Eyes Up (Male Guardian Reader)

By Simulation49

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A Lone Wolf, thats what you are. Months after avenging Cayde-6 you become a one man fire team. Capable of han... More

Bio/ Arsenal
Bio/ Arsenal Part 2
Bio/Arsenal Part 3
Chapter 1: Warped
Chapter 3: The Hunter
Chapter 4: Unforseen Circumstances
Chapter 5: Stelf
Chapter 6: A Way Home
Chapter 7: First Chest
Chapter 8: We Fought An Alien

Chapter 2: A Light In The Sky

5.8K 79 59
By Simulation49

3rd pov

The wind blew a chilled breeze. The sun setting off in the distance to retire and let the moon take over its spot. The sun's light shined on a large house, secluded in the comfort of the forest. Inside, little platters of running could be heard

"Daddy I'm going outside!" A voice yelled

"Alright sweetheart, but remember, don't go into the woods! I don't want you getting lost." A voice replied, this one being much deeper than the other

Bursting out the door of the house was a young girl, who ran off the porch and into the field, giggling all the way

She jumped and skipped across the field, making her way towards a tree on a hill. Climbing up the steep piece of land she sat down by a gravestone in the shape of a cross. She sat down next to it and looked up into the sky

"Mommy guess what? I got an A on my spelling test! The girl said

She looked at the grave, as if words were being spoken to her

"Yeah, I know, I'm a smart girl. That's what all my friends say." She says as she whips her hair back

"Oh, tomorrow is my Play of "The Three Little Pigs"! I'm the one with the pig that builds his house out of Bricks." She said with a smile

The wind blew across the field, moving the grass and the branches of the tree, seemingly communicating to the girl

She sighed and laid down on her back. She continued looking at the sky as it had become dark, stars twinkling across her vision

"I wish you were here to see it." The girl whispered sadly

She closed her eyes and inhaled the cold air. When she opened them she saw a single star twinkle repeatedly, then it started moving across the sky and seemingly grew every couple of seconds

"A shooting star!" She gasped

Quickly the girl squeezed her eyes closed and started muttering

"I wish my mommy came back." She whispered

She opened her eyed again and saw that the star was still moving across the sky. But as she looked closer, she could see that it was getting brighter. After a few more seconds she realized that it wasn't a shooting star but something else

And it was coming her way

"Huh?" The girl said confused yet curious

(This is where the music builds up 1:15)

The closer the object got the more she could see it clearly. It was big, it had small flames that grew larger the closer it got to the surface. It then flew right over her and into the forest

Without thinking she ran toward where the object landed. She crossed a little stream by hopping on the rocks. She then ducked under a branch and ran until she saw a bright orange light. She continued closer, and saw that it was a ship

"Woah..." Was all the girl could say

"Y/n!" A voice called

The girl stopped and saw a little robot searching through the crash site. Quickly she hid behind a tree and watched as the little orb went around the area

"Y/n! Guardian?" The Robot asked

Her eyes followed as the orb floated over to the ship's pilot seat. There she noticed a body covered in armor

Her eyes widened. She couldn't believe it

"A Guardian..." She said amazed

She then heard what sounded like a chicken. She then spotted the feathered bird emerging from the Guardian's arms


The Robot floated over to the chicken and scanned it

"Hmm, no signs of real damage, looks like Y/n shielded you from the impact." The robot said before turning to the body

"Now for the dead part"

The girl watched in shock and awe as the robot floated over to the Guardian before becoming an orb of blue light and unleashing a type of energy on the body

The girl gasped in amazement as the Guardian woke from his deathly sleep. He slowly got out of the ship pilot seat and hopped onto the ground. While looking around the area the robot started to speak to him

"Morning, we'll now that you're alive again we should assess the damage."

The Guardian, Robot, Chicken, and the girl looked at the ship as a pet of it fell to the ground

"We're definitely not breaking orbit in this. Also I should mention that I've picked up movement on our right." The robot said as they all looked toward the bush the girl was hiding in

The girl then peeled her head up and stared at the three nervously. She then came out from the bushes and took small step toward the group

"Um, hi." She greeted

"Hello there, I am Ghost, and this is my Guardian Y/n. Our feathered companion is Colonel. May I ask what your name is?" Ghost said

"Um, my name's Sophie, nice to meet you!" Sophie said with a shy expression

Y/n stepped toward Sophie and kneeled down. Sophie backed up just a bit, but her eyes still trained on Y/n's armor, he could see the caution and awe in her gaze

"Are you an Exo?" She asked

He then lowered his hood while his helmet disappeared in a small blue flash. There Sophie could see his human face

"Wow, your eyes are pretty." She said

Y/n gave a small smile before looking back at the ship

"Don't worry, it can still fly, but we have limited power." Ghost stated scanning the ship

Y/n looked back at Sophie who stared curiously at the ship behind him

"Um, there's a cave nearby you can hide in, but I don't know if your ship will fit though." Sophie informed

"Hmm, an explorer I see." Ghost hummed

Colonel only clucked

Sophie nodded a bit shyly. Ghost floated up to her and scanned her, possibly for injuries

"So, why did you come out here Sophie? It could be really dangerous for you out here, especially in the dark."

"I thought you guys were, something...but you aren't." She responded a bit disappointed

"Sorry to disappoint, what were you expecting?" Ghost asked

"Only a dream." Sophie sighed

"Hmm, well who knows? Maybe it'll come true." Ghost said

Sophie grew a small smile as she looked at the group in front of her

"Yeah, maybe it will."

"It's getting late, you should head home." Ghost said

"Oh, right. But could you come with me? I don't remember the way back." Sophie said shyly

Y/n and Ghost looked at each other. Ghost went into Y/n's backpack while Y/n looked back at Sophie as he put his hood on and his helmet formed on his head

"Lead the way." Ghost said

Sophie then started walking back as Y/n followed, Colonel also tagged with them. They continued along the path Sophie think she took from her house. However Sophie tripped on a branch due to the darkness but Y/n caught her just before she hit the ground

"Thanks!" Sophie said

Y/n held out his hand and offered it to Sophie. She took it and they continued walking. As they did Sophie couldn't help but take a glance at Y/n's appearance

"So, You're a Guardian?" She asked

"Yes." Ghost answered for Y/n from his backpack

"Wow, I've never seen one before! Dad said there were different types of Guardians." Sophie exclaimed in excitement

"Well your dad is right. There are three different classes of Guardians. The Warlock, The Titan, and The Hunter." Ghost said

Wow, which one is Y/n?" Sophie asked

"Y/n is a Hunter Class. Agile and swift. Once you see a Hunter they'll have a knife to your neck or put a bullet in you in less than a second." Ghost stated proudly

Y/n shook his head amused as his Ghost began bragging about him

"Cool! Dad said they have powers from the Traveller, can you show me?!" Sophie asked with stars in her eyes

"Well, Y/n can show you one thing. Shadowshot is ready." Ghost said

Y/n thought about it for a second but then nodded and removed his hand from Sophie as he looked into the sky. Y/n brought his hands up as he scooped up void energy and formed his bow. He pulled back the string and formed a void bow. He aimed into the sky and let go of the string as the arrow shot into the sky

The arrow exploded, creating one hell of a firework show

"WOAH!" Sophie yelled with stars in her eyes

Y/n then walked back to Sophie and offered his hand again, which she took

"So, umm, why are you here?" Sophie asked

"What do you mean Sophie? Y/n's a Guardian." Ghost asked

"Well yeah but aren't you supposed to be gone?" Sophie asked

"We're always gone on missions if that's what you mean."

"No, not like that. I mean you're supposed to be...Umm. What's the word? Dad said it before. Enile?" Sophie said


"That's it!" Sophie said

Sophie then felt Y/n's hand slip from hers as he looked ahead blankly. He stood still in shock at the revelation he had just heard. Nonetheless he shook his head and played off his shock as he held Sophie's hand and lead her out of the forest. In the distance he could see a light in a house still on

"That's my house!" Sophie said happily

She looked up at Y/n as he stared off into the distance. He then felt Sophie remove her hand from his. He looked down and saw Sophie looking up at him. Kneeling down he removed his hood as his helmet disappeared

"Umm, am I going to see you again?" Sophie asked

Y/n gave a small yet unsure smile. But he reached behind him and took out a necklace with a Hunter's emblem.

Then for the first time in a long time, he finally broke his own silence

"Every Guardian has a emblem for each class. This is mine." Y/n said

Sophie looked at the necklace with the emblem on it. But when she heard Y/n's voice for the first time she couldn't help but feel a bit safe. His voice was warm and soothing

Y/n put the necklace around her neck. She held the emblem and looked back at Y/n. He then showed her his own necklace which he pulled out from his chest plate

"Whenever you feel alone, or if you're in trouble, just say my name and I'll be there." Y/n stated

"So it's like, a friendship necklace?" She asked, sort of hoping it was

"Yup." Y/n confirmed

"Yay!" Sophie said as she jumped

"My first friend, a Guardian too!" Sophie said happily

"Well you've got two." Ghost stated as he appeared on Y/n's shoulder

Colonel clucked to make his appearance known, as well as to say "Three"

Sophie giggles and began walking back

"Bye guys!" Sophie said as she started running toward her house

Y/n gave a wave before standing up and looking back into the distance

"Guardians exiled? Where are we?" Ghost asked

"No." Y/n corrected

"More like what" Y/n said as he saw ships flying in a city in the distance as its lights provided the light to show the Traveller floating above it, still sleeping

That's the first chapter for you, hope y'all liked it


This is gonna be a thing now

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