A Night of our Lives {Slash F...

By Sweet_Eden666

62.1K 1.2K 672

A young girl named Angel, with hair that changed more then her music taste bumped into one teenage boy that w... More

☆Not an Update, I'm sorry.▪
♡☆IM B A C K☆♡


4.7K 121 15
By Sweet_Eden666

☆Angel's POV☆
Days have passed, during Slash and I's wonderful night out together, neither of us remembered to ask for one another's number. Although it hurt, I accepted the fact that I could no longer see the man of my dreams again. Every night I dream of his face, staring back at me lovingly that night on the road.

I wipe the tears off my face with a sigh, days have gone by, if Slash really loved me back he would've made an effort to get in contact with me once again. I blow the smoke into the air as I stare at my ceiling. Ever since that night a feeling of agony has resided within the bottom of my stomach.


The night was coming to an end, both Slash and I knew. The six of us sitting in the livingroom, just finishing a good smoke circle. I looked at Slash's sleeping body as he leaned against the couch. My heart fluttered as I looked at his beautiful face.
"I think it's time for me to go home." I said to remainder of the boys awake.
"Alright, I'll lock the door for you." Izzy offered, standing from the couch.
I sighed sadly, kissing Slashs forehead gently, heading towards the door.
"Tell him I said goodbye." I asked Izzy.
"Ok, it was nice meeting you Angel. I'm sure all the guys loved you." Izzy said, pulling me into a tight hug.
"You too, bye guys.".


I stood up, stretching my sore body. Sitting and mourning a love that was never meant to be, isn't going to take me anywhere in life. I looked at my red, puffy eyes in the mirror as I threw on some red lipstick. I may as well go drink my sorrows away.

I packed my all my shit into my pockets, running downstairs. I waved goodbye to my mom, not in the mood to explain my reasons for being locked in my room for days. I hopped on the bus as I reached my favourite bar, the rainbow bar and grill. I ordered a bottle of Jack and listened for the next local band to play.
"Good evening fuckers, we're guns n' Rose's." A low familiar voice spoke.
I didn't bother to look, the voice most likely being one of the wannabe famous guys I had a one night stand with. I stared into my bottle as the music began. I could admit I have already heard of guns n Rose's prior before, they were quite popular in LA, but I had never listened to their music. I listened intently to the cowbell of the drums, and the passion of the guitar. It had only been 20 seconds into their song, nightrain, and I could tell this band was no joke. I looked up to see the talented band members, to be greeted with the same shocked eyes as the man I met a few nights prior. Nervousness filled throughout my body, 'What if he didn't want to see me? What if he was avoiding me on purpose?' All of my fears subsided as soon a I saw the large grin on his face.

They played 3 more amazing songs before heading back stage. I sat in my booth, nervously taking gulps of jack and inhaling my cigarette as if it was my only oxygen.
"Hey." His low voice spoke.
My brain had been so focused on worrying, that I hadn't even noticed him walking towards my booth.
"Hi." I replied.
"Its been quite a while hasn't it?" He brushed a few strands of my hair behind my ear, a cigarette dangling from his soft lips.
"Yeah it has..." I didn't know what to say, days of regret, wishing I had gotten his number just for a moment of time to speak with him. Now that I had been given my gift, words couldn't leave my mouth.
"Why did you leave?" He asked, sadly. My eyes were wide as I realized, he had been experiencing the same amount of pain as me. I didn't say anything as I threw my arms around him, not daring to let go, inhaling his addicting scent as if it could disappear at any moment. He hugged me tightly back, his head burying itself in my neck.
"I don't know, I thought I should. But now I know, I never want to leave your side again." I cried, tightening my grip.
He released me, looking into my eyes, before kissing me. The kiss wasn't like our previous one, it was rough, and hungry in lust and love.

"ANGEL?!" A loud voice yelled from across the bar, I released my swollen lips from Slash as I felt him continue to hug my body, whilst I looked for the loud voice yelling my name.
"Oh my God is that Angel?!?" Another yelled.
Before I knew it 4 men were in my booth, yelling about how they missed me, that's when I was pulled out of my drunken amnesia.
"OMG YOU GUYS!" I yelled back, hugging Axl, due to him being the nearest to me. I heard Slash mumble angrily, as I pulled my attention away from him. I hugged Axl, as he yelled numerous swears telling to get off of him.
"Cmon Ax, you know you love me." I slurred, he muttered stubbornly as he hugged me back.
"I missed you guys!"
"We missed you too, especially Slasher over here, he practically couldn't function without you." Duff laughed. Slashs face went red as he hid underneath all his hair. I laughed lovingly as I pecked his lips.
"Guess what?!" Steven yelled excitedly.
"We've finally released our album, we're going on tour in 3 days!"
My smile dropped, but soon returned once again sadly. I just found him again after days of torture, and hes leaving again?

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