The Life You Deserve

By FangirlingST

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A coming of age story focusing on El and Mike, their friends and family as they go through the ups and downs... More

Chapter 1: The Aftermath
Chapter 2: Those 3 Words
Chapter 3: Friends Tell Each Other Things
Chapter 4: What is Love?
Chapter 5: The Snow Ball
Chapter 6: When Puberty Strikes
Chapter 7: The Harsh Reality
Chapter 8: Be My Valentine
Chapter 9: Breaking The Rules
Chapter 10: Summer Hormones
Chapter 11: Summer Fun
Chapter 12: Hello High School
Chapter 13: Meet My Parents
Chapter 14: Mike's 15th Birthday
Chapter 15: Trick or Treat
Chapter 16: El's Turning 15
Chapter 17: El's 15th Birthday
Chapter 18: Sex Ed with Max and Dustin
Chapter 19: Christmas Time
Chapter 20: In Sickness and In Health
Chapter 21: The Talk
Chapter 22: Confessions
Chapter 23: Don't Touch My Man
Chapter 24: Summer Calls You
Chapter 25: Let's Go Camping
Chapter 26: I Wanna Feel The Heat
Chapter 27: The Jopper Wedding
Chapter 28: Sweet Sixteen
Chapter 29: Homecoming
Chapter 30: Our Future
Chapter 31: At Death's Door
Chapter 32: California Dreaming
Chapter 33: Mike's Ultimate Fantasy
Chapter 34: El's 17th Birthday
Chapter 35: The Concert
Chapter 36: The Road Has Many Turns
Chapter 37: The High School Party
Chapter 38: Spooky Birthdays
Chapter 39: They Call It Jealousy
Chapter 41: Hello, Au Revoir
Chapter 42: The College Years
Chapter 43: Memory Lane
Chapter 44: I Promise
Chapter 45: The Life We Deserve

Chapter 40: Goodbye School

2.6K 38 52
By FangirlingST

March 1989

The stands next to the track field were getting filled with supporters, not just family and friends of the Hawkins High Track and Field team in attendance, but the other local high schools gathering for the invitational competition.

The cheerleaders were out in force, doing a routine that had the audience clapping along. The shouts of "Go Tigers!" could be heard as Mike gathered onto the stands with the rest of the party and his parents and Holly. He found Joyce and Hopper waving them over from where they'd found good seats.

"Nice shirt Wheeler," The chief smirked when Mike sidled over next to him.

"Thanks," Mike grinned, rather pleased with his "Team Hopper" shirt that his mom had helped him to make last night. Of course, the moment Holly had seen what they were up to, she had to have one as well.

"So which competitions is El doing again?" Dustin asked from his side as he started to unfold the banner that the party had been working on for the last few days. Will being the most artist had to pull the slack and do most of the work for them, but it was still a group effort.

"She's doing the 200-meter race, the 100-meter hurdles and the relay race." Mike recited confidently, remembering clearly the races El was competing in and when.

Dustin nodded, "yeah Maggie's in the relay with her. And I think Darcy and Kelly?"

"Yeah I think that's right." Mike said with a nod, trying to remember her other team mates' names.

"Shit! They're coming out, quick unfold the banner." Max said spotting the girls and hurrying Dustin along to hand her part of the long-connected cardboard. The party all scurried around for a moment making sure the banner which read "Go El & Maggie! Team Tigers!" was clearly visible.

Hopper looked down at the party's masterpiece and grinned with approval, he kind of felt bad for just being in his Hawkins PD hoodie, but he knew El wouldn't mind. He had swapped a shift to be here for his daughter and whilst it was of course for her, he couldn't lie and pretend that watching her compete didn't make him smile with pride.

Mike looked up as he saw El coming out onto the field with her female team mates, all of them dressed in their uniform, talking avidly as they stretched. Just like El seemed to have a thing for Mike's swimming team trunks, he had a thing for her Track uniform. She was in the pale blue colours of Hawkins High, the tank top made out of lycra with a tiger printed in the centre was skin tight, showing off El's beautiful figure. Mike tried not to drool, especially not in front of Hopper, but when his eyes raked down her body how could he not salivate when he saw the tiny shorts she was wearing?!

As if sensing his eyes on her, El looked up at the stands and found Mike straight away. He waved, beaming with pride as she smiled brightly and waved back. Her eyes then went to the banner and her gaze lit up even more. She nudged Maggie and both girls stared at their banner, excited and waving to their friends in thanks.

The cheerleaders did another little routine and the school band played whilst the Hawkins tigers met with the other high schools, shaking hands and socialising whilst the coaches and referee talked.

There was a blow of a whistle and the crowd cheered as the invitational begin. The sound of the gun going off to start the 100 meters race made Mike jump slightly, gunfire was definitely not one of his favourite sounds. But somehow, he found himself getting into the moment, he wasn't sure if he was channelling El's adrenaline, but he found his heart was pacing and his palms were sweating as he eagerly awaited El's competitions.

The 200 meters was next and El stepped up to represent Hawkins High. She went to her marker, giving Mike one final smile before she got into the zone. Leaning down in position and breathing steadily.

"Come on El," Mike whispered, his eyes focused on his girlfriend as the referee lifted his hand in the air and the gun shot went off. El practically bolted from the starting line and Mike found himself shouting and cheering loudly along with Hopper, Joyce, his family and friends as she quickly took the lead.

"YES! That's my girl!" Hopper shouted through cupped hands as El raced to the finishing line.

"You've got this Hopper!" Max screamed competitively.

"Come on babe!" Mike yelled, grinning at how well El was doing and ignoring the raised eyebrow and smirk that Hopper gave him.

El crossed the finish line first and the Hawkins crowd went wild, not as wild as Mike and the group though, all of them jumping up and down and hugging each other. There was an awkward hug between Hopper and Mike, but they just brushed it off and smiled slightly.

The rest of the races flashed by, the 400 meters, 1 mile and 3000 meters which Maggie got second place in. The group went just as crazy for her, shaking their banner in excitement.

El got second place in the 100-meter hurdles but the group still screamed themselves hoarse in celebration of her. Mike giving her a loving and reassuring smile when she looked up at him in the crowd, slightly disappointed. He didn't know how she could be upset with second place, but then he remembered with a shudder when the boys got third place in the science fair and how much they still seethed about it.

It was time for the relay and El was in the first position, then Darcy, Kelly and finally Maggie. The gun shot sounded once more and El was off, running as fast as her legs would take her towards Darcy who was screaming in encouragement, her arm out ready for the baton when El reached the exchange point.

Darcy was off like a shot and then passing the baton to Kelly who raced to Maggie, shouting spiritedly when the last runner grabbed the baton and bolted to the finish line. When Maggie was the first one to go over the finish line, the squeals of glee from El, Darcy and Kelly could be heard as they rushed to their friend, all of them screaming and huddling together with excitement.

Mike and Dustin hugged, bouncing up and down on their feet in delight for their girlfriends, almost dropping the banner before they hastily picked it back up.

El and the other track stars went off to the side, still supporting their team mates but starting their cool down as they were no longer required on the field. Mike tried to pay attention to the shot put, discus, high jump, long jump and pole vault but he was too distracted staring at El as she did her cool down stretches.

Hopper nudged Mike and he startled, worried he was about to be told off for gawping. But the chief was actually smiling, a proud expression written all over his face. "She's a star."

Mike grinned back at Hopper and nodded, before turning back to look at El, a lovestruck smiling taking over him. "Yeah she is..."


When the invitational was over, Hawkins High had faired really well in the scores. The boys' races had helped in adding up the points too and the whole team huddled around for a photograph with their coach.

Everyone was sweaty and exhausted, but happy. Really happy. El had just finished hugging Maggie when Rob Martinez one of the stars of the team came up behind her with a smirk, his eyes set on her ass.

"Good game Hopper, you looked pretty damn hot out there."

El and Maggie turned around in repulsion, looking up at Rob.

"Excuse me?" El asked in disgust whilst Maggie folded her arms against her chest, giving the boy a similar look of revulsion.

Rob shrugged, a smug grin on his face. "Just stating a fact sweet cheeks." He winked and then wandered off to the other boys.

"Ew, what a prick." Maggie shuddered whilst El watched the boy with distain.

She knew that most guys, especially Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin treated women with respect and dignity. So El found it hard to fathom sometimes how other boys could talk to her and other girls like they were a piece of meat. Like they were something to be stared at or taken advantage of. It was sick, and it made El feel dirty and uncomfortable.

"El! Maggie!" There was a shout of voices and she turned with a relieved and bright smile as her friends and family descended the stands and rushed over to her in celebration.

Holly reached El first and jumped up into her arms. It was getting harder to carry the eight-year-old, but she loved it anyway.

"El you were so good! I want to be just like you." Holly said happily into the brunette's shoulder as she clung onto her, her legs wrapped around El's waist tightly.

El couldn't help but chuckle, but she felt emotion tighten her chest at the admiration that Holly had for her. It was so incredibly sweet. "You are perfect just as you are Holly Wheeler." She said fondly. "But if you like Track and Field, maybe it's something you can do in a few years?"

Holly beamed and nodded eagerly, "okay!"

"Are you done stealing my girlfriend now?" Came an exasperated voice that made El grin like a fool as she looked up at Mike, who was stood impatiently nearby.

Holly stuck her tongue out at her older brother but jumped down out of El's hold. Before Mike could get closer to his girlfriend though, Hopper swooped in and pulled her into a tight hug, laughing in her annoyed boyfriend's face.

El rolled her eyes at her dad's immaturity but hugged him close, a grin on her face whilst he kissed her forehead. "You did good kid. So good." He mumbled in a slightly hoarse voice from all of the shouting and screaming he had been doing.

"Thanks dad," El said softly against his chest, feeling loved and warm.

Everyone else started pestering for hugs, so Hopper pulled away huffing in amusement as Joyce interjected, kissing El on the cheek and snuggling her. El was then greeted with Max, the boys and Karen and Ted. Finally, Mike got his girlfriend all to himself.

El squealed in surprise when he picked her up, his arms tightly around her waist as he spun her around. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned down to kiss him, ignoring the grumbles and moans of her family and friends when she deepened the kiss by tilting her head slightly. She felt a sigh of contentment leave her lips being this close to Mike, his arms being her favourite place in the whole world.

He finally brought her back down to the ground and she cuddled into him, her face nuzzling into his neck as he murmured, "I'm so proud of you."

She breathed in his homely scent and pressed a kiss to his neck. "Thank you." She said sincerely, not just thanking him for today, but thanking him for always supporting her and always being there.

"Right ladies, are you ready to celebrate?" Dustin called enthusiastically. He had his arm around Maggie who was still buzzing with adrenaline.

El giggled against Mike but then lifted her head enough to look around at her friends and family. "Totally, but I definitely need to shower first."

"Amen sister." Maggie agreed with a tired grin.

The girls parted ways momentarily with the group and headed to the locker room, changing out of their uniform, showering and getting dressed into the clothes they had arrived in that morning. It was quite chilly in March so El had on dark blue jeans, converse trainers and a tank top underneath Mike's San Francisco hoody which she had stolen over the winter.

When the girls got back to the rest of the group, Karen and Hopper suggested that the party enjoy dinner without their family before giving Mike and El some money to go out. They thanked their parents and waved them off when they finally left the track.

Mike took El's hand and they talked fervently about the competition as they headed to his car with Will and Jen, whilst Lucas drove himself, Max, Dustin and Maggie. They all quickly decided to head to Benny's for celebratory burgers, fries and milkshakes.

"I would like to propose a toast to the stars of the Hawkins High School Track and Field team!" Dustin said in a deep important voice, clearing his throat so the amused party would all pay attention.

"To Maggie and El, although your days on the varsity team are now complete. May you forever have toned asses and lean legs - "

"DUSTIN!" The party shouted as they hit him mostly playfully except for Mike whose hit was a little firmer.

"To El and Maggie!" Lucas interrupted with a shake of his head in Dustin's direction.

"El and Maggie!" The rest of the party cheered, lifting their milkshakes into the air. Once they all drank, they burst out laughing at Dustin's antics and went back to teasing one another, a few fries here and there getting chucked at each other.

El snuggled into Mike's side, his arm around her and his hand drawing gentle circles on her back that made her relaxed and drowsy whilst she listened to her friends talking.

"So last year we went to California, and Jen and Maggie couldn't come. This time, I think we should try and go on a trip again with the girls." Max said before nodding in Maggie and Jen's direction.

"Yeah I was sad I missed out on that time." Jen admitted from where she was leaning on Will's shoulder.

"And my parents can't say no this time seeing as I'm eighteen now." Maggie added with reproach.

"Would you want to go back to California?" Lucas asked Max as he played with her hair.

"Well I'm moving back to California at the end of the maybe somewhere different." Max shrugged, clearly not too bothered about where they went, but just wanting a good fun trip.

"I would love to go abroad." Will pitched dreamily.

Mike snorted, "that would be awesome. But do you really imagine Joyce and Hopper would agree to that?"

"Why wouldn't they?" El asked looking up at her boyfriend.

"Because none of us have left the country before." Mike reasoned. "They'll get scared and think it's too much."

"Well we've got to be treated like adults at some point." Jen said before reaching for one of her fries. The party all went quiet for a while as they mulled over the idea about leaving the country for a vacation.

"Well, where would we want to go?" Dustin finally asked, looking around at his friends with interest.

"I don't want to go on like a relaxing holiday to a beach when I can just do that in California." Max interjected.

"Okay so like a touristy holiday?" Lucas questioned and the others all nodded in agreement.

"And maybe somewhere that has a different culture, but not too different. This will be our first time out of the country after all." Mike reasoned looking at his friends before grabbing his burger.

El considered this for a moment, thinking of the many places across the globe that she would want to visit. She thought about similar cultures and languages and tourist activities and grinned to herself. "What about London?"

The rest of the party looked at her in surprise. "That's not actually a bad idea." Dustin reasoned.

"Yeah that could work." Max said smiling.

Mike grinned and looked at El, "I'd be happy with that."

When everyone agreed that London would be a good location for their first time abroad, they started talking logistics, such as flights, hotels and money.

"We'd need a lot of money." Dustin insisted. "Like we'd all need to be saving our wages, but we need to try and do extra activities to raise the funds too."

"Like washing cars and mowing lawns?" Lucas asked to which Dustin nodded solemnly in response.

"My mom was asking me what I wanted for a graduation present, maybe I can ask her for cash?" Mike suggested eagerly.

The others all murmured in agreement and decided they would mention the trip to all their parents that evening and hopefully get the go ahead to plan their vacation. What El didn't know, was that the cogs were already turning in Mike's head to extend their time on vacation, to make sure that him and El also got some alone time on their new adventure.


School had gotten to an odd stage where they had all received their acceptance letters for their colleges of choice, their varsity team events were over and now they just had to graduate. Mike couldn't quite believe that in three short months he would be done with high school forever, when it only seemed like yesterday that he was leaving middle school.

He was in history class and Mrs Jenkins was droning on about US government, but Mike couldn't help but be distracted by the beautiful brunette next to him. El appeared to be listening to Mrs Jenkin's lecture, writing notes now and again, but she gave Mike a side glance and a little smirk that told him she was just as distracted.

Mike found himself staring at El more than he was looking at the board, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't just filled with love when he looked at his girlfriend, he was filled with immeasurable pride at how she had taken on high school. She had never experienced school before that, never been around hundreds of students either, and yet her strength and courage had made her excel. It was one of the many reasons why he was so in love with her.

El glanced at him again and gave him a side smile that showed off her cute little dimples. He smiled back at her, resisting the urge to sigh loudly in contentment. She then gave him a teasing and scolding expression, pointing down to his notepad, wanting him to focus. Mike chuckled quietly and then regrettably tried to concentrate on the lesson.

It was around ten minutes later when a small balled up piece of paper landed on El's desk. Mike didn't notice it being thrown by Rob Martinez or the deep snickers of his friends sat around him.

He did notice her opening the piece of paper hesitantly and turned to look at her, noticing the way she frowned when her eyes fell onto the drawing that Mike had to lean over to see. It was a badly drawn picture of El in her varsity uniform. Her curves even more pronounced and obvious in the drawing.

El's face filled with disgust and she shot a glare back at the boys who snickered even more. Mike however felt himself shaking with anger, how dare they treat her like that. He turned in his seat, ready to open his mouth when he felt El's hand frantically reach over and touch his.

Mike turned back to her and she was shaking her head urgently. "Don't rise to their level." She whispered to him softly, before shooting the boys another look of disdain.

El lifted her chin and went back to her work. Mike admired her bravery because he was still seething and struggling to concentrate, his ears seemed to be picking up on everything those jerks were saying, and it was making him sicker by the minute.

"I'd tap that ass." Jake Parker whispered sniggering to his friends as they all shoved each other shoulders and grinned as they watched El.

"Yeah imagine just bending her over and – "

"What the fuck did you just say about my girlfriend?!" Mike had lost it.

He couldn't take it anymore and he swung around in his chair. Yes, he might have been tall and still quite lanky but the look on his face was venomous. Not even these jocks seemed willing to answer. Sadly, he hadn't exactly been as discreet as he thought.

"Mr Wheeler! How dare you curse in this classroom." Mrs Jenkins called in astonishment.

Mike wanted to say he was sorry, but he wasn't. He pointed to the jocks, a furious look on his face as he turned to the teacher whilst the whole of the class stared at him in shock. "Those jerks have been spending your lesson harassing my girlfriend!" Mike shouted indignantly.

"Detention Mr Wheeler." Mrs Jenkins said crossly. "I do not accept cursing in my classroom or this blatant attitude."

"No!" El exclaimed, as the class now turned to her in surprise. "Mrs Jenkins, those idiots have been saying stuff about me all lesson and Mike was just protecting me. Look, they passed this to me..." El said picking up the paper and shoving it into Mrs Jenkins hands when she got closer.

The teacher studied the crude drawing and frowned looking up at the boys who were now the picture of innocence. "Did one of you boys draw this?" She asked tiredly looking at each other.

"No." They said in unison, making El and Mike roll their eyes at the obvious pack mentality of the boys.

"It wasn't us Mrs Jenkins." Jake said seriously, a softened expression written all over his face that El and Mike knew was complete bull shit.

"Yeah, it could have been Wheeler for all we know." Rob said shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "He is after all her boyfriend, maybe he thought it would be fun..."

"What?!" Mike asked disgusted. "I would never draw something like that you mouth breather!"

"It wasn't Mike Mrs Jenkins." El said, furious even at the insinuation. "It was one of them, probably Rob seeing as this isn't the first time he's made sexist comments."

When Rob looked shocked and put his hand to his chest as if he was stunned at any accusation, El lost it too. "Stop pretending you asshole!"

"Right that's it, Miss Hopper it's detention for you too." Mrs Jenkins scolded.

"Are you serious?! She's the victim in all of this!" Mike shouted in frustration. "It's those dickheads you need to punish."

Mrs Jenkins closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Mr Wheeler and Miss Hopper, take your things and go see the"

Mike was furious and started to pack up his things roughly, whilst El huffed and had a bit more dignity in collecting her things. Mrs Jenkins wrote out a note for the principal irately and sealed it before handing it to the couple.

The moment Mike and El moved into the corridor and the classroom door shut, she turned to her boyfriend, a look of pain on her face. "Mike I'm so sorry!"

Mike practically flinched at her words and shook his head, "sorry? What are you sorry for? It's those mouth breathers fault, not yours." He said beseeching her, closing the distance between them to pull El into his arms.

She melted into his chest and sighed against his sweater. They stayed like that for a while until El looked up at him with a soft smile, "thank you for protecting me."

Mike grinned bashfully, "I'll always protect you. I love you." He stroked her cheek and looked deeply into the hazel eyes that he adored.

El blushed slightly because his intense gaze still gave her goose bumps and made her heart flutter. "I love you too." She answered tenderly, before going on her tip toes to kiss Mike's lips. They grounded her, made her feel loved and respected rather than a piece of meat or someone to be ridiculed.

Mike continued to caress her cheek gently as they kissed. After a while he started to chuckle and El pulled back in surprise. "What?" she asked him playfully, enjoying the entertained look on his face.

"This is like my first detention of high school..."

El giggled, "mine too." She smiled but then flinched as a thought occurred to her. "Shit do you think college will care about this?"

Mike shrugged, putting his arm around El as they headed towards the principal's office. "Well we've both been offered our places already and we've accepted. I think they just care about our grades at this point. But even if the school told them, I don't think the one detention would make a massive difference."

Thankfully Mike was right. Because this was their first ever detention and their records were so clean, the principal who believed El's story, was more than understanding and explained that this wouldn't go down on their school records.

However, they still had to complete the detention and apologise to Mrs Jenkins for cursing in class. Mike and El gladly agreed to the terms and went back to class, feeling more upbeat than earlier.

Mike managed to keep a straight face when after class the jocks went into the bathroom and one of the sinks just happened to explode. The screams of the boys were heard throughout the corridors as they came running out of the bathroom, soaked head to toe whilst the rest of the upperclassmen laughed and jeered at them.

El had discreetly wiped her nose and smirked with Mike in joint conspiracy when he swooped down to kiss her before they headed off to lunch.


"So this is detention?" El asked looking around at the old classroom with a look of boredom.

Mike chuckled as they moved forward to take two seats next to each other. "What, did you expect something glamorous?" he teased as they dropped their bags to the floor.

El smiled at him and shook her head. "It just looks better in the movies..."

Mike grinned in response and took his seat, pulling his homework out of his bag and trying to get started on it whilst El looked around with interest.

She eyed up one of the rebel girls that she sometimes saw graffitiing the back of the gym. She looked kind of cool, her dark hair slicked back and reminding El immediately of Kali.

It had been a few months since El had spoken with her sister in the void and she made a mental note to talk to her soon. Things for Kali seemed to be changing, she was having less of an urge to cause trouble and seek revenge, and more of an impulse to actually live her life. El hoped she would find true happiness.

The teacher who was overseeing the detention came in the room looking forlorn and tired. He was grasping a coffee cup, his eyes heavy as he took in the three students and grumbled about them getting some work done.

El got out her notebook and worked on her English Literature homework, smiling to herself as she thought about going abroad over the summer with her friends. Surprisingly her dad had caved and agreed to the party going on the trip, unsurprisingly Joyce had to persuade him to say yes.

Dustin had come up with plenty of suggestions to raise money for the trip, from car washing which he suggested might earn them more money if the girls wore bikinis. Needless to say, he was once again pounced on for his proposal, Max pummelling him until he chuckled and apologised. He then suggested a bake sale which was all well and good until they all realised they couldn't bake, except for El who had learnt off Karen.

When El had approached Karen and asked if she would help, her future mother in law was more than willing. So it was decided that as well as the kind contributions from their parents and their own wages, the girls would set up a bake sale stand, the boys would wash cars and they would all take it in turns to mow lawns. Even Holly said she'd help with doing a lemonade stand when the weather got warmer. All El knew was that she was more than excited for the summer and incredibly grateful for her friends and family.

The rest of the detention flew by and Mike and El left with looks of relief on their faces that they had survived what would be their one and only detention of high school.

As they were walking out of the doors, El looked over the now empty parking lot and her gaze focused on the middle school. She halted, making Mike stop too and looked up at him with a mischievous grin. "Want to do something fun?" she asked him teasingly.

Mike snorted in amusement at her playfully manner. "Always." He grinned.

El grabbed her boyfriend's hand and practically ran with him across the parking lot, the logo for the middle school getting larger as they approached the gym. She glanced over her shoulder and looked to the sides to make sure they were completely alone before moving her head slightly, unlocking the side door to the gym.

Mike looked at her nervously, his eyes widened slightly. "El...I don't think this is a good idea." He mumbled anxiously.

El smirked and looked up at him, "you'll be fine, as long as you're with me." Her words were said with such confidence that Mike nodded, a warm smile filling his beautiful features as he trusted her words.

They headed into the gym, closing the door behind them and looked around at the space, their footsteps echoing in contrast to the silence.

El stood still and smiled as the memories of the Snow Ball seemed to play out before her eyes. She could see it now, see the space filled with kids, the buntings, the sparkly foil hangings and the balloons. She could imagine walking through the door, anxious and excited before her heart skipped a beat when she saw Mike.

A younger version to the man stood next to her now. Shorter and not as broad, but still as handsome and still as beautiful as her boyfriend was now. El beamed looking up at Mike to see he was already staring at her, the same look of adoration and love written on his face too.

"I can practically hear Every Breath You Take, and I can remember us moving to this spot to dance..." He said softly, making El's heart flutter when he took her hand and led her to an area of the gym.

She grinned up at him, her heart so full. "And I think it went a bit like this," she whispered into the quiet of the room as she moved his hands to her waist and then slid her fingers up his shoulders before they wrapped around the back of his neck.

Mike beamed at her, his eyes twinkling with happiness just as they had that night as they slowly swayed together. Not needing music, not needing anything but each other and the memories playing so vividly in their minds.

Just like that memorable night, Mike's eyes softened, and he leaned down, his mouth slightly parted as El met his lips in a loving kiss that filled her heart and soul with a warmth unlike any other.

They swayed for a little while longer before Mike grinned down at El, a dopey expression of adoration on his face before he playfully pulled her along. She giggled and let him lead her out of the gym and into the empty corridors.

Mike made a stop at the AV room. His heart in his throat, a heavy emotion that he associated with the feelings of his childhood hitting him. El unlocked the door for him and they went inside, looking around at the equipment, some of it now updated, but the room still looked the same.

El watched on kindly as Mike gazed at the room that had been his only solace in middle school. He could picture a younger version of himself, Will, Lucas and Dustin. All of them gathered around the equipment and learning new skills together. He chuckled thinking about trying to contact Australian radio stations and then turned to look at El with a grin. She understood his emotions, she always did.

They walked quietly down the corridors, their hands entwined tightly and gripping firmly when either of them was reminded of the blood shed that had happened in these halls. How they had ran, how they had tried to hide. Mike knew he would do it all again if it meant having El in his life. In fact, he would do it again until the end of eternity.

Without even directing themselves, they reached the cafeteria and grinned at each other, knowing why their hearts had pulled them to this location.

The layout was completely the same, and as if it was rehearsed they walked in unison over to the table where they had shared their first kiss, where El had first told Mike she loved him and where he had asked her to be his girlfriend.

They sat down, practically in the same seats and positions, facing one another with looks of adoration. Mike's eyes swept over El's face, taking in how much she had changed since they last sat here.

Her face had lost some of its child features, thinning out, her cheek bones and bone structure more prominent and her lips fuller. But those eyes remained completely the same. And Mike smiled, knowing he was in love with every part of what made his girlfriend who she was. He was in love with Jane, Eleanor, Eleven and especially El.

The distance was closing between them without either of them being aware of it, like their bodies were moving of their own accord. Their lips met, and it was once again like a joining of two souls into one. Their mouths knew each other, and they always had.

Mike's hand moved into El's hair, whilst the other moved to her waist, bringing her closer. El's hands were flat against his chest, hearing his heart beating just for her as they kissed tenderly. They melted into the kiss and Mike knew that he could have stayed like that forever.

Of course, reality was a very different thing, so when they heard the janitor in the hallway buffing the floors, they grabbed each other's hands and bolted out of the cafeteria door. They ran and laughed, stopping to catch their breath because El was giggling so much she couldn't even walk.

They shared a grin and then Mike was piggy backing El across the Middle School parking lot and back to the high school where he was parked.

El propped her chin on Mike's shoulder and sighed happily. "Good bye school," she said gently looking at both buildings.

Mike paused, his gaze softening as he took in his past, present and then turned to El, his future. "Good bye school." He whispered.


AN: I have now visited the actual Hawkins High which makes this even more emotional!

I hope you liked this one and the nostalgia ❤️ Thank you as always for reading, voting and commenting :-)

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