Back Again- A J. Halstead Fan...

By tvshowgirl4

32.1K 374 103

Emma is back now, and things are different. Antonio is gone, Kelton was murdered, Jay and Voight are into it... More

Part 1 New Beginnings
Part 2
Little Blurb well I work on Part Three!
Infection Part Three!
False Positive Season 7 episode 6
Season 7 Episode 7 "Informant"
Season 7 Episode 8 "No Regrets"
Season 7 Episode 9 "Absolution"
Season Seven Episode Ten
Season 7 Episode 11 "43rd and Normal"
Season 7 Episode 12 'The Devil You Know'
Sneak Peek of Season 7 Episode 12
Season Seven Episode 13 'I Was Here'
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Season 7 Episode 16
PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Face Reveal
Season 7 Episode 16 Sneak Peak
Season 7 Episode 18 'Lines' Kinda....
Emma Comes home
Book 3 out now

Part 3 Family

1.9K 23 6
By tvshowgirl4

 Kim, Adam, and Voight where sitting in the bullpen when Rocky came up.

"Where are Kevin, Rojas, Emma and Jay?" He asked.

"Out, why?" Adam asked.

"I have her call number and some other things for her, but I'll give them to her later I guess." Rocky said, Voight came out of his office with a stern look on his face.

"We've got a situation. Stay here." Voight instructed them 


"Whole thing is a mess Sarge, we're basically looking at three crime scenes.It started back there on Washburn with a carjacking that Atwater and Rojas responded too." Jay said filling him in.

"The two offenders fled, crashed into that car. Then one offender took off in the car, the other one Rojas chased down and he was impaled by rebar." Emma said. 

"So that's our DOA?" Voight asked.

"Yeah." Emma nodded.

"Carjacking Victim?"

"Yeah, she's a young woman. Beaten pretty bad, she's on her way to med." 

"Listen did the responding backup units pick up anything because I was on the zone and I didn't hear any chatter." Voight said.

"That's the thing sarge they didn't call for any backup." Voight stopped walking and Emma get a nervous look on her face.

"All right do me a favor, see if you can tie this thing up?" Voight asked.

"Yeah." Jay said, he went to kiss Emma on the cheek but Voight cleared his throat. "Sorry." Jay apologised heading towards the front. 

"Talk to me." Voight said as he and Emma kept walking.



"He don't look to happy." Rojas said to Kevin.

"That's just how he looks." Kevin said.

"All right, walk me through this Kev. Why didn't you call for backup? Voight asked as he and Emma came to a stop in front of them.

"It was a hot pursuit sarge, heat of the moment. Everything just happened real fast-"

"Look, Atwater told me to radio for backup, but the offender was fleeing. If I had stopped I would have lost him." Emma looked at Voight nervously.

"You know there's a lotta officers out there monitoring that radio ready to help." Voight told her.

"I know. It was instinct." Emma and Kevin both held their breaths and watched Voight.

"Instinct?" Voight repeated.  "Well your instinct just caught us a carjacking, an officer involved death and a pile of paperwork. Not a good look on your first day." Voight said walking away, as Emma followed she patted Rojas on the back.


"Boss?" Adam asked coming from the back with Kim.


"This is for real?" Adam asked pointing to the bored. "Antonio's moving to Puerto Rico for sure?" Adam asked.

"It's what he wants, he's got family there. Look end of the day, it's a good decision." Voight said, Rojas came up the stairs. "You all know Officer Rojas, welcome to Intelligence." 

"Thank you, I hope this isn't the part where I have to make a speech or anything?" 

"Nothing like that." Voight told her. "All right, what have we got?" Voight asked, Kim walked up to the bored.

"Straight up aggravated carjacking. The victim's name is Ruby Garcia. She's twenty four. She's at Chicago Med with head trauma. We launched a bolo on her stolen car, nothing yet." Kim said.

"We ran prints on our DOA John Doe. He's not in our system, no wallet or ID." Emma said.

"All right, that means we gotta ID his partner so talk to your CI's. Let's get a list of everyone previously arrested for carjacking in that area." Voight told everyone. 

"Kev, reach out to Major Accidents start out the report." Voight instructed Kevin, he nodded and pulled the bored to the back of the room.

"We've been chasing a major cartel supplier and where dropping that for a carjacking?" Jay asked, Emma cast Jay and glance then looked back at Voight.

"The offender died well we were chasing him so we own it. Let's just tie it off cleanly and quickly and move on." Voight said, Jay nodded.

"Sargent? What would you like for me to do?" Rojas asked.

"Go to med and get a victim statement, ride with Rossi. You two are partners for now, Jay you ride with Kim." Voight said, an awkward silence fell over the bullpen as everyone moved places. As Jay walked towards the back he ran his hand over Emma's as he walked by, he looked at her and she cocked his head at Jay. He just smiled at her, Emma stormed into Voight's office and shut the door.

"Sarge, what just happened? It takes a lot of time and effort to build a partnership that works, Jay and I are working." Emma said.

"I know."

"Than why split us up?" Emma asked.

"Because I need to evaluate Rojas and I know you'll shoot me straight. Look, there are a lot of red flags, we don't need anyone out there playing hero ball." 

"Sounds like you have your answer." Emma told him.

"Yeah well I talked to my guys over at the academy and Rojas checks every box. Top gun, High scores, I mean she killed it. Just like you, she's got street you can't teach." 


"All those accomplishments are individual. We gotta know how she can work with this team.You ever wonder why you and Halstead are the only Detectives to Join this unit? Everyone else came in raw." 

"Honestly I didn't know until you said it." Emma told him.

"Well, it's always better to find the right person before they learn the wrong habits." Voight told her, Emma nodded.


As Emma and Rojas drove to med Rojas looked over at Emma who looked like she had a lot on her mind.

"Listen I didn't mean to step on any toes-"

"No, no it's not you." Emma ausserd her, she nodded.

"There's rumors going around that you and Halstead are hooking up, is that true?" 

"Where not 'hooking up' where dating." 

"Good for you, he's a handsome guy." Rojas said.

"I know." Emma said grinning.

"Then, right as I pull into the parking lot, this guy reaches into my car and pulls me out. One pulls me out and starts punching me."

"Did you see where they came from?" Emma asked.

"From behind me, I saw them running." 

"Did you guys find my car yet?"

"No, I'm afraid we didn't." Emma told her.

"This can't be happening."

"What where you doing in that neighborhood?"   Emma asked.

"I was going to work." She said.

"And what kind of work do you do?" Rojas asked.

"I'm a waitress."

"Like legit waitress?" Emma gave Rojas a look but Rojas ignored her. 

"What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying you've got a nice ride for a waitress from Little Village." 

"Yeah and how would you know?"

"Because that's where I grew up."

"All right, and look at you now."

"In answer to your question I'm a legit waitress. I work at Pascodo."

"Okay well, let's let you get some rest." Emma said.

"Give us a call if you think of anything." Rojas said.

"Maybe we could get coffee, you could give me some advice. I'm trying to do something new with my life." Rojas and Emma nodded as they headed out.


Emma and Voight sat in the interrogation room with Felix, one of the kids from elier.

"I can tell your scared Felix, you should be." Emma knew she was. "Your looking at battery and murder." 

"What's your partners name Felix?" Emma asked. 

"His names Miguel, he's from Guatemala." 

"Last name?"

"I don't know, I didn't know him that well."

"You knew him well enough to jack a car with him." Emma said. 

"He said he'd give me 500 dollars to help him pick up a car.  I didn't know there was going to be somebody in it."

"So you were stealing a specific car?" 

"Yeah, it was for somebody he knew. I was just along for the ride."

"Look at me. Who did you give the car to?"

"Someone in Pilsen, like we were supposed too." 

"I'm telling you man, I'm just trying to make some money." Voight nodded and he and Emma got up and left, Jay exited through the viewing room. Emma got queasy all of the sudden, she gripped the file cabinet and caught her breath. 

"Emma!" Jay exclaimed coming to her side, Voight turned around and waved her hand.

"I'm fine, really." Emma told them, Voight nodded.

"Go lightly for now, Jay get her some water." Jay looked at Emma who nodded as she walked back to her desk.

"You okay?" Kim asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


"Hey Sarge!" Kevin called as he and Adam walked into a little backroom Emma never knew of until this very moment. 

"Turns out Ruby's car was fitted with a high end, fireproof, drug trap. Lucky for us because that means it preserved the drug residue inside, field test confirms it was heroin." Adam said.

"So this wasn't a carjacking, it was a dope rip." Emma said.

"Exactly. Lab tells us that the fingerprints found inside this trap is definitely Ruby Garcia's." Kevin said. 

"Okay, means Ruby wasn't some innocent girl who got her carjacked, she's a drug runner." Rojas said.

"Have Jay and Kim scoop her up." Voight told them.

"How long are Jay and Kim going to be partners?" Adam asked.

"As long as I say so." Voight said leaving the room.

"Copy that."  Adam called after him. 


"It's horrible, I just can't believe it." Ruby's roommate told Emma and Jay as she lead them into Ruby's room. Ruby had been found dead by Jay and Kim. "This is her room. Was- Oh my god." 

"How long have you lived with Ruby?" Jay asked.

"We've been roomates for about a year."

"No one came to the door, you didn't see her leave with anyone?" 

"I haven't seen her since yesterday." 

"She involved with anyone? Boyfriend, guy you saw her with?" Emma asked.

"No, No, she didn't have a boyfriend."

"Anyone shady in her life? Someone that could have threatened her?" 

"No one that I know of." 

"How'd you meet Ruby?"

"At Pescado, she worked there we just kinda hit it off. We talked about how we wanted to live in Lincoln Park but it was way to expensive so we put all of our money together and we moved in here. We where living the life, that's what we would always say." 

"Thank you." Emma said.


"We ran Ruby Garcia, she's got two priors.  One was joints she was selling to an undercover when she was 16, spent time in juive." Kim briefed as they met back in the bullpen.  

"What else?" Voight asked.

"No biological family, given up for adoption, grew up in foster care. Looks like she had a hard life."

"And a short one." Rojas chimed in.

"Got something!" Emma exclaimed coming from the back room. "M.E's confirmed that she was stabbed with a serrated knife,  they also found this on her torso." Emma said putting up a picture of a brand on the bored.

"That's a brand, looks like a letter F." Kevin said.

"Run this through the detective bureau, see if they've come across anything similar." Voight told Jay, he nodded.

"I spoke to the crime lab, Emma." Adam said emerging from the hallway, he handed Emma something to tape up on the bored. "They pulled the database from Ruby's GPS. Mosley non descriptive, normal driving around the city stuff. But one outlier, this neighborhood in the wild 100's. She went there four times in the last month, including right before she got jacked." Adam said.

"That's gotta be where the weight is kept, she's picking up dope from a source." Jay said.

"Dig in, talk to your CI's, find out who's moving heriorn in that area. Also, find out who Ruby is working for, cause right now he's looking good for her murder." Voight said going into his office, Emma followed him in and shut the door.

"I'm not feeling well, if we need to do a raid, or search-"

"You can work from the desk, it's fine." Voight told her, Emma smiled at him.

"How's Rojas doing?"

"Good, I think she's going to make a fine detective."

"But?" Voight said sensing something else, Emma sighed and sat down on the couch.

"But, I don't know how she works with a team." Emma said, Jay knocked on the door.

"got something, we should suit up." Jay told Voight, he nodded.


"12 kilos of heroin Jose, that's a Class X Felony. It's over bro." Voight said to Jose as he sat across from Jay and Voight. 

"Then why are we talking?"

"We need you to help us clear up the murder of Ruby Garcia. She was stabbed to death last night." Jay said.

"What's in it for me?"

"For you?" Voight repeated, "For you nothing. There may be something in it for your kid brother Frank though. Yeah, we rolled him up too." 

"Come on man." Jose said. "My brother ain't got nothing to do with it."

"Boy, was he in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

"I'll tell you what you need to know, you don't squeeze my kid brother." Jose said.

"Start talking." Voight told him.

"I didn't kill her, I didn't even know her."

"Dude she was at your bar, she had your heroin on her. It was in her vehicle, she lost your drugs." Jay said, My Note: Could we talk about how hot Jay looks this season, he buffed up and is in all these tight short sleeved tee shirts and it makes my heart do summer salts. He's just so hot I cannot function. Sorry, back to your story. Seriously though, comment or DM if you just wanna talk about the Chicago shows, all of them, I've got opinions.

"Wasn't my drugs anymore. Deal was done. I got my end. She was a mule for the buyer."

"So who was the buyer."

"Never met him."

"You never met him?" 

"We only do business by text." 

"So your saying you know nothing about the buyer."

"I know his moneys green, and he always sends girls to pick up the product."

"So you sent the bangers to jack the car. You knew it was loaded and who's going to suspect the guy who sold the drugs to steal the drugs?" Jay asked.

"They made it to easy. Sending cute girls to pick up the drugs. What was I supposed to do? But I didn't kill nobody."

"You got an alibi for six o'clock last night?"

"I was at Franks soccer game, he lost." 


"Checked Soto's albi. Three people put him at his brothers game." Emma said coming in with Rojas.

"He coulda heird the hit?"

"Maybe, but we don't have any proof of that."

"Soto gave us the number he was using to communicate with the mystery dealer. It was a burner phone. It went dark so I wasn't able to track it. I did track where it was purchased Jin's market in Pilsen three days ago." 

"Call Jay and Kim, have them pay him a visit." Voight told Adam.


Everyone met back up the bullpen where Jay and Kim had new information, Jay, who Emma kept checking out, was putting pictures on the bored. 

"The burner purchased used to do the drug buys was bought by Alexa Rivera. 42, she's not on DEA or narcotics radar. Based on the amount of heroin she bought from soto, she should be."

"Before she started a restaurant Alexa was a social worker. She taught a training class for at risk youth, Ruby was one of her students."

"She's got two priors, one for possession, the other for ag-battery. Broke the eye socket of her live in girlfriend." 

"She sounds like a blast." Emma rolled her eyes.

"So what are we waiting for, let's bust her." Rojas said.

"Based on what?" Voight asked.

"Ruby was running drugs for Alexa who has a history of violence. Ruby loses the load, Alexa kills her to make sense of it. Street Justice."

"Nice theory but so far we've got no evidence to suggest any of that. We do know she's in the drug trade and I wanna catch her dirty. Take her off the street, build a murder case." 

"She might not be holding due to the fact we just ripped her supplier."

"That means there's an opening."

"Let's lay some one under, see if she bites." Emma said, Voight nodded.



"What the hell was that?" Voight asked as Adam and Rojas came up the stairs. They had went under as a couple and Rojas made Adam push her getting them kicked out.

"I mean we laid the bait sarge, she just wasn't going to bite." Adam said.

"Vanessa I was clear, you were supposed to follow Adam's lead. Why'd you go off book?" Emma asked.

"Because it wasn't going to work." Jay felt kinda offended for Emma.

"How do you know that?" He asked toughly, Voight looked over at Jay.

"I know Alexa's type, she's only got women around venerable ones, ones who need her, she wasn't going to sell to this guy." 

"Sarge, me and Burgess sat on Soto the whole time. Alexa never called him." Kevin said.

"Yeah, for whatever reason she got cold feet. Rojas is right, she wasn't going to do the deal." Kim said.

"Tell them your idea." Adam told Rojas.

"Sargent I know how to get to her." Voight just nodded his head.


That night, the team sat outside a park waiting for the deal to get done. Rojas was standing with her arms crossed in a chinese gazebo like building.

"Relax." Emma said over the radio, she was in the car with Voight.

"She's late." Rojas said.

"We've got all night." Voight said over the radio.

"Got a blue Nissan Altima approaching from the south." Jay said over the radio. Emma started taking pictures.

"Wait for the exchange. We move in on my signal." Voight told them.

"You Maria?" A girl asked getting out of the car.

"Who are you?"

"I'm picking up a package for Miss Alexa." 

"I've got a visual on the driver, it's Carla Moore, Ruby's roomate." Jay said.

"Alexa doesn't disappoint now does she?" Emma asked.

"Huh." Voight agreed.

"Look, that wasn't part of the deal. Alexa's supposed to meet me, my ass is on the line for this."

"I'm just supposed to pick it up."

"Nah, screw that. I don't even know you. Call Alexa, where supposed to meet here. Her and I, that's what she promised."

"We don't have ears on that call." Emma said.

"Miss Alexa changed her mind, she doesn't want the sea bass."

"Sea bass, what are you talking about?"

"She said you can keep it."

"If that's what she wants I'll sell this to you."

"I'm sorry, that won't work."

"We can still do the deal."

"Nope, deals off."

"Sarge, should we snatch her up?" Kevin asked.

"Nope, don't wanna tip Alexa off. I've got another idea." Voight said, everyone staretd driving and Voight looked over at Emma who looked pale.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, nauseous. I'm fine."


"The hell was Rojas thinking. We do the deal, follow the drugs bust Alexa." Kim said to Emma as they walked down the street.

"She was just following the terms as it played out, she had no idea it was going to go sideways." Emma said. Carla got out of a car and just as she was getting ready to walk into her apartment Emma and Kim pushed her into the back of the van, the door slammed and it drove away.

"I never get sick of that." Emma smiled as she and Kim got into the car.


"We went over this earlier. I know this was scary but it was for your own protection. We don't want or need Alexa knowing your talking to the police." Emma told Carla as she and Voight sat in the interrogation room.

"You don't think I'll tell her?"

"We don't think it's in your best interest given the circumstances."

"Alright Carla I'm going to lay it out for you. We believe that Alexa killed Ruby because she lost her load of heroin."

"Your crazy! Alexa didn't kill Ruby, she wouldn't do that! She loves us where her family."

"Alexa is a drug dealer. She uses young women, like you, to traffic her drugs, you happen to be one of them and we know that for a fact."

"Her drug supplier, Jose Soto." Voight slid his picture across the table. "Picked your face out of a photo array. he admitted to giving you dope in the past."

"Carla honey that puts you on the hook for trafficking. That's fifteen to thirty years. I don't want that to happen to you so help us out here." Emma begged.

"You've been taken advantage of and that's not okay, let us do something about it." Voight said.

"We can make the charges go away but only if you help us, please, please, please help us." Emma begged.

"You gotta wear and wire and get her to confess to murder."

"Like I told you before, I've got nothing to say to you." Emma and voight left the interrogation room.


"What's the deal with Carla?" Adam asked.

"She drank the kool aid. Doesn't believe that Alexa could murder anyone, let alone 'family' ."

"The only person Carla trusts is Alexa." Voight said. "We need evidence to break it, what have we got?"

"Alright well, we could bring Alexa in and sweat her out."

"If she doesn't roll we've tipped our hand. Only reason we've never heard of her is because she's smart." 

"Sarge, we've got something." Jay said coming in, Emma smiled at the sound of his voice but quickly went back to natural. "I sent the brand to the detectives bureau and got nothing but got a hit from homicide."

"Julisa Cruz, body was discovered in armor park nine months ago. Same MO same brand, the letter 'F'."

"So we pulled the homicide file, Alexa is a person of interest but the could never make the case." 

"What's the connection?"

"Jolisa took a class, vocational training, with Alexa. Same as Ruby, I bet that they knew each other." Kim said.

"Let me take a crack at her." Rojas said, Voight turned around to face Rojas.



Everyone sat outside Pascaod's in their cars. Carla had agreed to wear a wire. 

"Remember, where waiting for an omission to Ruby's murder before we move in."

"Copy, where in possion." Kim said, she was with Kevin.

"Got a visual on the button cam." Jay said, he Emma, Rojas, and Rocky where in the van outside.

"I've never done one of these, this is so cool!" Rocky gushed grinning, they started watching the video.

"She's going to kill her!" Rojas said after a little while.

"There's no weapon so we wait for the safe word." Jay said.

"I'm telling you she's going to kill her."

"Wait, Wait, Wait." Emma said, all of the sudden Alexa pulled out a knife. "She's got a weapon."

"I'll wait till you brech!" Jay said.

"And I'll wait forever!" Rocky called.


"Chicago PD!" Emma yelled as she and Rojas kicked down the door. Alexa dragged Carla into the store room and shut the gate. 

"WHOA!WHOA!WHOA!" Voight yelled appearing from a doorway.

"How does he do that?" Rocky asked himself, after an instse take down Carla stabbed Alexa. A little while later Jay came up to Voight at the scene.

"Alexa didn't make it."

"You send the knife to the crime lab?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, it's on it's way. What about Carla?" Jay said. "Anyone who looks at that video is going to know Alexa wasn't armed."

"What video?" Hank asked, Jay nodded catching his drift. Before Hank could walk away Jay stopped him and lead him into a quiet corner of the room.

"I'm going to ask Emma to move in with me, is that okay?"  Hank looked at Jay thoughtfully.

"That's fine, but Jay." Voight pointed at him. "If you hurt her you'll never see the light of day again." 

"Copy that." Jay said nervously. 


"Just heard from the crime lab, they dismantled the knife used to kill Alexa and they found Ruby's DNA in the hilt." Emma said heading into Voights office.

"Alright good, so that case is closed." Voight said, he pointed to the chair. "Now, I need to know your assessment of Rojas." Emma sat down and sighed.

"She went off book twice, ye her instincts were right but one day they won't be, and that's a scary thing to think about. You live by your instincts or you die by them, eventually."

"Or someone else does."


"So it's a no?"


Rojas was in the women's room washing up when Emma came in.

"So you really did get burned with a cigarette?" Emma asked Rojas seeing the wound on her shoulder.

"Something like that." Rojas cleaned off her face with a paper towel. "You know, Platt said they couldn't give me a locker, said there was some issues. I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign." Emma pointed to a bench, she and Rojas sat across from one another.

"Look Vanessa, the way they jammed you into intelligence they didn't do you any favors. I was also deep undercover and transitions a bitch. You live by your lights, your instincts, because that's how you survive. But here? It's a different game.  This unit is about teamwork and trust, and it takes time."

"I get it." Rojas said. "I hope we can stay in touch, if that's cool?"

"Yeah." Emma responded. "We'll keep in touch. We are going to be working together so it be a little weird if we didn't." Rojas shook her head and sniffled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your in." Emma said.

"What do you mean 'I'm in?' "

"Your in, Voight just signed off on you." Emma said, she and Rojas laughed.

"You little bitch, I thought you were coming in to boot me." Rojas said pointing a finger jokingly.

"Happy to say no. We've just got one final hurdle. Platt said your address was never filled out?"

"No, I'll do that." Rojas said, Emma looked at her full duffle bag.

"You don't have an address do you?" 

"Not yet. They pulled me out of my undercover apartment. I just haven't had time to look for a new place."

"Honestly with this job free time is not really an option. For now you'll stay with me and we'll work it out."

"You mean that?"

"Yeah, I do." Emma said. "Come on, let's go." She said, Rojas smiled and gathered her things. "Do you have a problem with kids?" Emma asked Rojas.

"No, I don't. Why?"

"Because I've got an eight year old who is a hyperactive little dude." Emma said laughing, Rojas shook her head.

"No, I love them." Jay came into the locker room.

"Hey Em, could I talk to you for a second?"

"I'll meet you in the bullpen." Rojas said excusing herself, Jay closed the door and brought Emma to his locker, she leaned her back on the locker and he leaned on his side.

"Move in with me?" Jay asked, Emma looked shocked.


"I want you to move in with me."

"Why?" Emma asked shaking her head.

"Because I love you and wanna spend my life with you. Get married, have kids, grow old."

"Why?" She asked again.

"Because I love you." He said, Emma smiled widely and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Either your letting me down easy or this is a yes."

"It's a yes." Emma said, they kept kissing until Emma pulled apart gasping.

"I just asked Rojas to move in with me!"

"Okay, she can take my apartment I was going to rent it out anyway."

"Jay Halstead do you have all the answers?" Emma asked, he shrugged.

"Maybe." He kissed Emma again. "How are you feeling by the way?" He asked.

"Fine." She said, the gathered their things.

"Hey!" Emma said happily to him. "We've got the tailgate next week for the bears."

"The crossover." Jay joked.

"Haha, I'm excited I've never been to a tailgate." Emma said to him.

"Well it'll be fun, nothing to exciting." 

You all know what's coming next!! Infection Part Three!!!!!!!! Emma is taking Haleys place so just imagine Emma as Haleys for parts 1 and two! Happy reading!!! 

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