Tangled Love; daniel seavey f...

By sadboiseavey

203K 3.2K 618

"Shes just my sisters best friend" More

{background info}
1.back from Italy
3. no sleep
6.serial killer?
7.yo girl
8.keep it
9. cute new kid
13. morning!
im so sorry
18. swim
21. surprise
22. prom
25.like this
26.smash or pass
27. unwelcomed
28. intruder
29. jallie
30. lunch
31. hals
32. stars
33. pain & secret
34. The truth
35. sunset
36. always
37. complicated
38. secrets out
39. awkward
40. falling
41. vulnerable
42. buddy
43. unfamiliar thoughts
44. 8 letters
46. handsome
47. sunflower
48. ✓taken
49. coming home
50. no hard feelings
51. aunt margie
52. facetime
53. why not
54. hungry
55. 3 simple words
56. australian kisses

45. new found friend

1.9K 43 4
By sadboiseavey

Gabbie walks into the living room with a beaming smile and I quickly get up to hug "I missed you!" she squeals, "I missed you" I repeat. I pull away and graze her stomach, she smiles at me "im so scared but so excited" I smile "I would be too" she sits down on the couch and Anna and I sit on both sides of her with our hands on her stomach. "she's gonna be so beautiful" I whisper, Gabbie smiled wide "yeah she will" there was a knock on the door and Keri goes to open it "that's probably Rachel!" Anna says excitedly, she jumps up and as soon as the door opens she hugs her quickly.  "that's my little sister by the way" I nod "she looks just like you" she laughs "we get that's a lot" Anna introduces me to her and eventually I meet gabbies entire family. everyone was extremely sweet and funny, The two families and I walk down to the courtyard shared between the apartments. Eventually everyone of the boys families come down to meet with us. Jeff & Josh begin to cook on the grill and the kids played in the pool.

Gabbie, Anna, Rachel and I sat on sun couch and talked about life, i learned a lot about the two of them within an hour. They had so much in common with me surprisingly and it made me sad to think I'd be going pack to Portland, although I hate California, I don't hate the people I've met. But then I remembered my father and frowned a little bit. Gabbie pulled me out if my thoughts "oh! she just kicked" we all looked down at her stomach and she her moving around. We all had wide grins on our faces, we touched her gently and all felt her move "shes a wild one" Anna laughs.

"dinner time kids!!" all the children get out of the pool and their feet pat on the pavement as they run, I chuckle and stand up with everyone else. we all make our plates and sit around the fire gabbies dad made. I felt at home with them, it was odd. like my own LA family, everyone was so welcoming and sweet.

Around the camp fire, stories were told and opinions were made. We agreed on a lot of things and we all enjoyed ourselves, Rachel invited us back to their place to help them finish unpacking. The 4 of us listened to music while we unpacked, the rest of the families stayed downstairs. When we were finally done we decided to make cookies and jammed out to music in the kitchen.

The night quickly changed into a girl's night, we applied face masks then painted our nails and curled our hair than ate popcorn and watching the Twilight Movies. "You guys should just stay the night!" Rachel exclaims, I share a look with and we smile, "I'm guessing that's a yes!" Gabbie laughs, Anna nods "yeah of course, I wouldn't miss out on it" I smile, "wait! we need to make a fort" everyone gasps and we quickly jump to our feet running around the apartment to find sheets, blankets, pillows etc. We set up the fort in gabbies room, we left enough room to get in and out without a problem and still see the TV. The floor was covered in blankets and pillows and we even hung up fairy lights to light it up, we finished just as Keri called Anna's phone and Gabbies parents came home. Anna stepped out to talk to her mom as Gabbie explained to her parents what was going on leaving Rachel and I alone.

"okay i have a question" Rachel says, her voice filled with curiosity. "I may have an answer" she smiles "you like me right? I get a vibe I'm intruding" I shake my head "oh no, you're not intruding. you're really chill and mature for your age plus the more the merrier, sorry if I give off that vibe, what is it?" she smiles "that's good, and I don't know you're just quiet" I tolit my head to the side "I'm normally a quiet person but I have my moments" we both laugh, "honestly me too" I cross my legs infront of me "so any boys in your life?" she frowns "just the why don't we boys sadly" I laugh "me too girl" she raises her eyebrow "don't you have a thing with one of them" I laugh "who told you that" she shakes her head "no one really, i keep seeing video edits on my explorer page of you and Daniel" my jaw drops "no way, lemme see" she grabs her phone and quickly pulls up an edit, I watched it in amazement "I haven't realised any edits, I try not to pay attention" she shrugs, "I don't have a big following so I'll randomly get tagged in things sometimes" I nod and she continues "you guys would be cute though" I laugh but I feel myself blush "you're not the only person who thinks that" she laughs "me and a bunch of fans" I nod "and his whole family" I cover my mouth and she laughs "NO WAY!" I blush even more and nod "yeah, it's slightly awkward" we both laugh "it's a sign" I jokingly roll my eyes, "maybe it is, I mean look at me" I push my hair behind my shoulder and we both erupt into laughter. She looks at me as she laughs and we end up in fits of laughter for something that wasn't even funny. Gabbie and Anna walk in and shake their heads at us which made us laugh even more, our laughter caused them to laugh with us.

After hysterically laughing we all lay down and begin to watch old movies, we binged Grease, Dirty Dancing, Crybaby and The Outsiders before finally falling asleep.

Daniel's POV

I get home around 11 and am greeted by my mother's beautiful face, "how was the studio?" I smile "it was great, we wrote a new song today. we haven't figured out the name yet" she sits down on the couch and I follow "that's great sweetheart, maybe you can sing it to me when it's finalized" I nod with smile "I always do" she squeezes my cheek "yes you do" we watch the TV while we sat on the couch enjoying each other's company before she decides to get ready for bed "just so you know, Hal and Anna are at the Gonzalez's house" I nod "are they staying over?" she nods and gives me hug "yeah, anyways goodnight I love you" I kiss her cheek "I love you too momma" she smiles before walking down the hallway. I turn off the TV and the remaining lights and walked to my room, I frown when I open the door. It was cold and lonely, I got myself ready for bed before crawling into my usual spot. I struggle to fall asleep, constantly tossing and turning. I haven't missed Hallie as much as I am right now. I scoot over to her spot, it smelled light her weirdly enough. I missed a lot today, I feel like I'm already attached to her she idk how to feel, I usually hate this, and I usually don't fall so fast but here I am doing exactly that.

I turn my head into the pillow and automatically pick up on the scent of her shampoo, i missed her so much which made me worry. if I miss her after not seeing her for an entire day imagine how much I'll miss going months on end. It makes me wonder if I'm even worth it, Hallie doesn't want to leave Portland and I love in LA. it seems like it will be so difficult for us to be together but I'm willing to fight and I know she is too but there's still that doubt that lays deep down in my gut, I want this to work out so badly. I haven't felt this way about anyone, ever. I can't just ignore the feelings, or ignore my heart.


Daniel's a sweet lil bean😭💞



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