Don't be Stupid. BakugoxReade...

By KuroGalaxy

277K 6.9K 6.1K

"Can I bother you for a sec?" "You always bother me, but go ahead" More

Where Have You Been
Good Morning
Against Eachother.
Today is the Day
Just admit it.
A First Date? Part One
A First Date? And then some..
Getting Ready for the Beach
Beach Time!! Part 1
Beach Time Part 2 ;)
Short chapter but I'm going to start writing again ♥️♥️
What just happened??
The Talk
The Past Coming Back
Who are you?
A Dream.
Her name is Nightmare.
Everything is.. Normal?
That Could've Gone Better..
Good Morning.. ish
Slowly Healing
At least school is better than a hospital?
Where Nightmares are Made.
Mostly Smut tbh
Not what it seems
Get Us Out of Here
AP Shot.
Pretty Normal
Its a Good Thing he's Pretty.
You're Annoying.
She likes.. who?
What time is it?
They are back.
Knight in Sweat Pants and a Hoodie
I am my own person.
A Party?
Bus Ride

By the Water

4.1K 99 87
By KuroGalaxy

School went by normal for the next few days, I haven't seen or heard anything from Nightmare so I'm assuming they are either planning or are bored, I highly doubt the second choice though.. "Let's go, loser" I look up from my phone to see that Kacchan had walked into my room and was standing by my bed. "It's a Saturday, we've been training all week I-" "I didn't ask." He grabs my phone out of my hand and throws it on my bed then grabs my hand, pulling me out of bed. "Lets go." I roll my eyes and start walking behind him.

We walk out of the school and towards the training grounds. "Ew Kacchan, I already told you I don't want to train, I need a break especially after everything that happened." "Shut up" his hand gripping mine tighter as we continue walking through the field and into the trail we had been down previously. Before I knew it we hit the opening and the salty wind brushes my hair out of my face. We had been here before but it was a while ago. I smile as I see a blanket on the ground with some chips and other foods sprawled across it. "Oh wow, so romantic, Katsuki" I giggle and he walks me to the blanket. "Yeah, whatever." He sits down and I sit next to him. "Good thing I'm starving." I say as I grab some strawberries and my favorite bag of chips. I see Kacchan do the same as he starts eating too. "Why all of a sudden a date?" I ask and look over to him. I see a blush spread across his face and he turns away from me. "This isn't a date. Stupid. I just felt bad you were in the hospital." I giggle and lean forward to try to see his face. "Then why are you blushing? And why did you bring us here? And why are we having a picnic? And why-" "Do you ever stop talking!? What? I can't just bring you to a spot where we had been before and bring food because I'm hungry?" He says mouth full of food. I smile at him and he rolls his eyes.

"All of those extras are crowding the school and I didn't want you to be a part of that. They all want to know more about what's happening, figured you don't like attention so why not bring you here instead." I look down at the food, grab a chip and eat it. "Thank you" I look out to the water "It's been a really hard few days when it comes to that. I've had to tell the story at least 50 times and not even just to media. To my doctors and nurses, to the teachers and some students. Then with people taking pictures and asking questions as soon as I walk out of the school.." I begin tearing up from the stress "I just.. I don't know what to do. I want to forget any of this happened but I can't. Everything is just a constant reminder that I was taken and I almost lost my left wing. Without it I'm nothing. You can't fly with one wing. That would be the end for me. No more school, no more friends, no more you. I'd be nothing. Nothing and alone." It's quiet for a minute before Kacchan clears his throat.

"Regardless of what could've happened you won't lose me that easily. I'd still find time for you and I'd still make sure you are a hero one day. It's what you've wanted for longer than I have. I'm not going to let some basic villains take that from you." I take my eyes off the water and look at Kacchan. "Ok?" He asks, his eyebrows are together, he looks very persistent. "Yeah" I say and he comes closer to me and puts his hands behind him so he can stay sitting up, I lay my head on his shoulder and we sit like that for a few minutes in silence.

Kacchan had picked up his hands and scooted forward so he was able to lay on his back and still be on the blanket, I did the same and rested my head on his chest. I felt his hand play with the end of my hair and for the first time in awhile, I didn't think of anything, the only things I was thinking about were the waves, the birds flying around and Kacchan. It felt amazing to be so calm. Soon I started to fall asleep to the sound of the waves crashing and Kacchan's heartbeat, it was perfect. His hand continued to twirl my hair as I felt the tiredness surround me.

~Katsuki POV~

I could feel Y/N start to fall asleep. Her head got heavier and her breathing slowed. I looked up at the sky and small birds were flying, it was peaceful I'll give it that. I still can't believe those wannabe villains did that to her, she had done nothing wrong yet here she is worrying about it. She wouldn't be nothing, with wings or not she'll be an amazing hero, she doesn't know it though. I hear walking come up behind us and my heart stops. Y/N is still sleeping so I try not to move too much to wake her. With one of my hands I start a fire and turn to where the noise is coming from.

"Ah, young Bakugo. I knew you'd be here." All Might says as he walks up. "And I see you have a very sleepy Y/N with you too. It wasn't smart to bring her here by yourself and not tell anyone but with the amount of people at the doors I understand where you're coming from." I look down at her and she's still peacefully sleeping. "I didn't know where else to bring her." I look up to him and he's smiling, not his fake smile, a real one. "Very kind of you, young man. How has she been feeling?" He brings over a log and sits on it. "I think she's ok." I say, not knowing what else to say. "She hasn't brought anything up recently?" He asks and I look down at her.

"She's tired a lot. She trains harder than she should and tires herself out fast. She thinks that since she missed so many classes she has to make them up. I've told her she's an idiot but she doesn't listen. She's damn stubborn." I look up to All Might then back to her. "She hasn't brought up anything about Nightmare. Hasn't seen her or heard from her but she's still stressed out about the whole thing. Said she wants to get over it already and forget but people keep asking about it. That's why I brought her here. Damn idiot doesn't know how to tell people no. I guess that's what'll make her a nice hero. Does everything people ask because she doesn't want to make people angry. It'll probably be her downfall but I'll be there to help her." I stop when I feel Y/N adjust herself and wrap her arm around my waist.

"You sure know a lot about her." All Might speaks and I look over to him. "What kind of a guy would I be if I didn't pay attention to someone I've known for this long." I say and I look down to her. "Would you say you have feelings for her?" My face turns red but I remember I can't yell so I whisper "That's none of your business, muscles." He laughs and stands up. "I'll leave you two be. Call if anything happens and be back by dusk." He walks away and Y/N moves again, this time places her hand on my inner thigh and my face turns beat red. "Damn idiot."

I lay back down and close my eyes too, trying not to pay attention to her hand but all I can see is what happened in the bathroom at the beach. I gulp and try to think of something else but I can't. All I can see is how perfect her body was and hear how hot her moaning was. I can feel my pants getting tighter the more I think about it but I can't help it. She's perfect. I feel her hand go up to my stomach but on the way up her arm brushes me unintentionally and I feel my face explode. I can't hold it in anymore but I have to. She's sleeping, I'm not just going to wake her up. "Katsuki~" I hear her say but when I look up she's still sleeping. How can she do this so easily.


"Y/N we cant just skip class." "Katsuki~" I say trying to convince him. "Why are you so thick headed?" He asks and I roll my eyes then all of a sudden the room changes and we are in the bathroom. "What did I say?" He asks me and pushes me up against the wall. I smile and shake my head. "Can't remember, why don't you tell me once more." I say and my smile turns into a smirk. He kisses me roughly and my hands trail down his muscular body and one of his hands goes to my face while the other finds it way to my butt. My face flushes.  How can he make me so flustered so easily.

Guess what next chapter will be about ;)

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