Twins || Hwang Hyunjin

By dearmramazonlady

550K 18.1K 26.7K

"You're such a cute little idiot" It's one of those living with stray kids ff, but I killed her mom... Chaeyo... More

[43 || last chapter]
Bonus chapter pt1
Bonus chapter pt2
New story
New story again


13.2K 445 451
By dearmramazonlady

Deal my ass. He wanted us to make a deal, the problem was that the deal was only in Hyunjin's favor. What was the point of making a deal if I didn't get anything good from it?

"If you clean our room I'll give you the TV" was his deal.

"No ew," I said and scrunched my nose. I can clean up my own things, but I won't clean the other's stuff. Besides, I wouldn't finish cleaning until it was too late anyway, so what's the point?

I'd lived here in this household for like a week now, and not a single time had the boys cleaned their rooms, and they were far from clean when I came here as well. No way in hell was I going to do it for them.

"Then the TV is mine," he said and started it by pressing the on button on the remote.

"Whatever," I said, tired already of fighting with Hyunjin. I lied down on the sofa, putting my head on Hyunjin's lap as if he was a pillow. If I couldn't have the TV I could at least have the sofa, so I didn't care if I was taking up all the space on the sofa, Hyunjin had the TV anyway. It was also kind of comfortable actually, so I didn't mind Hyunjin was sitting there.

Hyunjin's POV

"Whatever" Chaeyoung said and laid down with her head resting on my lap.

I was shocked because of her actions and I could feel my heart started beating harder. It was beating so hard and fast I was scared she was going to be able to feel it.

I looked down on her face, and that seemed to be making my heart beat even harder. She was really pretty and so cute. I always felt like I needed to protect her and I didn't know why. I wanted her to stay like this in my lap forever so I could just watch her face. I wasn't even looking at the drama that I'd started on the TV, because all I could focus on was Chaeyoung.

Suddenly she looked away from the screen and up at me, making me realize I was staring at her.

"Why are you staring?" She asked, looking confused.

"I wasn't staring, concentrate on the drama" I tried telling her as my cheeks started to heat up slightly, but she didn't seem to believe that I wasn't staring.

"I've already watched this drama before," she said, which made me remember that this was the same drama that she'd spoiled for me the first day she came here.

"So you'd rather watch my beautiful face then," I said and wiggles my eyebrows.

"No," she said in annoyance because of my comment. Then she looked back towards the screen where the drama was still playing.

I also looked at the drama, because I didn't want her to catch me staring again. Although I kept glancing down at Chaeyoung from time to time. Suddenly when I looked down at her, her eyes were closed. Was she asleep? I tried poking her lightly on her cheek but she didn't move. She kept breathing heavily with her mouth slightly open. She must be asleep I thought.

The sight seriously made my heart ache. She looked so peaceful when sleeping. Not like the Chaeyoung that would get mad at me for even the tiniest things. At this point, I was starting to believe it was just my existence that annoyed her. She could seriously get mad at me for breathing a bit too loud.

I did like it though to annoy her. There was something about it that always made my heart skip a beat. She looked so cute while pouting her small lips, which she did every time she was mad.

Right now she couldn't be mad at me for anything though. She was the one putting her head on my lap, so I'd done nothing mean or annoying.

But maybe I did take a photo. Because she was too cute. And pretty. And beautiful. And just adorable.

I couldn't move too much in case she would have woken up, so I stayed in the exact same position trough out a whole episode. That was when I realized it was the same episode as the one Chaeyoung had spoiled, but what she said was going to happen had never happened. Quite the opposite actually.

So she didn't actually spoil the series. She'd just been lying to mess with me. That little kid, ah she's cute. I couldn't help but smile.

"Liar," I said quietly and looked down at the sleeping Chaeyoung.

Suddenly she sneezed, which made her wake up. She blinked her eyes several times before sneezing once again. Even the way she sneezed was adorable.

She wrinkled her nose as she looked up on me and her eyes looked gloomy. "I think I've caught a cold," she said, and her voice was raspy. She'd definitely caught a cold.

"Let's get you to bed shall we?" I said and helped her sit up so I could get off the sofa and lead her there.

Chaeyoung's POV

I thought I would wake up with an even worse cold, but strangely I didn't. I woke up and felt a lot better. I wouldn't say I was completely fine, but it was manageable.

That was when I heard a sneeze from the bed under me, followed by someone trying to blow their nose, but failing miserably.

"Yah Hyunjin," I said. "Are you okay?" I then asked.

"Do I sound okay?" He asked, but he could barely even speak because his voice was gone. He sounded like he was really mad because of his cold.

"You're not going to practice today right?" I asked him. I was strangely worried about him.

"If our manager let me stay home," he said, still sounding mad.

I really hoped his manager would let him stay at home. If he practiced now it could get worse. "Ah, I hope he lets you stay," I said. "You're not mad at me right?" I then asked because I was afraid he was being mad at me for giving him the cold. When he kept talking like that it sounded like it could be me he's mad at.

But then his voice changed. "No, absolutely not, I'm just annoyed because I caught a cold now when the release of our next album is getting closer" he explained.

I sighed in relief. "Well, that's good," I said, but then realized how wrong it sounded. "I mean it's not good that you caught a cold, I'm just happy you're not mad at me" I tried correcting myself, but it just sounded like a mess of words. My cheeks heated up and I wondered how I could be so stupid. I was lucky Hyunjin couldn't see me since he was laying in the bed bellow me, because I was red in my face for some reason.

Then Chan entered the room. "Manager let you stay home today, but make sure to rest so you can get back as soon as possible," he said and looked at Hyunjin.

"Okay, I'll make sure to rest," he said.

Then Chan turned towards me and looked worried. "Are you okay? Hyunjin said you also caught a cold yesterday" he said to me.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said and gave him a smile.

"Good, stay healthy," he said before exiting the room.

I put on my school uniform before walking out of the room to get some breakfast. The boys were just about to leave, but first Chan called at me.

"Hey Chaeyoung, could you make Hyunjin some dinner tonight? We have late practice today and he could use some rest" Chan asked me.

"Yeah of course" I replied.

I might not like Hyunjin, but I wanted him to get well so he could prepare for their next album.

The boys left, and after taking care of the dishes I was about to leave as well.

"Aw, am I not getting a goodbye kiss" I then heard Hyunjin ask from the sofa. He was watching some drama, like usual, and at the same time reading a comic book. Multitasking much?

I frowned as I looked at him. "No," I said shortly, making him pout.

"But why?" He whined.

"You're sick" I answered him. "And just ew, no," I said and opened the door leading out.

I swear that kid gets weirder and weirder with every day that passes by.

I went a few meters before meeting a group of people in the corridor on my way down. I looked up and couldn't help but stare. I probably looked like when Minji first met Stray kids, and the reason was that I now stood face to face with got7. I wasn't a huge fan of got7, the reason I was staring was because of their handsomeness. They looked like literal gods.

"Who are you?" One of them asked, and if Minji has taught me anything I guessed he was JB, the leader.

After a second I realized he'd been talking to me and immediately stopped staring and looked everywhere but at them. "Oh, I'm Yang Jeongin's sister, from stray kids," I told them.

"Oh really?" He replied. "You two are so alike" he then said.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," I said, already flustered.

"Oh, you might be tired of hearing that, sorry," he said and looked at me with an apologizing expression.

"No no it's fine" I assured him. He was really nice and probably a good leader.

"We should get going, but I'll see you around maybe," JB said.

"Yeah, bye," I said before we went in different directions.

Minji would freak out if I told her this. I mean, she's literally been a fan of them since their debut.

The day passed by rather quickly. Minji reacted just the way I'd imagined. The mathematics was as boring and complicated as usual and Sujin made me want to vomit because of her sweet talking. A regular day in high school.

As I returned home I saw Hyunjin laying on the sofa. He was asleep, but the TV was still playing. I went closer to inspect the sleeping beauty that he was and squatted down to see his face. He sure is a handsome boy. The mole under his eye gives some character to his face. I couldn't help but smile when I saw his handsome face so close.

"what are you smiling about?" I suddenly heard Hyunjin say and his eyes opened up. The two of us were face to face and I realized how close to each other we were. A lot closer than it'd felt like when his eyes were shut.

A grin appeared over Hyunjin's face as he almost started laughing.

"Yah! were you just pretending to sleep?" I cried at him and stood up straight again.

"No, can't you see I'm sleeping really deep right now," he said and closed his eyes as he continued to pretend to be sleeping.

"Then I guess you don't need me to cook dinner for you either," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I was just trying to be cute" a Hyunjin whined and opened his eyes again. "You're so boring" he then said.

"So no dinner then?" I said and looked at him as if I were threatening him.

Suddenly he smiled unnaturally wide. "I was just joking, you're the funniest person alive," he said.

"I'll consider making you dinner," I said and sat down by his feet on the sofa.

I was going cook dinner for him no matter what because Chan told me to, but Hyunjin didn't have to know that. Now I could use it against him as much as I wanted to, until it was actually time to eat.

"So how's school going?" Hyunjin asked me after a minute of silence, except for the TV that was on. "You've been in such a bad mood lately whenever you get home from school" he continued to explain.

For some reason his comment made my heart flutter. He'd actually noticed something wasn't right and seemed to care for me. It reminded me of the night when I first came here.

"It's just this person in my class that has been really annoying lately," I told him. "And now I'm in a group project with her as well" I continued and sighed.

"That sucks," he said and looked at me with empathy. "But why is she annoying?" He asked.

"She's that popular type you know, the one who just wants attention and thinks she's better than everyone" I answered him and he nodded. "She's also a fan of you guys, so she's trying to get to you through me" I added. "That's why she's been so on me lately"

"Sorry," Hyunjin said. I just looked at him, not understanding how this was his fault. "That's just because of the dating rumors, which was totally my fault" he explained.

"No, it was both our faults" I tried saying, but he didn't seem to buy it. "They would have figured it out sooner or later anyway that I was Jeongin's sister" I then said.

"True, you are really alike," he said, and now he seemed a bit happier again.

"It's actually quite nice talking to you sometimes," I said and smiled slightly. "When you're not being an annoying kid" I added to not get his self-esteem too high. It was facts though.

"I was going to say thanks, but now I don't know anymore," he said and looked at me with a weird expression over his face.

"Well, let's just talk," I said and looked at Hyunjin.

"About what?" He asked in confusion.

"I don't know, just anything," I said. "What's on your mind?"

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