I don't! I like you Oury and I've been wanting to tell you this for so long already! But of course, I'm not trying to court you or anything! I just want to tell you now and do things to make you feel special so that maybe you'll be the one who will come and court me!" Alisha said like it was some kind of romance novel that she wrote or something...

I just scratched my head as I can't focus well on my work. I sighed... why is my normal day suddenly became a confession day? Oh well... it doesn't bother me much. Liking and having a crush on someone is normal for humans anyway.

"So uhmmm... no reactions? Or maybe some confession too?" Alisha asked like she is expecting something for me to say.

"Uh well... thanks for liking me."

"Ehh that's all?" And then she pouted like a kid. I felt my eye twitched... what else does she want me to say?

"Well, do whatever you want but do know that I'm a busy man and I don't rush things like relationships and stuff." I said which made her smile.

"Sure! I will wait until you will marry me!" She chirped making me feel like a rock hit my head. I mentally face palmed myself... Sigh.... this girl sure thinks way ahead of time. How can she even tell that I'll be marrying her anyway? Well, we don't know the future anyway...

Days passed by and Alisha just keeps on visiting me... sometimes even giving me the food she cooks, giving random letters or whatever crazy things she does. Meanwhile, Angel seems to rarely visit me in the clinic. Hmmm... why though? After Alisha confessed to me, she seems more distant towards me. Why?

"Hey Riel!! What is up?" Vile greeted me as I went to their table. I just sighed and told them I'm fine as usual.

"You seem like you're tired!" Lunariux commented making me hummed as I look at the table thinking at why Angel rarely visit me and Alisha keeps on... uh... trying to get my attention.

"Uh well... Just tired from work, I guess." I answered unsure.

"You guess?" Hellios commented with a lifted eyebrow.

"Anyway, I got a mission tomorrow so I was thinking to let you come!" Vile exclaimed as he put an arm around my shoulder.

"What for?" I asked him. He rarely asks help from me whenever he has missions.

"Well, I'm going to execute some minotaurs so I'm gonna need a good support! Also, you need to work on your offensive skills that you learnt from inquisitor skills! It would be a waste if you don't use it!" Vile said trying to convince me.

"You mean you needed my wide AOE skills and great support at the same time so you could kill aggressively and carelessly while I babysit you?" I bluntly said making him nervously laugh while the others chuckled knowing I caught his real intentions.

"Oh come on! It's also good for you! You need to get out sometimes!" Vile frowned making me sigh and think about it. I guess I do need some action this time... it gets tiring to be always inside the clinic all day with Alisha keeps on talking nonstop. I was more comfortable when Angel is around because she speaks more softly and doesn't talk much that I can't relate to...

"Fine... I'm in." I agreed making Vile cheer in joy.

"Whoa that's new... I thought you'd decline and say that he needs to stand up on his own." Zabkiel said making me lowly laugh.

"Yeah I would but I guess I have to agree on him. I need to get out sometimes and have some action." I said making them think about it too and agreed.


"Oury!!!" We suddenly heard a high pitched voice and I already knew who it was basing from the nickname.

Alisha ran towards us with a cheerful smile.

"Oh hey, Alisha!" My friends greeted her which she greeted back in return then turned to face me.

"What is it this time?" I asked her.

"Well, I went outside and saw this cute couple shirt! So I decided to buy one and give it to you! See! see!!! We can wear it together!!" She cheered making my eye twitched when I saw the shirt. It has a text saying "Officially Hers" with an arrow at the side. My mouth partly opened trying to sync it inside my head until my friends laughed and teased me.

"Whoa! I didn't know you have a relationship with Alisha, Riel!" Prince teased and laughed.

"Why you didn't tell us?! Oh damn! This is so sudden!" Vile said like he got mindblown or something.

I closed my eyes and stand up making them stop and stare at me with surprise.

"We are not in a relationship." I cleared out then look at Alisha who was staring at me with wide eyes while holding the shirt. "Also... do you even know what you're doing? I understand that you like me and you wanted to make me appreciate everything you do but this is a bit much. That shirt is for couples and we are not even in a relationship. It's not that I dislike you, but please I don't want false information being spread in the guild." I said with seriousness. Her face softens then became sad as she weakly smiled.

"Right... sorry... I guess I was too over excited and bought this cute shirt without thinking... Im sorry, Oury." She frowned so I just calmed myself down and sat down again.

"Well, nevermind. Thanks for the shirt but I suggest you to keep it and give it to your future boyfriend." I said making her pout.

"But I want you to be my future boyfriend and husband." She muttered making me heave a heavy sigh again.

"Alisha... I told you already that I'm not rushing and I'm not saying that you have to wait for me too. Who knows who you will end up in the end? Maybe it's not me..."

"But what if it's you?"

"And what if it wasn't me? Stop thinking too much and don't expect too much as well. Just go with the flow... okay?" I said hoping she'd understand. She just frowned and nod her head.


"Good..." I said. She excused herself and left with slumped shoulders.

"Whoa... this is the first time I saw a girl so head over heels towards, Ouriel." Prince said with a shocked face.

"Yeah... and got rejected in the end." Hellios side comment making Vile laugh.

"Well that was actually shockingly entertaining! I really thought Ouriel had a girlfriend already!" Vile said.

I groaned as I felt like I had said so much that it made my energy drained. I kinda felt bad because I made her sad but I think it was for the best too...

The next day, me and Vile went to do his mission. Of course, I will have my part of the reward too. We went to the territory of the minotaurs and Vile began his execution while I support him. These minotaurs are strong but slow in movements. Vile have the upperhand but there are also goblins assisting the big ones so I had to drop relics and shock them with my lightning skills.

Vile got hit from behind because he was fighting 3 minotaurs so I dropped a miracle relic and casted heal to cure his wounds.


We continue until no more enemies showed up. Vile panted and wiped his sweat as he reverted back to his normal form. I went to him and smacked his head making him yelp in pain.

"What was that for?!" He whined.

"Just because I am here doesn't mean you'd go reckless and hurt yourself!!" I scolded making him nervously laugh and did a peace sign. I just shook my head at my friend... seriously, this guy....

So the two of us went back to the guild and obtain our rewards. I took my part of the reward and we both went to our usual guild table. Only Prince and Bardiel are there so we greeted them.

"Oh hey! How's the mission?" Prince asked us.

"It was good! Ouriel was a big help as always!" Vile exclaimed making me roll my eyes at him.

"Stop being too dependent on your support! You also need to look after yourself!" I growled making him scratch his head.

"Oh come on! Whether I have a support or not, I always go wild!" Bardiel laughed as he eat some nachos that he ordered.

"Unlike Vile, you have skills that reduces damage. Vile only has the toughness but not as tough as paladins. Meanwhile, priests have protection shell buff and passive healing called first aid." I explained making Bardiel shrug.

"Damn... I wish I have a passive like that." Vile frowned making Prince pat his back for comfort.

The others are not here so I guess they haven't finished their missions yet. I remember Hellios and Lunariux going out of town for a mission so they might come back after a few days..

I excused myself and went to the guild counter to buy some drinks and maybe some food too until I saw Angel's back. I approached her and greeted her.

"Angel... how are you?" I asked making her flinch a bit from surprise but then she smiled slyly before answering me.

"Oh uh... I'm fine." She softly said making me tilt my head.



The guy tending the counter asked me for my orders so I told him what I wanted then went my attention back to Angel who is drinking her hot cocoa.

"So uh... I noticed you rarely visit the clinic now. You're busy lately?" I asked again.

She shifted her eyes as she didn't bother to look at me "W-well... yeah... also I don't want to disturb you and Alisha now that she is the one who is always keeping you company and giving you lunch so I just felt like I'm not needed in there anymore." Angel smiled making me blink at her response.

"What? Who says you're not needed?"

"Uhmmm.. me? I don't know... I just felt like it. And also I just dont wanna break your moment with Ali too..."

"Eeh? What are you talking about? There's nothing between me and Alisha anyway." I said making her look at me and laughed a bit.

"Really? I thought you'd like her back and start dating so I don't wanna interrupt or something.." she said so I laughed just in time my drink and fries arrived.

"I'm not dating her."

"I see... well, maybe soon you will." She muttered. I was about to say something until she stand up and excused herself. She then hurriedly ran towards her sister's table. I tilt my head in confusion at her sudden actions.

Weird... She had the wrong idea about me and Alisha. I sighed as I start eating my food. Oh well, tomorrow I'll go back to my duty again and wait for injured members to come inside and be treated.

Maybe Angel will start to visit now that I clarified things to her. No wonder she starts avoiding me because she thought I want some alone time with Alisha. I laughed at that thought as I drink my mango shake. This is what I meant yesterday... people getting the wrong idea about us when in truth, we are not even dating.

Why did Alisha suddenly confessed to me anyway? I really don't mind but it is getting a bit annoying...

I just hope she doesn't keep on expecting and would just enjoy her life the way it was. I don't want to get her hopes up too... I don't feel the same towards her. I just think of her as a childhood friend and nothing more!

"Oh hey there!" Suddenly I heard a familiar voice and it was Rep. I rarely see him nowadays.

"Yo, Rep." I greeted back.

"What's up? You look like a lost person and lost all of his money!" Rep laughed making me roll my eyes at his statement.

"I was just tired. I went on a mission along with Vile." I said making him hum and nod his head.

"Oh I see... you rarely go out and do field missions anyway."

"So how are you? Rarely see you nowadays..." I said this time which made him smirk.

"Oh I was just busy taking missions and stuff. Ya know, I'm getting broke and I need to save some gold up for something!

"I see..."

Rep got his burger and then excused himself before leaving. I just continue to eat until Vile came and told me that we'll be having a drink at some bar.

"Are you going to have girls again?" I asked trying to tease him.

"Nope! Like I said! I'm already loyal to Kairi!"

"So no matter how much I try to make your mouth slip words about dating other girls, you still say that. I guess you really are serious." I laughed making him frown.

"A person can change too you know! Also with playboys!" Vile said which made me wave my hand at him.

"Fine fine... I believe you." I said so I finished eating first before going back to the table along with Vile. The others already arrived so we all went to our usual bar and drink there. Of course, I just limit myself with alcohol beverages so I won't get drunk.

"Well now! Let's start!" Prince said and we get one bottle each and start drinking while they start talking about their missions.

"Me and Ryz went inside this ruin and had to defeat machineries! Until there is this robot that looked like a naked woman so Ryz had to slap me from staring at it and destroyed it. Then she lectured at me about staring it too much." Prince frowned making the others laugh.

"Serves you right!" Vile laughed loudly.

"I didn't know you're secretly a pervert, Prince." I bluntly said and took out my holy water and sprinkled it. Prince just pouted and whined like a kid.

"I'm not! I was just amused okay! I rarely see such art!" He defended


"If you were in my place, you guys would stare in awe too!"

"Well, mine was defeating slimes along with Namine. We didn't knew those slimes melt clothes so Namine got slipped and landed on those slimes and her..." Zabkiel didn't finish his sentence as he blushed.

"Ooohh... so Zab's eyes aren't innocent anymore." Vile smirked making Zab speechless.

I just sighed. Well, it wasn't his fault but still. I sprinkled holy water on Zabkiel making him surprised and the others laughed again.


"Anyway! Ouriel... what do you think of Alisha?" Bardiel suddenly asked me so I furrow my brows.

"I think she is cheerful and positive. Sometimes she doesn't think before she act and always think ahead in the future not really knowing if it will happen or not but just believed that things will work out just as what she was thinking or planning. She is caring though and very talkative." I said as I try to think at the things I know about her.

"Do you kinda like her?"

"Uh... not really... I'm not into those kind of things remember?" I said as I stare at Bardiel with a knowing stare. He just shrugged...

"Beats me... maybe you'd have a change of heart and dated her."

I just rolled my eyes at what he said... we just continue drinking and talking until we finally went home. Finally some rest...


Lunariux: oof!

Riz: sorry if it's short and boring...

Ouriel: maybe because it's me

Riz: shush! You're not boring!

Bernael: more like you are drowsy

Riz: *rolls*

Prince: I dont wanna see robots anymore

Vile: How about alpedo?

Zabkiel: alpedo?

Vile: you know those robot that the academics summon?

Hellios: Oh alfredo?

Vile: yeah!

Prince: But why alpedo?

Vile: duh? Loli and a big robot? What do you think?!

Bernael: your mind is just corrupted.

Vile: Hey!!

Lunariux: well now! Here is today's chapter and we're just getting started!!

Ouriel: But we already started though..

Bernael: *wants to say something but forgot what he was about to say*

Vile: Im going to pester Zabkiel about slimes! Zab! Remember when Namine fell on-


Ouriel: *smacks Vile's head*

Vile: ow!!!

Hellios: Oh well... Zabkiel is already imagining it.

Zabkiel: I am not!

Lunariux: No worries! You'll still end up seeing it when you two get married and have your honeymoon!

Zabkiel: *blushes*

Prince: I still dont wanna see robots especially alpedo.

Ouriel: Didnt I just said to not expect much in the future....

Lunariux: shusshhh

Bernael: Well anyway... It's time to end the convo coz Riz is already half asleep...

Riz: *eyes squinting as I keep fighting to stay awake*

Hellios: Guess it is time to rest anyway.

Ouriel: Agreed.

Prince: Good night everyone or good morning whatsoever!

Vile: Ciao!

Bernael: *carries Riz bridal style and walked away*

Zabkiel: Uhmmm.. where are you taking her?

Bernael: Secret. *walks away*

Vile: *gasped* SAVE HER!!!

Vile, Prince, and Zabkiel: *ran after Bernael*

Lunariux, Ouriel and Hellios: *blankly stares at the door*

Lunariux: Wait for it....

*loud crashing noise*



Prince: WE'RE SORRY!!!

Zabkiel: It's Vile's fault!!!

Bernael: Geez..

Riz: >;c *falls back asleep*

Them: ....

Bernael: *carries Riz again like a princess and walked away*

Hellios: Oh that's all? I got a bit disappointed...

Lunariux: Hmmm.. maybe Mistress was too tired to even explode like a volcano

Ouriel: *sighs* Anyway... time to go..

-Ouriel ended the conversation-

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