Dust ✔️

By notanyone13

152K 5.4K 4.8K

#1 in Addiction I love her. And if I love her, I can't destroy her. Having just gotten out of a mental asylu... More

Chapter One: Emergence
Chapter Two - Egress
Chapter Three -- Reminiscence
Chapter Four -- Influence
Chapter Five: Impression
Chapter Six -- Paranoia
Chapter Seven -- Erratic
Chapter Eight -- Cerebration
Chapter Nine -- Asinine
Chapter Ten -- Visitation
Chapter Eleven -- Stranded
Chapter Thirteen -- Progression
Chapter Fourteen - Ramification
Chapter Fifteen - Perfidy
Chapter Sixteen -- Cordial
Chapter Seventeen -- Remorse
Chapter Eighteen - Capitulation
Chapter Nineteen: Asphyxiated
Chapter Twenty -- Ambivalence
Chapter Twenty-One: Closure
Chapter Twenty-Two: Benevolence
Chapter Twenty-Three: Melancholy
Chapter Twenty-Four: Perplexed
Chapter Twenty-Five: Games
Chapter Twenty-Six: Verity
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Obra-Prima
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Rejoice
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Reputation
Chapter Thirty: Charm
Chapter Thirty-One: Nurture
Chapter Thirty-Two: Altitude
Chapter Thirty-Three: Ameliorate
Chapter Thirty-Four: Inebriate
Chapter Thirty-Five: Hostile
Chapter Thirty-Six: Execute
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Reunited
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Retrogress
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Euphoria
Chapter Forty: Drown
Chapter 41: deteriorate
Chapter 42. Brain-Dead
Chapter 43: Suffocate

Chapter Twelve -- Isolate

3K 130 121
By notanyone13

Chapter Twelve -- Isolate

Under the water, I felt comfortable, at home, peaceful. At any time, my lungs could run out of air and I could start to suffocate and drown. The thought of choking is almost relieving because it means that it's almost over. Finally over.

My eyes opened and I stared at the surface above me, contemplating my choices. Her face, wavered in the ripled water. A smile, so pure and innocent. A reason.

I resurfaced above the water and met Aria's stance on the large rock where I left her.

"You're crazy," Aria's shocked face fell into a grin.

"Maybe," I called out. "Don't you ever want to just be a little crazy sometimes?"

She smiled and tilted her head, considering her options. "I don't have a bathing suit." She pulled back her tank top strap and looped her thumb under her bra strap, revealing her bare shoulder. I couldn't tell if she was trying to tease me purposely.

"That didn't stop me."

She laughed and shook her head. "That's different. Those are practically shorts." She pointed to the water in front of me.

I threw my body backwards allowed myself to float over top of the water, feeling content with myself. I looked above to see nothing but tree branches with pine needles all throughout some, while others sported fresh green leaves that'd soon turn red and yellow before dying. The sun peaked through, giving a radiant glow over top of the water.

"I guess I'll just enjoy the moment myself." I told the sky nonchalantly.

I heard her mumble to herself, quiet enough that I couldn't hear what she was saying.

I looked back and noticed her unbuttoning her blue jeans. "Turn around," She motioned a circle with her finger.

I smirked, obeying orders and turned my body the opposite way. The ruffling of clothes was tempting to break her orders.

"Okay," She said.

I turned around and feel taken aback.

Fucking hell.

She was wearing nothing but a black laced bra with the same colored underwear that hung high on her hips and showed most of her ass. Her body looked better without clothes. My stomach started to spin, a sudden feeling of desire.

"Hm," I mused to myself.

If things were different, I'd have been all over her.

I couldn't help but notice her delicate blush as I held my gaze, admiring her toned stomach. She had an unapologetic confidence to her and didn't try to cover herself up. She stood there, unguarded and I found it strangely alluring. "Eee... Okay," She said while eyeing the water and shaking out her hands from the quivering nerves.

Aria vibrated her lips and took a deep breath before leaping gracefully toward the water and immediately disappearing underneath. A shriek greeted me as she resurfaced, her pouting lips grinning from ear to ear. "It's freezing!" She exclaimed as her long, wet hair danced in the water while she ventured into the unknown.

Aria swam in a circle, absorbing the view in front of us, giving off a tranquil expression, lost in her own thoughts. "It's so beautiful," She whispered in awe as her face fell into a meditative expression.

Beautiful indeed.

The two of us floated our bodies over top of the gentle swaying ripples, letting the water drift us in any direction it wished us to take. Her feet were at my head, my head at her feet. The silence between us was comfortable. The scenery was just that serene; there was no words.

I enjoyed the silence.

Who knew my day would start with crippling depression and end in peaceful bliss.

"Are you always impulsive or is it because you're high and feeling ambitious?" Aria talked to the sky, both of us still floating. Her voice was so soft.

"I like the word spontaneous more." I said, voice low and raspy.

"I'm never like this," She admitted.

I sensed her eyes on my face, burning holes into me but I didn't face her. "I figured," I said while staring at the blue skies above.

"Hey now," She warned. "I've always wanted to be, to be adventurous and spontaneous but I always stop myself and think too far into things. This is nice though."

I've gathered that information from her long ago, it wasn't a surprise to hear. I didn't blame her for wanting to do things that she should have done as a teenager. Her parents corrupted her in a different way than mine did.

After a long pause, I said, "It is," And let my eyes close.

Even though we'de only been in this position for twenty minutes, it felt like a lifetime.

Feeling bored with myself, I held my breath and sunk under the water. I dove deep to be unnoticed and jolted my body upwards to where Aria was laying on top of the water. A large splash of water interrupted her peaceful face, startling her to the point where she attempted to catch herself in the unsteady waters, only to submerge under.

A laugh escaped my lips when her head came out of the water with pure shock on her face. "That wasn't funny!" She screamed and started splashing water at my face.

"Then why are you smiling?" I smirked.

Her laughter broke her charade and she splashed me again as pay back. "Whatever," She chuckled.

Her laugh was satisfying to listen to; the thought of her having fun after an unfortunate event was pleasing.

I swam backwards from her splash and she pushed all of her hair out of her face and began to follow me.

"Come here," She motioned her finger toward me.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Come," She urged again.

"No," I dragged the word out.

Huffing, she caught up to me and swiftly pressed her hands down on my shoulders while applying pressure - in her attempt to suffocate me under the water. Taking a last, shortened breath of air, I let her push my shoulders under the water, letting my head follow suit.

I was caught up in the moment of just having fun for once and not worrying of the consequences.

Completely underneath the water, I still heard her angelic laughter, pure joy erupting from her. She thought she won but I wrapped my arms around her lower waist and lifted her up above my shoulders to which she released her fragile hands off of me.

In full control, I let her start to sink lower into the water. "No, no, no, no, no!" She panicked at her sinking state and tried pushing me off of her. "Eli let me go!" She laughed and flailed in my arms. "You psychopath, I knew you'd try to kill me," She pleaded.

I didn't want to let go.

"If I go down, you're coming down with me!" She laughed.

Our bodies, close together, barely a gap between us as she death gripped her arms around my neck in attempts to stay above the water. I stopped myself short, my attention grabbed by her pale eyes which were filled with water. For a very brief moment, the thought of her eyes having tears pooled in them came across my mind before I realized that she was laughing; crystal clear water brightened her eyes even more - if possible.

I stopped attempting to shove her under the water, caught up in her pretty stare.

My arms were around her waist and her arms were still tightly hugging my neck while her legs were tangled by my hips.

"You really do have beautiful eyes," I murmured so quiet, I had hoped she wouldn't hear me. I was disgustingly mesmerized.

"I thought for sure you were going to drown me," Her breath hit my face delicately.

"I wouldn't choose drowning," I murmured quietly.

The smile on her face faded, which had me crack a smile.

Sudden admiration was written all over her face. "Oh."

It dawned on me, that I was so close to her. Nerves, at the possibility of becoming unintentionally vulnerable in front of her. I let her touch me.

Our faces, only apart by a small gap. I realized her breathing pick up while she kept her gaze on me. Her eyes like the sky, the water that was still sticking to her eyelashes only made them more vibrant. I flickered my eyes from hers down to her lips that were gaped ever so slightly open.

I held my breath, unsure. Unsure of this foreign feeling.

Slowly, I loosened my grip on her waist and dropped myself under the water, letting her arms which were once around my neck, to release. I opened my eyes under the water, my face unquestionably close to her toned stomach. The sparkling of a celestial sun dangling from her belly ring caught my attention for only a moment.

I shook my hair from the water and wiped my face with my shirt. Aria followed closely behind and put her hands on her hips, staring down at her clothes, deep in thought.

"You have to pick them up to put them on," I commented.

I glanced in her direction to find her giving me a sarcastic look but she stopped short, jaw slacking, eyes travelling on my chest. She's seen me shirtless a few times now, so I didn't understand the fixation.

"Thank you," She recollected herself. "But I've come to the realization that my... bathing suit is going to soak my clothing."

A smirk played on my lips. "Yes, I see. You could always just... Take them off."

"Mm." She whined, a pout forming on her lips.

I walked slowly ahead of her through the trees, giving her time to strip completely naked to change back into her dry clothing. When she caught up, I couldn't help but glance at her chest, which was now not supported by a bra, before looking at her small hands death grip her lacy outfit.

I narrowed my eyes. Maybe we should've swam in our birthday suits instead.

"I'm sure Tony will be here shortly," I mumbled, disappointed by my earlier thoughts and kept walking. I almost forgot that we were waiting for someone to come rescue us.

"Good, I'm starving," She announced and climbed on the truck and lied back, staring at the greying sky above us.

I climbed up and sat beside her, my lap near her head. "We'll grab food on the way home," I said quietly.

"That so?" Her eyes trailed from the sky to my face.

I glared at her in response.

"Hum... Do many people see this side of you?" She broke the short silence.


"You know. Your playful side, your nice side." She sat up and rubbed her arms together, goosebumps forming.

I reached behind me and grabbed the sweater I was about to put on for myself. "Not really," I mumbled and handed it over to her.

"The gentleman side," She smiled excitedly and pulled it over her head. The sweater messed up her hair a little and she frantically tried to fix all of the damp fly aways. "Thank you," She cuddled into it, proving how baggy it was on her.

The look was adorable and the thought of her wearing something of mine, was rewarding. I loved the way her own shirt looked on her, the way it hugged her body so perfectly, but this, I liked this a lot. Black looked good on her.

"Why not though?" She asked, getting comfortable in her seat.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "It's just hard for me." I said quietly.

"Interesting," She whispered.

"Hey," She frowned, breaking my ongoing gaze. "You never told me a secret."

"Right," I said. I was hoping she would have forgotten about that. I had to be careful with my words...She'd be running back to her shitty Toyota and praying it worked again and oddly, I didn't want her to go. "What exactly do you want to know?"

She sensed the tone in my voice and gave me a kind smile. "What's your full name?"

"My last name is Kingsley," I told her with a great amount of distance in my voice. I was nervous. I hated talking about myself.

"Okay, but what's your first name? Elija?"

I couldn't help but soften my cold face. "My first name is Elias."

"Wow," She raised her eyebrows. "That's beautiful," She stared.

It wasn't.

"What's yours?" I observed her fingers fiddling around with my sleeves which were far too long for her.

"Aria Amelia Winter," A shy grin flashed on her face.

A breathtaking name for a breathtaking girl. "Pretty," I quietly said. An odd feeling snunk back up on me, the same one I've been feeling for a few hours. An unfamiliar emotion.

Her back arched as she pulled herself into a stretch. Her arms wrapped around herself and she gave me an innocent smile. "Can I call you Elias?" She gave a puppy dog look.

I wanted nothing more than to tell her no, for that's what he called me. But her excitement, her eyes, made the word feel impossible to pronounce. "You can call me anything you want."

Her eyes widened with excitement. "So, asshole," She winked. "joking. Elias," She emphasized my new name. "Did you get your raspy voice from smoking too many cigarettes?"

I eyed her, my thumb pausing on the lighter that was about to light up my new smoke. "uh," I started then took a deep breath of grey. "No," I said mid inhale.

Her eyes investigated mine. "Has anyone ever pointed out that it's incredibly raspy?"

I smiled and look down. "Once or twice."

"I wonder how you sound in the morning-"

I looked up to see the only car today that flew down the quiet road. When it got closer, I came to the realization that it was Tony and his big truck, coming to save us.

"I'm sorry," I muttered and hopped off the truck as his vehicle came closer.

"For what?" She perked her body up and stared at the truck.

"You'll see."

Tony got out of the truck and I made my way to him before he even stepped foot on the ground but his eyes were immediately focused on Aria with a drooling look on his face.

"Tony," I attempted to gather his attention.

"Yeah," He absently replied. "Who's this fine looking thing?" Tony walked past me and extended his hand to her. Aria jumped off of my truck and went to shake his hand but of course Tony reached down and kissed the back of her hand as soon as she reached out. "I'm Tony, very nice to meet you," He flashed his teeth in a grin.

I narrowed my eyes.

Aria uncomfortably laughed and took her hand back awkwardly. "Aria, it's nice to meet one of Eli's... friends," She smiled politely.

I walked up to the two of them and stood in front of her, towering over the two of their short frames. I felt suddenly angry with his presence and almost wished he crashed into a tree on his way here.

My eyes met hers. "Aria, Tony and I are just going to hook your car up, give us a second?" I said with authority to which she nodded.

As Tony and I walked away, I could only imagine what he's thinking about. "Holy fuck man, where have you been hiding that one?"

"Nowhere, she's just a friend." I brushed him off. I began working on the cars instantly.

"You've been fucking her though," He nudged me and raised his eyebrows up and down.

I looked at Tony with a cold expression. "No," I said, cool.

"There's no fucking way you spent your whole day here in the middle of nowhere and didn't rattle her insides," Tony accused, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Nah," I coldly said.

"Good. Then you won't mind if I take that for a spin," He turned around to look at her and whistled under his breath. He thrusted his hips in the air toward her and thankfully, she wasn't looking.

"No, you won't." I glared at him, hard. "She's way too good for you man, don't go near her." The thought of Tony and her hooking up made me sick. The thought of him ghosting her afterwards made me want to knock him out.

"Cool it, pal," Tony said in a chill voice. "If you're not going to, someone's got to."

I turned back to the car, cigarette in mouth. "Sure Tony, go ahead and try," I muttered. "But you'll be met with another broken nose."

"Harsh words, Kingsley," Tony chuckled nucertainly.

We hooked her car up to the back of his truck and walked up to Aria who has been sitting on my truck, looking pretty. "We're all set?" She smiled happily.

"Good to go," I said.

I walked with Aria towards the doors of my truck, ready to get going.

"Not so fast!" Tony stopped us mid walk. "I just drove all the way here for you, so I insist on a travel partner on the way back," He taunted. "Aria?" He extended his arm towards the truck.

She looked from him to me.

"No." I demanded, angered by his attempts. My jaw clenched and my face hardened. I turned over and faced Aria and I could tell she was uncomfortable by him.

"I think it'd be fun," He called. "Get to know your friend a bit better."

My head turned away from Tony's obscure comments. "Tail behind us with my truck," I muttered low while giving her my keys.

I could tell he was on something and that alone was enough to ensure she didn't drive with him. He was careless when he dipped into the nose beers. Not to mention the thought of him attempting to touch her, or worse, talk about me, was enough to put him into another coma.

She glanced at the tension between Tony and I. "Are you sure? I mean... I can ride with him, it's okay." She insisted. She clearly looked uncomfortable with the idea but was being too nice to decline.

"Perfect!" Tony cheered.

"Don't-" I stopped myself. Don't be an idiot. I shoved the keys into her hands and urged her to go to my truck. "Take it. Follow behind us, and if you have any issues just give me a call." I released her hands and opened the drivers side door of my truck for her.

"Okay," she sighed in relief. Tony's presence set her once happy vibes off into caution and wary. "You're sure?" She asked again. "That you can't drive with me, that is..." she whispered.

Was she asking for her well-being or for mine?

I narrowed my eyes. "Yes." I said, clear and confident. I never let someone drive my truck before besides I assume Tyler when I went away to rehab. "Call me if you need anything."

She sat down, and adjusted the seat as far up to the dash as it'll let her. It was amusing to see her sitting in something so large.

"Okay," She nodded and started the truck, letting it roar loudly.

Don't crash my truck.

I gave her one last look of hesitation before tapping on the roof of the truck and shutting the door.

I walked up to Tony. "You're a prick," I commented which made him burst into laughter.

"You're a cock block." He started the truck up and began driving down the road. "I thought friends were supposed to help wing man!"

"I am your friend, believe me." I muttered.

Tony's eyes flickered with sudden fear and guilt but it only lasted a moment before he mentioned something more about his shiny new toy of the day.

"I'll help you get with any girl, Tony. But I won't let you get with her." I glanced at the rear view mirror on the side of his truck and watched my truck start to follow us.

"Why, you're not with her," He muttered. "She's not off limits if she's not claimed," He commented while keeping his eyes on the road.

I said nothing in response. He was only saying that to get some sort of a reaction out of me. I was very close to knocking his teeth out but I didn't feel like explaining why to Aria later.

I looked over to him and saw his runny nose and his jaw grinding back and forth. "You have a good night last night?"

"I haven't slept yet," He said with a grin on his face.  "Samuel had a get together last night. I called you a bunch but you never picked up."

"I was busy." I frowned. "You guys keeping your heads low?"

Tony nodded hesitantly. "He's been doing what you've asked. He's shitting his pants he's so scared. I'm scared too, what if we fuck up again? Or they just change their minds and kill-"

"I'm handling it." I said. "Just do what you're told, and pay your debts." By the reactions I was getting from Tony, I had suspicions that they might be dipping into the one thing they're supposed to stay away from. If they used from their own stash, they were only going to dig themselves into a deeper hole for me to fix.

"You've changed a lot while you've been away," Tony mumbled. "Your attitude is the same but you seem to have no time for anyone besides yourself man. What happened?"

"Nothing happened, Tony. I just don't fuck around with a lot of shit anymore and I'm sick of cleaning up after your fuck ups." I rolled my eyes. "You think I don't know what you're doing?"

"What are you going to do?" Tony started wavering slightly off into the other lane and I quickly took the wheel and jerked it back into place.

I was well liked in this lifestyle. Everyone wanted to be on my good side and those that didn't, knew the war they were in for. "Don't worry about it." All I got in response was a slow nod.

Tony's eyes are half shut and half open and he occasionally shook his head and refocused his attention. "You good?" I asked, more annoyed than anything.

"Yeah," He mumbled and continued driving.

For the remainder of the drive back to the shop, I was Tony's second eyes, suddenly alarmed that he's practically sleeping. I offered to pull over and let me drive for him, but he's too proud of a person to take on that offer.

When we arrived, Tony backed Aria's car into the front of the shop doors before parking off to the sidea nd hopping out of the car. I followed Tony and gave a small wave to Aria who was parking nearby.

"Thanks, Tony." I patted him on the shoulder. "I'll throw you some gas money, hang on."

I walked over to my truck where Aria is just getting out. "Hey, how was the drive?" I asked her distracted and reached around to the middle compartment to grab my wallet.

"Good. Was everything okay during yours?" She walked with me towards Tony and her car.

"Yeah, he's a little tired today," I muttered and shook my head.

"I could tell," She commented.

I walked over and give Tony fifty dollars for the trip he's done today and he smiled like a kid on Christmas.

"Thank you for coming to save us," Aria politely smiled while Tony winked at her.

"Anytime," He walked towards her which made me stiffen. "If you ever need anymore... Favors, you can find me here." He said and went to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright, alright, alright," I cut him off and shoved him to the side a bit. "I think you've scared her enough, lets go." I walked him back to his truck, practically shadowing over him.

"Tony," I said dark. I wanted so badly to threaten him. "Let me call you a cab."

"Nah man, I'm good to drive." He climbed into his truck and started the engine. "I got some pick me ups in my pocket."

I already knew that he wouldn't take my offer even if I begged him to. He was too stubborn and too much of an idiot. "Alright. Text me when you're home. Pull over if you need to and I'll pick you up." I told him straight. "Thanks again."

I walked back to Aria staring at her car with a sad expression. "My poor car," She pouted, keeping her eyes on the basically scrap metal.

"I'll have it ready by the end of the day on Monday," I stood beside her.

"I know it'll be in good hands with you." She turned to look at me with her big, pale eyes. "What're you doing now?"

"Getting you some food."

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