By jjvnii

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## TXT BOYXBOY SHORT STORIES -mostly ships with yeonjun //lowercase intended - Discontinued because this is c... More



5.3K 129 44
By jjvnii


since ever, seoul has had two leading ice skating teams, 'fire inside of ice' and 'blade your way' [a.n. ikr the names suck but i'm not creative.. ;-;].

they actually never competed against each other. they maybe trained their own recruits on their own, but they had a deal about olympics and world championships. they competed together, with recruits of opposite gender, each of them from one team.

they never got into an argument, until this year's world championship. both of the teams had strong recruits this year and they refused to pair their recruits like usually.

fire inside of ice's recruits were kim sihyeon (everglow's sihyeon) and choi soobin.

and blade your way's recruits this year were park jiwon (everglow's e:u) and choi yeonjun.

sihyeon is a very good and skilled skater. although she's very quiet and reserved in her personal life, as soon as she enters the ice rink she speaks all her emotions and thoughts through the dance. that's her biggest advantage. and that's why she's so good.

soobin is also a skilled skater. he puts his whole heart into skating and his advantage is that he learns really fast, because then he has plenty of time for making his dances perfect. he's one of the best recruits fire inside of ice has ever had.

and in his personal life, people say he's like a lion. he keeps flirting around as if there was no tomorrow and always marking his own territory. and if he wants something or someone, he'll get it no matter what. either with or without a hard work.

jiwon is a skilled skater as well, but her only problem is, that she has to be led by a man. she is the exact opposite of soobin, she learns really slowly and although she also wasn't allowed to compete before due to lack of skills at first, she's still better than other girl recruits but still she has to depend on her partner a lot.

yeonjun is the most passionate skater among them four. he also puts a whole heart into it, just like soobin, but he even puts almost whole his time and energy into it as well. he spends hours and hours on skating and creating new formations or dances, no wonder he's so good, skilled and also pretty famous because of his dances he created and let his best friend beomgyu record and upload to youtube.

and because of these two pairs, the teams got into a big argument. both pairs were eager to enter the championship and win it. both pairs wanted to represent their country so bad, that they decided to have a competition between each other just to see which pair is better so which should enter the championship.

jiwon was secretly in love with yeonjun. his handsome face, attractive body and passion for skating made her feel things. and although people's first impression of him is that he's so rude and cold, his actual personality is nice and bright. no wonder he's called sunny jun.

and sihyeon is secretly in love with soobin. the handsome, attractive and hot guy was just perfect in her eyes and she really wished he felt the same for her as she feels for him. she feels like a teenage girl fangirling about her crush.

soobin was sitting on a bench, tying his skates, while he was deep in his thoughts. he had a doubt if sihyeon was ready for the championship, she's maybe skilled but she's very fragile and he had no idea how such a competition could affect her.

and also jiwon. depending on her partner? she was no good for representing their country, she was not what the representative duo needed. the true representative duo was him and.. yeonjun. but the problem is they both are guys.

soobin sighed and finished tying the laces of his skates. he still had a good half an hour before his official training was to start, but he knew yeonjun will be already on the ice rink, so he walked into the hall.

he leant over the barrier surrounding the ice rink and watched yeonjun with a chuckle. the boy was so dedicated to skating, soobin has never seen such a person so passionate about something.

"i have to admit that you're really good, choi." soobin said into the peaceful silence, which was only broke by the sound of the skates hitting the ground.

yeonjun got scared because of the voice and almost fell, but he balanced it and frowned to the direction where soobin stood.

the younger of them chuckled and entered the ring as well, skating up to the older. "you actually have a chance of winning the championship, hyung, but not with that jiwon girl. she's so useless."

yeonjun gritted his teeth. "you also have a chance of winning, but without that stick, what is she called? shiyeon? siyeon? siheyon? she could break under one simple touch not even the whole dance."

"i agree. we have a chance to win only if us two were paired." soobin casually said, with a smirk landing on his face and at that moment yeonjun had an urge to punch that handsome face of his.

"but neither of us is a girl, so no. you can dream, choi. let's see which pair is better tomorrow." yeonjun snapped and frowned even more at the older.

"it's soobin for you. and i'm sure you're that good that performing as a girl in the dance wouldn't be any problem for you. or are you.. probably.. scared?" soobin teased, knowing he won over his hyung, who really wanted just to punch that guy in front of him.

"i'm not scared!" yeonjun yelled in a high-pitched voice and his cheeks immediately turned red from embarrassment. did he have to embarrass himself like that in front of his opponent?

"then let's try it. you in the position of woman and me in the position of man. of course unless you're scared." soobin's lips curved into an annoying smirk and he offered his hand to the red yeonjun in front of him.

the older grabbed on the younger's hand and they started dancing on the ice. it was lowkey weird for yeonjun to dance like a woman at first, but soon he got accustomed and it was natural for him to dance like that.

soobin enjoyed dancing with yeonjun way more than with siheyon and he couldn't explain it why it was like that. while dancing, he realised how beautiful and angelic yeonjun is. he suddenly wanted to dance and hold him in his arms until the end of their lives.

and while they were dancing, yeonjun realised how handsome and attractive soobin is, how gorgeous his dimple smile is and how mesmerising his look was. his heart fluttered and he could feel it beating a lot faster now.

when it came to yeonjun to jump and soobin catch him in the air, heist got nervous. he didn't fully trust soobin on this, so when he skated up to soobin and was supposed to jump, he didn't and he crashed into the taller, both of them falling down to the ice, yeonjun on the top of him.

they stared into each other's eyes without even blinking once and both of their hearts were beating so fast. the first one to break the look was yeonjun, who realised what was going on so he quickly got off the younger.

soobin sat up and looked at the older, who sat next to him and his look was stuck in his lap. the awkward situation between them two was just getting more and more awkward.

"i'm sorry for not trusting you." yeonjun mumbled and he ran his hands through his pretty face. he was frustrated from himself, he was one of the current best young skaters around and making such a banal mistake was unacceptable. he was disappointed in himself.

"it's okay. look, i get it. but i promise i wouldn't let you fall. i mean, you could fall for me, i wouldn't be mad." soobin chuckled. "but you know, i'd really catch you."

at the flirtatious note, yeonjun's cheeks turn red but this time not from embarrassment but flustration. why is that guy flirting with him for gods sake. stupid idiot.

"ughhh let's try it once again and i promise i won't mes it up this time." yeonjun said quickly and watched how soobin stood up and offered his hand to him again.

yeonjun couldn't be redder at that moment. he grabbed on the taller's hand and let him help him stand up. they ended up standing so close so yeonjun could feel the younger's breath upon his face.

he quickly skated away from him so they could start the dance once again. yeonjun has no idea what was going on in him, that guy was making him feel like no one else ever did.

no girl ever made him feel like soobin did, did it mean he was gay? or he was just turning gay for soobin. bisexual. something like that, but definitely not straight.

his heart was beating so fast, butterflies in his stomach were flying like crazy and he felt like on the cloud nine with the younger. was he really falling in love with choi soobin?

they began to dance together, this time it was more passionate and the chemistry between them was unique. not many dancing couples ever had such chemistry between each other.

siheyon and jiwon walked out of their lock rooms and they met at the corridor. they frowned at each other and then they silently walked into the hall by the other one's side.

but when they saw soobin and yeonjun dancing like that, with the perfect chemistry in between them, both girls' hearts broke. they both watched the guys dancing with sadness and pain in their eyes. both of them saw what was going on between their crushes.

after a while, the coaches from both teams joined the girls and they were stunned by the look at the two guys' dance. they have never seen such a thing and no matter that those two were two guys, the chemistry was something what they have been looking for for ages.

now was the time for the thing yeonjun messed up the last one. "if they manage to do this, we have another win in our pocket." blade your way's coach, jungkook said and the other team's coach, taehyung just nodded.

"are you really gonna exchange me for that mormon? I'M WAY BETTER THAN HIM AND WHO CARES HIS NAME IS MORE FAMOUS THAN MINE." jiwon yelled and sihyeon just rolled her eyes.

sihyeon was maybe broken-hearted but she was actually too nice to try to split soobin and yeonjun. they looked happy together and when soobin was happy, she was happy too. she'll eventually get over the bunny giant one day, but she's not gonna keep him away from his love.

but jiwon? she was a bitch, she would never allow soobin win yeonjun's heart over hers. if she couldn't have yeonjun, then no one else could. she would do anything to make yeonjun hers.

"calm down, jiwon. no one is interested in your protesting." jungkook told her coldly, what made her flinch and sulk in her spot with arms crossed on her chest and puffed cheeks.

yeonjun skated towards soobin and this time, he jumped. and soobin, just like he promised, caught him in the air just like he was supposed to and they continued the dance until the very end of the particular performance.

and since they actually sensed the presence of the others, they ended the whole thing with one deep bow, receiving a one big applause from the coaches and also sihyeon.

only jiwon was still sulking and refused to cheer for them. both her spot and her crush's heart were captured by that stupid choi soobin. she stormed off the room to go change and leave that place as soon as possible.

while yeonjun and soobin skated up to the barrier, in front of the coaches. they both had a small heart about what were the coaches gonna tell them. they actually expected a lot of homophobic comments, but none of those came.

"i can't believe what i've just seen. guys, we've been seeking such a chemistry between two skaters for decades and you two just came and gave us what we exactly need. just tell me you two are willing to compete together in the championship." jungkook said.

yeonjun and soobin looked at each other, yeonjun's cheeks turned red once again. soobin smiled and looked back at the coaches. "of course we will compete together in the championship." he said in a soft voice.

yeonjun's heart was beating so fast. "y-yes. we w-will." he stuttered, feeling an urge to hide his face in soobin's shoulder. but of course he didn't, he just looked into the ground and chewed his lower lip.

because of the practices, soobin and yeonjun didn't even have proper time to think about what was actually going on in between them two. they both knew they fell for the other, but they didn't have time to actually think of whether it was possible for them to get together.

the championship was behind the corner and they had to practise as much as possible. there was no time for their personal life. at least not until they won the golden prize in the championship. then they'll have plenty of time.

touching each other's body during the dances was now common for the two, but still every single touch was making the two go crazy.

"tomorrow is the first day of the championship." yeonjun said softly, while both of them were already laying in their own beds, trying to sleep. but neither of them was able to fall asleep.

"yes. i'm sure we will win the golden prize." soobin replied, while tossing in his king-sized bed. both of them in fact had king-sized beds, in one actual room, but it was hard to sleep in the same room as your crush and not being able to even touch them or anything.

"i can't sleep, soobin." yeonjun muffled, while snuggling close to his blanket. he actually wished he could snuggle to the taller instead. but that wasn't possible.

"me neither.." soobin replied quietly and sighed. he also wished to hold yeonjun in his arms, that would definitely help him to sleep.

"bin? c-could we like c-cuddle?" yeonjun mumbled with his cheeks red again. but it was dark so the other couldn't see that.

"of course, yeonjun. come here, i'll cuddle you." soobin replied with a big smile upon his lips. he opened his arms for the older, who waddled from his bed up to his and settled himself in his arms.

soobin surrounded his arms around the shorter's waist and yeonjun's face buried in his chest as he snuggled himself close.

they cuddled close together for the whole night and it really helped both of them fall asleep faster. both of them got a very good sleep that night.

the next day was really difficult for both. but they managed to win the first round of the championship. they were really happy and enthusiasm was warming up their bodies.

the next few nights they slept both in one bed, snuggled up to each other. they felt save in the other's arms and they slept peacefully and well.

they placed first in every round in the chart. they were really good, beating every single pair. people saw their chemistry and many people even shipped them together.

but before the final round, where were just them and the other best couple, a couple from canada, yeonjun got really nervous. he was nervously walking up and down the room, trembling and biting his nails.

soobin stood up and slapped yeonjun's hand to prevent him from biting his nails. "yeonjun. look at me." he mumbled, making the older look up at him with a small heart.

soobin held yeonjun's hands. "we can do it. we'll win. don't be so nervous, we're better than them. they may have better techniques, but they don't have the chemistry as we do. we can beat them, okay? do you trust me?"

yeonjun nodded and rested his head on the other's shoulder. soobin arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him close to calm the big baby down.

when yeonjun eased and calmed down, soobin let go of him and pecked his cheek. "for a good luck." he chuckled and watched the older's cheeks turning deep shade of red.

the next dance was theirs. they walked out of the dark to the ice rink, people cheering and yelling since their favourite couple was up.

they got into their positions and when the music played, they started dancing. their final performance was the most difficult one, a lot of turns and physical contact, the chemistry and electricity flying in between them the whole time.

it was truth, that the other one couple's technique was more skilful, but they didn't have such a chemistry like soobin and yeonjun had. their performance looked real and the feelings felt honest, not like the canadian couple's. their felt dry and artificial, not alive and sincere.

when they finished, everyone cheered, clapped and yelled. people came just to see and support yeonjun with soobin, these two were admired by the whole world, not only korean people.

waiting for the results was really painful. yeonjun was so nervous again, his body trembling and not even when soobin held his hand he couldn't calm down.

soobin was also nervous, but he was able to keep his cool and with his thumb he was calmingly caressing the back of yeonjun's hand which he held.

after ages of waiting, the results were finally out. the mod stood in the middle of the rink with an envelope with the first three place couples' names.

the third place was captured by a french couple, those two were so happy with the bronze medals and bronze cup in their hands that were handed to them by the assistants.

"the second place belongs to.. anne and matthew!" the canadian pair won the silver prize and since it was more than obvious who was the golden winner, the whole stadium was filled with happy yelling, cheering and shouting of "yeonbin" or "soobjun".

yeonjun bursted into tears and soobin embraced him in a tight hug. "we won oh my god, we did it, we DID IT." he exclaimed and squeezed his hyung more in his arms.

when the canadian couple got their prizes, the mod called soobin and yeonjun to the rink. "and welcome our winners, yeonjun and soobin!"

yeonjun grabbed on soobin's hand and dragged him to the rink to get their prizes, while a boy with a big bouquet of flowers followed them.

when they were given the medals and the cup and the photographer took photos of them, soobin put the cup down to the ground, what made yeonjun look at him in confusion. "what are you doing?" he mouthed at him.

soobin took a microphone off the mod's hand and the big bouquet off the guy's hands and kneeled down on his right knee in front of yeonjun. "since i first laid my eyes on you, i knew you were special." he started.

"our chemistry when we dance was just the proof that we are made for each other. we deserve each other. and i know my feelings for you grow every day more and more. and i can't imagine my life without you. thank you for making me happy and making me a better person. so choi yeonjun, i'm asking you right here in front of everyone, will you be my boyfriend?"

yeonjun bursted into tears and he nodded. "yes yes YES!! of course i'll be your boyfriend, soobin!" he exclaimed, grabbed the bouquet, putting it onto the ground before jumping onto the taller, wrapping himself around him.

soobin didn't wait for anything, he held him close and his lips finally met the older's in a passionate kiss. and the whole stadium cheered, screamed and yelled. because.. miracles like this aren't seen everyday, right?

a.n. hope you're enjoying this one shot book so far :D

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