A God Amongst Men

By Shi_Kira

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When Naruto found himself in a new world after his death, he thought he had been given a second chance to liv... More

A God living a Normal Life
The Ignorance of a God
The mask of god
The Timeless Void
The Phantom God
The fairy phantom god
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
A God's Revelation
A God and the Changes
Same old God, Different Approach
A Glimpse at a God
Aika's Mansion
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Friends of a God
Fairy Tail
Chapter 21
A God Amongst Gods
Chapter 23
Tenrou Island
Alvarez Noon
Chapter 26
The Phantom God
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
God 'less' and Doubts
A God's Humility
A God's Imperfections
A God's Limited World
A Mortal God
Chapter 36
Untitled Part 38
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A War God Amongst Men

A God's Emotions

1K 14 3
By Shi_Kira

Lahar held the gaze of the chairman of the magic council without blinking. He knew why he was called into the office of the stern man who felt he held the responsibility of everything on his shoulders. But it wasn't like that, was it? The reason was there was a council was because there needed to be shared responsibility. If just one person had the control of the council, then just one person could control things and abuse the processes. Many minds created a platform for a consensus declaration regarding different subjects. People didn't think the same, they always thought different and a group of people was better than just one person.

Justice and the use of magic correctly went hand and hand. But because you were a regulator didn't mean that you could just make the rules as you go. Rules were there to be followed and respected but the council was something else. There was convenience in the way they did things. It was troubling but Lahar would never quit. He would never abandon his role. He had come this far to serve. Even though he has been called to arrest people who haven't done any wrong, he would still continue with his job.

The perception that things were right only when the council declared them was troubling but it wasn't something that he could fight. He was powerless. Disobeying the council meant being sent to prison himself. Lahar would not permit that.

"The Council just sat to discuss matters regarding the Dark Guild Tartaros," the chairman started in a stern tone. "Their actions of late have been troubling..."

"Tartaros..." Lahar was familiar with the dark guild.

But this was the problem with the council wasn't it? They didn't do anything until people got hurt, until there was real danger but when something wasn't much of a problem, they were quick to act, and rashly at that point. Nothing ever good has been spoken about the dark guild. It was pure evil but has the council have ever thought of destroying it? No, perhaps they could excuse themselves by saying they didn't know the location of its headquarters. But you could always search. Naruto was at their disposal.

The chairman nodded. "Every guild that has been associated with them has been getting destroyed over the past month or so. We have never been able to find out what their objective is and who actually leads them. But we know they practice black magic and have something to do with Zeref."

Lahar frowned. Where had his conversation about the black wizard with Naruto ended? He couldn't remember, but he would have to bring up the subject the next time they meet – it had to be soon. "What did the council decide?"

"We need more information to work on but since they are moving we want to act quickly before they do something. You need to go gather as much information as you need. In case there needs to be fighting, we have already prepared messages to the legal guilds to help out in dealing with them," the chairman said.

Lahar nodded. He would do that. He could do that but this sounded dangerous. He couldn't go alone in this. He would need some help. "I will work on it," he said. "Has the council informed Naruto about this?" He asked, but he was almost certain that the blond knew something about this – this was why he had decided that he needed to talk to him soon.

"Why should we talk to him about this?" The Chairman asked in a stern tone. "He isn't the only resource we can use in such a troubling situation."

"But the Council was previously using him for cases such as this last time around," Lahar said in a measured tone. He didn't want to look like he was advocating for the blond, lest he be looked at with suspicion.

"We are busy trying to watch him. We have already informed the other Wizard Saints that they may need to move in to restrain him very soon. We can tolerate things now but very soon, our patience with him will reach its limits..." the chairman said in a serious tone. "You must also be careful with him. He is a very dangerous person. We are thinking that he also uses black magic."

"What makes you say that?" Lahar asked. It hadn't occurred to him but then again, anything that the council paints as black was black.

"He hasn't been aging and with how powerful he is, he might be another immortal person. If so, then he is using black magic. We don't condone that and we will take action against him." The chairman explained lightly. "You must have also noticed it too. His connection with the royal family is also a concern. They have a history of using black magic and we cannot allow them to do it with him. They could be doing something that threatens the balance of magic. Having someone who lives forever certainly threatens things. Humans aren't born to live forever."

Lahar had always assumed that old people wanted to continue living for a little while longer. Very few people could stand up and say, I have lived long enough. "I noticed, but it isn't something I have questioned. He is indeed a powerful person. There is no one like him and his tendency to do things as he pleases is a concern."

The chairman nodded his head. "But you need not worry about him. However, if you find anything, you must bring it to our attention. We have also given him an important mission that will test his loyalty. Though, from his response when we met, it is quite obvious that he is loyal to the royal family. We cannot have that."

If he was someone who was weak, they wouldn't care but Naruto was strong. He was someone the Magic Council has never been able to control. Then again, he has never showed willingness to fight the Council. Lahar thought of bringing this up. "Chairman, last time the Council had an issue with him, I was ordered for his arrest and he did not resist, do you think this time around, he will resist?"

"Yes..." the chairman said with a firm nod. "You have your duties, Lahar; carry them out."

"Hai," Lahar saluted before walking away from the chairman.


"You have always looked as if something is on your mind," Hisui said as she walked into the study Naruto uses to for his reading on magic.

She saw the look on his eyes; sometimes he stared at books but never really focused on them. There was always something on his mind but she never really attempted to question him about it. Perhaps things were different this time. But she had been afraid of opening a personal channel between the two of them because she didn't know where it might lead. No, she had an idea and that at times made her afraid of the future. She had never been afraid of anything before. He had complemented and openly flirted with her before he left for Magnolia, but things were different.

He was still the same person, perhaps just a little guarded with what was inside his heart. Aika's teasing her didn't help matters and so Hisui had resolved to talk to this person about matters of the heart. Nothing was going to happen if she just stood still. She had brought him here because she wanted to keep his company. There was also the fact that she liked his knowledge about magic and life in general.

Naruto glanced up at the princess with a tired look on his eyes. For the past couple of days he had been absorbed in more magic about Dragon Slayers. More specifically, how Acnologia turned into a Dragon. He understood the reason a little bit, but he needed the practical example to be able to understand how it was done. Dragon Slayers could say they have the magic to slay dragons but it was a false perception.

The humans were weak. They could not stand the might of a dragon. Naruto had fought one, so he knew it. Perhaps it was because the one he fought was a little more powerful than the others. Either way, dragon slayers could not be compared to be real deal. Naruto wanted to understand a little more about them. He also wanted to meet them. He had to meet them. And perhaps he would, or perhaps he might not.

He leaned over to his chair as Hisui sat in front of the desk before him. Naruto rubbed his eyes to look at the princess carefully. She had a look about her. It wasn't one of the looks she usually gave him. There was an air of confidence about her. He smiled. "Don't we always have something in our minds, princess?"

"You know what I mean," Hisui said.

"I know but don't you have something on your mind as well? We are always thinking about things. About what we see, things we don't want other people to see. If our thoughts could be seen by other people, society wouldn't be the same," Naruto said calmly.

"You want to drift away from the subject," Hisui said with a stare. "There is something that has been bothering you, Naruto. I want to know what it is. You are going to tell me. I can't have my Knight having mental problems and burying himself into his books to avoid life problems."

Naruto smiled. "How kind of you princess..." he said. "But I am not avoiding my problems. I was busy trying to understand many things. I cannot be compared to Zeref. He was the greater wizard. I am nothing. Zeref created life; there hasn't been a single life that I created, even though I claim to have the power over life and death."

Then again, he had never trained to create had he? He trained hard in order to destroy nations and people. His power was never about creation. But the power was supposed to be there. Naruto wanted to learn that magic. He did understand that he would certainly run foul with the magic council over such ambitions. They would declare war on him and then seek to ruin him. Life would never be the same even if he ends up destroying the council.

"Isn't it because you are used to destruction? Most of your magic only eradicates things..." Hisui said with a raise eye brow. "Since when has creating things been part of your agenda? Since I met you, your focus had been teleportation and the ability to travel between worlds."

"I have mastered that art..." Naruto responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "But going back in time and the future is certainly something that we haven't mastered yet..." Naruto said. "Personal problems, huh? Do you really want to know, Hisui?"

"If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't have asked." Hisui responded in a firm tone.

Naruto smiled at her confidence. It was a nice change. Perhaps something that had been lacking over the past year since he became her knight. Maybe she had just been content that she got him to stay and become her guardian. "How do I begin?" Naruto paused for a couple of moments before responding. "Last time around, I had to sacrifice being with the woman who taught me how to love, what love is. She was the person who gave me happiness. I learned to love her dearly. But a time came where I had to sacrifice being with her or 'going.'

"I found myself in the same position once again. I was given a choice, you or someone else. I chose to come here. But that honestly has burdened me with how things could have been had I chosen differently. Whenever I make a choice, I don't want to fill my heart with regrets. I want to be content with the decision I have made. There is nothing more stressing and miserable than filling your heart with regrets."

Hisui stared at him. She looked thoughtful for a couple of moments. "Do you regret choosing me, Naruto?" She asked. "I don't want you to look at me and think that I am the cause of what your life has become. It would sadden me. As much as I want you around, I also need you to be happy and content with your life."

"I do not regret my choice, Hisui..." Naruto said in a firm tone. "If I regretted the decision I made, I would have gone back already. But admittedly, I do have times where I think about what could have been. I have nothing going on for me personally, and that makes me a little lonely."

"I thought you were sharing a bed with that woman."

Naruto smiled before shaking his head. "What do you think of me, princess? You should have a high opinion of me..."

"What are you saying by that?"

"Aika is a good friend of mine. It is indeed true that I have shared a bed with her. But that is that. Aika doesn't understand magic. She isn't living in the same world as I am. Maybe she can play your politics, but she cannot play the magical games. I cannot stand in the way of her future happiness by sneaking in her bed whenever I feel lonely. She could never move on with her life because she believes I will always be around," Naruto said calmly.

"I don't think that woman is going to move on with her life anytime soon. Her life seems to revolve around you at times. She is rich, but doesn't have time for her wealth. If the subject is you, then she can throw everything else away," Hisui said.

"That is a bit of a problem, but it can be solved," Naruto said calmly. He stood up and walked over to Hisui. He held out his right hand and the princess gently took it before he helped her stand up. Naruto pulled her closer with his left hand moving over her waist. He stared into her eyes for a long moment before leaning over to whisper into her ear. "One more thing that troubles me is my thoughts about you, princess. There are moments I just want to pounce on you like a starved cat." When he said, that, his fingers slowly walked over her back.

Hisui felt a chill down her spine. When was the last time she was over close like this to him? Her eyes quickly glanced over to the door, hoping for a moment that it was locked so that she could stay in this moment like this. It was fleeting; she could feel his fingers moving up until there was no room. She felt wanting more when she could no longer feel the touch she had dreamt could be on her on so many nights she was alone in her room.

His right hand continued holding hers while his left moved over to her face. Naruto stared deep into those pure innocent eyes. He was a murderer of many people. His hands had killed many people. And he continued to live normally. He was touching her with those hands. Naruto didn't let it bother him. He had wrestled with his thoughts many times.

Naruto cupped Hisui's chin and once more leaned over. Her lips brushed against his. He didn't kiss her. He just absorbed her warmth breath; the intoxicating scent her body gave him. She smelled nice. Naruto wasn't surprised when Hisui pushed his lips open as she attempted to kiss him. Perhaps she felt he was teasing her. She was no good. But he could not mistake the desire in her attempts.

Hisui realized what she had done and pulled away. She was blushing, but she didn't look away from him. "Sorry," she said.

Naruto shook his head. He didn't realize he didn't kiss her. He had just stood still, absorbed in his thoughts, thinking about how soft her lips felt. He smiled at her. He grabbed her by both his hands, around her waist and then kissed her without saying anything. She moved along with him. Naruto felt excitement building over him as he deepened the kiss; he felt Hisui's body heating up as she seemed to melt in his arms.

He stopped kissing her and pulled away. She seemed a bit out of breathe, but she had a wide happy smile on her lips. Naruto matched the smile. He didn't say anything but pulled her closer to him. Her body was pressed against his. Hisui buried her face on his chest, she felt like laughing. She had never felt so much excitement building over her. She wanted more of him, but perhaps it was good that he had stopped the kiss. She had felt his hands moving over to other parts of her body. Things could have spilled out of control.

Hisui wrapped her hands around Naruto. She pulled him firmly as if he was going to leave. She enjoyed the warmth of his body. Her heart had never beat so fast yet so relaxed. Hisui wished the moment would last forever. She wished they could hold each other like this at night whenever she was feeling cold, whenever she turned around her large bed.

"When I move, I must think about you, Hisui..." Naruto said in a quiet tone. "If I become an enemy of the Magic Council, that means I cannot be there for you. I can serve my duties to you. I care for you and do not want to put you in harm's way. However, many of my activities are dangerous. You are going to be Queen of this nation; I want to be able to see that."

"When I become Queen, I want you to sit next to me..."

"That is something that isn't really for me to discuss, Hisui. It will be your choice and what your father thinks is best for Fiore and your future..." Naruto explained in a light tone. "But I cannot deny that holding you like this fills me with peace. It makes me excited. More so is my respect for you. I have learned to respect you as a princess, as a friend, a woman, as Hisui. I'm sorry for having frustrated you over the past year."

"Maybe it was worth it if we get to be like this."

Naruto didn't say anything; he just kept holding her for a couple of moments before they separated. Once more, Naruto leaned over and kissed her. His hands moved up from her waist, he stopped before he could touch her boobs. "You are not fair," Hisui said.

Naruto just laughed and returned to his chair. "I have never been fair," he said with a shrug. "Are you satisfied now?"

"You are smiling and I am happy..." Hisui said. "Yes, satisfied, but just not quite there yet."

Now he had gone on and done it. There was no turning back now. He couldn't run away from what he had just started. Hisui loved him – that was for sure. Perhaps it was his mind that she loved more. Either way, in his presence, she was at peace, she was secure. She was able to talk about magic and not leave him looking clueless. Her father had also taken a liking of him. But then again, the old man had a truly different personality compared to his daughter. He was something else; a man who loved magic; a man who loved to see people fight for pure enjoyment.

Naruto shook his head. The important thing was that he had jumped over the fence. He was no longer just Hisui's Knight, her friend and magic partner. He was going to be more than that. He had relented over the past year even though he had chosen to come here. But if he was going to put her in the same bracket as Erza, the fairy tail mage stood out.

Erza was a delightful redhead who fought for her comrades. She was selfless. She was humble and willing to go any length to protect those she loves. Perhaps her views were different to his on some level. But Naruto truly admired her courage, her strength and desire. Perhaps it reminded him for the sly mother of his child he had left in the Elemental Nations – that was just another issue that gave him a headache. If he engaged with Hisui, how was he even going to bring up the subject to her?

"So, what now?" Hisui asked a bit hopelessly. "I have never been in this situation before. But I know you are experienced."

Naruto smiled. "I really don't know. You know, even though I claim to be a god, I really don't have all the answers. Some times I struggle with my emotions."

"You're still just a person after all..." Hisui said.

"Human..." Naruto said. "The situation is a bit delicate because you are the future Queen. I can't do what I please before being suspected of having some evil intentions."

Hisui tilted her head to the side. "Who would suspect that? You have been with us for a long time now. You offered weapons for the castle's guards. You left Fairy Tail to become my guard and since then, you have upgraded the castle's defences. My father trusts you and so does the prime minister."

"People can always change, Hisui." Naruto said in a stern tone. He had thought of sitting on Fiore's throne, but he would not. That was for Hisui and he just had to watch over her. "Besides, being your knight is different from being your husband."

Hisui blinked. "Husband?" She blushed at the thought. She hadn't thought that far.

"Well obviously I would have to marry you..." Naruto said. "What would people say if they heard that the Queen is having an affair with her knight?"

"They would talk but its nothing..."

Naruto shook his head. "I will speak to your father about it one day. If he gives his blessing, we can talk about it."

"Some day? You are not going to spend a year thinking about it, are you?"

"You sound like you are going to use that against me each time there is something..." Naruto said with a stare. "I will speak to him – The sooner the better. You know, it will be hard walking past you in dark corners without thinking of ripping off your clothes – Especially since they are a little revealing."

Hisui stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. "I'm sure Aika would ask what would ask you do after ripping off my clothes..." she said.

"Why don't you try imagining it?" Naruto said in a sly tone. "If you can't you can move over to this side and I will help you imagine it..."

Fairy Tail

Makarov couldn't help but frown about the recent developments from the Magic Council. Naruto had been a troublesome person to begin with. The Council had thought of hunting him down when he was busy destroying dark guilds. They had ended up arresting him after he joined his Guild and they battled Fairy Tail. He has continued to show extreme power that should frighten the Council. Acnologia's appearance at Tenrou island hadn't made things better because then the Council had been investigating them and Naruto.

He sighed. Naruto and this guild were a bad combination. The guild has been in the firing line more often than a dark guild. He has had to pay large sums for damages that were caused by his mages. They have threatened to shut them down many times. Well, at least Naruto was away. But that itself was its own danger because of what the Council suspected was happening in the dark corners of the royal castle.

Makarov stared at the jug on his hand for a long minute before taking a huge gulp. He slammed the jug on the counter and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, the first master was standing beside him. She was certainly spending a lot of time in the guild these days. She wasn't around all days, but she did come around.

"You look troubled..." Mavis said to Makarov.

The Guild master nodded his head. Mavis and Naruto shared a special relationship. He wondered how she would take this. "The Magic Council is at it again."

Mavis had never really cared much about what the Council thought. She loved her guild and would protect it against any attack. She couldn't do anything in her current form but she could do something. "Does it concern the guild?"

"They still threaten us but that is normal..." Makarov said with indifference. He was surprised at how indifferent he was regarding the issue. Perhaps the first master's attitude was rubbing off him. "Naruto is on their watch list. As the Guild master of Fairy Tail and a member of the Wizard Saints, I was informed that the Council might take action against him and we will be needed to subdue him."

"If you don't?" Mavis said. She had no problem in disobeying the magic council. They have always been different after all.

"They are going to do it using their weapons..." Makarov said grimly. The Magic Council had dangerous weapons and that would only cause destruction. Unlike last time, Naruto was unlikely to allow them to do as they please. It would be war.

"That would be unfortunate..." Mavis said.

Makarov nodded. "The problem is that I think it is going to happen soon. They are just on a collision course."

"But Naruto has been away from the spotlight. He has been truly behaving..." Mavis said. Now wasn't the likely time to do anything. Then again, he had told her he was having problems with them. But she just could not understand why.

"They have never needed reason to do anything. If they say Naruto is dangerous, then we are all to view him as dangerous..." Makarov said with a shake of his head. "Despite my fears, I certainly hope that things don't come to that point."

Mavis nodded. "So do I..." she said. "I still want him around here. It puts me at ease knowing we have him. But if the magic council declares him an enemy, Fairy Tail will be in trouble too..."

Makarov frowned. He hadn't thought of it but it was bound to happen. The Council was already against them. He was just hoping that they would have something to keep them busy. But if they declared Naruto a threat to the balance of magic, they would possibly use the chance to disband Fairy Tail. Naruto was their mage. They didn't even need to justify their means. Whatever they decided was law.

"This is a tricky situation..." Makarov uttered. "I wonder if the other Wizard Saints will respect the Council's wishes. I will see when we meet to discuss this issue next week."

"What is their opinion of him?"

"We don't have problems but anything can change when the Council is involved..." Makarov said. "Naruto isn't even the one to bow to pressure and jump as high as the Council requests."

Mavis smiled. "Should you be saying that?"

Makarov grinned. "Perhaps not..." he said. He was always the one who was telling his children to disregard what the Council was saying and just do what they think was right. "Either way, things can blow out of proportion..."

"Then I hope Naruto comes here soon..." Mavis said before walking away from Makarov.

The Third master watched Mavis walk away silently before turning over to his right as he sensed Mirajane's presence. She looked concerned. "You were eavesdropping," he accused the mage.

Mira shrugged. "I was just passing by and happen to hear things..." she said with a smile. "I thought things would finally turn up."

"Not with the Council..." Makarov said.

Mirajane could not argue with that. Hadn't they accused Erza of something and then threatened to arrest her? The Council was always playing around with their laws and rules. Mira just could not understand. Perhaps that was why they did things as they did without caring for what the Council was saying. It was no wonder they were a rather infamous guild in Fiore. But then again, Fairy Tail was still Fiore's strongest Guild.

"Do you think there could be a different way with how things can be managed, master?" Mira asked with concern. If the Council fought Naruto, it was going to be a clash against titans and people get hurt in the process.

Makarov glanced at Mira. He could feel her concern for both Naruto and the Guild. "Naruto was closest to you when he was still around... what happened anyway?"

Mira shrugged. "Nothing happened..." She said. "Then?"

"Naruto has to go and beg the Council to put him on the good side and swear his loyalty. If that isn't enough, get down on his knees and beg them to put a leash on him..." Makarov said in a flat tone.

Mira thought of Naruto kneeling while begging and giggled lightly. Naruto beg like that? He had a god complex. He wouldn't kneel before anyone, especially not the Magic Council. "We can only dream about that happening..." she said, smiling despite the situation. "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Makarov shook his head. "We will see when the Wizard Saints gather. Perhaps Naruto will appear this time around. But I will still need to talk to him privately and see how we go about this. He is still a member of Fairy Tail – we can't just abandon him."

"Do you think he will come soon?"

"I should hope so..." Makarov said with a sigh. "Naruto thinks considerably. I'm sure he will realize that he needs to come around."

Mirajane smiled at this. Despite the dark cloud that goes hang above him, Naruto was still a kind person. She had enjoyed the little moments with him. But like everything in life, it had come to an end. "At least we have been receiving fewer complaints these days..."

"That is because the trouble makers have been busy training to get stronger..." Makarov said. He wasn't complaining. The children did need to be strong to protect themselves. "Give me a refill will you?"

"You are drinking a bit too much, master..." Mira said with a stare. "Are you missing someone?"

"I can say the same thing to you, Mira-chan..." Makarov said.

Mira frowned.

"Ah, young ones..." Makarov said with a slight shake of his head. "You only live once. When you grow old, you will miss the days your body used to allow you to do whatever you pleased, Mira. You are all my children and I want you to be happy."

Wasn't this the wish of every parent? Most of the mages within the Guild didn't have parents, he was the parent. It was his responsibility to ensure that they didn't just fight for their friends, but also to make sure that they lived happy lives. Perhaps some of them might be content with being alone and doing things as they were, but there came a time where you really needed to have a personal life; to experience love and all that life has to offer outside of the battlefield.

"Everyone wants to be happy, master..." Mira said with a smile. "Perhaps I have just grown content with how I have been living my life. I am not exactly sad."

"But you still need to experience life in fullness..." Makarov said. "You are at that age. You cannot run away from your emotions. I was young once. I had a son. A disappointment but I still have Laxus."

Well, not everything turned out the way you want them. He had good intentions for his children, but one of them could turn out as Lazus' father. Sometimes regardless of what you do as a parent to ensure that your children follow the right path, if they had some other thoughts in their hearts, you really can't change them. Makarov had learned as much. Even good intentions can lead to some destructive actions. It was always good to be aware of those around you. Otherwise, you just step on other people without even realizing it.

Unknown Location

Perhaps he shouldn't have chosen to go back to the royal castle so early, but you could never what was going to happen tomorrow. Even he did not have the powers to predict the future. But he could only hope that things turn out the way he wanted. Not everything went according to the script. But when things happen like that, you didn't have to worry too much and lose focus of what the objective was. You just have to focus and try to discover what the best course of action would be to solve your problem.

At this point, Naruto couldn't do as he pleased. He could just go around and destroy things without the Magic council ganging up on him. The other mages of Ishgar would be called to deal with him. An all out war that would destroy many lives and the innocent people would get in the crossfire. When titans clash, there was always going to be collateral damage. Naruto wasn't ready to for that. He didn't come into this world for more collateral damage. He couldn't go back and live normally in the Elemental Nations, so he couldn't go on the same path as he did in his home world.

"I have never seen you look troubled," Lahar said, he was watching Naruto with careful eyes. The blond had an expressionless mask on his face, but it was evident that he was thinking deep.

"That is because I am in a tricky situation," Naruto said with a shake of his head. "The royal castle needs me at this stage and if I become an enemy of the magic council, the royal family becomes a target because they are the ones sheltering me. I didn't go in that place to bring them trouble and misfortune."

"So you are not just going to just lie down if the Council declares you a criminal that must be dealt with," Lahar said. It wasn't a question but a statement. He had expected this but Naruto had just confirmed it. The last time around, he hadn't been so concerned about anything. He had even offered his services to the council. Perhaps the difference now was that he had many associations.

"Of course not," Naruto said in a firm tone. He may not be as powerful without Kurama's power, but he was still not going to allow himself to be dragged into a prison cell for the rest of his life when he hasn't committed any evil. Just because people in power didn't like him didn't mean that he had to lie down and allow them to spank him. He would fight back – without question.

"Why is it much of a concern now when you didn't worry about it then? Back then you willingly allowed yourself to be captured and spent time in a cell..." Lahar said.

"It was convenient and I didn't want to start a fight because there was still much that I didn't know about this world. I know everything that I have to know now. I have not done anything wrong, so I cannot bend over just so the Council can amuse itself by raping me..."

Lahar sighed; this was just going to be a difficult situation to handle. "Let us just hope that nothing happens."

"At this stage, the Council is just waiting for one little thing from me before trying to attack me," Naruto said with a shake of his head. "I doubt things will be simple. But I will do what I can to ensure that I stay out of trouble. I wouldn't put it past the Council to arrest those close to me just to get to me..."

Lahar frowned at the thought. The Council could do anything but he really hoped that they don't go that far. "I hope you'll have a better handle of the situation. I am going to stick out of it. However, if I am given the order, I will come after you... it will be pointless I know, but orders are orders and I must follow them..."

Naruto smiled. "That is the life of a soldier," he said. He would know. Shinobi were supposed to follow orders without question. Even in Anbu, sometimes they killed people without even knowing why they were doing it. You simply just had to do what you were instructed to do.

"A difficult life but I volunteered," Lahar said. "I want information about Tartaros. There is very little information about them and the magic council has been concerned by some of their recent actions. We need to discover what we can about them before the Council acts."

"'We' or you?" Naruto asked with a raised eye brow. "If the Council didn't say anything to me about it, then they certainly don't want me to get involved. If I am wrong, correct me."

"That doesn't mean that you have to turn a blind eye on everything. I am asking for a favour. For everything you have put me through, you owe me cooperation. You are the one who decided to make this deal anyway," Lahar said in a firm tone, his eyes never leaving Naruto.

Naruto looked up for a moment. "Tartaros, huh?" He said. "What did they do that the Council has finally decided that it must look into them?" It wasn't like the Council didn't know of the dark Guild's existence. It did but just never considered it much of a problem that it should do something about it. Or perhaps they just didn't care.

"They have been destroying all other guilds connected to them. I thought you would know about this already," Lahar said with a curious gaze. "What have you been doing in the royal castle?"

"Researching magic," Naruto said with a shrug. Ultear did say something about the Guild. It wasn't like he was ignorant of the guild's existence and purpose. He had just never bothered because he had his time occupied with other things that would certainly get the magic Council setting its weapons towards him.

Lahar narrowed his eyes. "What kind of magic are we talking about?"

Naruto just smiled. "Ah, ever so the diligent service man of the magic council. You have nothing to worry about, Lahar. I don't have anything that is concerning. I have at times been working on magic seals to pass on my magic to other mages. I won't be fighting forever. I have a range of spells that I can give other people." He said. "Tartaros is a powerful guild with connections to Zeref. I am certain you already know this. I don't suggest you go near their guild HQ or you will most certainly die."

"Then give me something that I can report to the Magic Council," Lahar said.

"Jellal is busy trying to gather as much information as he can. I will pass on the information to you once he is done. But you'll still have to look around for the guilds that are connected to Tartaros. I might also move in on them soon enough since they have become active in such fashion." Naruto said in a calm tone. "We will talk once I have the information. Well, that is unless the Council hasn't pressed the reset button before then."

"If they press the button?"

"I'll destroy them and wait for the new council to be elected. I will try to petition the new council, if it doesn't work out, I will see what I can do," Naruto said. "You worried or thinking of stabbing me in the back just to avoid the destruction? Well, if the Wizard Saints are forced to fight me, there will be much destruction. They are all powerful people and I'm certain that it won't be a walk in the park. I'll probably struggle if I'm not serious. But I'll still destroy them."

Outside of Magnolia

"We must stop meeting like this..." Naruto said to Mavis, he was smiling nevertheless.

"You don't want to go to the Guild and I like this place. It gives me time to be alone and think about things while watching over Magnolia..." Mavis responded in a quiet tone. "You going there now?"

Naruto nodded his time. "I figured it was about time," he said.

That aside, he also wanted to see Erza and perhaps have a conversation with her. He had been thinking about her more often, so it was only natural that he seeks her presence. He was hoping that she was present in the Guild. It would be a massive disappointment if she wasn't around because he didn't think he would be returning here anytime soon unless something happens. It was better for him to stay away from trouble. Fairy Tail was indeed a troublesome guild. What would he say to Erza though? Naruto didn't now. Perhaps he would just stare at her and smile. He didn't know.

It was a difficult situation. Where was Mei when you needed her; where was Kurama when you needed him? The Bijuu wouldn't have been much help with relationship problems, but it would listen just to make sure that he had a clear mind. In those infamous days, a clouded mind would have meant a premature death for him and that would have been disappointing because all his actions would have been for naught.

Mavis smiled at him, "I'm glad," she said.

"The human heart is something else, isn't it? Perhaps you didn't know everything about Zeref, but you did see a good side of him, didn't you, Mavis?"

"But he was just as capable of doing evil things..." Mavis said. She wouldn't deny that there was some good in Zeref. There was good but if he liked, he could slaughter many people. He was someone who respected life and loathed evil in a good day, but on his bad day, he could just be as capable of committing massacres without even blinking.

"But that depends in the time he is living in... I think in a peaceful world, Zeref can actually live..." Naruto said in thought.

Mavis frowned. The world was a better place without Zeref. But perhaps Naruto was lonely without someone who was just as powerful as he was. Someone who was capable of doing things he could not do; someone who could stand in the same level as him. This was the danger of being too powerful. Sometimes you end up doing evil simply out of boredom and because you can. Power could corrupt, it could save many lives, but some people with power tend to be lonely because they can't meet someone who is their equal.

Perhaps Naruto was going through that phase. Mavis truly hoped that it didn't come to the point where Naruto really brings back Zeref to this world. They were safe and at peace without him. "Why do you think about such matters? You have your own future and the present to deal with. Shouldn't that be more than enough?"

"It is because of the future that I think about him, Mavis," Naruto said in a firm tone. "I am going to live a very long life in this world. The people I love will grow old and die in this world while I remain active. I will be filled with nothing more than loneliness and bitterness. I don't want to be corrupted. I don't want loneliness to drive me insane. But if Zeref is alive, I can move away from society and I can have someone to talk to..."

Mavis didn't immediately respond. She could not imagine what he must be thinking about. If Naruto truly does end up having children, he will bury them. He will bury those he loves. And maybe even his grandchildren. Any person would be broken by that reality. It was fine now, but it was the future that was frightening. "Well, you also have me..."

Naruto glanced over to the first master and then smiled. "I will hold you onto that, Mavis..." he said. "That does ease up a couple of things."

He was saying that but Naruto was certain that he would eventually end up reviving Zeref. There was so much the man could teach him about magic. There was so much they could talk about. The man had lived in the age of dragons and the age of true power. Things were different now. The past wasn't like the present. If possible, Naruto wanted to experience the past with Zeref. He shook his head; he was starting to think like he has a crush on the black wizard. Ridiculous. He was god, other people should be admiring his glory.

But then again, what he has done cannot be compared to what Zeref has done.

"Makarov told me about your troubles with the Magic Council," Mavis started after a few moments of silence. "I just want you to know that no matter what happens; Fairy Tail will not abandon you. You are one of us."

"You like risky things, Mavis..." Naruto said with a smile. "However, I will not be a member of Fairy Tail if things become bad. That is your Guild, Mavis. You know my story; you know I can cause so much destruction if I chose. If the Council decides to fight me, I will fight it. However, I must cut off my ties with all you people. If I fight, I will probably become just another evil person who will be remembered as so by the people. I do not wish to bring the Guild into such troubles."

Mavis frowned deeply. "I'm hoping something like that doesn't happen," she said in a serious tone. "If we think about things carefully, we can solve this..." she said confidently. Although the Council was unreasonable, they would still have to be cautious because they were not dealing with an average mage – they were dealing with someone who called himself god.

"I like that positivity in you..." Naruto said. "I am thinking about the issue. I just won't be doing much that attracts the Council's attention. However, if there are bad people who need to be crushed, I will act..." or maybe Jellal and Ultear would handle it. He could allow that to happen while he watches from the side-lines until the Council calls him.

At this point, Naruto would certainly rejoice if the current Council got destroyed. He would gather the Wizard Saints and then they would reform the Magic Council. They would not allow a council that could easily be corrupted continue but he would ensure that there was a council that could lead this world of a magic with capable hands. Perhaps that was a bit evil of him, but Naruto didn't care. He has been responsible of much more sinister things than this.

If anyone was plotting to destroy the council, he wouldn't do anything even if they called him. But he would have to be careful that it isn't just anyone because the Council already has him on alert. If something happens, the other Wizard Saints will look at him suspiciously. He couldn't have that if he was going to successfully revive an unbiased and a morally responsible Council.

"I don't expect you to turn a blind eye on things," Mavis said with a small nod. "We shall discuss this at length."

"We will, but that will be after I have seen the views of the other Wizard Saints. If we are able to agree, then we will have something to work on..." Naruto said in a calm tone. "We shall talk again, First Master..." Naruto said as he waved his right hand. He started walking to the direction of the town of Magnolia.

When was the last time that Naruto walked into this Town? It had been once his home and he had abandoned it for greater things in life. He couldn't be stuck in this place playing a mage. It wasn't a game but he had to do greater things in life. He had the power, the desire, he was god. Naruto smiled at the thought. Perhaps he was getting out of fashion. He didn't feel as much powerful and it didn't have the same click as it did before. When he came to this world, when he was pulled into this world, he had that superiority complex, and perhaps a bit of an attitude.

The Town was familiar with his presence, his name, his face. Then again, he wasn't an unknown person in the magic world. He was a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, a famous mage who hasn't been defeated by anyone. Ah, when did he last face defeat? He wasn't an immortal person; just had the natural lifespan that was out of this world. If there was a way, he would make himself a mortal person. He had been trying and looking for ways, but there was no success. Then again, hadn't Zeref become cursed and was unable to undo the curse?

Naruto shook his head as he strolled through the streets silently. The atmosphere was pleasant. It was different from Mercurios. He could see the Guild's building – Fairy Tail; A troublesome kind of Guild but the strongest. Power always did attract trouble. Naruto stopped from a distance away and stared at the guild. He was a bit overwhelmed. How should he do this? Should he just burst through the doors like a mad man? Wasn't he a little too old for that? Naruto shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the guild.

He snapped his fingers and wind started picking up around him. A small tornado started twisting around him, covering his entire body. The tornado started moving towards the Guild building before it burst through the doors, causing panic. Natsu reacted quickly by jumping over the tornado with a flame engulfed punch. He was surprised when he saw Naruto. But because it was the blond, he didn't stop; he just increased the power behind his attack and slammed the punch towards Naruto's head.

Naruto raised his right hand in response to the attack. Natsu's attack slammed into his defence, with so much strength that Naruto raised an eye brow. Wind around him dispersed silently before Naruto was surrounded by Ice.

Natsu jumped away from Naruto and glared at Gray. "What the hell Gray? I had this!" He shouted towards the Ice Make user.

Gray just shrugged his shoulders. "I can't trust you to have anything," he said. "Besides, isn't that Naruto?"

"So?" Natsu asked, not seeing why they shouldn't be attacking Naruto. It had been long since they last saw the blond, and it wouldn't be wrong to test things out. Natsu even thought he had improved greatly over the past year.

Gray wasn't going to get into an argument with Natsu. That aside, there was a bit of a problem with what he was seeing here. Normally, Naruto wouldn't have allowed himself to get hit by that attack. But it had hit him and even though the ice was now cracking, it was still something else that the blond had managed to get hit. When the Ice burst and then it he was able to confirm that it was the blond, Gray walked away and returned to his seat.

Naruto turned towards Natsu and walked over him. He stood just inches away from the mage, but pinned down the mage with his magic just to keep him from moving. The floor cracked under the weight of his power but Naruto wasn't focused on that, he was staring down at END. This was Zeref's younger brother. Who would think that this person was from the past? No, all first generation Dragon Slayers were from the past. They had come here because of some plan to destroy Acnologia. But that was no longer a problem, was it? He had already taken care of the dragon of apocalypse – for now at least.

This person had no idea about anything, but yet held impressive power within him. Naruto wondered just how much stronger Natsu would become if he learned to master his power. There were improvements but he was still just a child. He needed more. He needed to seclude himself to become much stronger than he was. If Zeref had believed that Natsu could end his miserable existence, then he had to have the power within him.

Perhaps this world wasn't hopeless after all...

Naruto held out his right hand and the palm faced Natsu's face as the Rinnegan blackened slightly, pulsating with unimaginable power. He blinked and stopped what he was doing.

Natsu fell on his knees, breathing heavily. For a moment, he had felt as if something was pulling his entire body into a world he didn't know. He had felt fear once more and he had been thinking he wouldn't get to experience the feeling again. "I have a world of my own making that isn't bound by time. When there is no trouble, I will take you there so that you can train without having to worry about destruction. Perhaps when you return, you will come back enough firepower to challenge me."

Natsu looked up to Naruto, surprised. "You think so?"

Naruto just smiled and walked away from the Dragon Slayer. He smiled at Mira and settled gracefully on the stool. He really did miss sitting at a place like this, the noise, the company. It was beautiful. When he wasn't with Hisui, he was with either the Prime Minister or the head of the Royal Guard within the royal castle. This was pleasant – to be with other people. "I will have what the old man is having..." he said.

Mirajane raised an eyebrow at this. Naruto usually drank juice when he was around. Beer was never his favourite drink. She didn't question it but rather just nodded her head and walked away without saying a word to the blond.

Naruto glanced over to Makarov, who was sitting silently, looking like he was ready to go somewhere. Ah, the meeting with the Wizard Saints. "I thought you would have gotten smaller by now, old man," Naruto said with a smile. "I don't know what is with age, but people tend to shrink a bit when they grow old."

"I still have a couple of more years in me..." Makarov said. "And I was thinking you would show some changes. You don't look different."

Naruto shrugged. "The people around here haven't changed either. Then again, it has only been a year since we last saw each other," he paused before speaking again. "A lot can still happen in a year."

"Too many things..." Makarov said with a nod. "This is the magic world. Time moves a bit faster for us than for civilians. Every day we face risks and some days, we just sit back and relax. But something is always happening. The world never stops moving." The guild master stated calmly.

"It is a bit different from my world though," Naruto said. The danger in their world meant death. Life was a constant battle for survival. Death was a talk people shared in their everyday life, because really, if you went on a mission, there was a chance that you might not return. He wondered though, would these people of this world even be able to survive the world of shinobi?

"I don't know how you survive in that world, but at least you are here," Makarov said. He glanced over at Naruto for a moment as Mirajane returned with his drink.

The blond stood up and held out his hands, smiling brightly. "Come on here and give me some love. You know I have missed your smile..." he said leaning over the counter. Mira hesitated for a moment before leaning over. Naruto grabbed her a bit tightly and pulled her over the counter. He embraced her for a couple of moments before whispering. "I really hope the man you love will enjoy your warmth as much as I do..." he said before pulling away.

"I wonder about that," Mira said in thought. "It is good to see you again. You haven't changed a bit..."

"You still look delightful. I still get excited when I see you. It is truly a pity that things never worked out between us," Naruto said in a quiet tone. Well, not everything ever worked out. This was the first woman of Fairy Tail he had met. She was the first person he had decided to love. But things didn't work out the way he wanted.

"A pity?" Mirajane said with a raised eye brow. "Perhaps... aren't you enjoying life with princess Hisui?"

Naruto just smiled. "I have been busy working with magic over the past year. There hasn't been anything much in terms of personal relationships going on. But I can't complain. If you hadn't dumped me, you would have been my daily visitor in the royal castle. I have large quarters that I use as my own and I get the VIP treatment. Sometimes I feel like royalty."

"Is that why you never came?"

Naruto's smile fell for a moment before he picked himself up once more. "Maybe," he said with a shrug. "Erza out on a job?" Naruto did wonder; did he love Erza or Hisui? He didn't deny liking Hisui. He liked her very much, she was a wonderful woman but there were not the strong emotions as it was with Erza. He hadn't worked himself over thinking about what to do after leaving the capital city before.

Mira nodded, "I hope you come back again soon," she said.

"If you are going to greet me with warmth every time I walk in, I'm going to come every day," Naruto said with wide smile.

"I would fight with Erza If that happened," Mira said with a laugh. "But then again, it would just be like the old days," she shook her head and walked away.

"I am still in this world, but there are things that make me think about my former world but I do appreciate the life here," Naruto said, returning to where he had left off with Makarov before Mirajane came.

Makarov blinked for a moment. He shook his head. "You have wonderful levels of concentration," he said to Naruto.

Naruto shook his head. "I just wanted to avoid the questions you were going to ask," the blond said. "You were watching me with a clean eye but I do understand, these are your children and you have to look after them, even from me. I certainly wouldn't wish to bring them sadness but you must do what you must do for them."

Makarov was silent for a moment before asking Naruto, "So, you didn't come here in part because of Erza..." it wasn't a question but a statement. "What actually happened between you two?" He asked. He never asked Erza but it was certainly something that she would not speak freely to him.

Naruto lifted his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a moment before taking a sip from the large jug in front of him. "Love is something else, isn't it? You grow to love someone even when you just look at them from afar. You see how they react to different situations, you see how they smile, you admire their determination and will..." he shook his head. Why did he just say that? "Erza gave me a choice, the capital or her. She said I couldn't focus on two things at once. Perhaps she was right, but I never gave her my response, I just stayed away. I will probably marry Princess Hisui, but I cannot deny that the choice I made deeply saddens me. I wonder how it must be for Erza as well."

"You'll have to ask her," Makarov said. "Should we leave now? I assume you are going to attend this meeting..."

Naruto nodded. "Let us... it is going to be an interesting one..."

End of chapter

There is another chapter after this one.

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