The True Bride of The Living...

By xanonymous_authorx

66.6K 2.5K 1.7K

Slappy has always been known for causing trouble. He is not your average ventriloquist dummy, for he is pure... More

You're Killing Me, Jimbo!
Who's The Dummy Now?
Could This Be Love?
Forgotten and Alone
The Discovery
Face to Face
A New Beginning
Home At Last
Chasing Love
Sleep Tight
The Big Question
Night Out
A Familiar Face
Unknown Thoughts
The Warning
Hidden Secrets
Just You and I
You And I Are One Now
Partners in Crime
Stuck Together
An Unsteady Feeling
Lights, Cameras, Slappy!
Missing Mission
An Unsettling Tea Party
The Worst Is Yet To Come
The Search
Welcome To Horrorland!
It's Good To Be Back
Home Sweet Home
Magic Tricks
A Night To Remember
It Isn't Over Yet
Tomorrow Is Yet To Come
Wedding Plans
If The Dress Fits, Wear It
A Way Out
Ghoulish Guests
Almost There
The Objection
That One Touch
The Defeat
I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife
Wedding Night
Author's Note

A Night of Frights And Lights

672 19 8
By xanonymous_authorx

The couple walked out of the cobblestone castle and down a dirt path that lead into the Haunted Forest.

Slappy lead Belinda through, who in respsonse followed him accordingly and would ever so slightly grasp his hand whenever she heard a frightening howl or scream in the distance.

The former puppet grinned to himself as he held her close, using his magic to create a dim-lighted ember of fire in his hand, using it to light the way.

The barely-alive leaves that clung onto the narrow wooden branches of the oversized forest trees gently shivered and rustled in the cool, fall afternoon breeze. Lightening would often flash and light up the midnight sky above.

The crunching of autumn leaves could be heard crumpling underneath both of the soles of their shoes, giving off a chilling affect to cause the forest to appear more creepy and terrifying than it had been before.

A small twig snapped in half, sending a single cracking echo throughout the darkness, causing Belinda to stiffen in her tracks and once again gently tug on Slappy's sleeve.

Slappy turned around and brought her close to him, reassuring her that everything was fine as long as she stuck by his side.

Of course Belinda wasn't truly frightened not afraid at all, she just enjoyed the little bits of affection she was receiving whenever she felt she needed to be "protected", and Slappy considered it to be rather adorable.

As the pair headed deeper into the volume, a variety of red gleaming eyes glowed surrounded them.

Belinda began to shiver, and this time it wasn't pretend.

"S-Someone's watching us.." She spoke out in a soft and fearful whisper to Slappy.

The man looked around with a blank stare on his face without expressing any emotion nor concern.

"Werewolves... It's hunting hour.." He acknowledged to her as if this was a normal and well-known routine.

Belinda continued to look around, thinking it was incredible to have such a specimen located in a place that was no longer what she considered "real life".

Slappy peered down at the girl and smirked softly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, the palm of his hand sending off a blanket of warmth to the girl's skin.

"Of course, there's no reason to be afraid, my darling..." He said to her, as he continued to lead her down the path. "They know who I am, everyone does. You're safe with me."

Belinda blushed warmly and smiled up at him as she gently laid her head on his shoulder as she continued to walk in unison with him.

A short time later, a faint yet warm glow of lanterns could be seen from the other side, signaling that they were finally back in the center of the park where the rides and attractions were located.

Belinda's smile gleamed as she giggled with excitement and skipped delightfully out of the remaining bit of woods and onto the concrete floor pattern, surrounding herself with the beautiful sights of Panic Park.

Slappy soon caught up with her, trotting gently up to her with a chuckle.

"Excited, much?" He asked jokingly as his eyes glistened in the cool moonlight above.

"Oh, yes!" Belinda exclaimed, barely able to contain her joy as she bounced giddily on her heels.

The park was completely deserted, levaing them to be the only living or non living creatures to be presently there. However, the rides were still running and lit up, still giving off a creepifying effect to tempt the two into wanting to go ride each and every single one.

Rollercoasters were screaming and roaring on their metal tracks, loud maniacal and yet clown-like laughter could be heard from the giant funhouse, the Ferris Wheel shining in glimmering lights circled around and around slowly, the merry-boo-round still rotating in symphony to the creepy carnival music that could be heard in the distance.

"Panic Park always closes at 11:00 pm... Ya know, to get rid of those disgusting humans and other creatures so I can finally have the place to myself... And now I have someone to enjoy it with!" Slappy said as he smiled devilishly.

Belinda's blue eyes widened with disbelief.

"You mean we really have this whole place to ourselves?!" She asked with excitement.

Slappy shook his head and laughed, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Honey, honey.... I practically have ownership of all of Horrorland... We can do whatever we want!" He corrected her.

Belinda's jaw dropped as she stared at him with shock.

"Wait... Are you serious?" She asked in barely a whisper.

"Do witches fly on brooms?" Slappy asked, chuckling as he smirked. "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go have fun!!" He said as he grabbed her by the hand, teleporting then both to the entrance of what seemed like the park's largest and yet most scariest rollercoaster.

The ride didn't have the appearance of what would look like an everyday average rollercoaster. It was steel black, and twisted in dangerous shapes. It also consisted of many loops, and drops that were so tall and ginormous in height, it halfway disappeared within the clouds. Some of the tracks even looked broken, snapping off into dangerous dead ends that would surely lead the rider to his or her death.

At the front where the rickety and shabby car waited on its tracks for the two, Belinda realized there was no operator to be seen at all. Instead, she saw a dried out decaying skeleton showing no signs of movement and wearing the park's staff uniform slouching drowsily against the corner. He was covered in cobwebs and must.

The girl stared at it and gently poked it with the tip of her shoe, yet it remained still.

"Come on, it's time to have the ride of your life!" Slappy said boldly as he smiled and quickly pulled Belinda along with him to the car.

"Isn't this rather dangerous?" Belinda questioned him as she looked hesitantly at the car.

Slappy shrugged and chuckled. "Ha! Maybe a little, but it's great, really! A few people have died on here, but this IS Horrorland after all, so the more dangerous the better!! Ya never know what's coming at you!"

Belinda stiffened. "Are we going to die?!"

Slappy's face suddenly changed as he took her face into his hands. "Oh, darling, of course not! What kind of guy do you think I am?" He said with concern as he held her protectively.

He then cleared his throat and began to explain.

"This ride is enchanted, moves all on its own, therefore it will chose which path the rider will take! But believe me, I wouldn't let anything actually bad happen to you, that stuff is for dumb mortal tourists!" He added. "Surely you might get a scare outta this ride, but that's the point! It's actually quite fun!"

Belinda hugged him and nodded slowly.

Slappy stepped into the car and held his hand out to her.

"Do you trust me?" He asked as he looked into her eyes.

Without hesitation this time, the former doll smiled and took his hand excitedly as she got into the car, sitting down with him as Slappy pulled the lap bar down over them.

"Make sure you keep your hands in the air!!!" Slappy reminded her with a wink.

Belinda smiled and gave him a thumbs up as they both raised their arms in the air.

And just like that, they were off, zooming down the screeching track at an extremely quick speed, the air whooshing and howling past them.

Belinda's hair blew gently in the breeze as the car took them far up the track until they were at least miles above the ground, slowing its pace down and dipping forward as it reached the top, then defending rapidly down the drop.

Slappy and Belinda screamed with delight, not taking one second to hold on as they kept their hands in the air.

The car spun widely on the tracks and through loops, sending the two into a frenzy of fun.

That is, until the car approached the broken track that no longer had the other side in existence.

"Slappy?! The track!!! We are going to fall!!" Belinda screamed with terror as the car raced towards to what would soon be the end of the track and lead them to nothingness.

"Don't worry!!! We won't!!" Slappy shouted reassuringly as he grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

Belinda tightly shut her eyes closed, holding her breath as the car sped off the track and soared to the ground.

But by surprise, it landed on another hidden track from below, and continued its speeding journey throughout many more loops and through dark and scary tunnels.

Belinda opened an eye, taken by surprise.

"We... We're not dead?" She asked and looked over at Slappy who was smiling over at her, his eyes glistening.

"And why would we?" He asked with a grin, and soon Belinda's smile soon returned to her face as the ride carried them on.

Once the car approached to were they had originally gotten on, it screeched to a sudden holt, allowing them to get off.

Slappy cheerfully got out of the car and helped Belinda out as well, who was also smiling from ear to ear, her cheeks glowing.

"That was AWESOME!!" She exclaimed. "I've never been on a ride like that before!!!!"

Slappy smiled as he lead her out the exit and back towards where the other rides were located. "I told you, you'd love it!"

As they passed the old lanky, yet unconscious skeleton from before, it reached a bony hand up to its head and gave its ball cap a tiny tip. "Hope you enjoyed the ride, come back next time!" It said before falling back into unconsciousness.

Belinda turned and looked at it, and giggled.

Slappy smiled and placed his arm around her.

"So... Do you wanna go on more rides?" He asked her.

"Do witches ride on brooms?" She asked with a smirk.

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