Resurgent :Book 4- After Alle...

By bree2326

297K 3.3K 1.2K

Wanted to hear a book 4?Tris comes back from the dead thanks to Caleb making a revival serum. See what happen... More

Resurgent :Book 4- After Allegiant
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Bonus Chapter: The Day After (Chapter 30)

Chapter 27

4.2K 89 37
By bree2326

Chapter 27

It’s a long day. There’s not much to do around here at the hotel except walk around and talk. I do have the opportunity with Christina to talk more to Caleb and tell him more about the problems in society. Talking soothes my nerves a little but my mind keeps on bouncing to fear about if Tobias is going to be okay.

It’s been a week since Tobias left and I can’t help but wonder how much longer it’s going to be before he comes back. We have been keeping in contact with one another so he could give me updates but it’s been hard. My eyes are glued to the TV that’s in my room. Christina, Caleb, and I all sit down and watch it almost constantly. 

The battle between the two forces seem to be dying down as the days go on but  that doesn’t mean that it could start up at any moment again. I doubt it though because in my opinion, Evelyn is a weak minded person. She can’t even contain a army of her own. The news says that the war should be over any day now. Which in my hopes Tobias should be coming soon. I just don’t know how long soon is. 

“I think i’m going to go walk around. This is too crazy for me.” Caleb gets up from my bed we are all sitting on and leaves. Now it’s just Christina and I. 

“Hey, I think i’m going to bed.” I tell Christina. “It’s getting pretty late.” 

“Alright then, night Tris.” 

As she leaves, I shut the door behind her. It’s getting harder and harder for me to get up lately because of the size of my stomach. 

I decide to just leave the black t-shirt and shorts I have on and just sleep in those for the night. 

I lay down in bed, turn the TV off and then just sit in the darkness and stare at the ceiling. About ten minutes later I drift off to sleep. I have a dream that night, a nightmare. Tobias was shot down by some person from Evelyn’s army. He fell to t he ground in such harshness that it was unbearable. I didn’t scream though. I don’t know why. I believe I was too in shock to scream. My words were to jumbled to scream. It’s when Tobias bleeds out of his wounds is when I wake up. I check the clock which reads 3:10am. I breath heavily and want to scream for Tobias but I know he’s not here, he’s miles away from me. Only then do I feel something wet beneath me. 

“What the-“

I realize what its is.

“Oh no.”

My water just broke. 

I scream for Christina so hard it hurts my throat. About thirty seconds later she comes running into my room busting the door wide open and turns on the light. It’s then when she see’s that my water broke all over the place. Caleb comes in after her and then stops too and sees what happened. 

Christina comes over to me to comfort me and asks if I feel any pain yet. I reply no but any minute that will turn into a yes. I’m already afraid that this process is going to hurt more than ever. 

“I need to get to a hospital, quick.” 

Caleb says, “Christina, we need to get her into a car, go find a car or something. I’ll carry her down to the lobby.”

Christina leaves me to go find a car. Caleb slides his arm under my legs and his other under my back. Slowly he picks me up and than I feel the pain. I moan deeply and restrain myself from screaming. I grab a handful of Caleb's white shirt and burry my face into it. What calms me for the moment and takes my mind off the baby is the old smell of Caleb again. It’s good to have him back. The thought is quickly gone as we enter the elevator and another contraction comes. 


“It’s okay Tris, I got you.” 

Caleb jogs into the lobby where Christina comes from outside the doors of the hotel and motions for him to bring me to the car.

“Ethan let us borrow his car, I’ll drive.” Says Christina. 

She sets down towels in the backseat and Caleb sits back with me, letting me lay on my back with my head beaded with sweat to rest on his thigh. Caleb wraps me in a blanket to keep me warm as Christina speeds down the road. 

“Tobias.” I croak. “Someone needs… to tell him.” I scream again with more pain than the last. 

“I already called him but he doesn’t answer. I left him a message to call back as soon as possible.” 

My thoughts now trace back to wonder if he’s okay. Was the dream I was having true? Please no. Please. 

I restrain myself from thinking like that at the moment. Think positive Tris, positive.

“Ahhhh!” Nope, can’t think positive. Another contraction occurs. 

My thoughts become blurry with pain and its hard to gather my thoughts. The hospital is apparently far from here because we’ve been in the car a while even though Christina is speeding really fast. 

I moan again. Sweat dripping down my face though I’m cold. 

I need you Tobias. Where are you? Tobias, I keep thinking. Please.

I need you. 


Wow, I love this Chapter! Check for Updates towards next update for Chapter 28! Well, I kept my promise! I updated as soon as I possibly could! Special Thanks to my teachers who did’t give me any work to do this weekend. Another special thanks to all of my readers! I couldn’t have done this without all your wonderful comments that you sent me! They make me feel so special and it really pushes me to write! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! Please comment, I read them all! Thank you! 

~Be Brave~

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