Freshly Unsorted || A Drarry...

By Hufflepuff-Writer

557K 22.3K 17K

**COMPLETED** **INCLUDES PARTS ONE AND TWO** ⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️: All original characters owned by J.K. Rowling. T... More

One: Return to Hogwarts
One: Acquaintances
One: Elixir to Induce Euphoria
One: Library
One: First Names
One: Protective
One: Halloween
One: Hickey
One: The Quidditch Match
One: The Truth
One: Amusing
One: Tension
One: Mental State
One: Nightly Terrors
One: Punch
One: Trip to Hogsmeade
One: The Potions Exam
One: Apologies
One: The Mark
One: Christmas
One: A Terrible Christmas
One: Gift
One: Talk
One: The Two of Them
One: Surprise
One: Secret Spot
One: Conversation
One: Run
One: Ultimatum
Extra: Blaise and Neville
One: False
One: Teddy
One: Strong
One: Letter
One: Not Okay
One: The End
One: Theodore's Disguise
One: Alone
One: Blames
One: Dead
One: Darkness
One: Unable
One: Matching
One: Graduation
One: Last Week
One: Summer
Part Two
Two: Supper
Two: Rain
Two: Nineteen
Two: The Wedding Part One
Two: The Wedding Part Two
Authors Note

One: Satisfactory

15.1K 614 593
By Hufflepuff-Writer

Draco leaned out of the opening of the tower and started climbing up the side of the tower, a rope ladder appearing a moment before. He made it safely to the top and looked down to see Harry already halfway up. Draco felt dizzy being this high up in the air and felt as if he would be sick.

As soon as Harry made it up, Draco made a little barrier appear so that nothing unexpected would happen. Harry shivered in the cool breeze and Draco asked him, "Are you cold?"

Harry shook his head but shivered again. Draco waved his wand and made a blanket appear around Harry's shoulders. "Thanks, "

Draco nodded and sat down on the roof, feeling anxious despite the barrier. Harry sat down next to him and looked at the treeline of the Forbidden Forest. Harry asked Draco, "Did you need something?"

Draco shut his eyes and let out a breath, saying, "Are you with the Weaseltte?"

Harry shook his head and responded, "I ended it with her a year and a half ago. Why?"

Draco shrugged and pointed his wand at his mouth and felt his teeth shrink back to their normal size.

"Do you want me to help you out with her?" Harry asked, his heart falling, though he knew it shouldn't have.

Draco looked at Harry, frowning. "No, Harry."

Harry gasped melodramatically and held his face in his hands. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and said, "What?"

"Draco Malfoy said my first name, wow, " Harry said, taking his hat off and laying down against the roof. Draco rubbed his hands together to make them warmer.

Harry waved his wand and summoned a blanket for his friend, earning a smile and a thank you.

Draco asked Harry, "Why did you end it with the Weaseltte? Or is that too personal?"

"No, it's not," Harry answered. "I don't really . . ."

Draco looked forward and heard a howl from the forest.

"I'm not sure how to . . ." Harry took a deep breath and finished, "I couldn't pretend that I wanted to be with her anymore."

Draco looked over at him and Harry added, "I didn't tell Ron that, though."


Harry shook his head. "I think that she knows. Or has a suspicion."

Draco felt his heart speed up and struggled to keep his voice from going up two octaves from excitement. "Know what? That you never liked the Weasley girl?"

Harry turned his head away from Draco, shut his eyes, and didn't answer Draco.

"Potter, " Draco said. He said nothing and Draco reached his hand out and gripped his shoulder. "Harry?"

Harry sat up and answered with eyes full of tears, "That I never liked any girl, really . . ."

Draco's hand brushed a spot on Harry's neck with his thumb. Harry put his hand over Draco's and closed his eyes. Draco, taking advantage of Harry's closed eyes, leaned in close and pressed his lips against Harry's, loving the way that Harry squeezed his hand and leaned against Draco's warm body.

Draco pulled away from Harry, who was blushing. Draco smiled at the sweet, boyish smile that was plastered on Harry's face and probably his own too. Harry's hands reached up and held Draco's face in his hands, confirming Draco's thoughts by saying, "I like your smile."

Draco smiled more at that comment and brushed back Harry's bangs and kissed Harry's forehead and told Harry, "Yeah? Well, I like your hair."

"My hair is messy."

"Exactly, " Draco confirmed. "Makes you look cute."

Harry blushed and told Draco with a straight face, "Your hair'll look better without the gel."

Draco shrugged and said, "Maybe."

Harry leaned forward against Draco's chest and a laugh bubbled up from his own and Draco questioned, "They really don't know?"

"No, " Harry answered. "Does Zabini and Nott know?"

Draco replied, "Yes, and they were wondering when I would stop being a child and tell you."

Harry asked, "They were?"

Draco chuckled and Harry bit his lip as he smiled, loving how Draco's chest rumbled when he laughed.

"It was terrible."

Harry beamed as Draco continued, "They wanted me to tell you since fifth year, but that Umbridge bitch required us to be part of that stupid Inquisitorial Squad. So, I had to play the part."

"I thought that you liked that stuff."

"No, my father does, and I'm glad that he's in Azkaban."

Harry said nothing and Draco delicately raked his fingers through Harry's hair.

Harry mumbled into Draco's coat, "I like you."

Draco laughed and agreed with Harry, saying, "I like you, too."

Harry blushed and asked quietly, "Can we not tell Ron and Hermione?"

"Tell them what?"

"That . . .uhm . . ."

Draco smirked and asked Harry, "That I asked you to be my boyfriend?"

"You didn't ask me that."

"I didn't?" Draco asked as if he were confused. "Well, will you?"

Harry lifted his head up and kissed Draco again and answered, "Yes I will."

It was past one am when Harry and Draco made their way back down the Astronomy Tower, feeling both happy and nervous at the same time. Harry put his hat back on his head and felt a sore spot on his neck, but he didn't acknowledge it as much as he would have normally.

Draco held Harry's hand and they walked up and down corridors, passing time by talking in delicate whispers that could be broken at any moment.

When they made it to the corridor that leads to Gryffindor common room, Draco asked, "Should we just act how we normally do tomorrow?"

"Uh, yes," Harry replied. "Maybe in a little while, we can make it public?"

Draco nodded and kissed Harry goodbye when they made it to the base of Gryffindor Tower. Harry waved goodbye and woke up the Fat Lady. "Why are you always so late?"

Harry shrugged and told her the password and she swung open. The common room was dark except for the fire in the fireplace. Harry tiptoed into the common room, thinking that everyone was asleep when he heard, "How was your Halloween?"

Harry jumped five feet in the air and spun around, wand in hand. He saw Hermione reading a book and Ron standing up and smiling. Both were out of their costumes. "You scared me."

"Where were you?" Hermione asked. "You disappeared from the party. One minute you were drinking and the next . . ."

Harry put his wand away and answered, "I was at the party."

"And you just left?"

"Yes, " Harry replied with a smile and nod.

He turned to leave before Ron said, "Wait, Harry. Stay up a bit later, we have some questions."

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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