The Orginal Sorceress

By AssassinNovice72

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Serena La Blue and Hayley Marshall were taken by the Quarter Witches of New Orleans, now the original family... More

Chapter 1: Always And Forever
Chapter 2: House of the Rising Son
Chapter 3: Tangled up in blue
Chapter 4: Girl in New Orleans
Chapter 5: Sinner and Saints
Chapter 6: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
Chapter 7: Bloodletting
Chapter 8: The River in Reverse
Chapter 9: Reigning Pain in New Orleans
Chapter 10: The Casket Girls
Chapter 11: Apres Moi, Le Déluge
Chapter 12: Dance Back from the Grave
Chapter 13: Crescent City
Chapter 14: Long Way Back of Hell
Chapter 15: Le Grand Guignol
Chapter 16: Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 17: Moon over Bourbon Street
Chapter 19: An Unblinking Death
Chapter 20: A Closer Walk with Three
Chapter 21: The Battle for New Orleans
Chapter 22: From a Cradle to a Grave

Chapter 18: The Big Uneasy

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By AssassinNovice72

Chapter 18: The Big Uneasy

Eric walks through the French Quarter, heading towards the Mikaelson manor. But then he stops as he heard construction coming from inside the building. He walks in and saw men drilling a hole. Cringes at the sound of the drill as his ears were still sensitive to sound. Elijah then turns to him and smirks "Good morning, Eric, how have you been?" he asks, walking over to him. "Fine, I guess. Are you remodeling?" he asks him.

Elijah looks back at the men and nods, "Yes. Marcel has abused our home and therefore, it needs to be... remodeled." he answers, Eric nods at him. "Nice, but I would keep it down, you do know how Nik can be in the mornings if he's not already up," he states. "Enough with all the racket!" Klaus calls out as Genevieve walks out behind him. "There he is," Eric states as they both looked up at him. "Is there a problem, brother?" Elijah asks him, stepping forward. "Gentlemen, please," he asks and the men place their tools down and walk off.

Then Klaus walks to the stairs with Genevieve trailing after him, "I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody 3-ring circus." he states, walking down the stairs. Genevieve locks her eyes with Eric and winks at him, but he rolls his eyes in disgust. "Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not." Elijah informs him as Eric looks at the compound. "And it does look like a dump here," he states and Klaus shot him a glare.

Eric looks at him and shrugs, "What? It's true." he states, feeling no shame in telling the truth. "I agree with your brother and Eric." Genevieve states and Klaus looks up at her "It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place out use a makeover." she states and Eric shook his head. "Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign that she wants something." Klaus warns him with a smirk. "She's a witch, they always want something," Eric said with a glare at Genevieve.

She just smirks at him, blowing him a kiss, but he dodges the kiss and shivers at the mere thought. "Actually... I do have one request," she states and turns to Elijah. "I'm been told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate Feast Days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic," she informs him. Eric crosses his arms and glares at her. "Now with the new peace, I'd like to change that," she states and Elijah exchanged looks with Eric, who huffs. "Am I assume that you have a certain Feast Day in mind?" Elijah asks as he looks back at her. "The Fete Des Benedictions," she answers and the Mikaelsons just chuckled a little.

Eric narrows his eyes at her, "Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young harvest girls to society." she informs him, but Elijah crosses his arms at her as Eric did as well. "So your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment, not to mention you have driven a wedge between my brother and Serena, making impossible for either one of them to speak to each other, let alone be in the same room," he informs her.

Genevieve felt uneasy about the Klaus and Serena drama, as the two refused to be within miles of each other. "And you would like a party for the witches." Elijah states and Klaus just chuckles as he wasn't bothered. Eric glares at him, "I made my amends with your brother." she states, Eric huffs, "A few times in the bed, I don't doubt." he snaps, but she smirks at him and looks at Elijah, "Why don't you think it over?" she offers and walks away.

Once she was gone, the two lock their eyes on Klaus. "Oh, don't be such a stiff, you two," he states, walking over to them. "The tourist love a good festival. Besides, what better way to cement the solidarity than a show of Faith towards a onetime enemy?" Klaus states and Eric tilts his head. "A one-time enemy whit whom you've grown rather nauseatingly intimate." Elijah states. "That onetime enemy can easily turn on us whenever it suits them." he reminds him and Klaus just laughs, patting his shoulder. "Well, who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?" Klaus questions.

Then Eric smirks at him, "Well then, I suppose that same... maintaining is also applied to my sister." he states and Klaus frowns. "One would think you'd be a little more interested in attending to the needs of the mother of your children." Elijah informs him, "Don't for the surgical mother." Eric states and Klaus frowns at the both of them "So Hayley's the reason behind this oh-so-thoughtful renovation." Klaus states and Eric rolls his eyes. "Elijah the truth is, as it turns out, not only is Hayley werewolf royalty, but the mother of my children is werewolf royalty as well. They're far safer in the Bayou with Hayley's pack then they would ever be here with us." Klaus informs them.

Elijah exchanged looks with Eric, who exhales and rubs the back of his neck. "Don't worry, I'll bring them home before the birth." Klaus states and turns from them. "No child of mine will be born in a swamp." he calls out, walking away, Eric then rolls his eyes and uncrossed his arms, "Good luck with that!" he calls out and walks out of the compound as well.


In the Bayou, werewolves were lined up outside the shack as Hayley stood next to Serena and Eve as Elliot walks over towards them, "You've got to be kidding me." Hayley states as she looks at the line. "Seriously, what is going on? Who are all these people?" she questions, then Serena leans close to Elliot. "Is there a reason why their people are lined-up and lurking at us?" she asks him.

He then looks at both of them. "They're packs of werewolves. Almost all of them, but the looks of it." he states, sipping his coffee "They've come from all over." Eve states. Then the two looked at her, "Why? To see two babies that haven't even been born yet?" Hayley questions and Serena shudders at the thought of it. "That's disturbing," she mutters.

Then Oliver walks over to them, "Forget the babies. These freaks, they came here to see you two." he states and the two pregnant girls looked at him, "You know, given the place your parents held in pack Hierarchy, maybe they think you're gonna be the long-lost werewolf Messiah or something. And you are the long-lost daughter of the Moonscare clan, they think that you'll restore the old Moonscare pack and that you'll lead us all to peace and return the Quarter back to us." he states.

Then the two exchanged looks "Great. No pressure or anything." Hayley mutters into her cup. "None whatsoever," Serena mutters into hers, shooting her brother a glare and he shrugs at her with a smirk. Then Oliver's phone went off and he walks away and answers it.

Then another pack walks out of the woods and past the other wolves. "They're here." Elliot states and they looked at him. "Who?" Serena asks as the last pack walks towards the shack and looks in front of Serena. Then they went to a knee and bowed before her. "Our pack," he states as she was taken back in surprise at the wolves that were bowing. Then she looks at Hayley, who sighs. "No pressure," she states and Serena whine then sips her cup. "None. Whatsoever."


Eric walks into Rousseau's and took a seat at the bar. Then Camille walks up towards him, "Eric, hi." she states and he nods at her. "Hey, Camille. How are you?" he asks her. She sighs. "I'm fine, doing OK," she answers.

He nods at her and looks away, "And your uncle?" he asks and she looks at him, "It's getting worse, but your counterspell, is working on him, he angrier he gets he become more tired." she informs him and he nods. "Bourbon?" she asks and he chuckles. "Yes, please," he answers, she grabs a bottle then two glasses and pours two glasses. "Nik believes he has someone that can help your uncle," he states as he took the glass.

Then Camille steps the bottle down, "Let me guess. Tall, redhead, ax to grind?" she asks, taking her seat next to him. Eric then chuckles "We have a winner." he jokes and she laughs as well. "Those resurrected witches were the ones that hexed Kieran in the first place. Why would she want to help?" she asks him. Then Eric took a sip. "I don't think she's helping, I think she's trying to murder you, so she can keep Nik to herself," he states and she rolls her eyes. "Seriously? Why does she think Klaus and I are a thing?" she questions.

Eric shrugs at her, "Paranoia much?" he answers and she shook her head, "Well, she's going after the wrong girl, Serena and Klaus have a very long history together." she states downing her drink. Eric nods at her. "That they do. He because of the great Klaus Mikaelson as she was trapped on the other side, helplessly watching him. Being tortured from the witches of every generation" he states. Camille then looks at him as he twirls his drink in his hands. "You must really hate the witches, huh?" she states.

Then he looks at her, "I despise and loathe them for everything that they have done to my family and home. But there is only one witch that I trust and she understands what the witches are like." he states and she nods at him. "Davina," she states and he looks away. "You know, she reminds me of my daughter. Sweet, innocent, wrathful, but also kind," he states and she smiles at him. "You must of loved your daughter." she states and he smirks at her, "I did. As I loved my son and wife. And I miss them to this day." he states then sighs to himself and turns to her. "Listen, Camille, I have every reason not to trust the witches. But, don't like my impression of them stop you from asking Nik and Genevieve for help," he states.

She just looks at him, "No." she states, he nods at her, then down his drink and left the money on the bar. "Thanks for the drink," he states then stood up and walks out of the bar. "Wait," she calls out, turning to him, he stops and turns to her. "Do whatever you have to do. Just help him," she asks of him and he bows to her, then he left the bar and walks along the street. "Well?" Klaus asks him and Eric looks at him. "Help him," he answers and Klaus nods at him. Then Eric looks over his shoulder as he could see someone was watching them from afar, from the alleyways and roofs, his eyes glowed golden-red and he kept walking alongside Klaus.


Serena held her shawl tightly to her body, she stood next to Hayley and Elliot as well as Jackson and Oliver as Elijah stood in front of them, informing them of the Festival that the witches going to have in honor of the Harvest girls. "Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter," he states and Hayley exchanged looks with Serena, who rolls her eyes at the offers. "Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend," he states.

Then Serena nods at him, "Let me think. No." she states, "Let's hear the man out." Oliver informs her and she glares at him. "The witches are the ones that cursed your pack." Hayley reminds him. "And my brother." Serena throws in as Elliot smirks at her bite. "And they've been nothing but crap to me and Serena since we first came to town. No." Hayley went on, Elliot nods at them. "They have good points," he states.

Then the two girls looked at him, "We're not going. End of story." Serena states as Hayley nods at her. "It's a new day in the quarter, Serena." Jackson states and she looks at him, "I agree with Oliver. If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball." he states and Elliot looks at him in suspicion. "We'll send a representative with a gift," Jackson inform Elijah.

Then Serena rolls her eyes than both she and Hayley walk away, Elliot sighs and walks after them. Then after they were far enough, Elijah vamps in front of them. "You caught that too?" Serena asks him, Elijah nods at her. "That was too easy," he states and they looked back at the two. Then they turn back to each other. "Don't trust him. Don't trust any of them," he warns them and vamps away.

Hayley then looks back over at the two as Elliot leans against the tree. "Thoughts?" she asks and Elliot sighs. "They're up to something. No way they would ever agree to go to a witch's party," he states and Serena walks up next to Hayley. "I think we have to be more... persuasive into asking them what they're hiding," she states and Hayley smirks at her.


Jackson and Oliver were talking among them outside the shack then Serena steps out, opening the door, making both of them shut up in the talking and she smirks to herself. "Gossiping housewives, are we?" she questions them. "Why don't you take the hint and mind your own business?" Oliver throws at her.

Then Serena frowns as he walks past her, but as his shoulder touches her, she grabs his coat, this his wrist, spinning them around and slams him into the wooden wall. Jackson was impressed with her as she held pressure on Oliver's wrist. Then Elliot walks over towards them and leans against the wall as Hayley steps out. "This is Hayley's pack and seeing how I adopted her as my sister, this is her business, therefore it's mine also," she informs him.

Then Oliver groans as he held his wrist being bend. "Elliot, a little help," he calls out and the man just chuckles. "I'm not stopping a pregnant woman, they're unpredictable, besides, I like where I am," he answers. "No need to get all riled up. It's not good for you, Serena." he informs her and she rolls her eyes, "I have been playing nice and I hate being lied to." she states and applies more pressure on his wrist. Making him wiggle in pain. "And with the last month of pregnancy, so my hormones and mood swings are everywhere, so I will snap your arm like a twig. Unless you start talking about why you've been sneaking around lately." she snaps at him.

Elliot looks at Oliver, "You can go to hell, hybrid whore." he throws at her and she slams him against the wall again, making a dent and bends his wrist, making him cry out in pain. "Knock it off. There's no reason to keep it from them." Jackson informs him, Serena shot a look at Jackson. "I can think of a reason. Tall and immortal." Oliver states as she glares back at him. "And wears a pocket scarf." he laughs, leaning off the wall, but Serena slams him back against the wall again, "Try me, Oliver," she growls as her eyes glowed goldenly and the binding mark on her neck cracks again. "Don't tempt her, Oliver. The women of the Moonscare pack are deadly, but when pregnant. they're dangerous." Elliot warns her. "Serena," Jackson calls out.

She stops and held Oliver roughly against the wall. "Believe it or not. You're one of us. You and Hayley deserve to know.." he states and she froze. "Come on," he tells her and she sighs. "Hayley?" she calls out. And Jackson looks at her, "Let's hear them out, even if Oliver is being a douchebag." she informs her. Then Serena shoves Oliver into the wall, letting him go. He pants as he grips his wrist and turns back to them, leaning against the wall, she growls at him and walks over, standing in front of Jackson. "Let's hear it." she states as Hayley steps next to her, "We made an alliance, that's gonna change everything for the wolves," he informs her and she crosses her arms. "An alliance with who?" Hayley asks.

Elliot walks over to them as it clicks in Serena's head, "Nik. You made an alliance with Nik." she answers, Hayley looks at her in shock, Elliot wasn't surprised and Jackson nods at her, then she took a step forward and gently grips Jackson's arm. He felt his heart stop at her touch "Tell me everything he said to you."


It was night and the festival had started. Eric stood with his sister and brother as they watch the parade, Serena glares at Monique as she saw what the power has done to her and her friend, Eric watches Davina with worry as he knows how witches are to one other.

Then it was over everyone was walking into the compound, Davina throws hateful words at Elijah as Genevieve orders her to stop. Then Eric walks up to the young witch and throws his arm over her shoulder. "Eric!" she said with rejoicing. "Hello Davina, how have you been?" he asks her. She sighs and looks away. "I've been okay." she answers, but Eric notices the frown on her face, "You're being bullied huh?" he asks her.

She looks up at him and sighs, "Monique hasn't been nice since coming back." she informs him and he nods at her. "Well, if you like, I can always kidnap you." he offers and she just smiles at him. "Thanks, but I want to fight this on my own." she states, he smiles and nods at her, "Alright, but if you change your mind. My offer still stands." he states and she hugs him.

Then Hayley and Serena walk up to the gate, as they were dressed for the party then Elijah smirks at them "Strange, I'd thought you be in the company of your colorful friends." he tells them, then Elliot walks up next to Serena. "I don't trust the witches and I prefer to have my brother with me then go unarmed," she states. Elliot smirks at Elijah then offers his arm to Serena and she loops her with her brother and they both walked onto the compound. Hayley smirks and she looks at Elijah, "You asked for a representative for the werewolves, so take me or leave me." she informs him, he just smirks and offers his arm to her, she took it and they walk inside.

Once inside Serena saw Monique glaring at Davina and she hid in the crowd close to her as Genevieve walks to her, "Is something wrong?" she asks the young witch. "These people came to praise witches. What's she done to prove herself worthy?" Monique questions, Serena plays with her necklace as she listens. "She's a harvest girl, like you," Genevieve states and walks down the steps. Then Monique hurried after her. "Our powers are a gift from our ancestors. I had to make sacrifices to honor that gift." Monique states.

Serena walks in the shadows as she listens to them, "I lost my mother. My aunt. Davina has done nothing but stands against us." she went on and Serena rolls her eyes at the girl. Then Elliot stood next to her as he too was listening in on the witches' conversation. "She just needs a little lesson. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's putting people in their place," she states and Serena shot a look at her brother and he nods at her.


Genevieve stood by the three Harvest girls and she taps her glass, getting everyone's attention. "Welcome, as is our time-honored tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings. It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied," she states then steps away and the three girls took their seats.

Hayley steps up first and stood in front of Davina, with a smile, the witch went to stop her, but she was glued to the ground, unable to move and Hayley places the gift down at Davina's feet.

Then Eric and Serena step out as well and stood in front of Davina, the witch went to stop them, but they growled at her, daring her to try and stop them, and the witch steps back. They stop their growling and presented their gifts to Davina, who smiles at them. Then Eric kisses her forehead as Serena kissed her cheek.

Monique glares at the two and shot a look over at Genevieve, who was too glaring at the two. The siblings step away from Davina and shot glares at the two witches, who froze in fear of the two. Their glares held them in their spot and they dared them to challenge the two of them.

Then Elliot steps up with a glowing orb in his hand, he looks at the three witches in front of him. The two sat up in ready of the wonderful gift in his hand, but his eyes landed on Davina and he walks over in front of her. Monique was disappointed as Elliot took Davina's hand and places the orb in it and she looks up at him, "May you be blessed with good fortune and wonderful love." he whispers to her and the orb fades into her skin as markings were glowing on her arm and then faded away.

She smiles at him, he kisses the top of her head and he pulls away from her and walks back to his siblings as they raised their glasses to Davina. Genevieve grips her glass tightly as Monique looks away from them.

Then the other witches were getting gifts as well, but Monique was still disappointed that Davina got her gifts. But then Klaus walks into the room, holding Josh by his neck. "Josh," Davina calls out, getting out of her seat and ran to him. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please," Klaus calls out and everyone looks at him. "We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but a little birdy told me that one special witch was going to be utterly ignored," he states and Genevieve shot a look over at Serena as she looks at Eric. "That seems a little unfair to me," he states then he pulls out a small gift and held it out to her. "No." she states.

Klaus wasn't surprised that she refused his gift "I don't want your gift." she reports and Elliot shot a look at Hayley. "I understand why you would reject me, given our past," Klaus informs her, in a total calm tone. "In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended. Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him. Here and now." he states then looks into the crowd.

His eyes locking onto Serena's, her head held high, he sighs and steps away from Josh. "But. In the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor, Davina, I hereby pardon him," he states and that threw everyone off. Genevieve then looks at Serena, knowing that mercy was her influence. "Josh... from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me," he promises him, then Klaus turns back to Davina and offers her the present again. "Please," he asks her. She hesitated as she looks at the gift, then accepted it from him.

Klaus then shot a looks at Genevieve, with a smirk. Then he looks over at Serena and bows his head at her. Then Genevieve turns away from him as Klaus walks off. And Eric leans in close to his sister. "You've rubbed off on him," he whispers, she shoves his shoulder at her, making Elliot laughs at his siblings.

Then Serena walks off as she was enjoying the party, somewhat enjoying, then Klaus walks up towards her and gently grips her arm. "I heard, you and Hayley have made quite the impression with the wolves," he informs her. She frowns at him and said nothing. "My arrangement with them was supposed to be a secret, and yet you forced it out of them. It was very bold," he informs her but then smirks as he looks away. "As was your decision to represent them here today, you and Hayley, on your own," he states and she shot a glare at him.

They both stop walking and glared at each other. "I am never alone, Nik. You should know that." she reminds him. He chuckles and steps closer towards her. "I trust you'll do nothing to harm our cause," he warns her and she chuckles a little at him. "You honestly think Elijah isn't going to find out what you've been up to behind his back?" she questions him. "Come on, what difference does it make to you as long as your people and Hayley's benefit?" he questions her. She hums at him, "That just it, Nik. If I benefit, you profit." she states and he held his head high. "And if you dare to scheme to get the upper hand, dragging my people, Hayley's people into some game you hope to win, I will not be merciful," she warns him.

And Klaus chuckles at her, "You know, you've come a long way, Serena." he states and she glares at him. "I know you were tough, I know you are crafty, cunning, but I never knew you were a queen." he states and she held her head high "And I will protect the people of New Orleans, may they be vampire, human, werewolf, or even a witch. I will not tolerate the petty infighting." she warns him and he just chuckles at her, walking off. Serena turns and watches him leave, then Hayley walks over to her and Serena relaxes from the tension.

But then drums were playing as everyone looks over towards the stairs and saw men walking in wearing white suits, Eric stood next to Davina and Josh, holding her gifts as Elliot and Elijah stood next to the girls, suspicion runs through their veins as the men stop playing and look around at the people gathered. "Happy Fete Des Beneictions." one states and Serena went pale as she recognizes that tone of voice. "Elliot's they're compelled." she warns him and they looked at her in surprised "We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard." the man informs them.

Then everyone mutters among themselves and the men pulled out their knives and cuts their wrists. The vampire stiffens at the sight of the blood and Elliot held Serena tightly in his arms. Eric growls as he directs Josh and Davina to step back.

Then Elijah walks forward and turns to the vampires, "Control yourself." he orders them and Elliot pulls back and took Serena's hand. He then looks at Eric and nods at him, then he got Davina and Josh out of the compound. "This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement." Elijah orders them. Then Serena slips out of Elliot's hand and steps next to Elijah. "Hold!" she orders and the vampires stop. "Breath," she instructs and the vampires were breathing. "Marcel wants to destroy this treaty so he can become a king again," she informs them.

The vampires then calm down, then Serena turns to the men, waves her hand and their cut wrist heal and they collapse onto the ground. The people step back and she turns back. "This is a day of prosperity and rejoice. Not petty infighting and I have hand enough of this foolish fighting," she orders.

But then the lights went off and the vampires flew off. People were screaming and shouting Serena looks around and her eyes adjusted to the dark and saw the vampires flying and biting onto the people. Then one came at her, but the vampire was thrown down and neck snapped. Then Elliot pulls her into his arms and pulls her back. "Hayley!" Elijah calls out as the witches hurried out of the compound. "Hayley!" Serena calls out over the shouting.

But then the lights came back on and people were dead on the ground, Hayley slowly pulls herself up and Serena ran to her side. "Hayley, are you alright?" she asks as she carefully kneels down. Klaus notices them and went running to them. "Elijah! Elliot!" Serena calls out, making Klaus stop as the two ran over to them, "Hayley." Elijah calls out to them and they help them up to their feet. "It okay. It's okay." Elijah assures Hayley as Serena looks out at the dead bodies and covers her mouth. Hayley gasp in horror at all the bed bodies. Then they look up at the wall and saw what was written and blood

There will no Peace.


Elijah held Marcel at the pipe and Elliot walks into the warehouse and then he held Therriy but his neck. "Don't Elijah," he calls out and the two looked at him. "Killing him change anything. But Klaus wouldn't like it," he states.

Making Marcel chuckle at him, "Then what do you suggest we do?" Elijah asks him and Elliot smirks. "Make him suffer for his mistake," he states, his eyes glowed golden-blood red and he snaps his head down at Therriy's neck and rips it ou. Therriy cries out in pain as Marcel struggles against Elijah, who didn't budge.

Then Elliot pulls away and Therriy drops down onto the ground as the bite in his neck grew worse by the second. "He can watch his best friend die," he states, Elijah smirks at him and he lets Marcel go, who drops to the ground and scrambles over to his best friend and held him. Then the two of them walk away and left Therriy to his fate and he dies in Marcel's arms.


Camille walks into the Rousseau's and saw Eric sitting at the bar, "Did you give it to her?" he asks, Camille walks over towards him and sat down. "Yes, I did," she answers and he smirks. "Good, now we'll know what she's truly up to," he informs her, pouring the both of the bourbon.

Then she looks at him, "How did you know?" she states and he looks at her, "That night we got drunk, you pass out in my arms and I laid you in bed to get some sleep." he informs her. She nods at him. "Then I sense the crazy witch Genevieve watching out, so I cast her out. She was looking for some leverage against you and me to use for her benefit to keep Nik close to her," he informs her.

She looks at him in surprise and downs her drink, Eric looks at her and held the bottle to her, "More?" he asks and she offers her glass to him, "Please." she states and he chuckles, pouring her some more.


Serena storms back into the Bayou, fuming with anger, "This is getting annoyingly old and I was a fool to believe that Elijah's treaty to change anything." she states, Hayley sat in her chair but the fire as she watches her. Then Serena turns back and looks Jackson "I was against your plan with the whole alliance with Nik, but after what I just saw at that party, all those people, I imagine that being our packs." she states as she places.

Elliot walks up to them, cleaned of the blood and stood next to Hayley. "We would be defenseless against everyone. There can never be peace of these old habits of the strong preying on the weak continue," she states as she exhales. "It's survival of the fittest. We need to protect ourselves." Jackson informs her.

Then he walks over toward her. "And we... we need to protect each other," he states her, she looks up at him, her heart, beating at a fast rate, then she looks back at the fire. Elliot and Hayley to see the electric current between the two. "We need Nik's help if we're going to survive this cruel game the witches and vampires are playing." she states then looks at him, "But Jackson, I want to trust you, but trust is a two-way street and I need to you to honest with me," she tells him and he nods at her. "You can't trust the vampires or the witches. I know them, their habits and their nature. And they will stop at nothing to be at the top." she warns him. "I understand. Thank you for putting your trust in me," he states, she smiles and nods at him.


The wolves were gathered at their fires and chatting of all their adventures. Elijah hid in the bush as he watches Hayley. A smile on her face, sitting next to Serena as she was laughing. He exhales, happy to see Serena smiling again.

Eric and Elliot handed the boys their beers and they sat down in the group, listening to Jackson and Oliver tell their stories. Then Eve steps out and walks next to Elijah. "You don't need to keep coming out," she informs him.

But he kept his eyes on the two as Eric was telling stories as well and Serena covers her face in embarrassment. Hayley and Elliot just laugh at the two. "I'd tell you if something was wrong. They're doing OK." Eve informs him and she took looks at the two. "Those girls have a natural gift for leading. They surprised everyone. Serena made Elliot proud." she states with a smile.

Elijah smiles to himself "Not everyone." he states as Serena held her hand at her belly and Hayley did the same thing. Their smiles brighten as they exchanged looks. "They're kicking." Serena states then look at Jackson and place his hand on her belly. Hayley did the same with Eric's hand and they smiled. Then everyone laughs as Serena was crying cries of joy. "Do you wanna... join us?" Eve asks Elijah.

Who kept is eyes on the two, as they were just laughing. "What I want... is for Hayley to be happy and Serena... to finally have peace she deserves," he informs her. Seeing that they were happy. "Don't tell them I was here," he states, looking at her. Eve nods at him and Elijah walks off.

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[ k o l m i k a e l s o n] Theo,jack,Callum,Harvey, Sam hunter and Madison pierce Feared more than the originals since they are the original hybr...