Smile Speech Babe

By ThatGirl_Jazz

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Her hands shake deep in her pocket as she walked into the corner store, afraid, yet confident in what she was... More

Should I...


2 0 0
By ThatGirl_Jazz

The cries of a pregnant lady can be heard above the sirens of the ambulance and the firefighter trucks as they speed towards the accident. The red and blue flashing lights reflect off the shattered glass that littered the pavement. Pounding footsteps shake the ground as they rush towards one of the useless scraps of metal that collided with another.

The owner of the footsteps were surprised to find both passengers still alive, with only a few major injuries. The women had two broken arms that seemed to be wrapped around her stomach, taking most of the damage. No doubt braking from the impact of the accident.

She was crying and sounded as if she was screaming incoherently, but as you walk closer, her words became clear.

"Please let my baby be okay!" she cried aguishly.

Understanding dawned upon the medics as they looked beyond the women's arms to her swollen belly. The firefighters finally arriving, grab their supplies to open the mangled door to help the pregnant lady out.

After the door was out of the way, the paramedics quickly got to work, getting her out. In doing so, they then truly realize the amount of damage they were dealing with. With renewed speed, they worked to clean up the mother and checked on her unborn child.

The father, though unconscious, was treated with the same urgency. The women was in a more critical state then the man, she went in cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital, due to blood lose.

But, she was able to recover and be stabilized. The only problem was that she was slowly losing blood, there was a stream of blood pooling under her body, coming from between her legs. The women kept screaming every minute, signifying the child's arrival, soon to come. When the ambulance finally pulled up to the hospital the medics quickly but gently rushed the women in, while notifying the doctors and nurses the problem.

Voices can be heard shouting over each other, hands can be felt assessing the true damage of the patient's wounds, machines can be heard beeping and whirring. It was frantic in the room. But, above all, you could hear the excruciating screams of the women as the pain gets more severe.

"It's time." a voice called out amongst the others.

The doctor fixes a blanket in place over the women, and positions her legs accordingly, to give birth to her baby. Seeing as the head can be seen, the doctor can tell the birth of this child, will be smooth.

"Alright Miss, you have to push, I can already see the head." the doctor rushes out.

The women's fingers twitch to grab onto the sheets of her bed but pushes with all her might.

"That's right, stop and take a breath, then give another nice big push." he explains calmly.

The voice comforts her as she follows his instructions and takes a deep breath, before giving another push. After another attempt to push again, she gives up and weeps while shaking her head.

"I can't, I can't, it hurts too much!" she cries depressingly.

"Yes you can-" he tries to reassure her.


The doctor shocked, shakes his head before steeling himself up.

"No ma'am, I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. To find another way to get the baby out, will take some time, time that you don't have. By the time we find another way, your baby would be dead." the doctor speaks bluntly.

The women stares at him, dumbfound by the news. After a few seconds she numbly nods her head. After giving a relieved sigh, the doctors gets back into position to deliver the baby.

"Now, you only need about one or two more pushes before you get to see your beautiful baby." he says.

"PUSH!" he commands

Gathering up all of her strength, the women pushes, ignoring the horrifying pain that follows with it.

"Good, good, your doing good, one more push then you'll be done." the doctor says.

She nods again before giving a big, mighty push of them all while screaming.

The room is quite for a few seconds before the doctors and nurses quickly get to work bringing the baby back to life. They get the blue nasal aspirator, to unclog the baby's nostrils, then gently but firmly pats the baby on the back.

While all this happens, the women's screams can he heard throughout the room, screams of a broken hearted mother crying for her deceased baby.

After about two to three minutes, the sharp cry of the baby whips through the room, completely silencing the room's commotion. It was as if the baby was a director, and everyone in the room were its pupils.

The nurses clean up the baby while calming it from its crying. When it was finally clean and calm, the nurse holding the baby, walks slowly to its mother.

"Congratulations Miss, it's a girl." the nurse whispers softly.

She puts the baby on its mother's chest to carefully, cautious of her broken arms. The mother thanks her, and stays still not wanting to wake her baby girl. She gazes adoringly at her beautiful daughter, taking in her features. She has a small truffle of golden brown hair on the top of her head, her nose was small along with her chin. They would know the color of her eyes, but the mother would bet she has her father's eyes.

At that thought, the mother asks the nurse about her husband. She was told that he was unconscious when he came in, but he only suffered from a few major injuries. For a moment a throbbing pain echo's in her chest at the reminder of her husband missing the birth of their child.

The doctor walks back into the room, signaling to the nurse to take the baby. The mother watches questionably as this happens. Seeing this the doctor smiles reassuringly and explains to her what is happening.

"It's ok, we're just putting her into the nursery with the other babies, and doing a checkup on her to make sure she's alright. That, and we have to dress your arms and other wounds. Then afterwards we have to get a name slapped on for you, your husband, and your beautiful daughter." he tells her.

She nods in understanding before she begins to nod off, losing to the exhaustion of giving birth to her child and the accident. She thought she was prepared for everything, that she had nothing to worry about except for the paperwork for the hospital.

But little did she know that there was a little problem with her little girl. It can't be seen now, but in time they would.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this piece, but if not then this book is either not for you or I need to improve on my writing.

It took a while for me to decide if I should continue to write this book, I've asked for feedback but none were given, since only two people has looked at my book. But, that's ok, at least someone actually looked at it.

Anyways, I truly hope that I've made something to satisfy your thirst for reading, I feel like I have, can't say the same for you.

Well, enjoy.

Jasmene (Jas-men)

1245 words

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