Stepbrother ~Zarry Brother St...

By ThisisJennifer

11.9K 397 79

Zayn was a Mexican boy with no rich life. His mother got then married with a rich man that had 3 rich kids,2... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Update T_T

Chapter 19

234 10 2
By ThisisJennifer

Chapter #19: Cupcakes.. Epic Fail




Harry's POV:

"The girls are fast asleep." Zayn said while walking to the living room.

"Alright. Now I can relax. Free of dresses, High heels, lipstick, mascara, and weird gossip." I said as I sat down on the couch.

Zayn sat next to me. He kept smiling at me.

"So.. What now?" I asked.

"Well.... I was thinking." Zayn said looking at the TV.

"You plan to watch a movie? TV Show? What do you have on mind?" I asked.

"Well, no se. I don't actually not know yet." He said as he looked at me.

I looked at him. I wanna do something since im bored.

"Well, mom is with dad... We could bake something to eat I guess."

"Like what?"

Zayn was about to say before Liam, Niall and Lou busted in the room.

"You stupid Niall. Bunnies don't come from the Easter Bunny's Vagina." Liam said.

"Seriously, don't you Ever think about where do bunnies come from?" Niall said.

Louis laid with his face upside down with his body on the couch and legs up.

"Hi guys. Niall esta pendejo. Niall is retarted sometimes." Lou said.

"Im not retarted Cabron. Im being serious." Niall said.

"Okay, Bunnies come from the vagina of it. Caso Cerrado. End of it." Zayn said.

Niall stick out his tounge on Liam. Liam flipped him off. Lou kept playing with his feet.

"I thought you guys left?" Zayn said.

"Yeah, but Niall decided to stay since he was bored and hungry." Liam said.

Louis putted his head on my right thigh and his body on the left over couch.

"Guys im bored." Lou said.

Everyone than went silent. I was thinking of what to do.

Suddenly, footsteps came downstairs, everyone looked up. Cher came down stairs. What was she doing here? When did she came over here?

"Cher you're awake." Zayn standed up and hugged her.

"Hi Cher." All of us said.

"Hey," She said on her sleepy tone. "What all you guys doing?"

"Nothing since we don't know what to do. Do you have an idea Cher?" Lou said.

"Well, I really don't know;Although, im feeling like eating cupcakes." Cher said.

"II'll bake them." Zayn said.

"No Zayn, I'll bake them." Liam said.

"I have an Idea. Why not a cupcake war? Whoever makes the cupcakes and Cher likes it, they win." Niall said.

Zayn and Liam looked at each other playfully.

"Deal." Both of them said.

"Get in a Team of 2 people." Niall said.

Liam grabbed Louis. Zayn grabbed my hand.

"Alright. You guys are Team... Lilo," Niall said pointing at Liam and Louis.

"You guys are Team.... Zarry." Niall said pointing at us.

I looked at Zayn. He looked at me. We both smiled at each other.

"Ready? Set... Go!" Niall screamed

All of us ran to the kitchen and grabbed everything that is for baking cupcakes. Zayn was mixing and I was staring.

"Hurry Liam! We gotta make it good and fast!" Lou said as he jumped around.

"Well then, help me idiot?!" Liam Yelled looking at him.

"Me and Harry are the ones who cheer, you and Zayn cook..So Shut up and cook!" Lou yelled back.

Everyone was pushing each other while yelling spanish words. I looked at Cher who was talking to Niall which he had his face all red and laughing his ass off.

20 minutes later, the cupcakes were baking. Zayn was looking at the cupcakes while Liam and Lou were talking about some guy called Chicharito or something and I was with Cher and Niall.

"No, Chicharito soy yo. Im the best Soccer player. All the ladies want me." Liam said.

"No, Chicharito es yo. Im fabulous as him, got the body like him and all the Woman, Ladies and little girls want me." Louis said.

Zayn joined the conversation.

"No y no. None of ya'll are Chicharito. If Chicharito is anybody is me. He is sexy like me, Body I have as his, laddies want me, I get them wet." Zayn said.

Suddenly, Smoke was on the air. All of us turned to were the cupcakes were, both of our team's cupcakes were on fire.


"HA! PENDEJOS! IDIOTS!" Liam yelled while laughing and trying to help.


Everyone is helping also Cher and Niall, only that we were screaming insted of doing something. Only Louis ran outside while screaming.

"FUCK! WE ARE GONNA DIE!" Niall Screams.

"IM GONNA DIE!" I screamed.

Cher was only screaming.

"IM GONNA DIE SEXY!" Liam screamed.


Louis comes in screaming with a bucket of water, throws it at the cupcakes that are on fire, then all the smoke and flames are all off.


We all started to laugh.

"Okay, why not- go buy the- cupcakes? Fuck the challenge. Lets buy them." Niall said as he tried to catch his breath from all the screaming we did.

"Who is gonna take care of the girls?" Zayn asked.

"You and Harry can watch them. Me,Cher and Lou and Liam will bring the cupcakes or Hamburgers or whatever. We'll get the food. We wont be late, I promise." Niall said as he grabbed his keys and left.

"Bye guys." Liam said as he and Lou left the house.

"Bye Zayn." Cher said.

"Bye baby." Zayn said as he standed up and went and kissed her, then she giggled and left.

Zayn sat down on the sofa next to me.

"So, you and Cher are a thing know, huh? You found the love." I sad while smirking and moving my eyebrows.

"Shut up Harry." Zayn said while he pushed me playfully.



Hello guys, sorry if I haven't update in a long time. I was busy with school and Lazy to update :P sorry.

Anyways, Thanks for reading this story. Hope u love this story and enjoy reading it. Also hope this crazy Chapter.

Make sure u vote this Chapter, Comment if u love the story, Share this with any Zarry or Directioners Lovers u know that will enjoy this story.

Hope u love this Chapter and Story.

Bye 🍰Cupcakes🍰


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