
By Sdjenej

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2740. A world rebuilt from nuclear war. A world inhabited by humans, humanoids, robots and anthropomorphic an... More

Meet the characters
Chapter 2- The FNG
Chapter 3: Battle of Crosswind
Chapter 4: A powerful ally
Chapter 5: Homecoming
Chapter 6: Enjoying life
Chapter 7: All legends fall
Chapter 8: The final return
Chapter 9: Start of a new life
A few things I have to say...

Chapter 1- Eve

221 1 0
By Sdjenej


It's your birthday tomorrow. Your 21st birthday. That day is when KORP sends two men in uniform conscript you to join the military. Maybe. Right now, you need to enjoy every last second of today and what you can tomorrow. Too bad you're stuck in a classroom at college. You're sat there like a duck doing everything you can to stay awake, seeing as your geometry teacher is a pretty boring person. Never makes the class laugh or anything. The only thing keeping you from losing your mind is getting to see your friends in college. It's also the only thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. But then again. In geometry, you sit next to Nina and she's pretty fun. So that's the upside to being in geometry.

"So, Jackson. It's your birthday tomorrow. What are your plans?" Nina inquires.
"Dunno, to be fair. Probably gonna spend the night with you guys, or Jackie." You reply, awkwardly as you mention the name.
"Oh, Jackie. You seemed a little off when you mentioned her name. Something wrong?"
It takes you a few moments to come up with a truthful answer. But you try anyway.
"Not really, just that she's really high maintenance" You say with a little irony.

After Geometry class is over, you and Ivy head to Art class. She seems happy to see you, despite her just breaking up with her boyfriend. You were there to cheer her up and that's what made you friends. You haven't really known each other that long but she's definitely one of your best friends. "What're you doin' on your birthday tomorrow, then Jackson?" The second time you're asked this. You're not annoyed at all. You feel glad that people care about you; aside from your parents. "Dunno. Probably hang out or spend the night with Jackie. Might probably be the last time we spend time together for a while."

You and the rest of the class get your things out and get on with the lesson. You have to paint a trophy. It takes you a while to paint it but the payoff is worth your while. It takes you 2 hours to finish - which is how long art class lasts. "Anyway, see you later then?" You inquire to Ivy. "Hmm? Oh.. sure yeah, see ya later" She replies. Next up, lunch hour. You drive your car home and you eat whatever is in the fridge. You hear Tori come down the stairs. She sees you and yelps out loud, thinking you were an intruder. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" You yell as you drop 'your' sandwich. "Ha. Got ya. Anyway, how come you're home so early?" She asks with a smug look. "I'm not, it's my lunch hour. What're you doin' here anyway?" You ask. You know full well that she's flunking off school. "Sick." She quickly replies.
"Yeah. Sure you are. Anyway, I'm heading back. I'll see you later. If Jackie comes, tell her I'll be home late."

Anyway, later you head to business studies with Ethan. You both give each other one of those man-hi-fives. (Like the handshake Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers do in predator) "Got any plans tonight?" He asks. "Maybe." You give a vague reply to him compared to the other replies you gave to both Ivy and Nina. You and Ethan go to your seats, which aren't next to each other. You're sat next to a cute girl called Leah Burcham. Although you're taken, you can't help but flirt with her, because she's just too pretty. "Afternoon, class. Can we settle down a little?" Miss Dalton asks as she enters the room, looking sexy in her outfit. (She always does) "Anyway, we're gonna carry on the work we did yesterday. But you need to find yourself a partner to work with. Preferably whoever you're sat next to, just to save the hassle." So you would be working with Leah. "So.. how much have you done?" You ask Leah in a seductive manner. "I've got to the 5th part which is on Inflation." She's much further ahead of you. Usually you get really distracted in business, as it's not that exciting. Either that or you're staring down Miss Dalton for the majority of the lesson. "Shit. I'm only on the third part. Can I look at yours so I can catch up? Please?" She sighs as she turns her monitor to you so you can look at her work.
"Better not copy my work or I'll break your arm." She threatens in a humorous tone.
"I love it when you talk dirty." You confidently murmur. "Shut up." She replies.

"You guys doing okay over there?" Miss dalton asks you and Leah. "Oh, yeah we're doing fine." You reply awkwardly. She approaches you both. She looks at Leah's work. "Good work, Leah. Keep it up. Then.. she looks at yours. She bends over to reveal a little cleavage. Some people sat opposite giggle at you as you turn your eyes to her. "Are you serious, Jackson? That's not enough work. You're gonna have to stay behind after class to catch up with the rest." More people start laughing at you. You're not embarrassed or anything. Usually you go along with it.

"Might wanna start working harder then" Leah suggests to you. "Yep. Guess your right." You try to get as much as you can done. You finish the 3rd part. And get most of the 4th done. Class finishes a t 5:30. So everyone goes home. Ethan comes up to you. "Me, Ivy and Nina are gonna be in town if you wanna come later." He suggests. "Yeah, sure I'll be there. Jackie won't mind. She's usually chill about it anyway" No. no she's not.

You face your computer and stare blankly for 20 minutes. Distracted by Miss Dalton bending over to pick up trash people leave behind. She comes up to you to look at your work. "Something tells me you're getting distracted in class. Care to tell me what? Don't worry, no one else is here so no one's gonna laugh if it's something stupid." You hesitate and you go red. She's sat on your desk, so she's close. "Well it is sorta, Miss Dalton." You reply. "Okay.. what is it?" She asks. You cringe as you say it but you have to let it go. "You." You unconfidently blurt out. "M-Me? You have something for me? As.. as if you like me?" She inquires. You nod. "Well this is odd. Very odd." You stand as does she. You've not done a lot of work. She takes a look. "Hmm.. you know I will complete this myself, but it's gonna cost ya." She winks as you start bulging in your pants. Your heart is racing. She lifts her skirt up a little to reveal her leg wear. And she loosens her shirt up. You come in a little closer towards her. You're within kissing distance. You can't hold it in anymore. You bring yourself in to lock lips with hers. You drop your pants and shoes as you lift her off your desk and onto hers. "Easy there, hun" you reveal your steel hard length to her as she stares at it in shock. You rub it on her skirt and down her legs. Her legs then lock around you just as you take off your t-shirt. You help Miss Dalton with her shirt as you unbutton it downward. Your eyes widen at the sight of her breasts. They were perfect. You remove her bra to reveal them completely. You were drooling. You brought you face down on top of them and motorboat them without hesitation. "Ready?" You ask her. "When you are" She replies. You lift her skirt up completely to remove her panties. Her pussy is so tidy. You slide it in between her and thrust slowly. It's tight in there. You let out a quiet groan as you thrust it back and forth. "Is that all you've got? Come on, FASTER!" You oblige to her, as you pick up speed and gradually move you cock faster and faster. Her moans get louder and louder the faster you move. "Oh, Jackson" she moans.
"I'm about to cum, Miss Dalton!" You moan fearfully. "Oh fuck, fuck!" You yell as you draw ever closer to cumming deep in her pussy.
"Ahhh, Miss Daltooon!" She screams as you fill her pussy with cum. "Good job, Jackson. You passed." You fall asleep on her breasts for a few hours. She wakes you up. You check the time: 22:40 "SHIT!" You yell.
"What's wrong, Jackson?" She asks cluelessly. You check your notifications: Mom, 6 missed calls. Nina, 2 missed calls. Dad, 1 missed call. Ivy, 3 missed calls. Ethan 2 missed calls. Jackie, 11 missed calls. You text all of them to let them know you're okay. They all read the message. And start typing. Most of them were things like "where were you?!" And stuff like that.

"Thanks, Miss." You say as you kiss her lips. "Jackson, call me Katie." She tells you as you leave the parking lot. You drive to the shopping centre. To your luck you see the three of them just leaving McDonald's. You see them and call their names "Hey!" They all turn around.
"About fucking time, where were you?" Ethan asks. "Oh, I had to stay back and finish some other stuff." You reply, shyly.
"It's 11 o'clock at night. No way were you doing stuff for 6 hours." He was right. He had a point. You couldn't argue with that. "Wait. No, no fucking way. You slept with Miss Dalton, didn't you." You said nothing but look really stupid as he said it. The three of them burst out laughing. Anyway, you spend the rest of the night hanging around town. Like you planned. When it got late, you went home to Jackie. She was sleeping in your bed. She must have been waiting for you. You climb into bed as you try to make as little noise as possible. You fall asleep cuddling up to her.

The next morning you wake up to find the bed empty. Your mom, dad, sister and your girlfriend are sat in the same room waiting for you. None of them looked happy. "Well? Care to explain?" Your mom asks angrily. You sigh. "This is the stupidest thing I've done" you think to yourself. You couldn't lie. You had to break the news. First off, you apologise to Jackie. "Jackie, this might be hard to explain, but I kind of slept with my business teacher. I couldn't help it as I was literally drunk on love. She also did it to finish my work. I'm so, so, sorry." You say, tearing up. "Mom, dad, I'm sorry I didn't come home or say anything." They seem pleased with your apology, but they are shocked. "You did WHAT?!" Your mom yells. "Why in the shit would you sleep with your god damn teacher!?" Mom doesn't seem happy at all. Your dad isn't much happier. "I'm disappointed. And angry. You... I just don't understand why you'd do something like that. You have a girlfriend for crying out loud! Imagine what she must feel! It's selfish and incredibly immoral! You'd better straighten things up with her right now!" Mom commands you. You oblige.

You approach Jackie. "Leave me alone. We need time away from each other." She snarls.
"We're not breaking up, are we? Please don't break up with me. I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Anything. Please don't."
You beg her.
"I'm sorry Jackson, but we're done." She says as she leaves through the back door. You break down on the floor and start crying. "I'm sorry Jackson. But this is on you." Mom seemed to have calmed down.

"Listen, Jackson. I know what it's like to get dumped. It's happened to me, you know. Now come on. It's your birthday. Come open your stuff we got you." Your dad says as he tries to cheer you up. You stop crying as he mentions that it's your birthday. Your first gift was a $500,000 cash card. ($500,000 in 2740 is like $5,000 today). Wow, thanks mom. You say as you hug her. "Here, Jackson open mine!" Tori says excitedly. It's a mug with the word 'asshole' on it. "Thanks a lot, Tori" you say in appreciation. It was pretty funny. "Jackson, come with me and I'll show you the present I got ya." You follow him to the back and he removes the sheet to reveal a new high-end hover bike. "Holy shit" You say slowly, and loudly. "Thanks so much, dad. You say as you give him a long hug. "Can I take her for a spin? I wanna show my friends." You ask politely.
"Don't scratch it." He warns as he tosses you the keys. "Thanks, I'll be back soon." You text all your friends, telling them to be at the mall. They listen.

You race the bike across the skyline roads. (It is the future, then again. Seriously, everything flies) once you reach the mall, you see Ivy, Ethan and Nina stood there. They were stunned. "Ooh sorry, Jackson." Nina bellowed sarcastically. "Happy birthday." All of them cheered. "Ive got you a present." Ethan mentions as he pulls out a ticket: Free admission to Club Atlantis "isn't that a strip club?" You ask. Ethan looks at you blankly. "So you all coming too then?" You ask. Especially considering Nina and Ivy are straight girls. They agree to come. Ethan has already made plans with a girl called Hannah Shokan. He says she does specials for birthday boys. You seem excited. Then again, you are single after Jackie dumped you. You start to forget about it all now. So you all embark on a journey to Club Atlantis. It's a pretty top-end building. But it's protected by a KORP guard. Usually it's a pain in the ass when you come across one. But this guy seemed chill about it. He let you all in once you showed the ticket. What you see before you is mind-blowing.

Your eyes widened at the sight of the place. There were beautiful women round every corner. A waitress comes to you and finds you a seat. She is an anthro horse. "So, cutie you what're ya havin' ?" She asks you. You look at the drinks menu. And all of you decide:
Ivy: "I'll have a Jack Daniel's + Coke, please"
Nina: "Yeah, can I get a Smirnoff?"
Ethan: "I'll take a Foster's if that's okay"
Jackson: "Gin and tonic will do me, thanks"

"All right, hon. I'll be back with them all." Suddenly, the music stops and the speakers come on. "Everyone, can we get a round of applause for the man of the hour, Jackson Miller? It's his birthday and we wanna give him a surprise" Everyone turns round and applauds you as the spotlight turns to you. "Two staff members bring you to 'The chair'. And puts you on the catwalk. Slowly, a stripper comes right towards you. That one is Hannah. "So, cutie. You're the birthday boy?" She asks in the sexiest tone of voice ever. "Y-yes." You try to cover your bulge. "Buckle up, then sweetie." She takes off her bra and sits on your lap. "Havin' fun, sugar?" She giggles. People start throwing money at her- and you.

After the lap dance, she takes you to a private room to get 'serviced'. "Ever been sucked off by a dog before?" She asks you. she has a slight Texan accent.
"Once, actually." You answer.
"Ain't you a smartass." She says as she pulls your pants down, and then your underwear. Her hot breath on your raging cock is drawing you ever closer to busting. Her tongue is much hotter and longer than a human's. She snakes her tongue around your tip. And runs it across your underside. You let out a moan. "Heh, keep moaning like that, hun. You're making me, pretty horny." She takes your whole length down her throat. "Ahh, fuck." You moan loudly as she swallows your cock. Her teeth are sharp but you have given bigger shits before. Her fangs grind against either side of your steel-hard penis. She sucks faster and faster. She breathes her hot breath on the tip. You bite your lip as she sucks. You start giving it back to her. You start throatfucking her. "Hmmph!" She spits your cock out "You're really asking for it now, baby." She starts jerking your cock as well as sucking it. She also starts tickling your balls to make you feel even better. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" You're extremely close to exploding in her mouth. "AAAAHH!" You cum in her throat. No way she would spit it out. She swallowed every drop. "Holy shit. Thanks, Hannah." You say.
"Kiss goodbye?" She asks.
"Sure." You say as she pushes you onto the bed. You smooch and make out for the next half hour. "Thanks for that. It was amazing." You tell her. "No problem, sweetie. Remember, I'll always be here if you need me. But it's gonna cost ya next time." You leave through the door, and enjoy the rest of the day at the strip club.

That is until, you're interrupted.

—————<END OF PART ONE>—————

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