Life with Two Dads

By FanficMayham

6.3K 112 24


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
A new chapter will be posted
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

283 7 1
By FanficMayham

When Harry said end of discussion he meant it. Instead of living in Doncaster Harry made us move to his hometown Cheshire. Don't get me wrong I love it here. The people are nice and accepting it's just I miss my mom and sisters so much. Harry had found a job at a bakery while I found another job teaching but I won't be starting until the twins are born due to how far I am. We have been here for 8 months and I look like I'm ready to pop. Harry has been working late nights so we could keep the house he got. I remember when he showed me it

"Can we really afford this?" I asked shocked

"I've been saving up in case something like this happens" Harry said

"But Harry we don't have the money for this!" I said

"We'll make it work. I just want the best for you boobear" Harry said and kissed me.

I was taken out of my trance when I heard a cry. I looked to see Courtney on the floor crying and a bruise on her head.

"Courtney what happened?" I asked

"I fall!" Courtney said crying

"Shh baby it's okay." I said and kissed her forehead.

I then went to put her down when I felt a pain in my stomach.

"Daddy?" Courtney asked curiously

"Courtney go tell your sister to bring daddy the phone." I said in pain

Courtney then ran off and came back with Darcy with phone in hand.

"Here daddy!" Darcy said

"911 what's your emergency"

"Please help i'm in labor and my husband isn't home!" I yelled

"Okay calm down sir. What's you address?"

I then told her my address and she said an ambulance was on th way.

Just then medics came through my door with stretcher and put me into the ambulance with my girls and sped off to the hosital.

"Breathe Louis" the medic said

"P-Please c-call Harry. He's my husband" I said

"We will once we are at the hospital" the medic said and I screamed in pain.

They then arrived at the hospital and took me out and put my girls down in a play room. I did not want them to see me in pain even though I could hear them crying.

The nurse then changed me into a hospital gown and laid me down on the bed.

"Your husband should be here soon" the nurse said then left.

15 minutes later Harry came in panting and ran over to my bed.

"Are you okay?!" Harry said nervously

"I'm fine just in a little pain." I said and he gave me his hand as I felt another contraction causing me to scream in pain.

"Louis how are you doing" the doctor said

"How does it look like I am doing?! I am in fucking pain! Get these twins out of me!" I yelled

"Well it looks like you are 8 cm so they should be here soon" The doctor said

About two hours later I was ready to push

"Okay push!" the doctor said and I pushed

"Again!" I pushed again

"I see one head! Push!" I pushed as hard as I could until I heard a cry.

"There's one! It's a boy!" The doctor said

6 minutes later I felt a pain again

"Push!" I pushed again and then again

"Again" I pushed again and then heard faint cry compared to the other

"It's a boy!" the nurse said and then took them away to be cleaned.

"You did it lou our little boys are here" Harry said and kissed

"Here our your boys

"Baby A is 5lbs 6 oz 8in and Baby b is 5 lbs 8 oz and 8 in" The nurse said and gave baby a to me and b to Harry.

"William Lucas Stylinson" Harry said as he looked at our son in his arms

"Mason Edward Stylinson" I said. I then looked down to see that Mason had grasped my finger and I felt tears come to my eyes. Once he opened his eyes I felt the tears fall.

"What's wrong Lou?" Harry asked

"H-he's a mini you!" I said with tears as Mason opened his eyes for the first time.

"And this one is a mini you" Harry said as William opened his eyes.

"Thank you for giving me two more beautiful children Lou" Harry said and kissed me. My family was perfect.

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24.6K 404 20
uhm... larry one shots, basically. thanks, title.
25.7K 320 11
This "story" contains small imagines about Larry Stylinson, of which i will be trying to make cute. Enjoy!
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Larry Stylinson story