The Gaster Gang and the Child...

By Hoikop

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(Note you are a girl.. Since Fell might kill y-) You are a child about seven years old. Your life seemed... More

The Fall
A/N (shoort)
It's still the Beginning.
Meeting a New Friend
Anomaly Hunting
Visiting,Testing and Answers
Now Who will Know?
Some Tests and Secrets
Back to the Past
Getting Along
It only Begone
Ehhhhh.. A/n
Some Time Out
Important A/N

Big Reveal

439 13 5
By Hoikop

                                                     *~*No one's P.O.V*~*

  It was morning. You were just waking up. But you see Peach pacing around the room. Thinking and worried a little. ".... Peach?" You spoke. "O-Oh! (Y/n)." She said slightly smiling. "Uhh.. Why don't you spend time with the gang." She spoke to me softly. "Uh.. Ok." You said.                                  You obviously don't know what's going on with Peach but you didn't mine by now. "Oh good morning (Y/n)!" Swap chirped. "Hi!" You smiled. You waved at Fell and B. "Hi (Y/n).." Fell said half waving at you. When breakfast was over. You sat down on the couch with Fell and B.

    You kept on thinking on why Peach is so worried. "Oi, (Y/n)." You looked at Fell. "Yeah?" You asked. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Why..?" You said. ".. Your expression." He told me. "O-Oh! It's nothing." You said to him. "Mk." He said.                                                                                                                    "B it's your turn to use the tv." Fell said to B. B nodded. You looked up at the upstairs. You see Peach waving to come up. You went up and went to my room. "Yes?" You said as you come in. 

   "Uh.. (Y/n) I got a question for you." She said in a nervous tone. "Yeah?" You said tilting your head. ". . . D. ." You look at Peach with curiosity. "...D. . Did you have enough sleep?" She asks. ". . Uhhh yeah.." You told her.               

"O-ok.." She said. You nodded and went back downstairs. "Nice save.. Really nice.~" Peach looked behind her. She sighed, "Why did I have to ma..." Swapfell looked at her. "What? Lose you voice there.~" He said cuffing Peach's chin. ". . I think you should go." Peach said pushing Swapfell.                                                                                                                           "Hm.~ Ok,Angel." He teleports out. 

  You were with Swap downstairs. You watch Swap cook some food for lunch. "Hey (Y/n), I got a question for you." Swap spoke to you. "Mhm." You said smiling. "Well Stars and I have been wondering. We sometimes see you look at.. Other directions. But no one is there.." He told me.      "U-Uh! I-It's n-nothing!" You blurted out. "Er-.." You went quiet. You see Swap stop cooking.     "(Y/n).." He starts. You looked at him. "You can tell us anything. Ok?" He said. You went quiet for awhile looking down at the floor. ".. O...Ok." You said to him facing up.

   He smiles at, then went back to cooking. You  sighed as the tense of lying goes out. You really hate to lie but. . For them. Is good.. Right? 

  You look at Swap who was cooking. "Swap.. Didn't you said you got sons?" You ask. "Mhm!" He said. "Could you tell stories about them?" You ask. He gasped in excitement. He starts to tell you all these story about how his sons got in different types of trouble. I laugh at a few of them. Swap finished cooking. He told me to get Wingdings and Stars while he gets B and Fell. You  nodded and went upstairs to the lab.You take a quick glimpse at the crack door in my room. I went to the  lab. "Stars!! Wingdings!! It's time to eat!" You said. "Coming!" Stars said. You look in the lab to see Wingdings on the table crying..

   You look at Stars. "Why is Wingdings crying?" You ask. ".. He's upset about.. Getting all of us in here.." He said. "But. . H..He didn't know right?" You said. You knew Wingdings was hearing and try to make him better like that.                                                                                                                                      Stars smiled at you. "(Y/n) why don't you tell Swap we'll be going down." He said. You nodded. "There coming!" You told Swap. Swap nodded. There we saw Stars but with no Wingdings. "Where's Wingdings?" Swap asked. 

   "I couldn't get him down here.." Stars said. "So who's turn is it to get him down?" Stars ask. "C-Could I try?" You spoke up. Everyone looked at each other. "Eh. Beats me from doing it." Fell scoffs. "Hmm... Ok." Stars said. You ran upstairs. "Wingdings.." You nudge his shoulder. He only groaned.

   "Wingdings.." You whispered. "C'mon let's go to dinner." You said to him. He only groaned and cry. "It's wasn't your fault." You said to him. "I know.. I know.." You heard him mutter. ".. Could you at least get up and go for dinner?" You ask. "N..No I-I got to finish m..My work." He said.             "Wingdings!" You said. He looked at you. You went quiet. ". . . C.. Could you go downstairs for m.. Me?" You asked with hopeful eyes. 

   He stared at you for awhile. He sighed. He wiped his tears and sighed. "Ok, (Y/n)." You held his hand as you went down. "I got him!" You chirped. "Oh! Thank you (Y/n)!" Swap smiled. You sat down on the chair and happily ate your food. Now it's just Peach you need to talk too.

      You swiftly went into your room after dinner. "Pea-!" You didn't saw Peach anywhere. That was very weird. . . You look around the window to find Peach. "Peach?" You whispered. She left again. Dang it! You sighed and went over to your bed and sat. You contemplated for awhile.               You decided to wait for Peach. In the mean time, you played with your toys.

                                          *~*Peach's P.O.V*~*

I left again without (Y/n)'s notice. Swap have been getting on to us. Things have been a little bit harder it get in contact with (Y/n)... Because I kept pushing her away. But anyways, I was just a few feet from the house. I made sure no anomalies were around me.                                                            I stared at the empty abyss outside. (Y/n) must having dinner right now. A few hours have passed staring into the empty black void. I looked at the time. It was somewhere near midnight.

   (Y/n) should be asleep by now. I walked into (Y/n)'s room. I saw her in her room sitting down on her bed slowly going to sleep. I went quiet. Have she been waiting for me this whole time? It was 1:23 pm.             "Ay, (Y/n).." I nudged her. "Huh. . Y..Yes P...Peach?" She said looking up at me. She quietly yawned. "(Y/n) got back to sleep. We'll talk about this tomorrow." I knew what she wants to talk about.. "B-But! You'll go awa-" 

 "(Y/n). I promise!" I smiled at her. She looked at me. She slowly smiled.. She slowly fell into bed. She quickly fallen asleep. I slightly laugh.

                                               *~* Next day *~*

   I made sure I kept that promise. We met in (Y/n) in her room waiting for me. "So.. What do you want to talk about?" I ask. "Peach. Why do you keep on leaving me without notice? Why do you look worried all the time? Wh-" I quickly cut her off.                                                                                               I silently looked at the floor. "Well.... It's going to be a long day." I muttered. I sighed the feeling of nervousness filled me up. "W...Well.." I started. I took a quick glance at (Y/n)'s hopeful eyes. "Well... I.. Have been disappearing for awhile." I said. 

    "B...Because I've been thinking that. ." I wanted to tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her about Swapfell. But I was to late like always! I can't make a decision. It's hard!. . . "T-That.." I stuttered.    STILL PRETTY NERVOUS FOR CHRIST. I took deep breaths. "Ok.. It's because.." I remember what Swapfell said.. "You don't want blood on your hands.~".  I thought just agreeing to it we'll be ok. I thought I will have a plan.                                                                                                                                                 But I don't... "I j...Just want some alone time." I answered for the first question. "And why do I worried all the time... Because I don't know how to decide on things. Everytime I want to decide on things pressure is on me to pick." I answered. "And for the other questions??" I asked.

   (Y/n) looked at me. With a sad face on. I turned quiet. She was looking at me her eyes staring down to my soul. ". . . A... Are you ok?" She asks. "Y..Yes I am." I said. ". . Peach. You're going away without notice.. Worrying over a decision.. I-I need to tell the gang about you!" She said.                     "N-NO!... Please... Don't.." I said. Almost crying but not letting it show. "Why?" She said almost yelling. 

   ". . ." I turned quiet again. "Tell me please?" She said with her eyes looking for an answer. "Look... They didn't said anything about for a reason.. I didn't showed myself for a reason." I said. "But. ." I looked at (Y/n) again. She's not the one to hold secrets... "But.. There is one more person who know about me." I said. I'm going to tell her the truth. If she gone.... No. She won't.

    "Swapfell Gaster." I told her. (Y/n)'s eyes turns to anxious.. ".. Who's he?" She asks. Lying.. I just should play along. "Well.. He..." I went quiet. "Well probably this need some bac-" I suddenly stopped talking when the gang burst in the room.

   Dang it. I forgotten to make myself visible ONLY to (Y/n). I stared at there faces, most look surprise. Well I was right. It's going to be a long day.. 

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