Sandersides AU

By PhantasmalArt

736 28 58

So.... I really want to do a mixed AU where I have my favorites all mashed into one. Dont worry, the story wi... More

Chapter 1: Virgil's POV
Chapter 3: Pattons POV
Chapter 4: Romans POV
Chapter 5: Virgils POV
Chapter 6: Virgils POV
Janus' POV
Pattons POV/Virgils POV
Logans POV

Chapter 2: Logans POV

72 3 10
By PhantasmalArt

Of course Roman would saunter down the stairs with Remus trailing him. He did it every morning. As usual I rolled my eyes and grabbed my coffee. "Im going to bed, get me up if you need anything Patton." He nodded and I went to my room, there was no way Id be able to sleep, but I certainly wasnt going to sit around listening to Roman all day. I started to read one of my books when I heard Thomas talking with Virgil. It was obvious that Virgil wanted to be doing anything other than be lectured about being in his room a lot. As Virgil finally got to his room Thomas called out to him one last time then left him alone. I knew there was something Virgil was hiding from us, but I didnt want to disturb him and ask. We all had secrets, it was only fair to let everyone keep theirs and not pry into them. My head started to hurt and I could smell the scent of blood. Someone had cut themselves, it wasnt a big cut, but it was enough for a bit of blood, at least thats what I thought. I rubbed my temple and took a sip of coffee, trying to drown out the smell. It didnt work as I had hoped and soon Patton was at my door to check on me.

"Come in Patton." I strained to keep my composure as the smell got worse. "What happened?" 

"Roman and Remus were fighting again... "


"Roman accidentally slashed Remus's back and now he's bleeding everywhere and it wont stop..." Patton looked really worried and I sighed getting up. My head was pounding and I fought the urge to loose control. 

"Alright, I'll be down to help you clean it up. He'll be fine Patton." Patton nodded and led me down to Remus. The winged one flinched when I arrived. "Im not going to bite you Remus. Im gonna help clean you up." I gritted my teeth and grabbed the bandages and got his shirt off. Wrapping him up as best as I could with his wings. The bleeding slowed and I stood up, fixing my glasses. "There... Now dont mess with the bandages." I left as quickly as I arrived and showered. My mind racing and hurting worse than ever. I needed some kind of substitute. I couldnt keep doing this. I stood facing the shower wall, letting the water glide over my skin, the heat up as high as I could stand it. I stayed there for a good twenty minutes before getting out. I got dressed, leaving my shirt off, and sat on my bed. The smell had faded and I could think straight again. I sat with my towel over my face, sitting back against my headboard and sighed.

A knock at my door led me to remove the towel. "Come in."

Roman came in and looked at the ground. "I just wanted to apologize. I know how much you hate having to clean up the blood and everything..."

"Just dont be so reckless Roman. Theres not much more I can do... Its harder to keep control every time." He looked up at me apologetically.


"Youve already said that. You dont need to repeat it. Just be more careful." He nodded. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, Patton wanted you to check on Virgil. If you wanted to of course, he asked me to ask you since I was coming up here anyway." I looked at Roman then outside my room, Virgils was across from mine, it wouldnt be hard to to check on him. I enjoyed him as a neighbor. He was quiet and didnt pry into my business.

"Sure, hes probably sleeping" Like I should be. Roman nodded.

"Thanks, I'll leave you alone now..." With that he turned and left, I could tell he was relieved to be leaving my room. I wasnt suprised of course, nobody wants to be in the same room as a blood sucker. Let alone the same house, why Thomas ever thought it was a good idea to invite us into his house will forever be unknown by me. Sighing I stood, put on a shirt, and moved to Virgils room knocking lightly on his door.

"Virgil? Patton wishes to know if you are alright." No answer, as I suspected. He was most likely sleeping. "I'm coming in alright?" Again, no answer. I went in quietly as to not frighten him if he was awake. Looking around I couldnt see Virgil anywhere. I didnt hear him leave. I wanted to go back to my room, but knowing Patton, if I didnt find Virgil he would worry and I really dont want to deal with a worried Patton.

I sighed and moved the blankets back on Virgils bed to see if he was just hiding from the world under them, nothing. The closet. He hid in there a lot if he didnt want to be found. Moving over to his closet I opened the doors gently. His clothes were hung and neatly placed. There was nothing in the floor, not even Virgil was in there. Where are you Virgil? I backed out of his closet and glanced over at his dresser, he had a few pictures up and the small bag of things he had when he arrived.

Something moved on the corner of the dresser, under a little hut of sorts. I went over to it to investigate and lifted it up to see what was under it. The hut was crafted fairly well considering it was paper, I set it down off to the side gently and looked at what was underneath. A pile of purple and black cloths, with something wrapped up inside. Carefully moving the cloth aside I nearly gasped at seeing what was under.

"Virgil?" My voice was soft as I tapped him lightly. He stirred slowly and looked at me. He smiled at first, then seemed to register what was happening and where he was.

"L-Logan?! What are you... Why are you in my r-room?" He was stuttering and scared, my attempt to wake him without scaring him had obviously terribly failed.

"Patton asked me to check on you. He was worried." Virgil got out of the mound of blankets and moved to the side of the dresser sitting. Quickly he grew to his regular height and looked at me.

"Please dont tell the others. I was trying not to let anyone know..." He pulled at his sleeves and looked ready to cry. 

"I wont. Its not my secret to tell."

"Th-Thanks Logan..." I gave a slight nod and gave him a light pat on the back. He gave a small flinch from the contact.

"Anytime Virgil. I'll let Patton know you're okay and you can go back to doing whatever you want in here." He kept looking at the ground. But nodded to let me know he heard me. I left his room and closed the door softly. This was a huge secret, but I promised to keep it so I can just tell Patton hes going to sleep for a bit. And I'll do the same.

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