The Last Alavara | Castlevani...

By AfkKoujaku

33.8K 883 49

Falael Alavara is the last of her kind. All which had been slaughter on their very own home land. The humans... More

Tale of the Iminatalos
Oc Info.
Not my problem
Beauty of the Eyes
Revealing herself
Time to go
Alavara Temple
Time to head out... again
Death awaits us with open arms
The Alavara Returns

Teleporting Castle

1.1K 37 5
By AfkKoujaku

Falael sighed. Already bored by Sypha's rant about how she found a locking spell to cast on the castle. She honestly couldn't care less to what happens to humanity. As she rants on about the spell she paused herself at mid sentence. A look of confusion and curiosity dawning on her face. She whipped her head to the side towards the railing, where Falael is sitting at. Before Falael could question her antics, Sypha asks, "how come we didn't find anything about the castle or anything related to it?" Falael mentally groans knowing the question was going to be brought up sooner or later. " I mean from the information you had given us about your past and ancestors, dating back way before the Belmonts. You would think there would be at least hundreds of book about this kind of stuff, or at least one." Again Falael groans, but this time the trio had heard her.

"Thats because there wasn't any information about it in the first place." The trio looked shocked, only making Falael raise an eyebrow by their stupidity. "What? You believe that I actually care about humanity? That I'll help you and save this rubbish race?" Falael chuckled "you must've been mistaken. I don't care about humanity, or rather whats left of it. I don't care what the vampires do, I don't care on what fucking dracula is doing. He set himself up. He knows the consequences. Hell I wont be surprised if all this bull shit is a massive fucking suicide. Dracula is not very hard to read, if so I would believe he is simple minded. All this just to grieve for his wife. Wanting to join her in the afterlife, but he knows he won't go to such place where she is right now. He knows that he'll be sent to the very pits of hell." Falael calmly stated not giving a single shit on what they think if her after her rant. Shes not surprised to see Sypha and Trevor mad, more so on Sypha. Alucard...well hes just looking at her with curiosity. Which made her a bit uneasy. She thought that he'll be mad at her, for saying such things about his father, but he gave her the complete opposite look.

"Then why did you say that there was information about the castle, when clearly there wasn't any" Sypha lowly hissed eyes narrowing. "Hm? Oh. That was a lie." Falael carelessly shrugged, hand hovering over the holster. "I needed to somehow convince you lots to go to the Alavara temple first before coming here." She slowly started to grin, amused by the situation. If possible syphas eyes narrowed even more, a glare forming on her face. "If that's the case then why weren't they any information about vampires instead." Falael raised an eyebrow at the question. Thinking that Sypha was going to ask something else. "My ancestors, and the vampires had an agreement long ago. We would protect them by not giving out informarion about them, and in return they wouldn't go after my race. Of course, we had to burn and destroy the books about them since they had valuable information about them. We could have easily killed them off, but we didn't want a war to brew between the two race."

Falael groaned. The smell of rotten flesh, and the stench of death filling her senses. Sypha continued with her rambling. Satisfied with the answers for now. Falael didn't bother to pay attention to Sypha's rambling, something was wrong. The stench of rotten flesh and death had gotten even more stronger now. Making her slightly scrunch up her nose,' it must be those demons, from Dracula.' She thought, she could also hear some faint bangs coming from the surface. Falael stood up from her seating position in alarm. This abrupt movement caught the trio's attention, they raised an eyebrow at her at her expression and her stance. Face scrunched up, and the look of slight disgust could be seen. One of her hands were hovering over the holster, and the other over her sword. This action made the trio a bit tense not knowing if she intended to show hostility towards them, or something else. "The mongrels are here." Falael lowly growled hearing the faint bangs getting louder and louder. On que, a very loud bang echoed threw the underground making the trio jump in alarm. "See? God hates me." Sypha inquired raising her hand up. The ceiling of the place rumbled making dirt and dust fall to the ground, glass breaking could also be heard threw the huge bangs. "That's probably not God." Alucard said glancing at Sypha then to Falael. She seemed to be calm, but in her hands, now had her weapons drawed out. Sword on left, and hand-gun on her right. He's curious though, wanting to know what the weapon on her right hand is. From the looks of it, it seems like the type to be a long distance instead.

"Can we get that magic mirror working." Trevor questioned Sypha, who is already looking threw the books, and Alucard carrying the mirror closer to them. "I think so. But I can't do two things at once here." Sypha said, looking up from her books. "I know some Chaldaic" Alucard said. Setting the mirror in front of them. "I know how to operate a distance mirror. Which shall I do?" He gestured at the mirror. Then both looked at Trevor who looked slight flusterd. "Oh. Um. I can't do either of those things." He looked at Sypha only to see that she's slightly panicking. Then Alucard approached him "Come on, Belmont. Time to choose. You're either the last son of a warrior dynasty, or a lucky drunk. Which is it?" He narrowed his eyes at Trevor. A loud bang echoed threw the underground again. Trevor looked towards Sypha, then up to the ceiling. Bangs reapedingly echoing threw the sanctuary. "Okay. Get the mirror working. Alucard. Give me force numbers,species, and weapon count. Sypha stays on her job for now." He orders. The two not hesitating to start working.

Falael had jumped to a pillar having her gun up and ready to fire. The trio stopped what they're doing. A high - pitched bang had echoed across the room. It wasn't the usual bangs they where hearing, heavy and slow. These where quick and sharp. On que a body of a demon land a few feet away. A small hole between its eyes, blood leaking out of it signifying that it was dead. The trio looked up only to see and hear more of the sharp bangs that seems to be coming from the weapon on her right hand. With ease she fires at every single demon, the bullets hitting its target. Making them decrease in an instant.

Her eyes narrow when multiple demons replace the ones she had killed, but she didn't ceasefire. She kept on shooting every single demons that replaced the fallen ones. One demon crept up behind Falael, making Trevor jump into action and slice the demon in half. Falael looked at Trevor from the corner of her eyes quickly noding as a sign of gratitude and continued on shooting the demons. While Trevor and Falael hold back the demons, Sypha and Alucard are currently trying to locate the Castle. It took Alucard a moment, but he manage to find it only for it to teleport to another place making Alucard shock. Again he tracked the castle and found it in Braila.

Falael kept shooting at the demons until her gun made a clicking sound every time she pulled the trigger, empty. She was about to reload when a demon with an echanted spear charged at her making her jump off from the pillar to another. The wooden pillar she was on suddenly went up into flames making Falael grimace at the thought of the spear going threw her. She quickly put the gun away and held up her sword. Again, the demon charged at her with its spear raised. At the nick of time she ducked under the spear, holding her sword backwards as if it was knife - she sliced threw the demons stomach, blood and guts spilling to the floor. This went on for a while, slicing, stabbing, cutting, and dodging. She panted as the last demon she was fighting falls to the floor. Suddenly a crow falls next to her making her raise her sword only to realize that it have already been killed. She looked up too see Trevor fighting a huge mutant looking bat. The demon suddenly falls off the balcony. Heading straight towards Alucard and Sypha. She quickly runs towards them and jump towards the demon. She kicks the deamon out of its course making it smash into the bookshelf, then quickly cut its head off. Falael huffs and straightens up her back, hearing a few cracks here and there making Falael groan. 'Damn I'm getting old.' She sarcastically told her self. She sees Sypha struggling against the castles core which seems to be resisting her. She quickly runs to Sypha and placed both of her hands on syphas arm. Lending a portion of magica to her, also making sure to not disrupt the process. The castle being the resiliant fucker that it is, kept teleporiting around Braila until finally Sypha managing to teleport the castle near the Belmont residence. Falael sighed and let go Syphas forarm, Sypha backed up and Alucard blocked the mirror before anything could happen. "Where did you land the castle Sypha?" Alucard questioned, "right on top of us" she said giggling and clapping, happy of her accomplishment. Until she had a look of realization on her face, and started to get nervous. "Oh. Um. Yes. I landed the surface, right above this underground space thats probably only held up by wood and dirt." She sarcastically told herself. Yet again Falael sighed hoping that ceiling won't cave in on them. "Lets go." Sypha told us. Alucard and Falael looked at each other, Falael giving a small smile and him giving one in return.

This is going to be one hell of a fight.


Wors count~ 1701

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